Saturday, October 10, 2015

Lesley Gunter: Lasers and Lights in the Sky

Lesley Gunter has a new column at Tim Binnall's Binnall of America. A strange report of lights in the sky responding to those on the ground, under the starry skies:

Lasers and Lights in the Sky - Binnall of America: On that night, Brit was out playing with the dog and he decided to take out the laser pointer to see if the dog had any interest in it, which he didn’t. A few minutes later he came in and asked if I wanted to see “something weird.” Of course, I did! So I went out and Brit shined it around into the bushes, not into the sky. He told me to watch the sky in a certain area and about 30 seconds later a bright light appeared there (he said it was a different location than where he had seen it earlier) and about 20 or 30 seconds later it just shut off. (Lesley Gunter, Grey Matters for Binnall of America)

Friday, October 9, 2015

Orange Orbs, Pink Orbs, More Orbs, Oregon Orbs

Found this, while looking for something else: World UFO Watch - World UFO wATCH - UFO NEWS. UFO ANALYSIS. UFO STORIES. UFO PHOTOGRAPHS. UFO VIDEOS, which has the report on orbs from MUFON's New Jersey field investigator Robert Spearing. (Orange Orb Appearances and Behaviors, June 10, 2015)

Interesting for the similarities to my orange orb encounter in Eugene, Oregon years ago.
More interesting was the description of the orb itself.  It was an orange churning ball of gas surrounded by an almost invisible membrane that was shaped like a bell or a jellyfish.  The membrane was eight feet tall by five feet wide.   The interior glow occupied about two thirds of the bell. (MUFON, World UFO Watch)
The orb I saw had this same feature. I've never called it a "membrane" but there was a halo type effect surrounding the orange orb. Appeared more "solid" and darker in the center, slight glow around the edges. Lit from within.

Also, the witness said the orb "retreated" and went up into the trees when she screamed, which suggests the orb was sentient, or, controlled by something sentient. My orb demonstrated the similar behavior of being aware of my presence, and reacting to it.

Other orbs of various colors in this article, pink, for example.

And here's something, something I can't believe I've missed all these years. My Orange Orb sighting took place decades ago in Oregon. I couldn't find much, if anything, in way of similar sightings to mine back then. But the article from World UFO Watch references a sighting of an Orange Orb in 1967 -- in Oregon!

In journalist  Frank Edwards’ last book “Flying Saucers Here and Now” written in 1967 shortly before his untimely and somewhat mysterious demise, he recounts a February 16, 1967 account on  page 179 where Mrs. Esther Millard of Bandon, Oregon related a close encounter with an Orange Orb where she quite plainly saw the outline of a rectangle around the orb at 10:20 pm. A rectangular membrane?  (World UFO Watch)
Of course, the article mentions MUFON's Terry Ray, author of The Complete Story of the Worldwide Invasion of the Orange Orbs, which I have not yet read, but naturally am looking forward to reading this book.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Haunted Trails, Including White Sands

A top ten piece on haunted hiking places. Usually I think of haunted buildings, cemeteries, but hiking trails is a new location to think about. Why not? There are haunted areas, sans buildings (Horton, Oregon is one such place, in my experience), forests, such as the Hoia-Baciu Forest in Romania,  and of course, this item immediately brings to mind the research David Paulides has done with missing people in rural areas, including our national parks. In terms of UFOs, I found the following on the haunted history at White Sands National Monument interesting:

10 Top Haunted Trails To Go Hiking: If you happen to be here during sunset, keep your wits about you.

Because that is when you are likely to encounter the ghost of the Great White Sands. Otherwise known as Pavla Blanca.

