Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Ancient Aliens Drinking Game

Probably been suggested elsewhere, but I think every time we hear the narrator on Ancient Aliens say " ancient alien theorists believe..." we should take a sip of our favorite beverage.

" ancient alien researchers" counts too. So does " ancient alien researchers/theorists contend...", " ancient alien researchers/theorists theorize..." etc.

By the way, I love Ancient Aliens. I commented after last night's episode that even if you took away all the stretchable moments -- meaning, those "theories" that really, seem to be a huge stretch for support of the ancient alien theory, even for me -- and discarded those theories you disagree with (I don't agree with everything they propose) you're still left with an excellent case for the Ancient Alien theory to be valid.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Metal Boxes=Dock Floats

Thanks to "terry the censor" who sent me the following links:

Beach-goers bewildered by mysterious debris

Strange boxes spark UFO rumors

This entire "strange box on beach" mystery has shown us, once again, how silly things can get. Because there was recent UFO activity in the area (and that part of the coast is active, UFO wise) the illogical and melodramatic conclusion was that the boxes had some connection with UFOs. Various players: artists, UFO "reporters" who are, seemingly, of the hoaxing kind, debunkers who hurl insults and paint anything to do with UFOs as a pathology, and so on.

"le sigh," as skeptic Renae Holland recently commented on an episode of Finding Bigfoot. (I like Renae, yes, she's a skeptic, but -- and you're right, I can't believe I'm saying this either -- that show needs someone like her.)

Entering the Orb: Dream of... the Orb!

Just a fragment, a bare memory, but with such intensity! Last night a dream, and something about "the orb."
I was telling someone in the dream about the orb that I saw, and as I was telling her (I seem to remember it was a "her") that the image of the orb in the night sky was present. I told her that the orb was a three dimensional sphere, and an actual craft/machine, intelligently controlled. Whether or not that intelligent control came from the orb itself, or was being remotely controlled, I couldn't tell. The orb, I went on to describe, was it from within. And in the dream, a new detail: I was describing the color. Orange, amber-orange (not brown amber, but...) and in the middle, a more yellow orange. All still orange. The middle lighter possibly because of the location; that's where the energy or source of it all, the engine or who knows, was emanating from.

Then the person I was speaking with told me all about her orb sighting. Pretty much sharing the same details in every way. As if we were in a hyper telepathic communication with each other; knowing what the other would say about the orb's color.

That's it. That's all I remember of the dream; don't know if there was more prior or after that "dream scene" but what I do remember was so damn vivid and held an importance of emotion to it, as dreams do.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Clipping From Mom: 'Beached boxes mystery'

Mom sent me this clipping about the metal beach boxes from the Newport News paper.  (speaking of mom, here's her blog: Skazski...musings of a malcontent.) [Beached boxes mystery: UFO-related remains along coast unexplained; Terry Dillman.]As she commented in her note sent along with the clipping:
This clipping is the only mention of those "mystery boxes" that have turned up (Friday's Newport Times) --- maybe its because the story took place in another county (Lane) and therefore not of interest to people in Lincoln County and so it goes--- who said we were narrow-minded, ha!

About Bill Hanshumaker of the Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC), Dillman wites:
Hunshumaker told the News-Times that he couldn't even venture a guess as to what the boxes might be, espeically without direct examination. Two sets of HMSC volunteeres dispated to Bray's Point found nothing.

In other articles Hunshumaker has been quoted as suggesting the boxes were debris from docks or piers where construction has taken place, or some such...

The article goes on to say that volunteer groups, like CoastWatch, as well as the Oregon Parks and Rec department, have sent out people to look for the boxes; none were found.

And yet, as my mother herself commented, as well as others I've spoken with -- to paraphrase -- "The government can come in and whisk away anything they want and silence whoever they want, when they want." Well, we all know that's true. No argument there. Whether or not that's true in this case, well, I just can't help but think there's no there there.

Masko defends his on-line postings in the Dillman article:
...reproters today "spend all their waking hours" in front of various screens, gathering the news vicariously via computer ...rather than following the tried-and-true "old school" way of "wearing out shoe leather and actually talking to people."
Masko seems to do a bit of a back pedal by basically shrugging and saying the story has taken on its own life about "some junk on our beach."

All this is interesting from a variety of angles: folklore, UFO data, artistic license and expression, Fortean stuff for its own sake. To be fair, I haven't personally spoken with anyone involved in this story, or even been able to make it out to the coast yet to see for myself. (and by this time, that window of finding anything on the beaches seems long closed.)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Lee Speigel on C2C tonight: Oregon's Metal Boxes

It won't stop, will it? Lee Speigel will be on C2C tonight with host George Knapp (the best.) Speigel will talk about the "odd metal boxes in relation to online hoaxes."

