Saturday, March 8, 2014

NASA is being forced by the US government to fly a mission to Europa – the most likely place we’ll find alien life in the Solar System | ExtremeTech

Europa, Jupiter's moon, public domain

Well this is interesting. Indeed, if any orb in our solar system has life, Europa would be one of them.

NASA is being forced by the US government to fly a mission to Europa – the most likely place we’ll find alien life in the Solar System | ExtremeTech: n a rather intriguing twist, it appears that NASA is now mandated by law to fly a robotic mission to Jupiter’s watery moon Europa. Europa is an incredibly exciting science target, as it’s believed to have a 100-kilometer-thick (62 miles) outer layer of water, with water ice on top (it’s very cold out there) and a liquid water ocean beneath that. It’s believed that there’s more water on Europa than the entirety of Earth, despite being just a quarter the width of Earth. As we continue to learn more about the tenacious lifeforms found in deep, cold waters here on Earth, excitement grows over the possibility of Europa’s oceans harboring extraterrestrial life.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

McMenamins UFO Festival | May 15-17, 2014

McMenamins UFO Festival | May 15-17, 2014

They've announced the speakers, but at this moment, no specific schedule regarding who speaks when.

Clarkson and Friedman are fine, of course, (both very nice as well!) but in my case, since I've been to both of their (very fine) presentations, I don' think I'll attend. Noory, well, no comment. David Marler will speak on the black triangle UFOs, and I am very interested in that, so, who knows.

Keep checking their site for updates as to times, etc.

It's a fun conference and if you haven't been try to attend some of it and be sure to check out the Hotel Oregon rooftop bar, among other things.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

alienviews: ...The "You" You'd Recuse...

Another excellent one by Alfred Lehmberg.

alienviews: ...The "You" You'd Recuse...: We're an atom in an ocean! Who's to say what drifts our way... on the currents so indifferent to the games that YOU might play! We're a grain upon a tiny beach unaware we're unaware... of why it is that we're betrayed by cultures I forswear.

You can read the entire piece at his site.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

UFO Casebook - An Error Has Occurred!

I follow a link and end up at UFO Casebook. And see this about the forum: "Sorry, you have been banned from this forum."UFO Casebook - An Error Has Occurred!

Now, it's possible I joined this site a long time ago. I'm always joining various sites and forums and then forget I've done so. So it's possible I was a member once, I really don't know. Either this is just some glitch, or indeed, I've been banned. If the latter, well dahlings, so veddy interesting! When I clicked on the "Register" link nothing happened, I remained stuck on the "banned" page.

Well, as I say. Either a glitch, or personal.

And the link I was following up on? Sean Meers. Oy.

Emma Woods Files | Information about the Research of Dr. David M. Jacobs of Temple University

Sean Meers may have been successful in his vendetta against Emma Woods and the reason for her previous site to be removed, but she has a new one at WordPress. WordPress isn't so concerned with silly smug miffed individuals who want to rid the world of things they find messes with their belief systems. Good for WordPress, and good for Emma Woods who has not allowed little thugs like Meers get their way:

Emma Woods Files | Information about the Research of Dr. David M. Jacobs of Temple University: For several years, I was a research subject of “alien abduction” researcher, Dr. David M. Jacobs, of Temple University.

Dr. Jacobs conducted ninety-one hypnotic regressions with me during thirty-seven hypnosis sessions, from December 2004 through February 2007. He conducted all the hypnosis sessions over the telephone, thousands of miles from my location. I was alone in my apartment, with no supervision.

While I was Dr. Jacobs’ research subject, his behavior became, in my considered personal opinion, increasingly bizarre and psychologically abusive.

I have provided information about Dr. Jacobs’ research practices here, as I believe that it is matter of public interest. I hope that this can help to prevent similar distressing situations occurring to other research subjects in the future.

Internet UFO Police Officer Sean Meers


     This is from Jeremy Vaeni (who, as I've said before, is one of the few writing really good stuff on what goes in UFO World, as well as what's going on within us in relation to UFOs) on a highly offended individual named Sean Meers. [see Vaeni: Sean Meers, Internet Censorship, and YOU] We do not know if Sean Meers is his real name or not, but regardless, Meers has gone after Emma Woods -- remember, she is the victim -- for writing about her experiences with David Jacobs. He has also gone after Carol Rainey, who has written about what she observed concerning Budd Hopkins.
Now this is from Feb. 20, and in the world of news, be it everyday items or the anomalous realm, often isn't considered relevant unless it happened ten minutes ago. And while I've been following Emma's story (and Rainey's) since the beginning, this one escaped my attention at the time.
     This issue is very much alive; internet trolls, deluded individuals, sexist morons, and the gullible who will defend the indefensible when their beliefs are seemingly attacked.
     UFOs are real. Non-human entities are real. Government black ops fucking with our heads is real. So much high strangeness, unexplained, bizarre, spiritually uplifting, soul sucking degrading, wondrous, creepy, stuff, is real. I do not apologize or defend such opinions. If you don't believe in ghosts or UFOs or angels or Bigfoot or entities from afar, that's your issue, not mine. 
     People who somewhere along their path of exploration of these mysteries suddenly psychotically lose it do not negate my experiences or opinions, and it shouldn't yours, either. The fact that some have abused their positions and knowledge (Jacobs, to some extent Hopkins, etc.) doesn't mean a damn thing in terms of experience of the "other." But it sure as hell does mean a lot concerning ethics and morals and behavior and the nature of research. 
     And yet, it seems, some such as Meers cannot tolerate hearing that their gods have been exposed for what they really are. They go after the victims and the witnesses (Woods, Rainey) and demand that their stories be scrubbed from the internet.
     Then again, we have people like Jeremy Vaeni, Jack Brewer, and Alfred Lehmberg among others, who have been continuing this good fight against the self-elected UFO Police who want to not only silence others, but make sure their experiences disappear, as if none of this ever happened, and only the perpetrators words remain.

