Showing posts with label astral plane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label astral plane. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Power Outage, OBE

Strange things happened last night... I woke up around midnight. It took me a few moments to figure out what wasn't right; the alarm clock was blacked out, the little red pinpoints of light on the receiver were out, etc. I went into the bathroom, and noticed the alarm clock in there was black, the night light was out, the overhead light didn't come on when I flipped the switch. Clearly the power had gone out. Great. I tried to wake Jim, but he didn't wake up. I was both glad and frustrated at that; I didn't want to disturb him, but didn't want the power out all night.

I tried to go back to sleep, but kept waking up.  Then, I had an OBE. My first one in a long long time. I felt like someone was pulling on my foot, pulling me out. I was delighted at this, excited, but also a little nervous. Something different this time than the other times; I'd start to leave my body, then, stop where I was. Just like being in an elevator going up  and stopping at a floor for a few moments. I saw a green point of light in my mind/astral plane, then it came closer and was a window, with a humanoid shape figure standing in it, watching me. I had the feeling it was very human like, but not human. That scared me a bit. The the "elevator" started up again, upwards, and I had that same feeling of being both excited and nervous. I was telling myself not to panic, not to be scared,  just let it be. But, we stopped again. Waited. In a holding pattern. Then started up again. This went on for awhile, and then, to my great frustration, I started to come back down. I tried to resist falling back into myself, into "reality" but I just couldn't seem to get beyond the point where I left my body completely.

I managed to get to sleep, kind of... had an epic dream (one of those dreams that was extremely long and detailed, complicated plot, etc. ) but still slept poorly. After about an hour woke up to find power back on. 

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

New Age Clown Fish Dream

Wonderful dream last night in a kind of goofy way. There is much more to this dream that goes along with what I posted about awhile ago on Snarly Skepticism, and maybe I'll post about that but for now, I'll just share this one part:

I'm some kind of psychic/healer/medium and am hired by a family to heal their fish; a clown fish. The clown fish is beautiful, but much larger than clown fish in waking life. This dream clown fish is about two feet long, almost eel like, but very friendly and beautiful. The orange color, all the colors, just lovely. But the clown fish is sick, so I'm hired to come and help.

The family is a blended family and a large one. Mostly Caucasian American and Indians, Hindu and Buddhist. 

I go into the room where the fish is. There are two tanks. One on a shelf, the other tank on a shelf higher and off to the left a bit. A tube connects the two. After looking at the fish I know the fish will most likely be all right, though it's sick now, but the rest is up to the family, I tell them. They really love this fish. I tell them the fish has a "Forty seventy" chance of living (I realize when I woke up you can't have a "forty seventy" but that's what was said in the dream) and that, instead of being sad that there's a seventy percent chance it might die, be grateful and concentrate on the forty percent that he'll live.

I show them how to sit with the fish every day, for at least ten minutes a day, and just concentrate on the fish being well. Send it love, literally, white light from your heart to the fish, and back again. Everyone in the family has to do this, and even when away from the fish, think about the fish and send it love and light.

I tell them it's important to keep the tanks clean, make sure the water is fresh and running and let the fish go back and forth between tanks. The fish follows the tube between tanks.  And indeed, as we're there in the room and I'm talking, the fish is happier and brighter and swimming back and forth between tanks.

I think this dream has something to do with the subconscious and the whole circus discussion surrounding UFO experiences. The clown fish, aside from the name, is orange (orange orb.) The clown fish was not just a happy go lucky rather silly fish; it was actually very beautiful and intelligent, as well as happy.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Time, Elks, Dreams . . .

I have a vivid dream life, always have; dream in color, sing, sounds, scents, fly, sleep paralysis, OOBEs. . . I've even had a couple of dreams where the dream was in color, but little pieces were in black and white. One dream I recall: the dream was in color, but I was watching a black and white TV. But I've never had dreams where I had missing time or amnesia in the dream; until recently. A few months ago I had missing time within the dream, and last night, I had a similar episode within a dream.

Much preceded the missing time, or amnesia, too personal to post but at one point, I was leaving my place of work and found that all the roads had been torn up. Earth moved into huge piles, gravel everywhere, dirt roads... no signs. "Great," I thought, "how the hell am I going to get to where I'm going?" but I had no choice, so start to drive. A hassle but not a big deal. But at the end of this torn up road is a crazy network of freeways. Just dozens of on-ramps and freeways and hundreds of cars just zipping every which way, and no signs. Not a one to tell me where to go, how to get there. . . and I have no time! No light or anything just have to MOVE, now! So I make a decision in my panic and just drive like mad onto an on ramp, no idea at all where I'm going.

