Saturday, April 6, 2013

email: Donovan at the Hollywood Bowl

I get emails. Here's the latest in response to a Trickster's Realm column I wrote at Tim Binnall's site about a Donovan concert I attended. Maybe.
Donovan was at the Hollywood Bowl. It was 1969. (not '68) You describe it perfectly. Do you remember the soda can rolling down the stairs ? - that was me. Dorinda Sent from my iPad
No comment.

Friday, April 5, 2013

I Come From Circus Folk

I do, I really do. Nothing to do with the paranormal or UFOs,although there is the general Fortean aspect to carnivals and clowns, of course. Just promoting one of my blogs. I've actually had this blog for awhile now and haven't kept up with it much, but there is a new link from Robert Barrow's blog that I found interesting.I Come From Circus Folk

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A very interesting Interview with William Bramley | Ancient Origins

I bought Bramley's book years ago. I was in an airport, waiting for a flight, wandered into the little gift shop there, and his paperback was on the rack. This was many years ago, just as I was beginning to explore All That Is UFO. I didn't know anything about the book or the author. But I loved the book, and have reread it a couple of times since then.  I find myself agreeing with just about all he has to say about the history of ET intervention -- or is interference a more appropriate word?

We're lucky to have a current interview with Bramley, where he discusses the purpose of aliens. Not an encouraging picture of things to come concerning ET:
A very interesting Interview with William Bramley | Ancient Origins: When you look at UFO abduction reports, you see that humans are treated a lot like livestock. Humans are abducted against their will, they are immobilized, and they have physical procedures performed on them that are often reproductive in nature. The humans are not necessarily treated cruelly, but neither are they treated with the dignity of equals.

To control a large population, you can't build a large pen around it like you can around a herd of cattle. At least two famous thinkers--Machiavelli and Sun Tzu -- spelled out what you do instead. You get the population to endlessly squabble and fight amongst themselves. The theory of my book is simply that this technique may have been applied to the human race as a whole. If the theory is true, I don't think that the ETs necessarily consider themselves sinister. Such a method of controlling the human population would simply be a necessary management technique in their minds.
The above quoted passage is perhaps cynical. The problem with pulling a quote from an article or piece of prose is that you've left the rest out. Which to choose to highlight? But I found these words from Bramley connecting the dots of what's happening globally right now to be accurate in terms of the larger ET picture:
In today's society, we are seeing a gradual consolidation of the human food supply into ever fewer hands as the result of corporate farming, seed patents, and the loss of bees and other pollinators what will cause us to become more dependent on grains which are becoming increasingly monopolized through seed patents. If these trends continue, a time will be reached when it will be possible to abruptly pull the plug on a very large portion of the global food supply and cause a relentless worldwide famine. At the same time, some governments continue to stockpile biological weapons that those governments can probably be induced to release during a time of dire stress.  Religious radicalism is being kept alive, and in the event that the food supply is massively cut and a pandemic starts, we can expect to see religious radicals of all persuasions induce people to commit slaughters of the non-believers who will be blamed for the catastrophe just like the Christians did to the Jews during the Black Death.  If the pattern holds, then somewhere in this entire process we can expect to see a much more visible manifestation of UFOs as they eradicate the surviving humans.  
Dismal. But, while I share Bramley's views, there is much more to this dystopian alien take-over scenario.   Some might call it "God" -- Christians, for example -- I don't buy into that paradigm. But I do think sheer human consciousness raising as well as angelic and spirit intercession can transcend this potential future, as well as other ET forms who might alter events.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

What is it? Object in Oregon Coast Sky

Photo: Regan Lee, winter, Yachats, OR (coast ) 2012
The above image came out pixalated like this; except it was more of a black dot. Immediately became pixalated when I tried to get a closer look by zooming in.  I took it with a funky digital camera; a cheapo I bought on sale a few years ago at Radio Shack.

