Friday, August 7, 2015

From Nick Redfern: Ten Books That Need To Be Written (Part 1) | Mysterious Universe

Here's a twist from Nick Redfern on "the best books on . . . " idea:

Ten Books That Need To Be Written (Part 1) | Mysterious Universe: Further to my two previous posts (on my top 5 UFO books and my top 5 cryptozoology books), I thought I would round this theme off with my suggestions for the top 10 Fortean books that haven’t been written but which need to be. (Redfern)
All of Redfern's suggestions are good ones -- I'd read those books! My favorite would-be-book-idea is the one on Roswell. If you think the Roswell realm is dead and that there's no there there for the UFO inclined, Nick proposes something very different.

Friday, July 31, 2015

They Live's Roddy Piper: RIP

Rest in Peace Mr. Piper.
Wrestler and actor Roddy Piper, who starred in John Carpenter's classic They Live, has passed.

Great movie. If you haven't seen it, see it! Scary because, while "just a movie" well…
Great soundtrack as well.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Seth Shostak:The Great UFO Debate

By way of Alfred Lehmberg (where I followed this link) who offers his own excellent commentary on the musings of Seth Shostak, we have the . . .
  The Great UFO Debate: "The good news is that polls continue to show that between one and two-thirds of the public thinks that extraterrestrial life exists. The weird news is that a similar fraction thinks that some of it is visiting Earth."(Seth Shostak)
The "weird news?" Why so? Shostak's thing has always been that the reality of ET is quite reasonable, just out there, not anywhere near here.

Shostak writes that "…recent television shows" depict aliens landing and doing all kinds of things to our planet and its inhabitants:
". . . alien craft are violating our air space, occasionally touching down long enough to allow their crews to conduct bizarre (and, in most states, illegal) experiments on hapless citizens."  (Shostak)
Mr. Shostak dahling, do you really think aliens give a hoot about the legalities concerning abductions and what not?! (Now, an interesting angle here -- one whose entertaining of thought eludes practically all skeptics and some, even, UFO researchers, is that many of the alien/UFO episodes are conducted staged by our own.)

And then there's paragraphs about lights, sightings, atmospheric conditions…all mistaken for UFOs and not proof of ET. Which, I will concede, is sometimes true. But that is not the issue here and I suspect that Seth Shostak knows this. The following -- in which Shostak refers to aliens who "melon-ball" human flesh, illustrates my point:
"What about those folks who have experienced alien beings first-hand? Abduction stories are an entirely separate field of study and one which I won't address here . . . "
Why won't you deal with abductions Mr. Shostak? What skeptics and debunkers consistently ignore, or, just don't get, is that you can't have one without the other. I don't mean to say that all encounters with strange beings are aliens-from-outer-space encounters, or that all UFO encounters include abductions. But many UFO encounters do include abductions, as well as missing time and a long list of weirdness. You can't look at one piece of this puzzle and decide on its solution while ignoring the rest of the scene.

The fact that we don't know where UFOs originate -- as if all UFOs should or do originate from the same source -- doesn't make this fact "goofy" as Shostak says. Again, he ignores the vastly intriguing array of possibilities. To Shostak, the ET question is a simple one with a simple answer. Black, white, either, or, this not that, and that's all there is.

Finally, we have the predictable and highly disingenuous comments from Shokstak. The first is his regurgitation of the skeptic cliche that the witnesses need to provide proof, not the other way around:
"The burden of proof is on those making the claims, not those who find the data dubious."
And here:
"If there are investigators who are convinced that craft from other worlds are buzzing ours, then they should present the absolute best evidence they have, and not resort to explanations that appeal to conspiratorial cover-ups or the failure of others to be open to the idea."
Well, many a researcher and witness do provide what they have, what they know, what they've seen. I can only report on what I saw, no matter how odd, and what I've experienced. Missing time? Sorry, I don't have any proof, which is not the same as evidence, which I also do not have; not even much on theories about what or why. Just that it did. (At least twice.) Sure, someone could have slipped me a mickey, or something was glitchy in my brain… then again, if the latter, that would have to be true for the other witness who was with me -- both times. And who also has had his own life long experiences of the UFO kind. Shostak doesn't consider these contexts, these connections of experience.

So all I can do, all any witness can do, is report what happened. And the honest researcher or collector of lore has to include it all and look at it all. Shostak does not. He is  stuck on his belief that ET is possible, and alive in space, while concurrently holding the opinion that no such thing is possible here on earth.