Native legend states that the ghost Pavla Blanca was once a Spanish Maiden. Her lover, and husband-to-be, the conquistador Hernando de Luna, met his demise in the White Sands desert in 1540. (
White Sands of course is the place of many a weird encounter, including contactee Daniel Fry's experiences. Fry wrote The White Sands Incident and They Rode in Space-Ships, which can be downloaded for free.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Dr. Tyler Kokjohn on David Jacobs

Dr. Tyler Kokjohn, Ph.D, deconstructs the work of David Jacobs in a guest blog (The Unrecognized Revolutions)  at Jeremy Vaeni's blog: David Jacobs Wants Scientists To Take His Work Seriously. A Scientist Does Just That. | JayVay

Nothing wrong with anecdotal evidence -- what I do is collect narratives, my own included. They are valuable and worthy and not to be marginalized. (But of course I recognize they are considered fringe and coarse examples of silliness by both popular culture -- even while used as entertainment -- and by science and academia.)  But then, I don't' present myself as a scientist or the kind of researcher that insists my work hypnotizing UFO witnesses is proof of alien abductions as literal events, and that such work is solid and irrefutable, as Jacobs does.

As Kokjohn notes, there is much wrong with the approaches used by Jacobs. If David Jacobs is to be taken seriously by main stream science, his lack of record keeping concerning methodology is sloppy, at best.

Also, Jacobs strange criteria for weeding out "confabulators." Such as:

"His criteria to detect confabulation involved recognizing and rejecting evidence such as abductee drawings that depicted spacecraft interiors with square door frames, entities with improperly proportioned heads and aliens wearing dark clothing or body armor." (Kokjohn)
Jacobs, as I wrote in a recent blog post, has jumped the track long ago. We have little idea -- really, if any -- of what's going on. If we accept, as I do, aliens exist, that's about all we can say. What their agenda is, what they are, where they're from, why they do what they do; well, it's all speculation. Nothing wrong with speculation, and if it weren't for speculation we'd be stuck in the non-productive muck of nowheres-ville. But speculation is not proof, let alone evidence. Jacobs allows his assumptions, as  the above quote illustrates, to pass for the truth of the thing.

Kokjohn addesses the use of forensics and technology in UFO research, something Jacobs has not done. Not that Jacobs should have done, but I think the point here is that Jacobs wants to be considered legitimate by the scientific institution. If one wants that, then it seems you have to play the game. Use the tools. Jacobs has not done that. What I find personally disturbing are the assumptions Jacobs makes concerning the alien presence, as well as his insistence that he has the truth. He arrogant use of self-appointed criteria, such as deciding what is "real" and what isn't, not to mention his surreal scenarios of aliens, emails, alien-spy vs. alien spy adventures, as well as insisting female witnesses (Emma Woods) wear a chastity belt and send him her underwear -- anyone on either side of UFO Land should know this is not any kind of research to be taken seriously.

Video of Virginia Orbs

Thanks to Open Minds, this video of white orbs seen in Virginia: Virginia witness videotapes orb UFOs | in May of 2015.

They're not orange, nor large (like the one I saw so many years ago) but I find these interesting because:

  • It's a day time sighting (?) *
  • While appearing small, they seem to be astoundingly bright
  • I've seen this same type of brilliant, white, daytime orb in Eugene about eight years ago, exhibiting same type of flight behavior
*The report says 8:13 p.m., in May, which doesn't make it a daytime sighting, though still light out. Either a misprint, or it was evening but still light.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Jacobs on C2C last night -- oh god why?

David Jacobs was on Coast to Coast last night. Let's forget about Emma Woods for a moment (no, not forget her forget, never forget, but just put her aside for a moment) and ponder the truly bizarre content of last night.

Certainly the treatment Emma Woods received at the hands of Jacobs was surreal -- as well as unethical, misogynist, and sadly creepy -- and that alone is enough to dismiss him. Utterly and without further ado.

But last night's sloppily intricate alien agenda scenarios were so … so … well, words escape me.

So many within UFOlogy mock, reject and or ignore narratives with reptilians, abductions, and contacts in deserts and groves. But Jacobs insistence that aliens are reading emails (as in the case of Woods) and are busy developing, over time, hybrids that pass undetected by the rest of us and have to be taught by select humans how to do things like operate an ATM (yet they can mesmerize humans to do their bidding) --- I mean, really. Seriously. Is anyone taking any of this seriously???!!! 

