Showing posts with label Bigfoot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bigfoot. Show all posts

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Sunday Orb

Shameless Pleadings

Read my Bigfoot blog. Link to it, Favorite it on Technorati, talk about it. Leave comments. Enjoy. Or even if you don’t.

My Bigfoot blog Frame 352: The Stranger Side of Sasquatch.

And Shameless Self-Promotion:
I’ve submitted a piece to the Book of Thoth site: They Want to be Seen, Not Discovered. No guarantee it will be accepted, but hopefully it will be, so look out for it.

On UFO Digest is my piece
Disingenuous Infiltration on the unethical tactics of Abdullah Hashem and Donna Bassett. Yes, both are “old news” but that doesn’t mean anything.

Currently on Trickster’s Realm for Tim Binnall’s Binnall of America is my piece on the Trickster: No Mere Prankster. (and I must say I was very jazzed about Brad Steiger's nice email to me about the piece.)

In the current issue of UFO Magazine is my article on The Purple Road, about my New Agey self.

Ghost Picture Contest
Lesley of The Debris Field has her ghost pic contest going again. I entered a photo I took a few years ago at a local cemetery. Be sure to enter; it will be fun to see all the ghostly images!

Recent Orb Postings

I'm still reeling from Noory's Flintstone comment.
The UFO footage from Venezuela does seem too good to be true, as one person commented, it could be a blimp. Whatever, it's unlikely it was a flying saucer from outer space.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Orb Roundup

It's time for blatant shameless self-promotion and reminders:

  • In the current issue of UFO Magazine, I share my thoughts on the Triangle UFOs. No conclusions, just musings. (Of course, if I, or anyone, had conclusions, there'd be no mystery.)

  • Frame 352: The Stranger Side of Sasaquatch, my Bigfoot blog.

  • Mating Hedgehogs, my other blog on: media, culture, sex, para-politics, Dr. Evils, Forteana, esoterica, paranoia, Genetic Food Manipulations, animal rights and welfare, art, feminism, Americana, and whatever else I feel like.

  • For Trickster's Realm on Binnall of America: Finding Sasquatch.

  • I'm also around on UFO Digest and American Chronicle.
  • Sunday, June 3, 2007

    Women and Bigfoot Research

    Recent discussions on women and bigfoot research. These have been around for a couple of weeks, but I’m just getting to mentioning them now. If you’ve missed them, here they are: On Cryptomundo there are entries on Jane Goodall and her views on Bigfoot: Women and Bigfoot Studies: Jane Goodall.

    There’s also a discussion on sexism in bigfoot research:
    Indy 500,Women and Bigfoot, Part 1. Part 2 follows immediately after on their blog.

    Lisa Shiel of Bigfoot Quest liked my piece I did on her for UFO Magazine:
    UFO Magazine Piece on Wild Women

    Wednesday, April 11, 2007

    Trickster's Realm on BOA: Random Bits of Weirdness on the Oregon Coast

    My latest piece for my Trickster's Realm column on Tim Binnall's site: Random Bits of Weirdness on the Oregon Coast, about my friend "Lola" and high strangeness occurances.

    Be sure to check out the entire site. There are great audio interviews -- for free! -- with Tim and so many great writers, researchers and thinkers on the weird. Other columnists too; Lesley, Grey Matters, Tina Sena's Esorterica, Khyron's The K-Files, and Joe Vee's Wrath of Joe.

    Friday, March 30, 2007

    Acceptability of Faith, Demands for Proof

    Many a chronic skeptic will back down from attacking/debating/arguing with a religious person. The accommodation is one they’d never make for a UFO or Bigfoot witness, or anyone who’s encountered the paranormal. But they’re not as quick to practice their irrational rationalism with a person of faith because, they’ll tell us, it’s a matter of faith. (Also, many a skeptic is a person of faith.) If the religious person admits that they belief because they “have faith,” and acknowledge that there isn’t any way to prove such a thing (which is why it’s called faith) everyone’s pleased with such civilized behavior and there is no need for debate.