When I took the picture, I was just randomly taking shots of the sky. A few birds up there, but that was it. I didn't see anything unusual in the sky at all; no UFOs, oddly shaped planes or craft, etc. (And I'm always hoping, of course!)

Got home, uploading the images. And this pixalated thing showed up. I've tried to get a clearer image; changing size, color, ratio, and so on but nothing. And I'm no camera expert, by any means.

So if anyone has any idea what this is -- and my mind is going towards a cloaked craft of some kind, although, don't get excited, it's likely a government monitoring device -- I welcome your opinions.

Signals From Heaven: The Enigmatic Iridium Flare Phenomenon - The Gralien Report

Good to know. From Micah Hanks: Signals From Heaven: The Enigmatic Iridium Flare Phenomenon - The Gralien Report:
In the animation above, one can see a particularly strange looking phenomenon that, when observed as it passes over in the night sky, can appear quite otherworldly. Watch the animation closely… have you ever witnessed this before? If so, what is it?

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Huffington Post seeks people who have had sex with aliens (15 have responded)

(cross-posted at UFOMystic.)

Naturally, the question is why? It is curious! But note, HP wants not just people who've "had sex with aliens" but also "...people familiar with the phenomenon of sex with aliens..." which tells me, semantically, that it's not just those with direct experience who are wanted, but anyone who's studied such things. Had to laugh at this: ".. considering all points of view skeptics and believers." I'd think that once you had sex with a reptilian, you wouldn't be too skeptical.

Huffington Post seeks people who have had sex with aliens (15 have responded) JIMROMENESKO.COM:

HuffPost journalist is doing a story about the concept of sex with aliens. Would like to speak with people who’ve had sex with aliens, UFO experts, biological experts who can discuss the potential problems of mating with a foreign species, psychological experts who have studied the phenomenon.


Looking for people familiar with the phenomenon of sex with aliens, considering all points of view skeptics and believers.
Cheekiness aside (no pun intended) the purpose of this query is intriguing. But it doesn't look like any in-depth and serious study is intended; the HP blurb links to David Moye "resident pop culture expert and official doomsday correspondent for Huffington Post Weird News. Always looking for weird news," as his Twitter profile explains. Naturally I followed him. I haven't read his work yet so can't comment on what his take will be.

The "I had sex with aliens" phenomena in UFOlogy might seem silly and bizarre, but, as with all cases of the truly anomalous and plain weird in UFOlogy (as well as Bigfootry, etc.) I can't help but approach these stories -- approach these witnesses, meaning people -- with respect and sensitivity. Sure, some of them might be bat hell crazy, but even then, simply rejecting them, (often with rudeness and derission) isn't compassionate. It isn't helpful to the study of UFOs. Like the contactees and paranormal Bigfoot, for example, the so-called "crazy" stories, while irritating for some, are a part of the phenomena. Instead of banishing these witnesses further out on the fringe, it's our work to figure out how to explore their stories.

(There's also an element of human manipulation in many of these encounters. Contactees with stories of sex with aliens; one wonders if shadow agencies weren't responblie for either creating such scenarios,)

Really, the realm of sexual unioin with non-human entities is an ancient one. Djinn, succubi and incubi, angels, fairies, etc -- cultures and religions the world over, throughout history, have beliefs concerning this idea. That should tell us something!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Psychology Professor on Alien Abductions

Mike Clelland has posted an interivew from the National Post with retired psychology professor Don Crosbie Donderi on alien abductions. Excellent!hidden experience: tenured professor stands up for alien abductions

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Message Is ...

(cross posted at UFOMystic)

Cover, Howard Menger's From Outer Space To You (1959)

The message is . . . well, doesn't seem to be a message. I've had telepathic communications with UFOs and "aliens." Nothing profound however. Or even silly, as in, no alien ever wanted to exchange  pancakes recipes.  All they did was say, in each encounter, "We're here!" Literally. Just letting me know they know that I know that they're about. Often verified by other witnesses, so, nice of "them" to confirm and not have me think I'm crazy.  But after that, nothing. No Space Visitor messages of universal love, no gentle chidings to start healing the planet before it's too late, no pedantic monologues about the workings of energy, vibrations, and how the flying saucer engines work.