Instead of deciding before the fact what will be considered and what won't, participants in this quest need to work together. Don't tell me missing time was imaginary, or that someone slipped me a mickey. Look at the history of my experience in context of the phenomena. 

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Seeing Animals In Hopes Of . . .

It's a UFO debunker cliche, that when witnesses report seeing strange craft or creatures, that "we see what we want to see." Implying that we want to see Bigfoot, flying saucers, or ghosts, so of course, we convince ourselves that we did indeed see such things.

Sure, Venus has been mistaken for a craft from outer space, and there are those who insist all weird flying objects are operated by ET from another planet.

I was reminded of this silly way of thinking about "seeing what we want to see" today. Years ago, I was walking down a hilly street. At the end of the block, I could have sworn I saw a cow standing there. Right in the middle of town, a brown and white cow. Just standing there. But that though lasted for about six seconds. I couldn't figure out what it was, but I knew it very probably wasn't a cow. Then I realized it was a car. A brown car that was parked at an odd angle, dappled by the sunlight. True, I didn't "want" to see a cow -- though that would have been pretty neat to see a cow in the road -- but I realized the chances of it being a cow were slim. Even while I didn't know what it was, I didn't convince myself it was a cow.

Today, driving on Lorane highway (about a mile from my orange orb sighting decades ago) we saw what at first were "tiny fawns." We knew of course they couldn't have been fawns, since they are never that small. And the chances of seeing many of them together were low as well. We both had the same thought: "teeny fawns" but quickly realized they weren't, because they couldn't have been. Even though we wanted to see fawn, or deer, as we often do see on that road, we knew these things we were seeing weren't. They were turkeys. We slowed down and watched as the flock crossed the road. There were at least fifteen of them.

The point is, we often expect to see something but realize quickly we're not seeing what we think we're seeing. Sometimes we don't know what we're seeing, but know what it isn't. So when we do see strange craft, or ghosts, or a Bigfoot, for example, the witness is more often correct in describing something out of the ordinary, and not mistaking something mundane for something anomalous.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Roswell Ghost! (Just Had To)

Lanterns and Orbs

Discussion going on over at UFO Updates, started by Chris Rutkowski. Question posed concerns Chinese lanterns and orange orbs; how often are lanterns interpreted by witness as UFOs and not merely something everyday, like a man made object?

I posted my two cents. Once you've seen Chinese lanterns in the sky, there's no doubt that that's exactly what they are. For a brief moment, there's an "Oh, what IS that?!" and then, you realize, oh, just lanterns. Not a UFO or something truly mysterious.

I've seen these sky lanterns, and while at first look for about four seconds it's hard to say what they are, it soon becomes obvious they're just lanterns. Nothing close to the orange orb I saw years ago. Not similar in shape, certainly not in behavior, or effects. (missing time, dreams of ships and aliens.) Or size.

There seem to be several varieties of orange orbs:

  • Small points of light in the sky that are orange. These may move about but seem to stay relatively the same size and in the same area of the sky. Sometimes more than one orange orb appears.
  • Ball lighting, and or plasma. These two explanations don't really explain much -- basically a label given to a phenomena we don't fully understand yet. These orbs, which can be orange at times, can appear very close to the witness, indoors as well as out. Related post: UFOs, Orbs, and Luminosities.
  • Orange Orbs -- like the one I saw -- that are very large. From a distance of approximately one mile, as I took a guess-estimate at -- the size of a beach ball. Seems to move as if controlled by something intelligent, either within the orb itself or outside. Lit from within. An object (as compared to plasma) that seems aware of the witness. Psychic communication between witness and orb. Follows witness. Missing time sometimes associated with sighting. (as with myself.)

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Cool Tee-Shirts from Wm. Michael Mott; Hurry!

They are neat, if you can -- and I think they're very affordable -- get one!

Get your CCCC Cave Creature tee! | Teespring: Here's a long-sleeve tee-shirt for fans of the cult classic book of fortean, folklore and paranormal research--Caverns, Cauldrons, and Concealed Creatures--which is now in its 3rd Expanded Edition!

Featuring artwork and design by the book's author Wm. Michael Mott, this long-sleeve tee, which features dark blue on gold, will let people know that you are a kindred spirit when it comes to studying the unknown mysteries of our world.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Layers - Binnall of America

My latest column at Binnall of America:

Layers - Binnall of America: I’m thinking of layers. Layers of experience. Layers of theories. Layers of intent. Of ilks and types and kinds.