After awhile of driving crazy-mad the freeway insanity ends and I find myself on one of my "dream scapes" -- a one lane, one way highway or bridge over the ocean. The ocean is a beautiful royal blue color. The water is almost as high as the bridge/freeway, and it's churning. Very active. I am scared and nervous. Still no idea at all where I'm going, no signs The bridge/freeway goes on forever, I can't see anything ahead. The water is so high it's splashed onto the road, and I'm worried I'll slide right off into the water. All I can see on either side of me is water. There's a railing about four feet high on the sides of the bridge but it's little protection.

Next thing I know, I wake up in a funky small motel room. No idea how I got there. I'm wearing a large baggy tee shirt and underwear but that's it. I walk outisde, confused -- where am I?! I see it's a little coastal town, hilly, kind of funky but in a comfortable, easy way. I'm in the "poor" part of town but as I continue walking, find myself in a more habitated part of town. I go into a little cafe, order breakfast. It's very good. I tell the people there, who are very friendly, that I barely know who I am, let alone how I got there or why, etc.

I was thinking of this dream all day, and for some reason, that led me to remember something that happened when i was about twelve or thirteen. I was in the Girl Scouts, and we went camping in Northern California. Here we were out in the middle of nowhere, or so it seemed to me. I loved it though.

I've thought of the following experience many times, but only remembering the wonder of what I saw, not how I got there in the first place. We were all setting up camp and then, I took a walk. I was just walking around, in the woods. And came out on a road. So I'm standing there on the side of the road, and less than ten yards from me, directly across from me, an elk walks out from the trees and just stands there on the side of the road. I was in awe; this was the first time I had seen anything like this. I remember just standing there, looking at this beautiful creature. I wasn't scared, just amazed. I felt like crying, it was so beautiful. We just stood there, looking at each other, then it walked off.

What's surprising to me now, is that even though I've often revisited this memory of seeing the elk, some obvious things about this event never occurred to me -- until now. For one thing, I can't see the adults in the group allowing anyone of us to just walk off on our own. Yet apparently I did. I was all alone. And what road would that have been? No idea; it wasn't one we were on. I don't remember what happened before that, or after. All very strange.

Layers of memory. One "real" memory with no surrounding context, one missing bit of memory within a dream. Shifts of memory; no experience dreaming of having missing memory within the dream, and suddenly, two within a few months time.

Maybe age has something to do with the dreaming; I can't explain why it is I don't remember what happened before, or after, meeting elk on the road. . .

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Eagle Synchronicity

I had just finished my Trickster's Realm column for BoA today on eagles and UFO events. Part of that column includes this experience I wrote about on Saucer Sightings. Later, Jim, not knowing I had just written the TR piece, says to me: "There's an eagle ..." meaning an eagle on TV. The sound was off and I wasn't looking up; I'm on the laptop. Then I go to the Register Guard newspaper site and find the following disturbing item about horse deaths in Toppenish, Washington:

TOPPENISH, Wash. — Yakama Nation police are investigating the deaths of at least 11 horses near the southern boundary of the tribe’s reservation over the last few months.

Tribal Council Chairman Harry Smiskin told the Yakima Herald-Republic that few details were available, including whether the deaths are related.

Motorists reported seeing the carcasses from Highway 97 in the Satus Pass area, where thousands of horses roam in herds. Len Schulmeister, the owner of Pine Springs Resort, which is 13 miles north of Goldendale on Highway 97, said he had seen eagles eating at the carcasses of three or four horses.

Speculation has focused on whether the horses were killed as bait by eagle hunters.

Although eagle hunting is illegal, selling the feathers can be lucrative. (source: Register-Guard)
Everything about this story is tragic, including the weird reference to eagle feathers.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Venus Contactee Update

I stumbled on a bit more about Omnec Onec: The case of Omnec Onec, an alleged 'Venusian'. Other Venusian contactees, Venusians, and "walk ins" are mentioned, including Val, or Valiant, Thor.

