Sunday, October 14, 2012

Phillip Coppens on Coast to Coast Tonight: Lost Civilizations

Lost Civilizations - Shows - Coast to Coast AM

The Absurd Bits

I wrote this in August of 2011 for Tim Binnall's Binnall of America site. I still think these are important points. You can read the whole piece at Binnall, here's an excerpt:Trickster's Realm: "Absurd Bits" in Fortean Phenomena

Reading one of my favorite esoteric Fortean authors Colin Bennett right now: Flying Saucers Over the White House; The Inside Story of Captain Edward J. Ruppelt and His Official U.S. Airforce Investigation of UFOs. I'm only just into it, but, as usual when I read Bennett, there is so much rich, juicy and insightful right on stuff it's exhilarating. It's almost too much, one quick brilliant statement after another. One of the numerous gems is the "psychosocial filter" as Bennett calls it concerning UFO (and, I'll add, paranormal events in general) witness experiences:
It is an amusing feature of the Western mind that those people who have had a UFO experience of any kind are judged to be people least worthy of analyzing that experience." [Bennett]
The witness is often treated as an afterthought, or even an embarrassment. And all is lost if the witness has things that clogs up that "psychosocial filter":
The courts of "proper" debate rule out any odd, highly individualized, comic, or ludicrous or absurd elements. Here we see the most tragic-comic emblem of mankind's philosophy: get rid of the nutcases and there will be revealed the shining truth. [Bennett: 39]

"Just give us the reptoids" | De Void

I want the reptoid stuff too! Although I think they're living underground in the L.A. sewer system and not on Mars. On Mars, that's a whole different alien thing going on. Billy Cox's comment in the comment section is a good explanation on why it's necessary to post stories like this in UFO Land. Just give us the reptoids | De Void

UFOs, et al: ECETI Ranch UFOs Ignored

UFOs, et al: For seasoned UFO watchers, happenings at the ECETI Ranch in Washington State are nothing new, but we were directed by the Sky Brothers on September 30, 2012 to feature it on this website. Why? Because so much positive out-of-this-world activity happens there and it’s being squelched by the media and drowned out by coverage of grey aliens and the dark side of UFO phenomena.
I haven't (yet) been to the ECETI Ranch, but I know people who have been there. Amazing things are seen there, indeed. I can't comment to any direct experience of course. But I find the above statement interesting in terms of dichotomy. Whatever, whoever, aliens are, one thing seems pretty obvious: there's more than one type. And the dark side exists, like it or not. I have known many people involved with UFOs who reject any discussion of this so-called "dark side" of the phenomena. I don't deny anyone's experience, or interpretation, but I find it frustrating when I come across such naive responses.

It is fascinating what's happening at the ranch, and, the fact that government agencies are involved, various news media have been out there and yet, the MSM continues to ignore the events happening there. On the other hand, shouldn't be too surprised. And while the general culture indulges in the negative, regardless of topic, it's our human failing. Ignoring it exists is also a failing. Somewhere there's a balance. That can only happen when we're completely honest to what's going on; good, bad, indifferent. 

UFO Magazine - UFO Magazine Blog - From Jahel to Dulce: The Fascinating Life of Cherry�Hinkle

Adam Gorightly has a good piece over at the UFO Magazine blog. It's an interview with UFO researcher Cherry Hinkle, who's been looking into UFOs for a very long time. Hinkle is both a researcher and a contactee. UFO Magazine - UFO Magazine Blog - From Jahel to Dulce: The Fascinating Life of Cherry Hinkle.
I have been a contactee since a preschool child. Beings contacted me every two years; no matter if I lived in the United States or elsewhere. At the age of 8, I was reading the works of Madame Helene Blavatsky, and understanding the occult. The unusual and the paranormal was my average day.

By the early 1960’s I had already experienced enough unusual events that I felt confident I would never be unnerved by a strange event. But I was mistaken.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Heyday of Rock on Coast to Coast Tonight

Host John B. Wells, with Leslie West of Mountain, Paul Rodgers of Bad Company, Jacasady of Jefferson Airpland, and Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull. Heyday of Rock - Shows - Coast to Coast AM Links to artist sites at Coast to Coast.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Ecto-Ville: Alien Vampires and Bigfoot Ghosts

Somewhat related to the post below, in a round about way, on my ghost blog Ecto-ville:Ecto-Ville: Alien Vampires and Bigfoot Ghosts

Glowing Eyed Annunaki

 Marshall Klarfeld: The Anunnaki Were Here
Our subconscious does strange things when you're sick, on pain meds, and listen to Coast to Coast in the dark.

