Monday, March 24, 2008

Zorgy Awards

By now I'm sure you know that the Zorgy Award Winners have been announced. And I'm glad to say that Lesley has come in strong in two categories; for Best Paranormal Blog (4th place) and for Best Website (3rs place) (News Summary.) Congratulations to Lesley! And all the winners and nominees. Glad to see Odd Things got a nod as well!
Best Paranormal Blog
UFO Mystic - 161
The Debris Field - 151
Posthuman Blues - 76
Odd Things - 32

Best Website (News Summary)
The Daily Grail - 1,058
The Anomalist - 193
The Debris Field - 63
UFO Review - 36

Alfred Lehmberg won for Best Troublemaker, with Jeremy Vaeni in second place. Congratulations Alfred and Jeremy!

Best UFO / Paranormal Troublemaker
Alfred Lehmberg - 178
Jeremy Vaeni - 85
James W. Moseley - 72
David Biedny - 67

Now, I'm going to start in early this year. VOTE FOR ME! I have no idea when Paul Kimball will begin the new round, but I'm putting the word in now. VOTE FOR ME!
Just keep that in mind. In doing so, here are some of my other blogs:
Vintage UFO
Women Of Esoterica
Frame 352
and of course, the OrangeOrb.

I was too naive or dumb or both to know you could nominate yourself, so this year I'll be sure to do so. So remember, VOTE FOR ME!

To see all the winners in all the categories, go to Paul Kimball's blog The Other Side of Truth.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

For awhile there I was playing around with manipulating photographs of UFO and paranormal locations and events, creating them as art pieces. This is one of those attempts, using the iconic Trent photo. I've done a few others that I'll post when I have a chance.

May 16 and 17th are the dates for the UFO Fest in McMinnville, Oregon. The festival is an homage to the Paul and Evelyn Trent UFO sighting in McMinnville in 1950. We went last year, and it was fun, even though we were lost, (hopelessly lost), rushed, suffering from low blood sugar, and forgot our camera!

This year we're already booked -- we'll be staying at the Hotel Oregon. Be sure to let me know if you plan to attend; I'd love to meet with others there! I'll have my laptop with me of course so emailing me is a sure way to contact me.

Richard Dolan is the speaker at this year's event. I'm looking forward to that!

For more information on the UFO Fest in McMinnville, lodging info, etc. visit here.

The Sigh Files

If ever a UFO Guild We're The Only Ones You Should Be Listening To organization gets itself going --which of course, I hope never does, the very idea is an abomination - one of the first things they need to do is pass a law that condemns the use of the following phrases: "anal probe" and "tin foil hat wearing."

Friday, March 21, 2008

UFO Magazine Time!

My UFO Magazine hat arrived today. Thanks Nancy Birnes! You can see what the hat looks like by watching UFO Hunters with Bill Birnes on the History Channel, Wednesdays at 7:00pm PST, of course. Or visit Lesley's Debris Field blog, where she models the hat to simply effervescent effect, dahlings.

The new issue is now available, with articles on the Stephenville UFO sightings, Daniel Brenton and Red Moon, my column on Brenton's Signal to Noise and the Contactees, and the greatly titled piece by Farah Yurdozu: Mary Poppins, Alien Abductions, and Gurdijeff. (Farah, among other things, is a contributor to my blog Women Of Esoterica.) Lesley writes, in her Beyond the Dial column, on skeptics: Foo on the Skeptics, and Foo on the Debunkers. Right on Lesley. (Yes, I still say "right on." I'm old, I live in Oregon.)I liked what Lesley wrote about a recent Culture of Contact episode with Frank Feschino and Alfred Lehmberg:
Not only was the fantastic Frank Feschino on, but also my friend Alfred. I don't know very many of the other columnists here at UFO Magazine, but I do know both Alfred and Jeremy.

I was kind of half-hoping that Alfred would say something so outrageous that would make Jeff Ritzman turn purple but it didn't happen. Alfred was a total gentleman, as he normally is, or at least he has always been to me.

(I second that. Alfred gets a lot of grief from people who don't get him, don't want to get him, and started it in the first place. The difference is that Alfred isn't passive aggressive, while many people are. Then they act surprised, affronted, insulted, that Alfred calls them on it; and, overall, doesn't suffer fools gladly. That's my take anyway. Plus, he knows what he's talking about.)

Lots of other good things in the issue. My next column in UFO Magazine (also called the OrangeOrb) will be about Contactee Dana Howard.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"Oh yes they do!"

I was visiting with my friend "Lola" the other day. Things almost always turn esoteric very quickly when we get together. Lola is my friend who lives in the coastal range; the one with a family full of paranormal encounters: ghosts, entities, psi, Bigfoot, UFOs . . .