Omnec came to earth in 1955 from Venus, specifically:
in a town called Teutonia (a city whose name reflects earlier Venus-Earth contacts that included a trip to Venus by a German scientist). She alleges that she lived on an astral plane -- without a physical body -- until she was instructed by her leaders to travel to Earth with a message of peace and brotherhood.
Like many of the Contactees, the 1950s seemed to be the decade. However, as researchers have pointed out, including Nick Redfern (Contactees: A History of Alien-human Interaction) there are plenty of contactees, (reffered to as "hidden contactees")in the world right now; they haven't gone away with the ending of the '50s.
The first International UFO Congress convened in Tucson, Arizona, in November 1991, in the presence of presenters Valery Uvarov and Marina Popovich from Russia; Irina Gracchi from Brazil; Anthony Dodd from England; and Omnec Onec from Venus. A standup survey of the 300-or-so attendees would attest to the fact that Omnec stood out from all other presenters.
I love the following description of Omnec at the conference: silver stilettos, "blood-red" polish:
Omnec had a very high IQ. She seemed to know a little bit about almost everything, and could carry on a conversation with anyone about anything. She also had a considerable degree of physical charm: Maybe it was the Chicago accent combined with blood-red nail polish, combined with spiked silver heels - which collectively upstaged her alien intelligence, like the floating vixen in a magic show.
Continuing the Contactee/Venusian theme, here's a clip of researcher Greg Bishop (UFO Mystic blog, author of Project Beta,) speaking on the Contactee era at Gaint Rock, California.

Related items:
Women From Venus
Venusians, brought to you by Burlington UFO and Paranormal Research Center

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Blog Find: Investigating Discarnate Intelligence

Visiting the Phantoms and Monsters website, found this link to a very interesting blog: Investigating Discarnate Intelligence. Personal accounts with insightful comments. Here's some from the "about this blog" section:
The aim of this blog is to provide a platform for musings on the nature of what are often termed
"discarnate entities" or "spirits". Such beings can be contacted in a variety of ways, utilising a plethora of techniques, and have taken a central role in human life for countless centuries and across all continents.

While not necessarily taking a solid standpoint with regards to the definitive nature of such entities, the intention is to explore the phenomena associated with them as they are experienced: that is phenomenologically - what might be called an "as if" approach.

Related links:
Phantoms and Monsters (blog)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

An Orange Orb Blip

Something slightly odd and startling happened the other day. It was around 5:30 in the afternoon. I was relaxing on the sofa, not asleep but just in that semi-drowsy, pleasant light trance state. I had a short little dream -- a dreamlet, you could call it -- but I was awake on some level at the same time.

I “dreamt” I had a strong urge to go outside and look at the sky full of stars. (this is something I do almost every evening) and I walk out onto the path to the sidewalk, and scan the dark sky. I hear a voice inside my head, or more like a telepathic nudge, to turn around and look towards the south. I do, and see, very high up, a bright orange light, which is rotating. As far away as it is, and as small as it is -- like a large, bright star -- I can tell it’s revolving. When I see this orange “star” I’m very scared, and I can feel my stomach drop with cold dread.

I wake up abruptly, feeling very uneasy. With the sighting of the orange object I again am aware of a telepathic message; this one tells me that I know exactly what it is I saw years ago, and to stop playing games. I assume it meant stop playing games with myself, but I had a sense it might have meant with it as well, whatever “it” is.

I’m not sure why I feel it’s important to keep track of episodes like this, but I’m sure one of the many purposes doing this serves is that is simply makes me feel better. No closer to any mystery but I don’t think that’s the point any more. Acknowledging these weird little moments and adding them to the collection of pieces gives the illusion of work, of study. It’s calming somehow. It’s also empowering; once you call it, reclaim the name of something, it’s power diminishes.

And maybe, as has been said by Forteans and esoteric explorers, the Trickster or whatever you want to call it is alerted to our interest and responds. When we start noticing “it,” “it” starts to notice us back.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Mac Tonnies on Coast to Coast tonight, and The Trickster. . .

Tonight's guest on Coast to Coast: Mac Tonnies.

Speaking of C2C, I listened to just a few minutes of last night's program, and found last night's guest Christopher O'Brien extremely interesting. (Who mentioned Tonnies by the way, in terms of researchers, thinkers and writers considering the alien-ETH vs. Trickster/Something else idea.) O'Brien has a new book:
Stalking the Trickster, which of course I will have to read. (I wonder why O'Brien didn't mention George Hansen and his work, The Trickster and the Paranormal? Maybe he did and I didn't catch it.) O'Brien, who has been investigating UFO, cattle mutes and other UAD's, high strangeness in general, etc. in Colorado, is the author of several articles on these events as well as three books about the strange happenings in Colorado's San Luis Valley. O'Brien, who has had his own UFO experiences, has come to a place where he thinks much more is going on than a simplistic ET explanation.