HULIQ:'UFO sighting beliefs counter today's science while new metal box theory floated'

(I had planned to go out there this weekend, but family illness keeps me in town for now...hopefully I can go out there next weekend.)

An update from Dave Masko on the metal boxes.UFO sighting beliefs counter today's science while new metal box theory floated. Theories are afoot. For example, "...the boxes on the beach are merely floats that were originally built to support docks," (William Hanshumaker, Hatfield Marine Science Center.)

The fear of metal boxes has to do with post Cold War angst. Or something. Time writer Jeff Wise is quoted in the article:
Mention “strange metal boxes” on the beach, and “people sort of shut down and call you a UFO nut. They need answers right now, and they won’t give an inch until they either try and understand or simply dismiss what you’re saying because ‘UFO’ is part of it,” added Errol when expressing her personal angst over being shot as the messenger for what other many in society view as real or not real.

In turn, people are funny adds Wise when noting how “the Cold War is over, but there’s still enough nuclear mega tonnage to end civilization,” but, alas, people will fear something unknown – such as UFOs and people who spot strange metal boxes on the beach – over loose nukes in our world.
The UFO connection will not go away. The boxes are disappearing, incorporated into art pieces and taken as souvenirs of alien activity.

Much of the article is the same material used in previous articles.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Entering the Orb: Location Connection in Dream

I had the following dream last night; I'm leaving out one detail because it was about a public figure's death. (Said person is, as far as I know, very much alive.)
 I drive out to the coast, but it wasn't a place I'd been to before. Like most dreams, this location is all mixed up. Part coast, (50 miles west) but part south of me towards the small town of Cottage Grove, a straight shot down 1-5 from Eugene. About 25 min. away. (Cottage Grove is said to be haunted in a lot of ways: UFOs, strange things, and in fact, I've always felt uneasy and, well, "haunted" whenever out there. That includes the outlying areas like Dorena Lake.)

I arrive at my destination. Jim is with me. We're all about UFOs, Mothman, ghosts... lots of talk about that with others who are researchers and witnesses.  The woods are all around us. It turns into night.  I become very  nervous because I have to drive back to Eugene  but don't like to drive at night, especially on a road I'm not used to. Jim seems to have disappeared around this time; for some reason, I have to drive back alone.  Several of the people here accuse me of being a big chicken and not serious about UFOs because I want to wait until morning to drive back.  I try to make them aware that driving at night, in the dark without lights and on an unfamiliar road in an unfamiliar town is irresponsible.
It wasn't until I started writing this, sharing it with others (because of the person dying, mainly) that I realized with a jolt the Cottage Grove-orb-missing time connection. Jim and I were coming back from Cottage Grove, at night, when we had our orange orb sighting and missing time.

Friday, February 17, 2012

One Metal Box Theory: Radiation and Disinformation

At the back of my mind limped the dark thought that all the authoritative sources cited concerning the glowing, sceeching, impervious metal boxes on Oregon coasts were covering up, or at best, dupes in a larger cover-up. I also thought that researchers, like Linda Moultan Howe, who interviewed these authorities, gave up too easily.

So the story goes, residents insist they have not seen a thing, someone made a YouTube video on how it was all a hoax, authorities deny anything strange at all. And that's very likely.

Still, that nagging thought of a "what if" in the back of my mind. Not a "what if" as in alien from outer space, but something to do with Fukushima, and/or covert government activity. When I told Jim this story of the strange metal boxes and the seeming "no there there" aspect his immediate response was that these boxes have something to do with monitoring radiation. (Or, on further research, metal boxes containing radioactive waste.)

Now if that's so, it seems, as I've mentioned in previous posts, pretty rash to go up to these boxes-- for example, using them as material for ones art.

More importantly, if it's true, the truth about the radiation levels continues to be hidden from us. Throw in distractions and disinformation about aliens, UFOs, and hoaxes, and there you have it.

Just When You Think . . . 'Mayan prophecy shared with metal box at 42nd annual Yachats art fair '

Just when one might think the case of the keening glowing metal boxes is over, well, not yet.

At the annual Yachats art fair, artist Leo D’Alessandro will present a metal box:
“Since the Mayan prophecy for this year of 2012 is expected to bring the dawn of a new era – a year of transformation for our planet – what better way for me to share my visions of the Mayans than with the metal box I salvaged from our beach.”
I know the mention of having one of these mysterious boxes involved is exciting. It’s just right, I feel, to compliment my Mayan theme for the work I present this year.”