Life long experiences, going back to childhood. Shared events; such as with my husband. (His, also going back to childhood.) Messages of personal confirmation. Why haven't I been told of cures for illness or given a message to spread to all of humanity? What about my recipe for pancakes? But maybe the message is -- as indeed I've been told many times by these invisible entities --  that the "message" is, simply, their existence.

They are here. That's not debatable. What more do you want?

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Mike Clelland's "I now know..." Utah map, under the stars

Yesterday, I posted a link, with comments, to Mike Clelland's blog post "I now know." He "came out" and these two earlier posts of his give the context: (See " Sleeping Under the Stars, and Line on a map across Southern Utah.)

 I mentioned to Mike earlier today that I had read his post about sleeping under the Utah skies, and, in a good example of denial/dancing (or scrambling) inside that loop, didn't see the obvious. And as to my own life -- and Jim's -- we still aren't seeing the obvious. So read the two posts Clelland has at his blog.

 It's blogs such as Mike Clelland's, Lucetia Heart, Jeremy Vaeni, and many others, that are the  important stuff in UFOlogy. The "folk," the witnesses, the experiencers, contactees, abductees, whatever label -- the encounters presented just as they are, just as they've been experienced, by the ones who've experienced them. All of us are just trying to find out what happened. We journey through in various ways, but, in my experience (personal communications, intuitive feelings, shared or similar experiences, etc.) all of us are honest and clear in what we share with others. 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Please consider boycotting Roswell and UFO Fest | New Mexico L.O.W.F.I

Please consider boycotting Roswell and UFO Fest | New Mexico L.O.W.F.I

hidden experience: I now know

hidden experience: I now know: Anyone who's followed my stuff, whether written or spoken, will know that I can drone on and on about the existential angst of not knowing. This has been a kind of mantra, the endless tape loop I repeat that I am NOT sure if I am really and truly an alien abductee. ~ Mike Clelland, hidden experience
I share this same philosophical view on the whole abductee experience. Including, as Mike further comments at his blog, the terms we use: abductee, experiencer, ...what? For myself, no term has seemed accurate, or, pleasant. Abductee sounds melodramatic, and experiencer sounds "politically correct" as one commentator said --  as well as weak and imposed: "You will be grateful  and joyous for the ET experience."

But that quoted paragraph from Mike does not stand by itself. There is more at his blog about this, and his revelation is encouraging, as well as curious -- what's to come? Among other things, maybe, just maybe, Jim (my dear one) and I will realize the obvious. The pattern, for both of us, going back to our childhoods, seems nothing but obvious, as well as nothing but --  nothing could possibly be, but -- fantastical. And therefore not at all real, and certainly not literal.  But then, is it obvious? Uh-oh, there I go again -- the "endless loop" Clelland, and many of us other "experiencers" (snort) run around in. So I'll stop, and refer you to Mike's blog.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Reptilians in the Denver Airpot Report at Phantoms and Monsters

You know I love stories of Reptilians; whether aliens, human cousins, or whatever they may be. Here's one encounter from a woman who found herself lost in the Denver airport:
Phantoms and Monsters: Paranormal Activity, Bigfoot, Mothman, UFOs and Other Unexplained Phenomena: As I am standing in this tunnel after getting off the train I was looking around and down the long hallways for a BATHROOM Part of my medical issue is constant need to urinate. Anyway I saw a weird very tall "sculpture" - kind of like a dinosaur but with alligator skin and a lizard face with BIG eyes. It didn't move and because I saw a lot of weird things at main entry of the airport I assumed it was another freaky art thing. BUT my phone rang it was Dr. Brookoff asking if I was in the airport. As I turned to go the direction he explained to me...THE WEIRD tall lizard looking thing was GONE - just GONE.