Round and round we go it seems, for no one can dismiss the Trickster behavior in so much of UFO and other weird areas (Fortean, paranormal, etc.) and yet... and
yet. Isn't is possible it's both? Maybe I want to cling to this idea because I find both possibilities equally intriguing: space beings from Mars, and ultra/inter dimensional, terrestrial other . . .

Or, it could be some of the aliens are capable of manifesting such behaviors so ancient and convoluted they appear to be beyond what's now become a jaded explanation for some: the ET. I think some consider ET to be advanced technologically, but don't go beyond that. Aliens, some of them anyway, could very well be exceedingly capable of performing all kinds of feats that appear almost magical to us, and so, we call them angels, or demons, or Tricksters, or inter-dimensional whatevers. And maybe some of the ETs are all of those things, and it's all in the naming. Angels and demons are ET, or the aliens are angels and demons? Same thing, different names, different human created constructs made to control and indoctrinate. Meanwhile, the ETs/angels/demons are doing their thing, and they don't care what we call them.

Ancient time warping groovy effects inter-dimensional, or aliens from space? Why couldn't the space-man from Mars be perfectly capable of performing tricks for our entertainment? Why force the space being into a box; aliens are supposed to act this way, and if they don't, they're something else. Why do we think we can figure them out, predict their behaviors, assume their motivations, presume their cultures and their abilities?

It's possible some ETs mimic other non-human behaviors: ghosts, or who knows what. Fairies, angels, gods. . . an alien very well might want to confuse us, or maybe, it's just playing around. They could know how to manipulate things that stress our credibility: we can accept there are aliens on Mars (or wherever) and can travel in UFOs, but they can't visit us on the astral plane. When that happens, we shift from alien to something else; angel, god, ultra terrestrial, etc. Maybe it's as simple as it seems: aliens can manipulate a lot more than we think.

Often when we talk about ET we present it as if there is just one kind of ET. "ET" we say, as if it's a single entity. It seems pretty obvious there are many kinds of ET (Dr. Greer's didactic list of specific numbers excluded) and some of these aliens are advanced not just technologically, but in so many other ways as well.

Check out my published content!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Book: "UFOs, Time Slips, Other Realms and the Science of Fairies"

A nice review of the bookBlows Against The Empire-The ET Hypothesis Comes Under Attack In...
UFOs, Time Slips, Other Realms and the Science of Fairies,
by Edwin Sidney Hartland; additional material by Tim Beckley, Sean Casteel, Brent Raynes and Tim R. Swartz, on UFO Digest by Sean Casteel. The book sounds intriguing and I'm ordering it right away. The book deals with the issue of ET vs. "fairy" or rather, terrestrial entities we assume or interpret as ET. As Casteel writes:

... there is another interpretation, one which, while it is taken quite seriously by premiere UFO researchers like Jacques Vallee, remains a definite minority point of view: What if what we are witnessing and experiencing actually originates on Earth and has been here throughout mankind's struggle to understand the strange environment he finds himself thrust into? Are the diminutive gray aliens so frequently claimed to have visited hapless mortals as they lay abed really just a variation on millennia of old folklore about fairies, changelings, elves and other forms of wee people?

That is the primary thrust of this 2008 release from Global Communications, called "UFOs, Time Slips, Other Realms and the Science of Fairies." The bulk of the book is a reprint of a much older book by Edwin Sidney Hartland, in which he offers a wonderful overview of the folklore of fairies and other mysterious creatures that frequently cross over from their shadowy dimension to enter ours.

This is Vallee territory (among others) as well of course, and I don't disagree. But I acknowledge I have a bias for the reality of ET as well, and I don't see why the explanation needs to be an either/or one. Isn't it possible there are at least two concurrent reasons for phenomena like this, one being literal extraterrestrials from outer space (whether from our own solar system or beyond)? It's also possible one manipulates the other for our benefit -- in order to deceive, which is one characteristic of the phenomena. There's also a symbiotic relationship between us and "them," -- all of "them" -- whoever "they" are, of course.

Looking forward to reading this book.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Shermer's Gorilla Suit Man

Michael Shermer, uber-skeptoid and professional debunker, did an experiment at the recent 2009 Science, Technology and Research Symposium in Charleston to show that Mothman (which he admits to knowing nothing about), Bigfoot (to which he says he does) and other paranormal/Fortean/esoteric/anomalous phenomena are figments of over-active imaginations, but more than that,illustrations of why we lie:
We already know that people lie; that happens all the time. ... The more interesting question is why do people fall for it," he said.

