Showing posts with label mind control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mind control. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

That Blue Spiral, and More Woman in Red Synchronicity

Many thanks to red pill junkie, who left a comment with the following link on my blog UFO Mary. The link rpj refers to is this:
Norweigan Sky Spiral-- Explained As HAARP/Project Bluebeam Demo at the Towards a New World blog. An excellent piece that includes links to articles that clearly show why the blue spiral in Norway was not a failed missile launch.

HAARP and Project Blue Beam, and in context of other weirdness in the world around the same time, like the BVM's appearance in Egypt, really, a big "duh."

Adding to the Fortean strangeness; I've been writing about the woman in the red hood and synchronicities with that and here's another one; when I went to the New World blog, the image on the left, of the blog's owner Lucretia Heart is a lovely picture of what I assume is her, all in red!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

From Church of UFOlogy: SYNCHRONICITY!

(image source: Crowded; image color manipulated by me.)

A green glow while hunting, that psychic feeling, and synchronicity.

From the Church of UFOlogy, a story about green glows, ufos, and that psychic feeling that "they" know you know they're there.

Two hunters, one who had seen strange green glows coming from below the bluff he was camping at, see the glow again. The first time the hunter saw the glow from his sleeping bag, he was "too tired" to investigate. This strange apathy is common in UFO reports. (I'm reminded of a story a couple I knew about ten years ago told me. Camping in Colorado, they saw a green glow, also in a depression. They investigated, saw a disk shaped craft on the ground, with portholes. They saw beings behind the windows, and some with wands with green glowing tips. The couple acknowledged how strange it was but instead of calling the sheriff, or alerting others, they calmly went back to their tent and went to sleep.) With his hunting partner, they go to look, and see landed ufos, with "men" around them:
At this point I woke my partner up. He became hysterical and wanted to leave. I asked him to control himself for a moment while I looked through the binoculars. As I watched I had the uncanny feeling that the "men" were well aware of my observing them.

The two hunters become hysterical, after witnessing a lot of weirdness, and get the hell out of there. They find a strange object with an insignia that beeps (there's that beeping sound again) and his partner picks it up. Later, one of the hunters has a strange experience on the bus:
Later in Seattle, while riding on a bus, a man sat down beside me wearing a ring that was an exact duplicate of the insignia. His hair was brown and his fingers seemed to be a little long, but other than that, you would never have been able to detect he was other than a human. When I saw the ring my hair stood on end. He got off at a bus stop and I never saw him again. I felt like he was aware that I was "tuned" into who he might be.

The story gets much, much stranger, with elements of MIBS, spooks, psy-ops, contactee stuff,crime, covert head games, and just general flying saucer high strangeness. Definitely worth reading.

Is it true, is part of it true, . . . is part B a screen memory for part A . . . who knows. Does it matter?

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

On UFO Digest: High Strangeness on the Ranch

My most recent, on comparing the Skinwalker ranch events with an older, yet similar case in Colorado: High Strangeness on the Ranch.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Scientology Meme: Mob Mentality

I’m no fan of Scientology, (had a personal negative experience with them involving a family member when I was young) but I’m no fan of organized religions or organized anythings. Like Groucho Marx once said:
I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.

On many esoteric blogs, as well as the anti-esoteric blogs and forums (otherwise known as “skeptics”) there’s been a lot of self righteous anti-Scientology posts. Well, yeah, okay. Let’s go after the Vatican, various Christian sects, Islamic extremists, the Raelians, Buddhists (just because they’re not American and are suspect you know), Yoga, and Jews. Oh, and Wicca. Let’s go after all religions, spiritual and philosophical systems. Get rid of them!

The reasons why so many all over the world are now going after Scientology have to do with its existence on the fringe. Everyone’s gone after all the above mentioned systems; and many of those systems (Catholics, Jews, Muslims) are accepted by mainstream culture. As soon as you step over that line of what’s accepted, you’re fair game. Scientologists, like Mormons and Wiccans for example. are suspect. Their rights to freedoms, in this country anyway, are swept off the table, because, well, they’re weird. And if we think it’s weird, really weird, then we get to vilify. We’ll leave the Methodists alone but don’t be going around saying you’re a Scientologist or practice Wicca. Then we’ll get you. Get you good.