MILABS. Globalists. Shadow governments, shadow industries. Participating in staging UFO/alien scenarios for the witness, who believes with literally every nerve in their body that aliens visited them, toyed with them, implanted them (and here’s the proof, say x-rays and the likes of Dr. Leir’s) and drugged them to repress memories of what really happened.

Some are satisfied with the above as the answer. Sure it’s an answer, but not the answer. I have no doubt some of this is truly happening. But that’s not all that is happening. (Regan Lee, Binnall of America)

Monday, June 29, 2015

Hangar 1 and Witness Harry Joe Turner

The recent episode of Hangar 1, which features MUFON case files, included the unnerving encounters of Harry Joe Turner. You can read about Turner's UFO experiences in the following article on UFO Digest by Sean Casteel:

Latest UFO News | UFO News Today | Recent UFO News | UFOs: One such incident from Beckley’s huge collection of clippings took place in Virginia and was reported by “The Richmond Virginia Times-Dispatch” in September of 1979. A truck driver named Harry Joe Turner claimed to have had a UFO encounter that left him unable to work and seeking psychiatric and neurological help. He had only partial use of the left side of his body after the incident.

“Ever since it all began,” Turner said, “I’ve just been sitting here going over and over it in my mind, trying to piece things back together. I’d feel pretty good if I could just figure out where I’ve been.” (Sean Casteel, UFO Digest)
My post here is not about Turner's case, but about the treatment of witnesses from researchers. In general, MUFON's Hangar 1 annoys me because one rarely, if ever (I don't recall one episode) has the witness talk about her or his sighting. Specifically, this particular episode bothered me for what the MUFON talking heads concluded regarding this case.

Turner's encounters have haunted him. Like many who've experienced missing time and other confusing and strange events in context of UFOs, the aftermath of such encounters are often intense and negative.

And yet, MUFON ends with inane Space Brother stuff about the wonders of alien technology, aliens,  and "alien superpowers." Superpowers? Postively glowing at the wonder of it all, the MUFON representatives on the show talked about the alien's technological supremacy which equals, to MUFON, a good thing for us.

It's obvious aliens have advanced technology -- including inter-dimensional, astral realm consciousness abilities  -- but that doesn't make them nice guys, nor spiritually superior. Meanwhile, Turner suffers, yet what he's going through is treated in a blithe manner in this episode. MUFON chooses to focus on the "superpowers" of UFOs and aliens instead.

I have no doubt aliens exist. Where they come from, who knows. Assuming there are more than one race of alien, they probably come from all over the place: inner earth, parallel dimensions, other planets… all of it could be true. But the more I explore the realm of UFOs, the less I buy into loving space entities here to gently guide us into higher levels of good vibrations. They're simply using us for their own ends.

Another aspect of this episode was the lack of mention of government involvement. Turner's experiences could have been staged by shadow government ops -- MILABS -- either in partnership with actual aliens, or simply on their own using the UFO/alien theme to make us think aliens are afoot. If that is true -- government creating some of these encounters -- that doesn't negate literal aliens.

What's important here isn't whether or not government was responsible for Turner's experience, but that MUFON's attitude, via their program Hangar 1, seemed to use Turner's experience to bolster their own agenda of super powered aliens.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Rest in Peace Dirk Vander Ploeg, UFO Digest Publisher

Very sad news. I just learned that Dirk Vander Ploeg, publisher of UFO Digest, has passed away. Dirk was always very kind to me. His contributions to the realm of UFOs via his UFO Digest made for a lot of very good -- and diverse -- articles on not just UFOs but a variety of anomalous topics.

Rest in Peace Dirk. Thank you.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Schools and Creative Thinking Exercises: Another Fake UFO Crash

From England, where they really love to stage these fake UFO crashes, complete with injured or missing aliens, the most recent:
UFO crash lands at Semley School | Blackmore Vale Magazine: Pupils at Semley CEVA Primary School, Wiltshire, returned after their half-term break to find there was a flurry of excitement in the playground on Monday morning. Staff dressed in florescent jackets ushered children into the hall and declared a state of emergency… a space rocket had crash-landed on the school playing field! 
The reason given for these scenarios is to encourage creative writing and thinking in children. Well, at least it wasn't the fake WWIII scenario, or the murdered-in-front-of-students scenario.

These staged events are not specific to England however. There have been fake drills involving not just UFOs and aliens as well as the above mentioned WWIII and murder scenarios but staged shooter invasions, fatal accidents and other violent and frightening scenes. There have been aimless hours long bus rides without explanation to students. In Scotland, there was a fake "the state is coming to take you away, deciding you're not worthy." (At least in that one, one student refused to follow these orders.) In many of these cases parents are not notified that these lock downs, drills and staged scenes would take place. Sometimes much of the staff didn't know either; they were as surprised as anyone.