In other words, people who speak of witnessing UFOs or other strange events, are lying.

Sure, people lie about their experiences. They elaborate, embroider, exaggerate and outright lie. They hoax and they pull pranks. They're delusional and mentally ill, they're alcoholics and drug abusers. Some people. And for some people in that category, they present to the world tales of UFOs, strange creatures, aliens and visits to Venus.

Those aside, thousands upon thousands more people without that baggage -- and even with some of that baggage, does not automatically exclude the experience of such phenomena or cause it -- have encounters with the weird that cannot be explained by tired exercises into so-called rationality. Such as Shermer's. (Warning: ad hom ahead. "Smirking Shermer" as I like to call him. Come on, the man smirks for crying out loud. He's so taken with himself.)

Shermer instructs an audience to watch a video of basket ball players, watching for:
the number of times six young people passing basketballs, three of them in white shirts and three in black shirts. He asked the crowd to count how many times the three in white shirts passed the basketball to each other.

Afterward, Shermer had the crowd call out answers. Then he played the video again, telling everyone just to relax and not worry about counting passes this time. And to the amazement of many, about halfway through a person in a monkey suit walked from out-of-frame into the middle of the scene, paused, gave a friendly wave and then promptly walked off screen.

This proves, says Shermer, that people see what they want to see. Er, that means we don't want to see a man in a gorilla suit at the Lakers game?

What it says to me is this: when something weird and unexpected happens, especially in the midst of a mundane event, like a basketball game, we don't notice it. Which then means , that the weird, the unexpected, like say, a Mothman or a Bigfoot, even a UFO, goes right by us. It literally can be in front of our noses and we won't deal with the strangeness. In fact, when something highly unusual is going on, and the one or two people who do happen to be aware of it point it out to others, most people refuse to even look to see for themselves.

Shermer had his own out of body experience. Under laboratory conditions, don't you know. Which proves that no such thing as astral projection and OOBEs occur, since it can be recreated in the laboratory:
Shermer said he once had an out-of-body experience successfully recreated under laboratory conditions. It had nothing to do with his consciousness actually leaving his body.

This is another standard, and very tired meme of the uber-skeptic: that because something paranormal/anomalous can be recreated in the lab, it doesn't exist. Rather, it doesn't exist paranormally; of course it exists, they just recreated it! (The same is said of hoaxes, as the recent hoaxed UFO lights showed: to the skeptoid, UFO hoaxes "proves" that UFOs don't exist.)

Why do we insist upon "believing weird things" as Shermer so often phrases this conundrum of human existence? It has to do with evolution:
As for the reason people believe strange things, Shermer said it is rooted in humanity's evolutionary history and its psychological drive to connect invisible causes to the events around them. That movement in the grass may be the wind or it could be a predator.

Or fairies! It's fairies!

If we think of the movement in the grass as a predator, we're good ... Shermer concludes that if we think the worst: "better safe than sorry" then we believe that forces control the things we can't explain. Like a lion in the grass? Huh?

Shermer's presentation didn't prove a thing, but of course, the choir he preaches to think otherwise.

Soure: Science vs. ESP: Skeptic Ponders UFOs, Mothman

Monday, February 16, 2009

Jack "Rab-a-doo" Parsons and the Invisible Aliens

So the other night I had another OOBE experience. This time I made it all the way up to the ceiling. I was thumping against it, even. I knew, with absolute certainty, that "they" were here, just on the other side of the roof; outside. Them and their spaceship. Truly, just three feet away from me was a UFO and its aliens. They were expecting me to come to them. I was, as usual, full of contradictory feelings. Terrified and stubborn, resisting. I didn't want anything to do with them. And, frustrated as hell because I couldn't get past the damn ceiling; couldn't go all the way. So here I am, thump thump thump, hovering above my body in the bed below.

They decide to give me a few books by, and about, Jack "Rabadoo." With typical trickster-dream -land behavior, it was perfectly understood by all of us that they meant Jack Parsons, but for some reason that wasn't clear to me, they kept calling him Jack "Rabadoo," not Parsons. Somehow, they teleported the books through the ceiling and into my hands, and were extremely insistent that I read the books as soon as possible. Moreover, they shoved a dust jacket of a Parsons, er, Rabadoo, I mean Parsons, book. The dust jacket was great vintage cover art of the time, but, no book. The title of the book, according to the dust jacket, was about UFOs, and titled something like Jack Parsons, um, Rabadoo, ... and UFOs: What You Need to Know.