Another reason for the smug sense of being Very Reasonable, is the fear of criticizing religious Muslim extremists for what they are: fanatics. We don't dare go near there for fear of staring up something, or being “anti Muslim” and vilifying an entire group of people.

The same with Judaism, though less so. Everyone from the Left to the Right and in between gets to insist they’re “not anti-Semitic, just anti-Israel,” before they launch into a long winded, often erroneous, mini history of why Israel is so evil. But that aside, most people leave that alone as well. (Wait, no they don’t, look at

The point is, no, I don’t like Scientology. (Although, as with all of these systems, don’t be so quick to throw the baby out with the bath water.) But there are issues far bigger than Scientology to focus your wrath on. The occupation (er, “war”) in Iraq. Global warming/climate changes/whatever the hell you want to call it, we’re all gonna die save the earth damnit, alternative energies, child abuse, elder abuse, domestic abuse, animal abuse (Christ, we’re an abusive species!) poverty, education . . .

I’ve noticed that for those who proudly state they’re “skeptics” -- those very same who remain stubbornly ignorant of the facts when it comes to UFOs, who assume all kinds of wild things regarding the paranormal -- are quick to believe the most paranoid, outlandish things about things they want to annihilate.

I suppose one thing that bothers me in particular about this is the idea that those working so hard towards eliminating or “exposing” Scientology feel so damn proud of themselves, as if they’ve brought us a rare gift from another realm. This rare gift is presented as enlightenment from ignorance and superstition. It's an intellectual coup.

Kind of like what they do with UFO and paranormal topics. There are those within and on the fringe (the chronic skeptics looking in) of UFO studies who insist UFOlogy needs some sort of guild, organization, committee -- some kind of official body --- that will once and for all get rid of all that embarrasses and angers, and keep only what is approved. (Who gets to do the approving, and why, well, you see why it's a problem. . .)

Exercising our right to voice our opinions about these things is one thing, and exposing illegal or unethical methods is a good thing. Other than that, ranting on an almost daily basis, hacking into web sites and calling for blood seems over the top.

What disturbs me is the momentum. Worldwide, people have been unquestioningly and happily joining in protests against Scientology. And it’s this crowd gathering/one-mind vibe that has me worried. At some point, the lines blur: who are the ones acting as a mob, as a single unit, as a controlling mass? That’s scary.

Friday, November 9, 2007

A Strange Anniversary Conversation

Today is our 31st anniversary. Being old and tired, (but hardly bored with each other) (as you’ll soon see why) we agreed to stay home after a long hard day at work, enjoy our bottle of good wine and Trader Joe’s pizza, and each other. Tomorrow, rejuvenated with the weekend vibe (three day weekend for me!) we’ll go out and have fun.

So tonight, of course we’re watching the Larry King program because it’s the UFO show. (More on that later.) My husband, let’s say his name is, er, “George,” was pretty good about remaining quiet, although he managed to interject a good number of outraged sputterings, especially when Oberg was on, but overall, George behaved. It wasn’t until the very end of the program that George said to me:
“We've had weird UFO abductions or whatever happen,at least twice. That one in L.A. was the weirdest.

I did a huge “huh?!” I asked:
What do you mean, ‘at least twice?’ And, what do you mean, the L.A. one was the weirdest?!

In Oregon years ago, we saw the Orange Orb, that followed us on our way back in from Cottage Grove about 30 miles away. That incident included missing time and what I've always maintained a sighting of a silver sphere hovering above a pasture on the way out.

Turns out that’s wrong. At least according to George.

So we shouted at each other -- out of excitement and ‘wtf’s” not in anger -- just your basic abduction confusion:
Me: “What do you mean, that’s wrong! We saw that orb coming back from Cottage Grove when we lived on Friendly St.!”
George: “No, we saw it when we lived on Hilyard."