Jacobs lost the thread a long time ago. Not sure what happened, but if the ugly truth of what Emma Woods experienced didn't convince, surely, surely, last night's interview did.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Different Colors of Ghost Orbs and Their Meanings

Not about UFOs, but ghost or spirit orbs. This is what they have to say about orange orbs (spirit, not UFOs.) I don't now how much to put into this, though obviously color and their meanings are important including in occult and metaphysical  matters (and if one considers UFOs to be included in that category…) how much it matters in the context of ghosts and spirits, I don't know.

The Different Colors of Ghost Orbs and Their Meanings: Red or Orange Orbs
From a spiritual perspective, red and orange colors are associated with safety and security, as well as a sense of belonging. While these warm colors are often associated with strong emotions such as anger and passion, this may not be the case when it comes to ghost orbs. Some paranormal investigators believe that a red or orange orb is a sign that an entity has assumed the role of a protector. This could be someone who was charged in life to keep watch or be a caretaker. (

6.6 magnitude earthquake near Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico and Chihuahua, Mexico : September 13, 2015 08:14

6.6 magnitude earthquake near Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico and Chihuahua, Mexico : September 13, 2015 08:14

Looked on Google map, from Eugene to Los Mochis it's a fairly straight line from here to there. I mention this earthquake only because of a slightly odd thing last night -- I was awake, sleeping fitfully, late at night -- and felt the bed shaking. The whole bed was shaking and I was convinced it was an earthquake.  I thought it was an earthquake, couldn't figure out what else could have caused this shaking. No reports of significant local earthquakes.

Friday, September 11, 2015

White Raven/Black Raven: Mind Postcards and UFOs

I don't recall having the vivid "mind postcards" pre-UFO events. Or I should say, pre-orange orb sighting - - I've had UFO related episodes all my life. Who knows if these mind postcards, as I call them, have anything at all to do with the energies surrounding manifestations of UFOs. Lately I've been trying to remember events post orange orb sighting, to see if there is a connection between psychic or precognitive experiences, apparitions, dreams, synchronicities and my UFO sightings, particularly the orange orb one.

Mind post cards: it's the term I give to those vivid, detailed and abrupt pictures that just are popped into my head. Usually when I'm awake, or in a relaxed state. Sometimes they turn from a mere image to a full out scene, other times it's just a picture. These mind postcards share a suddenness, as well as an otherness -- they didn't come from me. Sometimes I hear a "click" type sound as the pop in.

The most vivid one I've had is the Warty Green Man scene, which I've written about in the past. This happened about a year after the orange orb sighting.

This morning, awake in bed, but keeping my eyes closed (just not ready to get up) I was having the usual random light show we all have when we close our eyes. I wasn't thinking of anything in particular. Suddenly, a distinct and vivid image of a White Raven appeared. Just from nowhere. (Often these things -- like ghostly voices, communications during meditations, etc. come from my upper left. Whether this means anything or not I don't know.) I was startled at his image, then it immediately turned black -- Black Raven. Then it disappeared.

Being a fan of Raven of course I found this very interesting.

(I also had a dream about a giant UFO last night).

Monday, September 7, 2015

Monday, August 31, 2015

From Jeremy Vaeni: Emma Woods Has Read David Jacobs’ New Book. Uh-Oh. | JayVay

 New book from David Jacobs. Oy. Advanced copies sent to some, including Emma Woods. Who wrote to Jeremy Vaeni with her observations. Not at all surprisingly, the book is full of lies and omissions. Read all about it at Vaeni's blog:

Emma Woods Has Read David Jacobs’ New Book. Uh-Oh. | JayVay: David Jacobs’ latest work of hypnotically co-created claptrap hits stores tomorrow. But Emma received an advanced copy and wrote to some folks about it, me among them. I thought her raw impressions along with Jack Brewer’s and Tyler Kokjohn’s responses really said it all. They’ve kindly allowed me to cut and past their private emails here. (Jeremy Vaeni:

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Missing Time, Missing Memory

Listened to Mark McCandlish last night on Coast to Coast, who at one point explained the mechanism behind missing time. My head started to explode while listening to his theory -- something about moments of time being compressed during regular or normal time, an effect of the physical emmanations of craft. I think. I'm not sure of any of that, but what stood out for me during his swirling hypothesis was the lack of mention concerning memory. What we witnesses to missing time have experienced is not just "missing time" but "missing moments." Missing memory. Maybe this is too subtle a distinction. But it's not just that chunks of time are missing from our experience, but the memory of what happened during this "compressed" time is missing as well.

If time can be manipulated, stuffed, squeezed, elongated -- if time is malleable, we would feel woozy, maybe, but we'd still remember. And yet, we have no memory of what happened during hours sliced out of our lives. Why is that? Does the time mangling theatrics of UFO manipulators include the addition of screwing with memory -- of inducing amnesia into the human brain? Again, if so, why? Is the aftermath of missing time -- amnesia -- intentionally created, or is it simply an aftereffect of the manipulation process?

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

'Water Monster' Spotted in Oregon - Cryptozoology News

Oregon witness reports seeing strange creature in the waters of Oregon:

'Water Monster' Spotted in Oregon - Cryptozoology News: “Nothing really would have freaked me out more to have me guessing and reporting this. I haven’t seen anything like this before. Like in a tandem, one by one, just boop-boop-boop, so close right in the water… I was scared,” Bagnell said. “It looked out of this world.” (Cryptozoology News)

Thursday, August 13, 2015

1966 Willamette Pass, Oregon Sighting

Came across this, a report on a UFO sighting here in Oregon from 1966. Blurry photo of . . . something.

The Willamette Pass Oregon UFO Photo Revisited:
An Explanation


459 PanchiraWay,Los Altos, CA.94022

Abstract- In November of 1966, a Ph.D. scientist, returning to his California
home from a business trip in Washington, was driving through Oregon and
paused at a lookout point to photograph Diamond Peak. Of the three pho-
tographs taken at this location the last one included a strange object. This
photo ultimately became the focus of a controversy among UFO investigators
and has been the subject of numerous articles as well as a book. In this paper
we present a chronicle of the author's investigation of this intriguing photo as
well as an explanation of the true nature of the object in the photo.  (Wieder,

Friday, August 7, 2015

The UFO Trail: Jeremy Vaeni on David Jacobs and Supporters: 'Time for Some Answers'

On Jack Brewer's excellent UFO Trail, Jeremy Vaeni discusses why he invited Jacobs, Richard Dolan and Peter Robbins to appear on his show to talk about Jacobs treatment abuse of witness Emma Woods:

The UFO Trail: Jeremy Vaeni on David Jacobs and Supporters: 'Time for Some Answers': "Jacobs and his apologists persist in evading discussion of the relevant issues, while chronically implying there are extenuating circumstances that justify the conduct of Jacobs. Now, some five years later, they continue to fail to disclose details of any such circumstances, causing some to ask why the evidence should not be interpreted as it appears. The weekend of July 24, Jeremy Vaeni extended invitations to David Jacobs, Richard Dolan and Peter Robbins to guest on 'The Experience', account for their positions on the Emma Woods case and explain their related previous statements."
And this bullet from the blog:

"If you're sick of ufology being treated as a fringe, crazy subject then stop reacting in fringe crazy ways to things that in any normal sense are immediately recognizable as abuse." (Jeremy Vaeni)
I have tons of respect for Richard Dolan, respect Peter Robbins but in this, sigh… it seems to me a stubborn and unconscious shying away from what they, and so many others in UFO Land, secretly if not outright think of as "hysterical women troubles."

But that aside, Jacobs himself has a lot to answer for, and very few are asking. Thankfully, Vaeni and Brewer are among the scant few who are.