Last night's guest on C2C was Marshall Klarfeld author of The Anunnaki Were Here!  A fascinating interview. (I bought the Kindle version of the book this morning.) Klarfeld's take on things alien expands the theories of Zecharia Sitchin. Klarfeld's research shows that there are ancient structures all over the planet that have to do with gold mining, which is, "as Ancient Alien Theorists contend" the reason for the Annunaki presence on our planet. Here's a blurb on the book from his site:
THE ANUNNAKI WERE HERE, Marshall's new book contains over 95 color pictures introducing his new theory of "washboard gold mining" by the Anunnaki. This book may rank as one of the 10 Most Important Archaeological Finds of the 21st Century.
I liked Marshall Klarfeld's approach; open to other, concurrent theories as well, it seems pretty straightforward the Anunnaki were once here, given all the evidence. As he put it, the pieces of the puzzle just fit, in giving support for the idea that the Anunnaki were (and still are) present on the earth.

Glowing Eyed Annunaki
So in my drugged state, while listening to the program, I had the following dream:

Jim and I are in Egypt. It's night, and we're a bit lost. We find ourselves on a large path, like a promenade, by the sea. (A recurring dream symbol for me.) We have to make it to our plane, or some kind of transportation to leave the next day, but in the meantime, we have to find a place to hang out for the night. We're a little worried about having all our papers, and making it to where we have to be the next day in time.

Not many people around here at night. Just the reflections of distant lights onto he dark water. We pass by the back of a large building, like a hotel, but there's no name or anything to tell us what the building is. We assume it's a free, hostel kind of place. There's a large sliding glass door that's unlocked, we go in. A few bean bag chairs, a cot like bed, comfy and clean but sparse. We go in and rest. I find a copy of a UFO book written in the 1940s about ancient astronauts. I am tickled to find a UFO book to take with me; I assume it's for the taking, as many motels have a book exchange. Inside the book there are several passages circled and underlined. 
Anubis, god of the underworld

Then we begin to see the Annunaki walking around, outside. They're peering inside our room, they're walking all around. It's a bit scary. They're tall and thin, and have glowing eyes, with no pupils. Their eyes are glowing a light blue. We start to run out of there, grab a few things, then I realize this is actually someone's apartment, and not an open room for weary travelers. There's a large messenger bag that obviously belongs to someone, and a duffel bag. Someone else is traveling along this way. We're trespassing and stealing, but at this point, I don't care. Our safety is the only thing I'm concerned about.

As we're running from the Annunaki , even though they're not a direct threat, not yet anyway, we pass by a few Anubis. They also have glowing eyes, with no pupils. Their eyes emit a brilliant white light. 
Another eye: Eye of Horus
There's the impression that these beings are alive and well and everyone knows about them. They only come out at night, and that's why everyone is inside. They're not a direct threat, not exactly, but it's not something you want to be around if you can help it. 

Deviant Moon Tarot, Patrick Velenza, artist

 Page of Swords and the Bull
A bit unrelated but the first thing that came into my mind when I woke up was this card from the Deviant Moon Tarot deck. This deck has become one of my favorites, and this card has always been a card that draws me. The page is dressed in royal colors and finery, and keeps his lighted, glowing eye on ...? The sword, which cuts through spirit and emotions, getting to the knowledge? Or looking ahead, sword poised, at the ready? The page is youth; eager, wandering, seeking. Traditional meaning for this card includes: energy, passion (that youth), journeys, beginnings, news. Often times a stormy beginning or energy afoot. Often assigned the sign of Taurus -- the bull. Which brings us to the Egyptian Apis bull, representing regeneration.

Egyptian Apis, believed to be public domain image

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Basket/Bathtub UFO Dream

A recurring dream I had as a young child. Timeframe 1959, early 1960s. Los Angeles, California.  I had lots of dreams connected to alien, non-human beings, which included being floated out through walls and doors and placed in a large tree at night. There I'd sit/wait/watch the starry night sky...