Oh boy.

So we went round and round, and it turns out, according to George, this is what happened:
1. Something weird happened in L.A.
2. Something weird happened in Oregon, when we lived on Hilaryd St. near the University of Oregon.
3. Something weird happened when we lived off Lorane Highway, at the top of Friendly St.

George: No, no, you’ve combined two different sightings into one thing. Your memory’s been messed with.”

Me: “How do you know it isn’t YOU whose memory wasn’t messed with?”

(I was pretty proud of that one.)

George just looked exasperated. He insists he’s right. I remember it the other way.
I don't remember anything weird at all happening when we lived on Hilyard.

It’s quite possible of course he is right, and does remember the incidents more accurately than I. Regardless, it’s clear we’ve both experienced some very weird things through the years.

L.A. (West Hollywood area)

I remember that one just fine. Well, obviously not all of it. Neither one of us do. If we did, that’d be a different story. But we both agree on this one; we agree it happened, we agree it happened just the way we both remember it. Walking back from our favorite place, Barney's Beanery. What should have taken us an hour at the most -- maybe -- took us a good two hours. When we entered the apartment we commented how odd it was that it was suddenly 4 a.m., then went promptly to bed, only to wake up at four the next afternoon. We slept straight through, very surprised to find that we slept so late!

I did have a few strange UFO dreams back then; one in particular that I call the “Geisha Woman” dream, about a tall chalky white being with huge black wrap around eyes, “pretending” to be female, with me inside a glass domed UFO in space and George in some other part of the UFO. She was very intelligent and very emotionally cold, detached, and didn't give a damn that I was scared and angry that she wouldn't let me see George, who was being kept in another part of the craft.

But the reason why I say it wasn’t the strangest, is because we didn’t see any kind of craft that night. We didn't have a UFO sighting. Not a hint. But George says it’s the weirdest, because we both agree on everything; no arguments about who was where, etc. We agree on where we were coming from, where we were going, that a couple of hours of missing time occurred, that we commented to each other on the oddness of the late hour as we walked into the apartment but also went promptly to bed, not waking up until 4:00 the next day.

Hilyard St. (Eugene, Oregon, near the University of Oregon campus)
Well, don’t remember anything weird there. I mean, aside from the horrid, spoiled, evil fraternity and sorority morons that lived in the frat and "sor" houses surrounding our little apartment. God, what assholes. Other than that, nothing.

I remember a weird “UFO” dream at the time though, about a robotic alien type being entering our apartment and causing problems.

It's while we were living on Hilyard that George insists we saw the silver sphere. We saw it out on Lorane, going out to Cottage Grove. (That part I agree with.) Silver sphere, above a pasture, daytime, a beam of light coming down from underneath the thing. I said to George tonight that I always thought it was weird that a beam of light would be necessary in the daytime.

We agree on the thing we saw, and place, but not the timing. I remember it as on our way out the same time we saw the orange orb which was on the way back. And I remember we were living on Friendly St. at the time, while George insists it was Hilyard.

(One question I have about this is: if the orange orb sighting took place another time, where were we coming back from? The only thing out that direction is . . . Cottage Grove. We didn't know anyone who lived out that way, from our house to Cottage Grove. But as George mentioned, we did just take off and for long rides in the country back then; true. I loved to do that on the motorcycle. It's possible we weren't coming back from anywhere in particular, as in visiting someone, but just out for a drive.)

Friendly St. (Eugene, Oregon, at the corner of Lorane, semi-woodsy rural area in parts)
I remember the orange orb at night, on the way back from Cottage Grove to visit his friend. The friend George says we went to see a year or so earlier when we lived on Hilyard.

George doesn’t remember seeing an orange orb. He does remember me trying to call someone when we went into the house (on Friendly) but I ended up just putting the receiver down. After all who was I going to call? The police? Airport? At that time, I didn't know about MUFON, or anything related to reporting UFO sightings.

