Saturday, June 14, 2014

Science Fiction Legend H.G. Wells REALLY Didn't Like Forteans | The Daily Grail

From Greg Taylor at The Daily Grail, an item on H.G. Wells and his intense dislike of Charles Fort's perspectives on things and Forteana in general. TDG reprints the following letter from Wells to author Theodore Dreiser, friend and supporter of Fort:

Dear Dreiser,

I'm having Fort's Book of the Damned sent back to you. Fort seems to be one of the most damnable bores who ever cut scraps from out of the way newspapers. I thought they were facts. And he writes like a drunkard.

Lo! has been sent to me but has gone into my wastepaper basket. And what do you mean by forcing "orthodox science" to do this or that? Science is a continuing exploration and how in the devil can it have an orthodoxy? The next you'll be writing is the "dogmas of science" like some blasted Roman Catholic priest on the defensive. When you tell a Christian you don't believe some yarn he can't prove, he always call you "dogmatic". Scientific workers are first rate stuff and very ill paid and it isn't for the likes of you and me to heave Forts at them.

God dissolve (and forgive) your Fortean Society.

H.G. Wells
For more read the rest here: Science Fiction Legend H.G. Wells REALLY Didn't Like Forteans | The Daily Grail

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Stalled Emails, Evil Empire

(See previous two posts below)


     My friend "Carol" with the life time of UFO/alien/general strangeness events, has mentioned to me several times that something -- some force or forces, energies or entities, vibrations -- like to keep us apart. Stop us from getting together to share high strangeness notes as it were.
For example, we, decades ago (decades ago!) would get together, along with others in her family as well as friends, to talk about these things. Then, suddenly, nothing. It was like we both had amnesia and forgot about each other. And yet, in typical Trickster ways, her husband and I (often along with my husband Jim)  would run into each other constantly, often two or three times in the same day.
     Not long ago however we did Carol and I did connect, and talked about this installed amnesia, this barrier seemingly placed by "them" and we decided to not let this happen again.

     Little things seem to happen to trip us up, but we're not letting them win. For example, as I wrote in my previous post, it took me almost half an hour to realize I was on the wrong street when visiting Carol. Since then, Carol has sent me at least two emails; they have not gone through. The address is correct, her email, my email works fine, etc. Yet emails sent from Carol to me are not coming through. Today Carol referred to "The Evil Empire of the short and gray." Indeed. Screw the little spindly bastards.

     If, of course, short gray spindly things they be. Carol has seen them, I have not. I have sensed them, I have "seen" them during a trance like state, others have sensed them in proximity to me, but I can't say I have seen seen them, if you know what I mean. I also think that the experiences we've all had -- Carol, myself, my husband, other friends of mine -- where we've felt without a doubt the presence of a very high intelligence, is not the grays, but something to do with what we call "the grays." But that's another path to follow another day.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

What Are We Doing in Maryland?!: Childhood Friends and Synchronicities

(Please read related post below: McMinnville and Floating Cows)

     Every now and then, I have a dream about "Prudence O'Dell." That's not her real name of course, but "Prudence" is a real person. She is someone I was friends with all through elementary school (St. Mary Magdalene) and high school. We stayed in touch a bit until I was about twenty. Forty years later,  have no idea where she is, what her married name might be, etc.
     I just realized, the other night, every dream I have where Prudence is present, involves UFOs. Sometimes it's just a hint, a bare memory, sometimes it's a lively discussion about them, but always, these dreams have to do with UFOs in some way. As kids, we knew little if anything of UFOs, and to my conscious memory, had no experiences of that kind.
     So, the night before last, I dreamt my husband Jim and I are in Maryland, visiting Prudence:

     Jim and I are traveling across the country, and we're here with my childhood friend Prudence O'Dell. She seems fine, and it's good to see her, we're having a nice time. Her house seems to be one giant glass room; the walls are windows. We're sitting inside a giant fishbowl. Outside, it's meadows -- she lives out in the country in the middle of Baltimore, Maryland. I look outside, admiring the view, and say to Prudence "It's so nice! So wonderful you get to live in the country like this."
     Prudence looks around and says "Yes, but . . .  it's not what it seems. There's something not quite right out there. It isn't good to go out there. . . "
     I have a lucid moment in the dream; I wonder out loud "What the hell are we doing in Maryland?!"  Maryland, including Baltimore, is simply not a place I have ever wanted to visit. I find the fact that we're here in Maryland to be disturbing.