One recurring dream motif I remember has me standing outside, at night, on our block. Usually at the corner (near that large tree, that was easily three or four stories tall) which was at the corner. The tree belonged to our neighbor; we were the second house down from the corner. Waiting, outside, at night, sometimes I was with others, usually children. And up in the sky, not much higher than that tree, came the "ship." Sometimes it was a giant basket, like the ones seen with hot air balloons. But no giant balloon; just the basket and something above that, like a dome thing, some kind of machine. Other times, instead of a basket, it was an over sized bathtub. Inside the baskets, or bathtubs, were one or two people, adults, in uniforms.

I had this dream many times. Always the same: at night, alone or sometimes with others, mainly children, in front of, or near, our house. Waiting. Waiting for what I thought of as my friends -- these people in uniforms, in their floating bathtubs or baskets, were always pleased to see us. They took us away on purpose. This was a regular thing.

What that purpose was, I have no idea. That I don't remember. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mike Bara, Debunkers

Very much enjoyed last night's Coast to Coast interview with author of Ancient Aliens on the Moon, blogger, and Moon/Mars artifact investigator. I managed to stay awake for the whole interview for once, since I've had a few sleepless nights due to some Fall cold-crud keeping me awake. Naturally, I particularly appreciated Bara's telling it like it is with the debunkers and so-called "skeptics." One who even -- as I saw him running to the phone and dialing in my mind's eye as soon as Bara mentioned him by name -- managed to call in. And, in typical debunker faux skeptic mode, danced around the question -- the same question he put to Bara -- refusing to answer. What annoyed me about Noory, as is his style, was his insistence that, paraphrasing here, "we all have the right to our opinions." Yes well, that's a given, let's move on and deal with the real issue. And stop pandering and appeasing to these little debunker drones who persist in distracting from actually investigating and researching the UFO phenomena.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


I love these kinds of stories:UFOs, et al: UNDERWATER HUMANOIDS
They dove at the strange cubic rock and attempted to pick some cockleshells out of it, but suddenly they all heard a strange voice that sounded straight inside their heads, “Don’t do that! Don’t do
that!” These words were repeated several times. Amazingly the crater had now vanished and the men suddenly saw remarkable ancient ruins, positioned far from the, resembling ancient Greek ruins.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Skeptic Chutzpah/Spam, No Damn Apoloigies, and Ancient Aliens

In March, I made an attempt to "live blog" an episode of Ancient Aliens. Just for fun. Decided it wasn't worth the effort and kind of silly so I doubt I'll do that again with any program. Love the show, just not into the running commentary/live blogging performance art thing. Anyway, a skeptic spammed/left the following link on that post:debunking ancient aliens

I commented that, given his demonstration of chutzpah in leaving his comment in this Blog Queen's realm, (realm of the Pacific Northwest, Lesley Gunter is the Queen of the Southwest) where debunkers and skeptics are not entertained with consideration, I'll post it anyway.

Speaking of skeptics, my latest Trickster's Realm column is up at Tim Binnall's site: The Prove It Game.
Skeptics and debunkers respond to the passive aggressive use of the word "claims" of Fortean events by flatly commenting "The burden of proof is upon the teller of the tale." Oh bullshit. Go away.

It's that whole moving the goalpost gambit; framing anomalous events within a game context. Games have rules. Therefore, prove you saw a UFO or Bigfoot or that you journeyed to Venus with the space brethren. But it's not a game. Well, it certainly does seem to be a game, actually, but it isn't being played by our rules. Thousands of years of the fantastical have shown us that. So why are some stuck in the belief that the game has rules we understand or that the rules are fair? It's obvious it's their game -- whoever "they" are -- and the rules, if any, are slippery fuckers.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Strange Mystery Spheres on Mars Baffle Scientists

Strange Mystery Spheres on Mars Baffle Scientists - Yahoo! News

forgetomori A UFO Shark Tale

UFOs are real and that is not up for debate in my world. At the same time, there are many things up there that are mundane and have nothing to do with aliens or shadow government ops, as Forgetomori demonstrates with images of everyday objects: forgetomori A UFO Shark Tale.