Dreams started then too. Awful dreams about being paralyzed in beams of light so strong I could almost see through things. The sense of people -- or beings -- above me. Not being able to move. Screaming my head off for George, who I knew was nearby, but also being taken. Did I just say “taken?” Christ.

George said “Obviously we didn’t have what they wanted,” and I agreed. We’ve never talked about that, but when he said it, it made sense, and I acknowledged I’ve thought that myself many times.

He also said:
“Then again, we’ve both had life long experiences with this weird stuff. Maybe they got what they wanted a long time ago.

George also mentioned the uncomfortable and strong awareness that "they" are present at times. I too have felt that. Last time I felt that was a few years ago in this house we're now in. We've been here about ten years. This feeling that "they" were in the room, listening, watching, was confirmed by others. (One of whom has had her own history, along with many family members, of Bigfoot, haunting and UFO encounters. Connections?)

We don't talk too in depth about these events except for a couple of times a year. It's too close and chilling and just plain weird. We both get highly uncomfortable; anxious and need to stop. And yet, we talk around these things every day.

Something happened, something seemed to have happened a few times with the both of us. Neither one of us remembers actually seeing any beings. It’s as if we’ve come up only so close to this phenomena, and then, a steel door seals shut on us.

Oh, and please, someone tell me it was just sleep paralysis. I dare you.

I’m still not willing to say we were abducted. I can’t say that, because I don’t even remember seeing aliens, let alone being inside a craft, or being rudely probed, etc.

But something happened. While obviously there are trickster mind control alien game playing shenanigans going on with screen or cover memories, the reality is, something very real -- just highly strangely real -- occurred. And more than once.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

UFOexperiences blog: On the (UFO) Road Again

From Aileen Garoutte's UFOexperiences blog, an unnerving story of one young man's UFO sighting. In this case, it isn't the UFO itself that's so unnvering:
The following case has no involvement with MUFON but it is a case that represents the most blatant kind of injustice we have ever encountered. We were given the case in 1988 and at the time of writing this book, we are actively engaged in finding some recourse for the victim. I say victim because that is what he surely was - and is.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

New things at Mating Hedgehogs

Bought myself the "U.S. vs. John Lennon" CD; in honor of that, there's a few things over on the Mating Hedgehogs blog related to Lennon, ufos, and mind control. There's also a poll; take a look, vote.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Flash of Light and Wow! Crop Circle!

The Crop Circle Mystery, byline: Lewis Cowen, for the Gazette and Herald. A flash of light, and a crop circle appears, where none was a couple of hours earlier;Winston Keech, a "dedicated UFO hunter" and a Norwegian film maker, Terje Toftenes, filmed the event:
At around 1.35am on July 7 Mr Keech, helped by Mr King, completed the last sweep of the area using a camera equipped with night vision. No formation was visible in the field.

Then it became intensely dark and nothing was seen. But at 3.13am there was a flash of what Mr Keech described as sheet lightning.

It appeared on the video footage and lasted four microseconds. Twenty minutes later, at 3.20am, there was enough light to make out the formation in the field below.

It was one of the largest ever seen. It measured 1,033 feet long and consisted of 150 circles, the largest of which was 164ft across.

For years, witnesses have said they've seen small spheres, lights, and other ariel phenomenon around crop circles. Witnesses have also reported "pyschic" communications in connection with the circles, or, circle makers. I remember reading an article in, I think, UFO magazine about ten years ago, where the crop circle researcher (don't receall the name, but I don't think it was Colin Andrews) who said he had mentioned to a friend, standing alone in a field, something about Hebrew letters. The next day, there was a huge crop circle in the field, with, yes, Hebrew letters.

I know my little theory isn't the popular one, but I'm convinced the crop circles, as with the one reported on here, are the results of some kind of military technology. In my opinion, crop circles aren't made by extraterrestrials, or earth elementals, or inter-dimensional entities. Nor are they all made by Doug and Dave -- who, by the way, surely must be too aged to go tramping about in dark fields with ropes and planks -- or self styled guerilla artists having fun.