The day after this dream, I go to visit my friend "Carol" that I wrote about in the post below. (McMinnville and Floating Cows.) Carol has had UFO experiences -- as well as generally paranormal and anomalous experiences in general -- her whole life. As we were talking, Carol was sharing some of her experiences when she lived in Maryland.
     Now, as she was talking, I realized that I knew she had lived back east -- Maryland, New York, and other places, but I had forgotten. Obviously my subconscious remembered this fact about Carol and that's probably why my dream took place in Maryland; I knew I was going to visit her the next day. But why my childhood friend Prudence? Hmmm… maybe my own experiences were being nudged awake as well.
     There were other synchronicities as well. The day I went to visit with Carol, I was checking my Facebook page, as usual. For some odd reason I had dozens -- not one or two, or a few, but dozens, of posts from several different people I did not know about Buddhism, including Tibetan Buddhism. I wondered who the heck are these people?! Why am I getting so many posts from people I don't know about this? Not that I minded, but it was very odd.
     Later, on my way to Carol's, I parked on her street. And couldn't find her house. Walked up and down, drove up and down, parked, drove and parked again, walked again. Where the hell is her house? I have been there plenty of times. I walked past a house with a car parked in front with a Free Tibet bumper sticker, and the house: a Buddha in the front yard.
     Then I realized, in a scary moment of senior menopausal fog, I was on the wrong street! Carol lives the block over. Oy.
     As we were talking about so many things, Carol mentioned a friend of hers that practices Tibetan Buddhism. This woman is very deep into this realm; knows the language, has worked with the Dali Lama, etc. Carol's daughter has recently become a Buddhist, something I did not know.

     And, as is usual when in Carol's home, that "they're here" feeling was present. This time it was slight; not overt and powerful as it has been in the past, but there nonetheless. This is a slightly electrical feeling but more than that, a knowing of intelligent entities present. They're invisible but they are as real and here as any one of us. "They" listen, they're aware of us, they're highly intelligent. They are not human but human like in many ways. They are more aware of us than we of them. I've had this experience in other places (my two homes being among them) and verified by others. They appear when we discuss on a serious "real" level all this UFO stuff but more than that, paranormal/supernatural/spiritual ideas and experiences as well.
     Something that I remembered about Prudence: her father was a big wig scientist working for either the government or a corporation. I don't remember details, just that it was a big deal the way the family behaved around such news, but I wonder if that has anything at all to do with any of this? Or, not.

McMinnville And Floating Cows: When Is A School Bus Not a School Bus?

     How's that for an opening title?
     There is much that precedes this dream which I'll write about soon, involving a woman I've known for more than twenty years whose immediate family has had -- and continues to have -- UFO and alien/entity experiences. Her experiences go back to her childhood. We met yesterday to talk about these things, and more, and the visit was chock full of synchronicity, among other things.
     Last night I had the following dream:
     I'm a block or so from work; school hasn't started yet, kids are on their way, walking towards the school. I see the principal a few yards away, we say hello. I'm saying hi to the kids when suddenly, I feel ill. I am really sick! I want to go home but don't think I can because I took Friday off (my personal day) and it would look suspicious to everyone if I also took Monday off. How convenient, she's sick, humpf! kind of thing. But really, I am sick. I'm debating what to do when I see one of our substitutes. I ask her if she's able to sub for me, she says sure. I explain what others might think but it's too bad; she says "I can tell you're not feeling well, don't worry about it."
     So instead of walking home or calling my husband to pick me up, I walk over to the bus to take the bus home. Taking a bus isn't something I'd normally do. The bus is a city bus -- public transit -- but it's a yellow school bus. We all know it's not a school bus but a public bus.
    I get on, ask the female driver if the bus goes to "11th and Chambers" she says "I think so." I think to myself "You think so? What kind of bus driver are you?" but I'm feeling ill so I just get on. It's not far, how could the bus not go to there?
     I ask about the fare; she tells me it's seventy-five cents. I put a dollar in expecting change. She tells me there is no change; they're not set up for that. So my fare is a dollar. Fine, I shrug, and sit down, right by the door and behind her.
     Instead of the bus turning and going in the direction of my house,  we're going down a street I didn't know existed. Now, this is one of my dreamscapes -- an alley like place, except to the west, is the ocean! A narrow street or alley like road, small houses on one side, a low stone wall that's falling apart, and the ocean! Often times the ocean spills over and there is water on the road.
     I panic a little; where are we going?! The driver goes by a familiar corner and I assume she is going to turn down and go around, back to my house, but instead she gets on the freeway! I see a sign right away: McMinnville, and within ten minutes, we're there. In reality, McMinnville is about an hour and a half from where I live.
We drive through McMinnville. The streets are flooded, the bus can barely make it, it's floating on water like a houseboat. We pass by a street with a small bridge overhead -- lots of stone and tile, all different colors. There are huge cows floating in the water. Some cows are pink and green. They're having fun but some are a little scared. Some try to scramble up the walls but slip. There are a few people there in the water as well.
     All this water and the cows seem normal. McMinnville in the dream is quaint and full of old timey buildings and colorful lights. Lots of hills with buildings perched askew.
     While I'm fascinated that this is a short cut to McMinnville, I am also scared because of the water, the cows, and I'm still lost. All I want to do is get home.