2014 UFO Fest, McMinnville Oregon

Well, it's a start. No line up announced yet, as far as I can see, not on their Facebook page or the UFO Fest site. But here's their poster…

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Lehmberg on UFO Magazine Blog: Innocence Is Innocence...

No one else is as vocal about David Jacobs as Alfred Lehmberg. And that's a good thing -- why aren't more? Since the beginnings of the revelations on Jacobs, the majority have remained quite, while many more actually defended Jacobs, and continue to do so. Astounding, yet true. Jacobs continues to do UFO research and be invited to speak at UFO venues, and that is just dandy with some. Not so with Mr. Lehmberg. Again, that's a good thing.

UFO Magazine - UFO Magazine Blog - Innocence Is Innocence...: As if they were the victims of a coercive telepath, people I respect want to give Dr. David Jacobs a by and treat Ms "Emma Woods" as an obsessive nut-ball or shrill harridan grasping for attention and smearing the good Doctor's name... and by extension the memory of the even more revered Budd Hopkins.

Monday, February 24, 2014

McMinnville, OR 2014 UFO Festival

Oh when, when, will the line-up be announced McMenamins? The UFO fest is in May, it's almost March already!!!! We wait...Schedule | UFO Festival

Thursday, February 20, 2014

UFOs: Is There A There There? - Binnall of America

My latest column for Tim Binnall:

UFOs: Is There A There There? - Binnall of America: Not news, that there’s no news, no there there, when it comes to UFOs. Every few months or so, UFO Land pronounces in various ways and expressions of despair, that it is the end of UFOs. We don’t care, the public doesn’t care, the main stream media doesn’t care, and if even with all of that did care, it wouldn’t matter, because — in this loop of indulgent hand wringing chicken little smug self-righteous prophetic know it all statements — there is nothing new, nothing revealed, nothing disclosed. So there. Nothing to UFOs, it’s a waste of time, move on, do something useful with your lives, and stop researching the obviously fruitless realm of aliens and UFOs.
I call a loud, vibrant, vivid, raucous and disruptive bullshit on that. For those of us who’ve had multiple sightings, missing time, encounters with some kind of other, and all the hassles, weirdness, exclusions, and misunderstandings of such events, dismissing the exploration of UFOs as some kind of sad wasteland of the loser crowd is only arrogance, combined with ignorance. The worst kind of stuffed shirt Gringch from Smugville.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Jeremy Vaeni: What If Missing Time Is Supposed To Stay Missing?

      Jeremy Vaeni's latest at his blog:What If Missing Time Is Supposed To Stay Missing? | JayVay
Having had at least two episodes of missing time involving UFOs, I was curious what Jeremy's thoughts were on missing time. Vaeni explores Jacques Vallee's Dimensions, which was published in 1988. Amazing to think that was over twenty years ago! The reader might be wondering why Vaeni is referencing a book that is over twenty years old to discuss missing time. As usual, Vaeni takes a unique perspective and leap and what he offers us is very worthwhile. (I get so exasperated with those that consider Vallee "old hat" as one supposed UFO "researcher" said to me some time ago.) 

     As Jeremy says, of Vallee and the UFO phenomena in general: "If you need a reminder of what great theater this “alien” enigma truly is, read Dimensions." Definitely.

     I urge you to read Vaeni's article, which asks very good questions. I don't want to do the work for you or rip off Jeremy -- always a disservice when quoting things out of context -- but I like what he says about the UFO theater humanity has been witness to for thousands of years:

     "Problem is, we don’t know those are aliens, we don’t know those are craft, we don’t know if the alleged craft is even piloted, and if you were to ask a supposed alien pilot, you’d just as likely be offered a pancake as you would be asked, “What’s existence?”  ~ Jeremy Vaeni

     Just what is missing time? Jeremy Vaeni offers us good suggestions on how to think upon this mysterious (for us, anyway) experience. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Anya is a Channel: An anomalous object showed up on my tooth at a visit to the dentist yesterday.