I think soon it'll come out that crop circles are man made. It'd be very wonderful if they were the communications of elementals; but I doubt it. It's possible, as with the Contactees of the 1940s, 50s and 60s, that we'll never know the real cause. (I suspect the Contactees were victims of our government as well) but we'll just have to see.

I don't rule out paranormal or ET explanations, but I don't see them as being the most likely.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Green Electric

Green Electric
I feel strange writing about this. Yes, me, who urges others to share their stories of the anomalous with others, and not be afraid of what others may think. I hesitate because it sounds off the wall. (I know, it’s ironic, isn’t it? I can hear some people now; “as if missing time, etc. isn’t off the wall?”)

Last night, I had two very strong “episodes.” I was in bed, but awake. (I had just turned off the radio in fact.) I began hearing inside me, inside my head strong clickings and what I can best describe as electrical buzzings, whirrings, and beeps. It was very loud, and very weird. I’ve had this before to some degree, but never this strong. It was, to put it succinctly, freaking me out. At the same time, I was “seeing” this hint of green light -- like green lines, or machines, or green glowing beings -- I “knew” they were there. I “saw” them in my mind’s eye, but of course, when I opened my eyes, they weren’t there. This strong electrical, shocking feeling, was still there. I was afraid to move. It felt a bit like the feeling you get when the chiropractor or acupuncturist puts those electrical things on you, only much much stronger.

As if that wasn’t enough, then I started to leave my body. I was very aware of having, or about to have, an OBE (out of body experience.) I became very frightened at this point and managed to get up, “shake it off,” and then try to go back to sleep.

Then it just happened all over again! “They” or “it” wasn’t going to give up. I couldn’t dispel the unpleasant feeling of some very unpleasant entities around. I couldn’t see them (though I never got the sense of any “grays”) but I felt them. They were responsible for the electric feeling throughout my entire body. It was as if someone had just plugged my entire body into an outlet.

I once again managed to pull myself out of this, and after awhile, go back to sleep. I was a little afraid of going to sleep, but it was about two in the morning and I had to get up at six for work.
I’ve had these weird type of electric, buzzing sensations before; not only in connection with some UFOs, but in some cases of hauntings and precognitive experiences. Obviously there’s a connection there. Or possibly they’re different things but it triggers the same “thing,” the same mechanism.

The Green Glowy Screen Thing
I wrote about a similar episode some time back here on The Orb some where a green “matrix” like computer screen image was scrolling inside my head. (Jesus, that sounds kooky, doesn’t it?) It was one of those “mind postcards,” as I call them. It was from somewhere “out there” and had no business being in my mind’s eye, but there it was. There was the definite knowledge it was intentionally inserted there.

What It Means
I have no idea. I think it’s part of a connection to not only other, “higher selves” but things that are both outside of me (possibly entities, etc.) as well as within. We’re electric beings, and we’re all connected in some way. For all I know, it could be blocked chakras; I’m not being facetious. It’s possible some part of me is trying to connect with something out there, and wake me up to it. Or, the other way around.

It could also be something less “spiritual” and more sinister: government spooks engaged in MILAB mind control stuff. That’s pretty bleak though.

Whatever it is, it’s been something occurring throughout my life.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

"Course in Miracles" Government Mind Control?

This is a juicy piece of psy op mind control business regarding the “Course in Miracles” books, popular New Age stuff awhile back.
According to Dr. Helen Schucman and the Foundation for Inner Peace (FIP), Dr. Helen Schucman and Dr. William Thetford "scribed" the book by means of a process coming from a divine source through a form of channeling which Schucman referred to as "inner dictation". Schucman described the divine source of her channeling as none other than the person of Jesus Christ. Well.....Dr. William Thetford, headed the CIA's "Mind Control" MK-ULTRA SubProject 130: Personality Theory, while at Columbia University between 1971 - 1978.

Read the whole piece here:
A COURSE IN MIRACLES - A CIA Manipulation Device ?