     McMinnville of course is the home of the world famous May 11,1950 UFO sighting of Paul and Evelyn Trent. Paul Trent took two photos of the flying saucer that appeared over his farm.  To this day the sighting remains a mystery; despite the antics of UFO debunkers, it has not been proven to be a hoax. The annual McMinnville UFO Festival, held in May, is in memory of that famous sighting. (Google Trent UFO and you'll find plenty -- here's something I wrote some time ago for Tim Binnall on the attempts of some in the UFO Theater to further confuse things: The Trent Trickster Three.)

Dream Moods: Your Dream Symbol Interpretation: Bus To dream that you are waiting for a bus indicates a temporary setback in achieving your personal goals. If you miss the bus, then it indicates that an aspect of your life is out of control. You need to slow down and map out a new plan. If you get on the wrong bus, then the dream indicates your fears of making the wrong choice and going on the wrong path. You are conflicted between what you want and what others want for you. To dream that you are riding a bus implies that you are going along with the crowd. You are lacking originality and control over where your life is taking. To dream that you are in a bus accident suggests that it is time for you to move away from a group setting and venture out on your own. You need to be more independent. To dream that a bus is driven into water refers to an emotional journey that involves several people. To dream that you are paying a bus fare refers to the price you are paying in order to please others. ~ Dream Moods


Saturday, June 7, 2014

Homeland Security cam records 2 UFOs in Puerto Rico -

UFOs filmed in the skies of Puerto Rico? A comment left at the site says they're mylar balloons. Whatever, it's no secret government entities have been conducting extreme and covert on-the-edge research in the area for decades:

Homeland Security cam records 2 UFOs in Puerto Rico - A video that was allegedly obtained from sources inside a Puerto Rican federal agency shows two UFOs over western Puerto Rico.
The video was reportedly shot by an infrared camera aboard a Homeland Security helicopter in the Puerto Rican city of Aguadilla in the early morning hours of April 26, 2013.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Missing 411: The Devil's In The Detail For All -

Missing 411: The Devil's In The Detail For All - By Dustin Naef - - "For all those who have read David Paulides “411 Missing” books, and believe you’ve figured out the Who or What behind all of the mysterious disappearances going on in our nation’s National Parks (and elsewhere), prepare yourselves for another paradigm shift."
I don't think there is any research out there that is stranger and creepier and downright scarier than David Paulides work into the disappearances taking place in national parks, forests, woods, rural areas, etc.

Lots of speculation, including supernatural or Fortean ones. Now, on one Coast to Coast interview a few months back, Paulides inspired me to think along lines of a Bigfoot type energy/entity being responsible for these disturbing disappearances. This generated a heated email from Paulides after I posted a piece on my thoughts.  on Cryptomundo and on my blog Frame 352: The Stranger Side of Bigfoot. Well, I did get a book out of it and, while I maintain he misunderstood what I said, that has nothing to do with his excellent research. He's the only one out there doing anything like this, and it's clearly extremely important work. I cannot wait to read his other books, including his newest; The Devil's in the Details.

I look forward to everything and anything Paulides has to share with us on these disappearances. What is going on?!  (Adding to the already disturbing mystery is the fact there is an obvious cover-up by authorities regarding the disappearances.)