Related posts:

School Lockdown:Armed Swat Dude

Monday, June 15, 2015

UFO Themed Dreams and Memory

Rosemary Ellen Guiley was the guest on last night's episode of Coast to Coast. The topic: dreams. Host Noory asked Guiley why it is that we don't remember dreams. (We may remember dreams a day or two later, but not over time, certainly not years.) Guiley said that dreams are in the "short term memory" part of the brain. (Realize I'm paraphrasing here and working from memory.) She explained that, unless something very intense and important happened at the time of the dream, trying to remember it, if trauma happened, then the dream would be remembered. 

Salvidor Dali, Persistence of Memory

So, that had me thinking. The dreams that I remember involved UFOs and or entities. The "Patio Alien" that I've written about here in the past happened a good fifty-five years ago. Yet I remember that "dream" to this day. And, in fact, I have only called it a dream because, what else could it have been? 

The second was a dream -- the Geisha Woman-Alien "dream" -- but, the question is, based on what? Why does that dream out of the thousands of dreams stand out? Was the dream a cover memory dream of an actual event? (In that dream, I am inside a domed spaceship out in space. The walls are glass. I sit across from a very tall, chalky white alien with the big eyes, but she is wearing a black "geisha" style wig. She is one cold detached being. I am angry, furious, that she will not let me go, and will not let me see my husband, who is somewhere on this ship.)

Speaking of this second dream/memory, I had this dream in the same time frame and location as our missing time episode. I've written about both many times. I asked Jim, who was present during the missing time episode, if he remembers if I had this Geisha Woman-Alien dream before or after the missing time. Neither one of us remembers. What is for certain though, is that the dream did happen during this phase.

There is also my eagle "dream" from when I was about four. Again, I remember this in vivid detail and emotion, and have to put it in the category of "dream" because, once again, how could it literally be? (A few nights ago I had a weird experience regarding this eagle presence, which I posted about at my Mothman blog.)

And of course, there are the dancing invisible aliens that came to visit me during my childhood. All "dreams" and yet . . . they remain, in vivid detail, stand-out episodes of my life. Why those and not others?

Finally, Jim remembers a "dream" he had when he was a child that haunts him to this day. He calls it his "Popcorn UFO" dream.  An excerpt from an article I wrote for Tim Binnall's site a few years ago:

When he was ten years old, he said he had what he calls the “pop corn machine dream.” He was living in Hawthorne, California, at the time. Back then the area was almost out in the sticks, no sidewalks, brush, tumbleweeds. He woke up -- or, as he put it, he dreamt he woke up -- to see a craft outside his window. He went on board, where he saw a machine that “smelled like popcorn, and it reminded me of one of those popcorn machines.”  
“I knew they were aliens, and they weren’t good. Over my life, of all the dreams I’ve had about aliens, they’ve never been good in any of them. They’ve been all about bad, or Trickster at best.” (To this day he talks about how he hated living out there, moving from the Hollywood area to live in the middle of nowhere. 
This could probably be chalked up to being a kid, and suddenly uprooted from friends and school. But I wonder if some of this intense dislike has something to do with his “alien” experiences.) 
I told him I rarely see aliens in my dreams. (But then I immediately remembered my “Geisha Woman” dream of the tall female gray being; where I found myself on board, sitting across a tall “gray” female with black hair.) He said “I have. They’re usually human looking, but alien nonetheless. I just know they’re aliens. I don't’ think I’ve ever had gray aliens, specifically, but I have had insectoid aliens, giant preying mantis kind of things.” (When he said that, I almost fell out of the chair!) 
He continued: “You never see them completely, but more like parts of them, and they appear in parts, revealing themselves slowly. I never see the whole thing.”
“Do you still have alien dreams?” I asked him.
“Yeah, occasionally.”
“I don’t have bad dreams or scary dreams that often, but when I do, they’re about aliens. Whatever it is I’ve been seeing all my life, it hasn’t been good,” he said again. (Regan Lee, July 2007,  Trickster's Realm at Binnall of America.)

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Synchronicity: Golden Light and Picture Post Cards

Two synchronicities today.

Last night, or early this morning, I had a strange experience. A brilliant, beautiful and intense golden light filled up in my head. I was awake, not dreaming or asleep. Just waking up… this light was sort of like those so-called "head explosions" but different in many ways as well. The color, for one ("head explosions are white, in my experience) and there wasn't any sound. And the emotion that accompanied this golden light -- incredible! Just profound. I knew it was important, and special. Why it was, I don't know, simply that it was. As the light was beginning to fade away, I very distinctly heard my name being called. I had the impression the spirit or entity (angel?) was both male and female, or, also, that the energy or entity was more than one single being.