    The degree of acceptably of one’s faith decreases with the type of religion or spiritual system in question. Mainstream religions are usually fine, unless they verge on the cultish. When one strays from the “norm” by claiming to be pagan, or a non-Western religion or system, the marginlization begins.

    Faith is what it is, and there’s nothing wrong with having faith. This isn’t about a judgment on the merits of faith. But one can not prove God exists, or Jesus, or the Virgin Mary, or the Holy Spirit, etc. Someone says they believe in these things, they believe because of their experience, and their faith. But what have they offered us? Nothing tangible. Yet we leave them alone.

    But in cases of UFOs and anomalous events, as we know, the expectations -- the demands -- for proof are shrill. They’re relentless, and those who make the demands are consumed with the self-righteousness of any zealot who believes -- who knows -- they are right and on a higher moral road.

    Meanwhile, people see Bigfoot or other entities, and immediately have their sanity and character questioned if they share their stories. One could argue that in the case of a single witness, all we have is her word. And yet, why would someone want to lie about a thing like that? (True, people have and do -- in all areas. The point isn’t so much about believing another wholeheartedly without any thinking on your part. It’s more of an approach, a mindset, a way of looking at the world that is the issue here.)

    In cases of multiple witnesses, we have a lot more than the lone person relating her story of encountering a God. Yet we demand much more from the Bigfoot witness.

    The same for UFOs. Hell, we’re still stuck on the inaccurate semantics surrounding UFOs: the inane question “Do you believe in UFOs?,” the “We don’t know what a UFO is, so how will we know one when we see one?” (also used for Bigfoot) and “UFOs really means extraterrestrials” comments.

    Even with photographs, video, film, thousands upon thousands of witnesses, anecdotal evidence, the chronic skeptic still swims around the silly language games while demanding proof, proof, and more proof.

    It’s not a surprising reality to know, though it is frustrating, that the anomalous -- where something has been encountered, smelled, seen, touched, heard and felt -- is not only dismissed, but violently discarded. Juxtaposed this with the serene acceptance of staid religious “faith” where nothing has been seen, heard or felt, except by the individual. There are no photos , no radar, no plaster casts or interesting DNA results from hair samples, just a person’s “faith” to get them through. And we nod and gladly accept the latter as rational, and the former as irrational.

    By accepting some forms of religious belief as valid and rational, those who reject the anomalous in general have set up a buffer for themselves. A little blankie that comforts; yes, faith is a mystery but there you are. No we can move on. The scientist can go to church and go back into the lab, utterly rejecting ghosts, esp, UFOs, Bigfoot and weird creatures that pop into our reality.

    And then there's this; the idea that religious experiences and apparitions are paranormal/Fortean, not "religious" though obviously they're framed in that way.

    Monday, March 19, 2007

    Bigfoot:Patterson-Wallace Synchronicity

    It feels like Bigfoot is following me. Lots of Bigfoot items coming my way, recent conversation with Lisa Shiel (Backyard Bigfoot,) and too many threads to follow up on. And last night I posted this item over on the OrangeOrb on My Space (basically it's a billboard and a back-up) on a Wallace/Patterson connection. Of a sorts. Then I see that Loren Coleman on cryptomundo has posted a Wallace/Patterson item as well. Maybe Sasquatch is psychic after all.

    Friday, February 23, 2007

    Bigfoot: What Do You Want to Prove?

    The discussion continues over on the Cryptomundo blog about so-called “paranormal” Bigfoot. Call it anomalous or Fortean Bigfoot, whatever you choose, the encounters of Bigfoot with UFO and other non-crypto aspects is the issue here. Lisa Sheil, author of Backyard Bigfoot, has put the core issue very well; what I’ve been trying to say. But she said it better, I think, over on the Cryptomundo blog:

    ”We all need to ask ourselves, what is the goal of Bigfoot research? To prove Bigfoot are apes? Or to discover the truth about their nature and behavior? If you want to prove they’re apes, you must ignore evidence. If you want the truth, you must examine all data, no matter how disturbing to your sensitive psyche, and determine the reasons to accept or reject it. Rejecting data based on personal bias, fear, or arrogance serves no purpose, scientific or otherwise.”