Anyway, we were talking about UFOs and aliens and related things, and she shared with me that someone she knows in her small town used to live in the south, where, according to this person, they saw UFOs almost every day. Everyone was seeing them. But no on was talking about them. This person said the military was always hanging around, glaring at people and buying them drinks to get them drunk to keep them talking, or to stop them from talking, I forget which. Lola couldn't remember where in Florida this took place. "Gulf Breeze?!" I asked excitedly. "No, it wasn't Gulf Breeze," Lola said. Hmmm.

Lola said to her friend that UFOs are incredible, we just don't have the technology to make these things. "Oh yes they do!" her friend said vehemently. For her friend used to live on a military base. Then there was lots of juicy stuff about near MIB encounters and other weirdness.

"Lola," I said, firmly. "You have to put me in contact with this person!" I paused. "You must!"

Lola of course knew that, and so, we'll see if I can meet this person and find out more.

This conversation had me thinking about a common UFO meme; that we don't have the technology to do the things many UFOs do. How do we know that? We don't. It does seem fantastic, but not impossible. What "they" know, we only get to know years -- decades -- later. If at all. Der. In a moment of synchronicity, I came across something today about Nick Redfern's views on the Phoenix Lights event. He thinks it was a staged event by us, not aliens. I wouldn't be surprised.

I still believe there are aliens around, and that they're even here, but that doesn't exclude the government's participation in all this, not for a minute. Half the stuff we see and experience are thanks to our covert individuals, not aliens or other non-human entities. Which is almost as scary as accepting that UFOs, missing time, and all the other UFO weirdness are caused by extraterrestrials. Which is scarier: ET, or our own government(s) using us as guinea pigs? And why do so many of us within UFO studies reject the latter possibility?

Meanwhile, I'll wait for Lola's friend to contact me.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The UFO Tarot

I collect Tarot and divination decks, and was idly looking through the House of Tarot website, and found this: The UFO Tarot deck. It was bound to happen!

You can see more decks that I found interesting on the Women Of Esoterica blog.

Friday, March 14, 2008


I’m not only a flying saucer junkie but a covert paranoid conspiracy psy-op men in black government spooks junkie. To a point; no, I don’t believe giant reptilians are stirring vats of human body parts in vast underground rooms beneath New Mexico or Arizona.

So I was pleased to see this by Franklin Fields: Are Psychological Operations (PSYOPs) Used to Influence Public Opinion of UFOs?. With a chart and everything.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Random Things

This whole Anonymous anti-Scientology wave has me a bit nervous; as I've written here recently. I rant some more on it on my blog

Chronic Skepticism. (Which I'm thinking of changing to 'snarly skepticism.")

Usually my Trickster's Realm column for Binnall of America appears on Mondays; this week it will go up sometime today, Friday the 14th.. As always, be sure to read Lesley's Grey Matters, Khyron's The K-Files, Tina Sena's Esoterica, and Richelle Hawks Medusa's Ladder.

I'm pushing Mating Hedgehogs. So much over there, and yet so lonely . . .please, visit this wondrous quirky blog and give it some hope?

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Secret United Nations Meeting; Uh-Huh

Thanks to Kithra, a Women Of Esoterica contributor, for her item on the supposed recent United Nations “secret” UFO panel.

Kithra included a link to the often neglected (in my opinion) and very good blog Strange Attractor, who has a good piece on this, including input from Jacques Vallee.

Here’s how Vallee describes the series of events regarding this meeting:
It seems to me this story is falling apart but the structure is very interesting — along the lines of a psywar rumor process:
(italics mine.)

The Scientology Meme: Mob Mentality

I’m no fan of Scientology, (had a personal negative experience with them involving a family member when I was young) but I’m no fan of organized religions or organized anythings. Like Groucho Marx once said:
I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.

On many esoteric blogs, as well as the anti-esoteric blogs and forums (otherwise known as “skeptics”) there’s been a lot of self righteous anti-Scientology posts. Well, yeah, okay. Let’s go after the Vatican, various Christian sects, Islamic extremists, the Raelians, Buddhists (just because they’re not American and are suspect you know), Yoga, and Jews. Oh, and Wicca. Let’s go after all religions, spiritual and philosophical systems. Get rid of them!

The reasons why so many all over the world are now going after Scientology have to do with its existence on the fringe. Everyone’s gone after all the above mentioned systems; and many of those systems (Catholics, Jews, Muslims) are accepted by mainstream culture. As soon as you step over that line of what’s accepted, you’re fair game. Scientologists, like Mormons and Wiccans for example. are suspect. Their rights to freedoms, in this country anyway, are swept off the table, because, well, they’re weird. And if we think it’s weird, really weird, then we get to vilify. We’ll leave the Methodists alone but don’t be going around saying you’re a Scientologist or practice Wicca. Then we’ll get you. Get you good.