     Anya Briggs (who graciously contributes to Women of Esoterica, besides writing her own blog and other writings) discovered something very interesting indeed within her mouth:
Anya is a Channel: An anomalous object showed up on my tooth at a visit to the dentist yesterday.: For students of dentistry out there, you can see that my teeth are healthy and in no need of a filling, and yet my dentist detected an "exquisite" 'filling' that could not be explained and that I had no memory of receiving on one of my back upper right teeth.

I had been experiencing occasional sensitivity and pain on that very tooth for about 6 months which was in fact the reason for the visit. He says he has never seen anything like it and that the craftsmanship was exceptional. He said it was a non-metal material that "could be plastic" and had never seen any filling ever that was a perfect square. He said the technique to attach it was at a very high level of application as well. The words "exceptional" and "exquisite" kept being used in reference to this filling.
     Now, Anya Briggs has had a life time of odd experiences concerning mind control, manipulations, and much else. If you aren't familiar with her work and history, be sure you read her blog.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Seriously, is it the silly season for debunker theories?

Image: public domain

     There is no Bermuda Triangle, recently announced NOAA. (See previous post.)  Now, there may or may not be anything supernatural as cause for the mysterious happenings in the Bermuda Triangle, but NOAA coming out with an official statement that there is no other worldly explanation doesn't make it so. Neither is the military explanation for Mothman (glow in the dark para-troopers.) Or the famous mating hedgehogs explanation for crop circles so many years ago. Or giant gas bubbles in the Loch for Nessie sightings.
     Past day or two brought us NOAA's assurance there is no there there swirling about, as well as this item about the cause behind the Shroud of Turin:

Is an earthquake behind the Shroud of Turin image? | HeritageDaily – Heritage & Archaeology News: An earthquake in Old Jerusalem might be behind the famous image of the Shroud of Turin, says a group of researchers led by Alberto Carpinteri of the Politecnico di Torino in Italy in an article published in Springer’s journal Meccanica. They believe that neutron radiation caused by an earthquake could have induced the image of a crucified man – which many people believe to be that of Jesus – onto the length of linen cloth, and caused carbon-14 dating done on it in 1988 to be wrong.

This Just In: There Is No Bermuda Triangle

Image source: Gutenberg Project

     I always am curious when official entities come out with denials of the anomalous. In this case, it's NOAA who has given up the secret of The Bermuda Triangle. Which is, there is no touch thing.  (A recent example of authoritative voices alerting us to the realities: the latest explanation for Mothman.) Why now, what's the point? Automatically causes one to think along cover-up conspiracy lines. I mean, where else is there to go? And by the way, just who is this "most of us already suspected…" speak for yourself, official debunker shill.

Sun Sentinel - Bermuda Triangle just a myth, U.S. says: Now it's official: The Bermuda Triangle is a bunch of bunk.

For decades, rumors persisted that hundreds of ships and planes mysteriously vanished in the area between Miami, Puerto Rico and Bermuda because it was cursed or patrolled by extraterrestrials.

Most of us already suspected that was a myth. Yet, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration just posted a story declaring the Devil's Triangle, as it's also known, is no different than any other open ocean region — and that foul weather and poor navigation are likely to blame for any mishaps.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tall Aliens

      I recently posted here at the Orb about an episode of The Dead Files and medium Amy Allan's encounter with, not ghosts, but aliens: 
Tonight's episode of The Dead Files, with medium Amy Allan, had Allan tell the haunted residents in their Rome, New York home that she had encountered something she had never experienced before. Besides the usual spirits haunting the property, it seems there are also tall, human looking but decidedly not human beings that Allan said were "aliens."
     (I expanded on that post for my Trickster's Realm column at Tim Binnall's site.)
     Allan was emphatic that the entities were not ghosts or spirits but aliens, something I find very intriguing. It is always interesting when an area of fringe research, say NDEs, bumps into ET.
     Allan described the aliens as tall. Today's Anomalist shares a couple of items about tall aliens. While these items aren't ghost related, I find the tall alien imagery interesting. This  Russian video of a tall spider type entity crawling across the building. Allegedly the people taking the video had seen a UFO above them.  Anomalist notes it seems fake, and I agree. Pretty obvious. Then there's this video from California of a tall entity in connection with a UFO sighting.
Eos, by Evelyn de Morgan (1850 - 1919)

     In 1984, Russian astronauts reported seeing tall aliens in space. These entities were referred to as "space angels" and "celestial beings" and were said to be "colossal" in size. A famous UFO case and Rob Murphy wrote a good piece at Mysterious Universe in 2012. 
    Charles Hall said he encountered "tall whites" -- lived with them in fact -- in the Nevada desert in 1967.
     Colin Andrews has been researching the tall white clad beings seen in crop circles: The Silbury Hill Stargate.

     Of course there many accounts of tall aliens, sometimes white or gray. The Nordics encountered during the contactee era were often described as tall, though not overly tall, like the "celestial" beings seen by cosmonauts. Are these tall beings aliens, as in ET from outer space, or a different entity, something spiritual (angelic) or elemental, etc.? Whatever the answer to that question, there does seem to be a connection or cross over effect of entities, ghosts, crop circles, UFOs, and other high strangeness. As it is with so much of UFO and paranormal events.