    I’ve had many people say that Bigfoot can’t be “both” flesh and blood and “paranormal.” While I’ve stumbled around trying to say why this is wrong; Lisa again says it more clearly:

    "Only someone who misunderstands the concept of paranormal would assert that flesh-and-blood and UFO-related cannot both apply to Bigfoot. According to this idea, a human being who has a psychic experience would no longer be a flesh-and-blood human being."

    It simply gets down to this. Are we interested in the truth; the actual answer, or in proving what we think is the truth?

  • Lisa Sheil: Backyard Bigfoot and blog.

  • Lesley's Debris Field blog. (Image shown here boldly borrowed from her blog)

  • Craig Woolheater's Cryptomundo blog.

  • Friday, February 16, 2007

    Update on: Biscardi’s Bigfoot Carnival

    There's an item by Bigfoot researcherCraig Woolheater on the Cyrptomundo blog on all this Biscardi carnival like Bigfootmania.

    Christ. Tom Biscardi has gone all out, joined up with cheesy, sleazy, too sadly all American Americana (its worst side) and gone the carnival route. Teaming up with “reality” TV,(which is a disgusting cultural phenomena all on its own) there will now be this new offering to the American public on Bigfoot: Capturing Bigfoot. The title says it all of course. For a few hundred dollars, it seems any Bozo can join Tom Biscardi on his “hunt” and it will all be televised for our “pleasure.”

    No one in Fortean, cryptid, or cryptozoological studies can possibly think this i s a good thing. I don’t know, maybe some do.

    Bigfoot researcher Craig Woolheater doesn’t think it’s a good idea. Good for him:

    Craig Woolheater, chairman of the Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy, which has annual conferences in Jefferson, does not condone Biscardi's methods, which he says "are produced for the sake of media coverage or for commercial purposes."

    "This expedition is not a scientific expedition in my opinion; from what I understand it is being filmed for a reality-TV show entitled Capturing Bigfoot," Woolheater wrote in an e-mail. "As such, the TBRC is in no way, shape or form, affiliated with the very controversial Tom Biscardi."

    And if Tom Biscardi and his “team” of yahoos somehow capture Sasquatch?

    We've got two compounds at undisclosed locations where we'll conduct studies for 90 days, then release it back where we found it, I promise," Biscardi said.”

    Good great goddess. Assuming the poor thing doesn’t die first (Bigfoot, not Biscardi) or a Bigfoot family comes to rescue the creature and wreak havoc along the way, or some Cabal of Dr. Evils comes along and offers Biscardi a million dollars, or worse yet, Disney Studios offers him five million dollars -- oh god, I can see it all now. Visions of Ted Nugent yukking it up with Tom Biscardi over beers. (Maybe they’ll have canned Bigfoot hunts along with the “hunt majestic buffalo” people whose ads adorn Nugent's website.)

    I’m pretty well convinced Bigfoot exists. But that’s me. I don’t give a damn if one is ever captured or not, in fact, I hope to hell it never is. Let the thing be. Those who have seen it, know it’s real. That’s perfectly acceptable to me.

    Wednesday, January 10, 2007


    Sometimes I am a collector of data, and only a collector, and am likely to be gross and miserly, piling up notes, pleased with merely numerically adding to my stores. Other times I have joys, when unexpectedly coming upon an outrageous story that may not be altogether a lie, or upon a macabre little thing that may make some reviewer of my more or less good works mad. But always there is present a feeling of unexplained relations of events that I note, and it is this far-away, haunting, or often taunt ing, awareness, or suspicion, that keeps me piling on. ~ (Charles Fort, Wild Talents)

    I’ve always been fond of this quote. It resonates with why, and what, I’m doing around here. (Or, what I think I’m doing.) I think a lot of UFO writers, bloggers, etc. can relate to this quote.

    It’s a nice bit of synchronicity, finding this quote. Trying to tune out Mr. Bush’s speech on MSNBC, yet perversely unable to turn it off; I was idly doing a search for UFO and Fortean quotes. (on my new laptop! yeah for me,) and came across the above quote.