Another reason for the smug sense of being Very Reasonable, is the fear of criticizing religious Muslim extremists for what they are: fanatics. We don't dare go near there for fear of staring up something, or being “anti Muslim” and vilifying an entire group of people.

The same with Judaism, though less so. Everyone from the Left to the Right and in between gets to insist they’re “not anti-Semitic, just anti-Israel,” before they launch into a long winded, often erroneous, mini history of why Israel is so evil. But that aside, most people leave that alone as well. (Wait, no they don’t, look at

The point is, no, I don’t like Scientology. (Although, as with all of these systems, don’t be so quick to throw the baby out with the bath water.) But there are issues far bigger than Scientology to focus your wrath on. The occupation (er, “war”) in Iraq. Global warming/climate changes/whatever the hell you want to call it, we’re all gonna die save the earth damnit, alternative energies, child abuse, elder abuse, domestic abuse, animal abuse (Christ, we’re an abusive species!) poverty, education . . .

I’ve noticed that for those who proudly state they’re “skeptics” -- those very same who remain stubbornly ignorant of the facts when it comes to UFOs, who assume all kinds of wild things regarding the paranormal -- are quick to believe the most paranoid, outlandish things about things they want to annihilate.

I suppose one thing that bothers me in particular about this is the idea that those working so hard towards eliminating or “exposing” Scientology feel so damn proud of themselves, as if they’ve brought us a rare gift from another realm. This rare gift is presented as enlightenment from ignorance and superstition. It's an intellectual coup.

Kind of like what they do with UFO and paranormal topics. There are those within and on the fringe (the chronic skeptics looking in) of UFO studies who insist UFOlogy needs some sort of guild, organization, committee -- some kind of official body --- that will once and for all get rid of all that embarrasses and angers, and keep only what is approved. (Who gets to do the approving, and why, well, you see why it's a problem. . .)

Exercising our right to voice our opinions about these things is one thing, and exposing illegal or unethical methods is a good thing. Other than that, ranting on an almost daily basis, hacking into web sites and calling for blood seems over the top.

What disturbs me is the momentum. Worldwide, people have been unquestioningly and happily joining in protests against Scientology. And it’s this crowd gathering/one-mind vibe that has me worried. At some point, the lines blur: who are the ones acting as a mob, as a single unit, as a controlling mass? That’s scary.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Search Phrases

I love that people from all over the world visit The OrangeOrb. Thanks to my map stats thingie, I can see the search phrases that people have used that brought them here.

Some are interesting. . . like:
hypnosis and mind control night chills
It isn’t uncommon for abductees to complain of feeling chilled during a hypnosis session, but “night chills?”


I like the insistence of this: all in caps, no bones about it, invisible AND aliens, damnit! As readers know, I’ve written a few different items on what I call invisible aliens. Seems I’m not the only one not seeing them.

meaning of orange orbs
Hmmm, well, don’t think I helped. If I knew what the meaning was, I wouldn’t have this blog.

nick redfern penn and teller
That’s one trio I don’t want to know about. Although Nick would probably have a good old time and be just fine. Me, I don’t have the patience. Also, it’s probably a guy thing.

what do orange orbs mean?

Another one who seeks. Or is it the same person? Did they see an orange orb too?

orange thing in the sky on 5th march

Hmmm, where, when? Who?

what if an orb keeps following me?

The mystery is beginning to make a bit of sense . . .

ufo bubbles
I don’t know what those are, but they sound like fun

A few phrases around UFO Fest McMinnville (coming up this May; I’ll be there! If you plane on being there let me know!)

And a few on women researchers and UFO weird Bigfoot.

UFO Cloud Today

image credit: Photo by Rob Alexander

On my way to work this morning (about 7:50am) I noticed an unusual and beautiful cloud formation above Spencer's Butte to the south. It looked a lot like the image here. A few blocks away, where I work, I walked out onto the field to take a picture with my cell phone, but the cloud was gone, or rather, I couldn't see anything like it. I walked around, trying different angles, but nothing.

Hearing My Name

I've experienced hearing my name called, but not for several years. A number of times yesterday, and once today, I heard someone calling my name. It sounded very close by, yet distant at the same time; loud. And hard to tell if it was male or female; it really sounded like both. Maybe a bit less masculine, but hard to say if it was completely feminine either.

This is a bit weird, but not unusual in the realm of the esoteric. I think there's an obvious connection between this and my working with meditation and crystals lately. For the past week or so I've been working in this way on a very intense and serious level.

Some say that hearing your name is a sign from guides, or those who've passed on. Some cultures believe it's malevolent spirits trying to get your attention. (I don't follow those traditions.) And of course, there's the secular explanation: you're nuts.

It feels to me that I've been heard, and they're letting me know.