This afternoon someone shared with me their experience of a sighting. I won't write about it without permission, but this person did say that part of the encounter included a golden light, and that the experience had deeply affected them.

Later this evening, I was reading Jim my post on the 7 Foot Eagle "mind post card." (see post below.) As soon as I said "mind post card" Jim interrupted me and showed me what he had just written a minute before. (He had been writing when I asked him if he could listen to my reading the post. He said "In a sec, I just want to finish this sentence.") The sentence: "… she rented a villa above a picture post card isle."

Active lately; synchronicity, dreams, visions. I have put out the intent of intentionally recalling encounters; it's possible the call has been heard and answered. Or, just more weird for its own sake. I think on some level it's as simple as the latter, even while equally and concurrently profound on another.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Menacing 7 ft. Eagle

Weird little "mind postcard" the other night. That's what I call those vivid, full color -- often with smells and sounds -- images that come into my mind in rapid fire "clicks." They are extremely detailed, and often I feel as if I'm right there, walking among, within, the scene. These are real, but so fast I can barely keep up. And much of the time, these scenes have nothing to do with me; they seem random. Fascinating, that these "mind postcards" are so vivid and detailed, compete with odors and sounds and color, and yet appear with such quickness and are often irrelevant to my everyday experience.

Sometimes these scenes expand. In other words, as I find myself in them, I can slow it down a bit; walk around, try to interact. But sometimes the people in these landscapes, when they do notice me, even though I'm right next to them, seem annoyed that I'm there. It's as if they notice my being out of place (or time) -- do I seem like a ghost to them? Or that I wandered into someone's else's dreamtime.

These moving mind postcards happen when I'm awake, but lying in bed, prior to sleep. I know this is a typical thing for many and there's a name for it. However, it's still pretty damn intense and weird at times!

So, the other night. Abruptly, as usual, I find myself in a scene. I'm outside in a backyard somewhere -- I don't recognize anything. I have the sense that even though I'm me, now, I'm also a child, around four or five. There's family around, people, like a barbecue or something like that. A semi-rural place. I have the feeling this is in California somewhere; southern California, inland. To my left is a white picket fence, a little worn and wobbly. I look up from where I am in the yard, near the porch, and look over to the large tree (an oak?) that is on the edge of the yard. I think it's actually the beginning of the semi-woodsy area. Somewhat leaning against the tree trunk, and staring right at me, is an eagle.

This eagle is very tall, about 7 feet tall.  It's standing like a human would stand, and leaning against the tree. Every detail is exact, vivid; his white head, his height, his eyes. Large eyes! I am very scared; this thing is not of good intent at all! He (and I just know it's a he) is watching me, and it is not a good thing.

Then I remember the "dream" of the large eagle flying through my open ceiling when I was little, around four or five. In that "dream," I felt elation, not fear.

Well, just one of those many strange and creepy moments that comes when we're traveling through the realm of the weird.

Prior to this intense and scary little scene, I was thinking of two things: one, ghosts as aliens/aliens as ghosts, and going over and over my orange orb experience. Did this call up something? Or is it just the subconscious having some fun? Probably a little of both.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Getting at What Happened: Simultaneous Diversity

Yesterday's post on medium Amy Allen of The Dead Files (see post below) and her comments about aliens and possible abductions within a haunting experience had me wondering, for the millionth time, about how to get at these memories.

We're familiar with hypnosis, including the controversy surrounding use of hypnosis to delve into memories of alien encounters. I'm still out on that one -- if I were to go through hypnosis, I'd be very very careful. Very. IF.

But what if something like the following were to happen? Hypnosis. Meanwhile, while the witness is going through that, remote viewers are looking at that moment: missing time, the moment of a sighting, etc. And, a psychic medium did their thing. All at once, all separate from each other. No one knows what anyone else has discovered, including the witness. When all is done, then notes are compared. Chilling to think all three would reveal the same events. 

If there are multiple witnesses -- as in my case, my husband also experienced these things -- this process would continue but with a different set of remote viewers, psychics, hypnotists.

How realistic is this? I don't know. I do know that finding the right people would be difficult, but more practically, it no doubt would be very expensive. I know that I don't have money to spend on a diverse crew of investigators.

Still, an interesting thought. Using different methods at the same time to get at what happened.