    Aside from ignoring/not ignoring Mr. Bush (notice the blue tie he was wearing? It’s all just to lull us more and more into the apathetic acceptance of continued slaughter. . . ) I was wondering what to do with an article I’ve been working on. It’s not an article yet, it’s just a nudging idea right now.

    Years ago, I started to collect items about animals. I don’t know why; I just know I found the strange behavior of animals, from the family pet to animals in the urban wild and elsewhere, fascinating. This included odd and unexpected actions of known, mundane animals to OOP (Out of Place) animals. I had no idea what to do with these news clippings and articles, but I kept a huge file. In college, studying folklore, I thought I could do something with this, but never came up with anything substantial. (There was one thing actually, which was going to be my thesis/final project, but “dueling professors’ got to me, and that was that. Two years of grad school and nothing to show for it. Except I really dig folklore. Now it’s working its way to a book.)

    I put those aside awhile ago, not sure if I still have those. But like most of us Fortean sloggers, I can’t help myself, and notice these kinds of items all the time.

    The past few days, it seems to be calling me again. Maybe this time I’ll do something with it, once I get inspired.

    Tuesday, December 26, 2006


    Not much to report; just a post Yuletide note of what I'm working on and some of what will be coming here in the next few days:

    Part II of my 'Bubble Model' is coming.

    I'm at work on something about Mac Tonnies' CTH (crypto terrestrial hypothesis) -- it'll be a good thing.

    Also finishing up the long overdue review of Lisa Shiel's book Backyard Bigfoot: The True Story of Stick Signs, UFOs, and the Sasquatch. (The review will be sent to Lisa first, I'll link to it when I know.)

    And looking forward to reading my Yule time books: Body Snatchers in the Desert: The Horrible Truth at the Heart of the Roswell Story, and On the Trial of the Saucer Spies; UFOs and Government Surveillance both by Nick Redfern, and Looking for Orthon: The Story of George Adamski the first flying saucer contactee, and how he changed the world by Colin Bennett.

    And a couple of things I'm not ready to share yet, but are pretty exciting for me in the context of UFO World!

    If you stumble across another 'Orange Orb' blog in another format somewhere along your wanderings, it's just me, trying out a variety of templates, hosts, etc. I am still searching for the right fit. (If anyone has any input I'd appreciate hearing from you.)

    I hope everyone had a safe and good holiday!

    Wednesday, December 20, 2006

    Eugene, Oregon: A Fortean Home

    Or so it seems. Autumn Williams, Bigfoot researcher, lives in Eugene. Her mother lives in Oregon as well, she's the author of a recent (or soon to be ) book on Bigfoot. Also Ron Olsen, Bigfoot researcher. And director Ed Ragozzino, director of the 1977 movie Sasquatch, the Legend of Bigfoot.

    Nahu lives about two miles from me, as it turns out. He's written a book about UFOs, angels, aliens and God/Jesus. I've never met the man, but I'm sure it'll be interesting. Oh you bet I'm going to call him!

    I wonder who else is lurking around this town? (Oh, Dr. Ray Hyman, skeptic; he's over at the University of Oregon. But he doesn't count.)

    And that's just here in Eugene. Oregon, it seems, has quite a number of Bigfoot, UFO and Fortean/paranormal people around.

    Thursday, December 14, 2006

    Bio Fortean Bigfoot Synchronicity

    Here's a bit of synchronicity; a very long day at work, and during a bit of down time, waiting in the darkened office with only the holiday lights glowing, feeling inspired and began a blog entry or article, not sure which yet, about my interest in Bigfoot. Both the flesh and blood and "paranormal" Bigfoot, and my opinion both exist. Whether or not they are the same thing or two different things I haven't decided.

    Come home and check out the Anomalist, following its link to Scott Maruna's BioFort blog, where I found this item on Bigfoot and thought forms, tulpas and more.

    Could Bigfoot Be Planarial Bad Memories?

    And the disturbing thought that sharing the camp with us pro shape shifting/paranormal/anomalous/Fortean Bigfeet, are the likes of Jon Erik Beckjord. But whatever one thinks of him, at least he stands up for his convictions.