"They" were insistent I read this book above all others. Okay, fine, I told them. But how am supposed to find this rare book, and pay for it, when you could just teleport the damn book through the wall?! Here they are, hovering UFO, floating and bobbing in the night sky right outside my roof, passing books through the wall, but they can't come up with the book they want me to read?

At this point, I'm extremely frustrated. I realize that, while I know the aliens are here, I can't see them. I still can't see them. I start screaming at them: "Why can't I see your faces?!" I'm very angry, and, scared. After all these years, I still haven't seen their faces, and I'm fed up. "Show yourselves, damn it!" I scream. "Why can't I see your faces?!"

The Next Morning

I tell my husband that I had another scary alien dream. He said, "I know." I asked him how did he know? He said: "Don't you remember telling me last night?" Turns out I woke up around 4:00 am to use the bathroom, he was still up, writing. I told him I was having "another weird scary alien dream" and he was sympathetic, and I said "Yeah, it's really scary, I don't like it, not at all." and went back to bed. I don't remember any of that.

Okay, So Who Was Jack Parsons?

Apparently one fascinating man. I don't know much about Parsons, and have yet to read books by, or about, him, though I plan to. I've been meaning to for some time since Adam Gorightly told me about him. Google Parsons, follow the links here. . . very simply, Parsons was a rocket scientist, co-founder of JPL, and very seriously, deeply, into magick. Friends with Crowley, friends with Hubbard.

I hadn't been thinking about Parsons, Crowley, Scientology, or rockets lately, so I have no idea where all that came from.

Monday, December 29, 2008

New blog: Saucer Sightings

The only reason I started this new blog, Saucer Sightings, was to keep all of my UFO sightings in one place. I got tired of rewriting any particular sighting I've had. This way, they're archived in one place. I can use it as a referral: "see my blog entry on my triangle sighting here" kind of thing. There isn't much there yet, and it really won't be much other than a chronology of specific sightings and encounters. It will also include specific paranormal encouners, like ghost sightings, etc. Which, this blog was kind of, sort of, intended to be when I started it a few years ago. But as you can see, it's become much more than that!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Sometimes There Is A Buzz, Sometimes There Isn't . . .

An Evening With Fellow Saucer Heads
I spent the evening with fellow saucer-heads, including a MUFON person. We watched a video of one of Jim Sparks' talks.

The Alien Presence; Or, Not . . .

I've written before about how, when sitting around talking about UFOs, "they" suddenly appear. This has been confirmed by others. It's a distinct feeling, a consistent feeling. While watching the video, and before that, as we went around introducing ourselves, I wondered if "they' would drop by. It's been quite awhile since I've been to a gathering like this. (The last time the aliens dropped in for a listen was in my home, and there were four of us present.) So here we were, many of us with all kind of UFO experiences, including abductions and telepathic experiences, meetings with UFO bigwigs -- quite an eclectic and "serious" gathering of people with UFO interests.

But no hint of "them" dropping by. So I wonder what causes them to stop in and listen, and why they don't other times. Is it random? Is it based on intent and energies of the people involved? Are they interested in just one, or a few, individuals, and are tracking them?

I was looking forward to this meeting, and wanted to stay for the discussion afterwards, but suddenly I was hit with an overwhelming tiredness. I literally couldn't keep my eyes open. Even now I'm exhausted, yet can't stop myself from posting this. Watching the video, I felt both interested, and agitated. I couldn't wait to get out of there. It had nothing at all to do with the company or anything else; I just felt extremely tired.


Sparks mentioned something about feeling different levels of energy when the aliens are around. The closer they are, the stronger the electrical feeling one gets. Maybe there was something in reverse at work tonight. Something draining energy, instead of giving it.

Following this idea of reversal; I was talking with a woman who has had her own telepathic experiences regarding alien entities. I mentioned how there are so many active, professional negative debunkers out there who attack -- and worse. They are on a mission. I asked, rhetorically, why are they so damn intent on doing this? As cliche and trite as it sounds, what are they afraid of?

She wondered if it might be an outcome of abduction from a different intelligence. As many abductees -- like Jim Sparks, who speaks about his process from fear to responsibility and care for the earth (his work regarding the rain forests, etc.) maybe others are also being abducted by a different set of beings, who instill some kind of counter active compulsion in people.