Mayan prophecy shared with metal box at 42nd annual Yachats art fair | HULIQ
Tying the metal box into Mayan prophecy -- wow. As an artist myself, I recognize opportunistic pretentious b.s. when I hear it. (example: his art is

Maybe I'm being too snarky. I don't know the artist, or have seen his work. I'll try to make it to the art show if I can.
There's also the "hybrid" -- another artist, simply named "Pam," has made a film that contains a woman who's told her she is a hybrid:
am says the one woman claims to be a “hybrid,” and is questioned by an older local woman. Pam says she shot the “hybrid” female (someone who claims to have alien origins) slightly out of focus.

Hoax Verification? Metal Boxes on OR Beach

More on the hoax aspect of those metal boxes allegedly found at Stonefield Beach and elsewhere: 'Metal Boxes' On OR Beaches May Have Been Hoax, as reported by Greg and Wendy Barnes.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Keening Boxes: In Case I've Been Misunderstood

I'm very curious about this case of the keening boxes on Oregon beaches. For one thing, it's an excuse for me to get out to the coast -- research, you know.

I never thought for one moment that these glowing, screeching, impossible to open boxes buried deep in the sands contained aliens. Or came from UFOs.

The story goes: boxes, heavy, impervious to tools, glowing, weird noises, appearing on beaches said to be heavy with UFO activity. Who can resist a story like that? I'm interested in the story as a story, the insistence of those telling the story that there's UFO affected activity afoot, that residents have been awakened to terrible wailing noises, and all the rest of it. Persistence in the telling is what intrigues me.

This isn't to say UFOs aren't showing themselves along the Oregon coast. They most certainly are, and have been for some time. Whether or not the boxes have anything to do with them -- I am pretty certain the answer is a big "no."
(As my mother said, who lives in the area, "I don't think aliens would show up locked inside boxes.")

In the area is NOAA, newly arrived. The Hatfield Marine Science Center. The Newport Aquarium. There's even a Ripley's museum!

Government experiments: lost, gone awry, intentional. Or, not. Debris from the tsunami. Pretty likely. There's the insistence by some scientists that the debris wouldn't show up yet, but, it has been showing up.

Here's something interesting: a YouTube video of how the whole metal-box-on-the-beach-from-UFOs is a hoax. Furthermore, David Masko, coastal UFO investigator who broke this story, is a "CIA operative." This story gets better all the time.

There's also the snarky skeptoid words of an unnamed retired psychology professor who lives on the coast who, while correct in the opinion the boxes have nothing to do with aliens or UFOs, is utterly wrong in just about every other stupid thing that spewed from his mouth. I mean really dahlings, what a tool!
In turn, this retired professor said in a Feb. 6 Huliq interview at Stonefield Beach that most locals and visitors here “looking for those UFOs” are more or less carrying their own “baggage or self-as-content,” with views and experiences that now seem to define them.

...thinks the many “of these remote living residents who claim to see UFOs at night are simply not using the tool between their ears to figure this stuff out.”  [source: UFO sightings at Stonefield Beach reveal strange boxes up and down coast -HULIQ
And the astounding stupidity of those who blithely go up to the boxes, pets in tow, without a thought to the fact the boxes are glowing, and screeching, and just very odd. Either they contain ET or were ejected from UFOs, in which case it  seems like they might be dangerous, or they're radioactive debris -- or at least, an unknown something or another debris --  which means they're dangerous, (at least a good dose of potentially dangerous) material. Either way, not a bright idea to hang around the things.

I'm looking forward to finding out what I can once I get out there this weekend, but finding aliens? As much as I'd love that, it's very doubtful.

2012 McMinnville UFO Fest

The McMinnville UFO Fest returns this May. Speakers lined up include Donald R. Schmitt, (Friday night's speaker) author of UFO Crash at Roswell, etc. and hypnotist Yvonne Smith, (Saturday morning) who's worked with abductees. The third speaker has not yet been decided.

I'm mildly interested in Smith, but, unless the as yet unannounced speaker is someone way groovy, I don't think I'll go this year. The expense vs. the line-up doesn't even out.

But if you decide to go, have fun! The rooftop bar at Hotel Oregon and the parade are worth the visit, as is exploring the unique interior of the old hotel. More info here.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Linda Moultan Howe: Oregon Beach Metal Boxes

LMH at her site reports on the glowing screeching metal boxes on Oregon beachers. There's no there there, according to Howe: Headline News: February 14, 2012 - Oregon Beach Metal Boxes? No Evidence.

“I sent some assistants this weekend to the beach areas that are supposed
to have the ‘unmovable’ metal boxes and there is nothing there.”

- William Hanshumaker, Ph.D., Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, Oregon

Thanks to Mike Clelland at hidden experience for the alert.