And so, this brings us to Naef's review of Paulides newest book on the strange disappearances, The Devil's in the Detail. New information, new cases, new ideas as to what force is responsible for people disappearing and sadly in many cases, dying. Naef writes, on finding an answer to this mystery:

"Ultimately, I think this is a mystery which is not going to be solvable by any one person, or explained away to anyone’s satisfaction by an “expert”. But by making all of this information public and open-sourcing it I believe there’s a good chance that the mystery will someday be solved." ~ Naef

There are lots of clues, and clues that defy the mundane. Bigfoot, elementals, time warps, portals, fairies, who can say. Maybe none of those things, maybe some of those things . . . but it does seem obvious that there is something other afoot, something truly out of the ordinary, that is the cause for people disappearing.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Tim Beckley's Conspiracy Journal #774

Fresh and hot off the press, the best thing in the Fortean realm, Tim Beckley's Conspiracy Journal. Conspiracy Journal #774 Lots of Fortean goodness in this article, including synchronicity as experienced by Beckley, The Bermuda Triangle of Space, and my favorite, an article by Micah Hanks on wild men living in the woods of America.

NASA to test giant Mars parachute on Earth - Sci/Tech news

It's not ET you'll be seeing, but our own:

NASA to test giant Mars parachute on Earth - Sci/Tech news: LOS ANGELES (AP) — The skies off the Hawaiian island of Kauai will be a stand-in for Mars as NASA prepares to launch a saucer-shaped vehicle in an experimental flight designed to land heavy loads on the red planet.

For decades, robotic landers and rovers have hitched a ride to Earth's planetary neighbor using the same parachute design. But NASA needs a bigger and stronger parachute if it wants to send astronauts there.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Jeremy Vaeni: Could David Jacobs Be Part Of A Psy Op? | JayVay

Could David Jacobs Be Part Of A Psy Op? | JayVay asks Jeremy Vaeni.

Well, no, Jacobs isn't psy ops but he is a nasty arrogant ass and hopefully Vaeni's predictions on Jacobs and like minded sociopaths will prove to be so.

Well . . .

Nothing much. Of course I still think on all things UFO -- and related Fortean, anomalous, esoteric topics -- daily, and with great depth of thought. Oh yes, I am deep. But as to posting and blogging, just haven't felt the urge. Maybe it's spring. Maybe it's allergies, the cold I have, family and "real life" issues. To say it's a jaded state would be incorrect. I haven't given up or pulled a Thomas Bullard, where I have announced I am leaving the field because no Big Answer has arrived. As to that, no Big Answer will arrive, or at least, not in the way we've decided it should. You know, mainstream, all questions answered, the mystery unfolded before us . . .

None of that will ever happen.

I haven't even been checking out my favorite Fortean haunts -- Anomalist, The Daily Grail, Redfern, Red Pill Junkie, Lesley, even Rense (dear fucking goddess!) -- but as with these things, the pendulum swings, and I'll soon be diving into the eso-mystical realm very soon.

Saturday, April 26, 2014


From Tim Beckley, (MR. UFO) at UFO Digest, on the Jinn (or Djinn) and UFOs/aliens. I've been interested in this connection for awhile now, and I think there are huge clues to the UFO phenomena within the context of what are called Jinn.

DISCOVERING THE TRUE NATURE OF UFOS AND THE JINN: THEY ARE BEST KNOWN AS THE JINN (or DJINN) and we should be mighty leery – perhaps even afraid – of them!
Those in the UFO field who have begun to treat these “creatures of the night” seriously include the “First Lady of UFOlogy” Ann Druffel and the “Queen of the Paranormal,” Rosemary Ellen Guiley. John – “Mothman Prophecies” – Keel also spoke about them but referred to them as beguiling “demons,” while New England-based science teacher Philip Imbrogno lost a certain degree of academic credibility due, at least partially, to his investigation into these denizens of darkness. (Tim Beckley, UFO Digest)

Monday, April 21, 2014

Faded Discs Archive --- The Contactees : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

Many thanks to Tim Beckley who shared this link to interviews with contacteess: Faded Discs Archive --- The Contactees : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

I haven't listened to any of the recordings yet, but had to share -- too good to just hold on to this gem. Adamski, Van Tassel, George King, Daniel Fry, many others. I am looking forward to listening to these!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Small item: Mystery humming

This little item in today's Eugene-Springfield area newspaper, Register Guard:

Mystery humming sound heard at night
OLYMPIA, Wash. -- Some Olympia residents say they have been awakened in the overnight hours by a mysterious humming sound.     The Olympian reports not everyone can hear it and the sound is intermittent.     Attempts to track down the um have been unsuccessful, although idling trains, pressure washers and heat pumps have been suspected. -- News service reports
(source: Register-Guard, City Region section, pB3, April 20, 2014) 

Of course these stories of hums heard world wide, including the in the U.S., have been around for some time in the Fortean arena. I always find it interesting when anomalous events like this are casually inserted as fillers in main stream media.