Owl Synchronicity
Owls are sometimes associated with UFOs; appearing as a kind of screen image to hypnotize or lead the UFO witness into the alien realm. Sparks mentions seeing a large projected image of owls before being taken -- or "pulled" as he puts it -- many other UFO writers and experiences have mentioned this as well. During the documentary Sparks showed they showed a giant floating owl image on the wall to represent what Sparks would sometimes see.

So I come home from the meeting tonight, get on-line, click on my home page which is the animal rescue site, click on rainforest and there it is, a large white owl staring right at me; the same kind of owl that Sparks showed; big and white. (owl shown here is not owl shown in video.)


Sparks refers to being pulled, meaning, taken. He describes the literal pulling feeling on his legs, this after first hearing roaring, rushing sounds and energy swirling upwards from his solar plexus, the rushing roaring sounds becoming louder and louder, and then the pulling. I've had this same sensation many times; the last two being particularly interesting, having its own distinct paranormal vibe. My Utterly Completely Wondrous New Age OOBE

going around and around with all this stuff, all this UFO alien experiencer abductee stuff, one eventually reaches one of two conclusions. One, as far out, far fetched, even downright mad as it sounds, you begin to realize there's a lot of consistency out there, a lot of people out there telling their stories. So it's probably true, in some way. . . Aliens are here, get over it. The second conclusion is, we're all mentally ill or liars.

I've had my share of experience, as have family members, as have many people I've discussed this with, and there are consistencies of experience that are downright eerie. In other words, maybe we should be taking these things literally and at face value.

Yes, But . . .

But, I'm not ready to go there yet. Memories of abductions and other UFO high strangeness could be infinitely messed with, it seems, by aliens, so how do we know the experience we remember is the one that really happened?

That's a moot point though, because, even if that's true, the fact is: we are still left with very weird experiences. It doesn't explain a thing. Quibbling about the thin layers of differences, similarities and downright impossibility of such events doesn't change the fact they're happening.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Little Experiment: Pendulums, Telepathy and Aliens

I have an article up at UFO Digest on my personal experience with UFOs and aliens: A Little Experiment: Pendulums, Telepathy and Aliens
Three different times I’ve had the eerie experience of knowing that “they” were in the room with us. Who “they” are, I’m not sure, but a few things I just know to be true are: “they” are related to UFOs, “they” are not human, and yet have a connection to us, and “they” are very much aware of us; far more than we are of them

You might be wondering what Popyeye and Jeep have to do with anything; well, read it and you'll find out!

Check out my published content!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Brad Steiger: Alien Memories and Dreams

Brad Steiger has Alien Memories and Dreams over on UFO Digest. I found this interesting because the subject of dreams, memories, aliens, and UFOs is a part of my own experience.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Tiny White Orb

A small white lighted sphere comes to visit -- twice.

About thirteen years ago, I was doing a lot of work with meditation and crystals. At that time I was experiencing a lot of precognitive dreams and “flashes” (sudden pictures “inserted” into my mind of what was to come, and sure enough, within the next forty eight hours or so, the premonition came true.) Some UFO stuff in there as well.

One experience I had one day was very strange. I woke up and turned over, to see my husband sitting on the edge of the bed. Just sitting there. Very strange, for he isn’t the sit around type; it’s not like him to just “sit there” -- and not be saying something, or doing something. Nope, he was just sitting there, very still, very quiet. It was unnerving.

Then I noticed a dime sized ball of light “dancing” around on his back. This wasn't an orb like a spirit/ghost orb, but a ball of light; solid, and very bright. This light -- and I had the distinct impression it was intelligent in some way -- was moving all over my husband's back. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out where that light was coming from. I moved, which should have done two things: make my husband (“George,”) move, say something, acknowledge my presence, and two, block the light; block the light source. But neither happened. George continued to sit there, perfectly still, and the dancing light continued to bop merrily along.

Very weird.

I felt strange, not psychically, but emotionally. So I went back to sleep. When I woke up, I almost had a heart attack. Because I woke up, found George sitting on the side of the bed, saw the same dancing light. What was going on? The difference this time was that when I spoke to George, he responded. He turned towards me. The light went away when he turned towards me and started talking.

I have no idea what that was; UFO/alien related, or what. But I cannot stress strongly enough that the first time, I was awake. AWAKE. NOT dreaming. NOT foggy, half in half out, nothing of the kind. I was as awake as I am now. AWAKE, I tell you. As awake as I am now.

Even though I didn’t see a UFO or aliens, or remember any kind of UFO related dream, I have a nagging feeling it’s related to UFOs somehow. And yet, at the same time, not neccesarily UFOs from outer space; there's a "fairy" kind of connection. I know this sounds odd at first, but recently I've been thinking about these connections (again) and in doing so, remembered this experience. But either way, the experience was definitely among the weirder things I’ve encountered.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Scared? Probably, But It’s Not What You Think

(And hey Jeremy, if you’re reading this . . .)

My husband listened to the interview I did with Jeremy Vaeni on his Culture of Contact podcast tonight for the first time. Regarding the whole hypnosis thing, he said, concerning the decades between then and now, that “enough time has gone by” to go about this calmly. He, as well as myself , have gone from avoiding the issue pretty much (he wouldn’t even talk about it for years) to seriously considering regression.

In that interview, I mentioned that it’s fear that’s been keeping me from going under. That’s true, but, while I’ve told myself it’s fear of the aliens or whatever they are, my husband said something that was interesting:
What if we find out nothing happened?

What if we find out that there were no aliens, no orbs or craft or UFOs? Just, a big fat nothing. I admit that that’s been a silent, tiny thought at the back of my mind. I picture a small, slimy black-green paisley shaped entity slithering about in the deep shadows of my brain, daring me to go there and find out what it really is.

Interesting comment: “What if we find out nothing happened?”

Which is more frightening? Aliens of some kind, or a big nothing? If it’s a big nothing, then what did we experience? Why did we experience missing time? (twice too.) Were we, are we, nuts? Drugged without our knowledge?

At least with aliens, it’s a done deal. Still frightening, probably, but also something you can point to and say “Ha! It was them all along, the bastards!”

If it turns out to be a big blank, there’s nothing to grab onto.

There’s also the possibility that it isn’t quite a big black nothing, but not aliens either, just something silly. Like seeing a big pumpkin on the road, and, tired from the long drive on the back of a motorcycle, dozed off and had a dream about flying glowing pumpkins that chased us all over the road. (That later led to dreams of being held against my will under bright white paralyzing light, while "they" whom I could sense, though not see, were watching me from above. While I stood there paralyzed, screaming like I've never screamed in my life, as they dragged my husband away. As I spent months afraid to go to sleep. As I continued to have more UFO sightings. And felt "their" whoever "they" are, in the room with me; confirmed by others. My foreknowledge of the appearance of UFOs. The many times I floated out the door with the help of my little friends when I was a kid. You know, like that.)

So here we have the unknown, and faced with fear. Maybe it's the memory of the fear (those damn dreams were fucking frightening and still give me the creeps when I remember them all these years later) rather than the fear itself. Maybe by now it's settled into a dull anxiety.

Meanwhile, there's still bills to pay and dishes and laundry and the stuff of everyday living, that could give a damn if you've seen aliens or not.


Sunday, December 30, 2007

Finding Paranormal References

Before I started writing non-fiction here in the UFO blogging world, I wrote a lot of prose, fiction, short stories, poems. My background is in creative writing; I was involved in public poetry readings, had my own little poetry rag going for a while, had some things published, editor of the arts magazine in college, creative writing workshops and programs, that kind of thing.

The other night I was going through my work, and came across a poem/prose piece I wrote a good ten years ago. Don’t worry, I’m not going to post the three pages of that piece here, but I found this stanza interesting:

All around our pink stucco house grow
gardenia, jasmine, honeysuckle,
I sit on the red concrete porch at dusk
and stroke the waxy leaves
of the yellowing brown gardenias,
crush the tiny twinkly jasmine petals,
lifting the tips of my fingers to my nose
inhaling and inhaling until I can’t smell anymore
I eat the crushed petals
I suck the juice from the honeysuckle
I hear crickets and freeway noises.

My mother and I look for spaceships in the night sky.

Where did that come from?

Then there’s this stanza:

I can taste the smoky scent of Natasha’s incense,
the tiny cones ashy red in the bronze turtle
that holds these foreign sticks of scents
I keep my gaze on the thin yellow line of light
that glows under the bedroom door.

I know if I do this long enough I will float through wood,
through Chinese red enamel,
past Wanda and Teresa and Nancy and Natasha
into the night, past the pine tree that guards our corner .
. .
~ from The Mother’s Club, Regan Lee

I found it interesting I would include these paranormal/anomalous events in my childhood so causally in an otherwise not paranormal piece.

That last stanza refers to, of course, my many journeys with “them” -- the unseen but seen entities who came for me on many nights, floating me out the door and into the large tree on the corner, where I’d then go into their ship. It always stops at this point however: after I’m in the tree, and see their ship above me, waiting for me, that’s it. All I remember.