Wednesday, June 30, 2010

James Carrion and CUT: Carrion Responds to the Clowns in the Tent

James Carrion responds to criticisms of his views on UFOlogy and his brand new organization CUT: Blasphemy Will Get You Stoned.  (Read my earlier post on CUT: James Carrion and CUT
Carrion begins his blog post by remarking:
It has been interesting to read the various reactions from those inside the circus tent of Ufology to the formation of the Center for UFO Truth.
Referring to witnesses, observers, researchers and investigators as being “inside the circus tent of UFOlogy. . .” in the first sentence doesn’t seem the best way to make friends, but Carrion is after the truth, not friends.

Carrion's purpose in creating CUT is to “prove” that UFOs are creations of the government to distract citizens from classified technology during the Cold War.

As I pointed out in my earlier post, this is not news. Researchers have been aware of the government’s intentional manipulation of the UFO phenomenon -- even creating it at times -- for various reasons (cover-up of techonology, distraction, misinformation, etc.)

However, that fact does not provide an answer to the entire UFO phenomenon that predates the Cold War. Or even for all of what went on during the Cold War, WWII, etc. For whatever reason, pure stubbornness, ignorance, disinfo, Carrion cannot, or won’t, get this. His Holy Grail is to prove with giant piles of official documentation, that the U.S. government basically created the UFO phenomena. Anyone who doesn’t buy into that idea is a tin foil hat wearing clown, a life long member of the UFO “circus.”

He is dismissive of anyone who rejects his intentions:
If you are a staunch believer, don’t worry, CUT will not present evidence at your pulpit anyway.
Only the briiliant ones will get to behold such knowledge, the rest of us can go, as my mother-in-law used to say, "piss in a pot."

Carrion cites the Kenneth Arnold sighting as one case where the government was involved, not non-human caused UFOs:
If CUT can unequivocally prove that United States and its allies hijacked the UFO theme for Cold War purposes and that Kenneth Arnold’s sighting and Roswell were part of this deception, through authenticated documents, rather than anecdotal evidence, then critical thinkers should take notice.

No doubt, as with quite a lot of UFO events, there was government invovlement, the Arnold case and Roswell included. Again: this does not in any way prove that the UFO phenomena is/was solely a human-made, government created phenomemon.
In one sense, there’s no there, there. We know the government was invovled in staging, creating, and manipulating UFO events. Yet when it comes to extending this fact into other areas, like the idea of MILABS, psy-ops in general, mind control and so on, you’ve quickly entered  into conspiracy terrority, which is just a few inches over from the ”circus” Carrion despsies so much.

Orbs and Beams: Reader Sends In Images

A reader of The Orange Orb  sent me the following e-mail the other day. I'm not revealing the person's name and am using a false name, but this person wanted their photos shared and I have permission to repost. This individual who I'll call "Amelia" was interested in beams of light and orbs:
Good morning!

My name is "Amelia". [not her real name, I've changed her name per her request.]   I happened upon your site as I was in the process of trying to find information on beams of light.  I have several truly mysterious pics with unnatural beams of light in them.  I also have two orb photos with one orb in each pic, and these orbs are very large.  My husband and I are stunned at one photo in particular:  taken in bright sunlight on the the driveway next to our house, this beam is solid white with perfect dimensions that fades out gradually as it disappears in a rose garden . . .
The rose garden orb was invisible to the naked eye.  The picture is several years old, I believe, since I recently found it and noticed the beam.  I never saw it when the pic was first developed.  No UFO or craft was seen.  But I do notice in the  photo, an unidentified object, blue, shaped somewhat like a birdhouse.  It is partly seen on the right-hand corner of the house.

Of the orbs, I asked if it had been raining when she took the photos.  (Coincidentally, I have an image I took in a cemetery that has an orb that looks just like the one in the picture here.)

Again, there was no raining at the Lake Orb. . .
Is it possible there's UFO activity in some of Amelia's experiences? Even though she says she's never seen a UFO, strange things have happened that do point to a possible UFO event:

I have never seen a UFO, to my knowledge.  Something very awesome happened to me and my brother when I was about l0 and he was 8.  One evening before dark we walked into a grove of pines in front of our house.  He was following quietly behind me, for I was pretending to be a teacher. I was talking excitedly to him about Jesus, and told him everything I had learned in Sunday school.  As I talked, we both found ourselves surrounded by white light.  We were "in" the light, not looking at a light.  I quickly looked for my brother who had been right beside me, but I didn't see him.  I don't remember anything after that.  The next thing I remember is being in the light again when suddenly it vanished.  We were in the dark.  I believe some time must have passed since we were covered by the white light. (the light didn't hurt our eyes).  We ran into the house to tell our mother.  She was a skeptic about anything she couldn't see or hear, but she was a Christian.  She thought the light was a sign we should join the church, which we did.
My brother is married with grown children now and he remembers the story exactly as I did.  When I became an adult and read that one of the signs of abduction is a "scoop mark", I looked under my right knee and I have a scooped out round scar.  It is possible it could be a scar from chicken pox.  I was taking a bath one night, and we didn't have any curtains on the window beside the tub.  I was scared that someone might see me, so I looked up at the window .  I was shocked to see a figure from the shoulders up.  It was all in white, the shirt was white, and it looked like it had a white cap or hat on.  I became paralyzed with fear.  I looked down at the water and couldn't move, barely breathing.  I couldn't look up, I couldn't move a muscle.  I finally forced myself to look up at the window again, and when I did, the figure was still there but then moved out of the window by moving toward the side until it disappeared.  We lived in an isolated place, so it was unlikely an intruder.  That was the first and last time I had a mysterious encounter that might be interpreted as an alien.

I cannot cover the many strange experiences I've had over the years.  Every house I ever lived in was haunted, including the house I moved into with my first husband.  That house had many paranormal events.  His mother had died seven years before and the house hadn't been touched.  The furnishings were kept as they were until we moved in.  Although I didn't see a ghost there,  at times I could feel the presence of someone there.  When my  daughter was not quite 3 yrs.old,  she came to me in the kitchen one day.  She said, "I have a little grandmother who plays with me in the playroom".  She had a nice pink playroom that once belonged to my husband's sister.  Realizing what she might possibly be seeing, I decided to show her a picture of her grandmother who had lived there.  She was small and petite, "small" as my daughter had said.  When she looked at the picture she said it was the little grandmother.  It wasn't raining at the Lake Orb. Yes, I finally did see a "ghost" this past Jan.  in our house,  a week before my husband had seen a dark form go past our door.  What I saw was shocking.  A "mass" of what looked like T.V. static, and was shaped like a form, quickly materialized into a ghost in front of our door.  It walked quickly down the hall in robes and sort of a turban-like dk. red head covering.  I saw it's profile and saw that it was looking straight ahead.  I ran and told my husband.  I had already seen a black shadow coming up the hall early one morning, and it exited into our computer room.  It moved very fast.

My husband saw a young adolescent boy in jeans and white t-shirt early one morning before daylight. . . . [it] could have touched him he was so close.  Two of our preteen grandsons were sleeping on the floor on the other side of the couch from the boy ghost.
The next morning that room smelled horrible, like 100 pairs of dirty socks!  I had smelled that filthy, grease-smelling, rotten odor several times before in the house, always in different places.  I firmly believe that boy ghost was somehow related to that smell .  .   .our house is very haunted, and I have been here since Nov. '87.  It is quite interesting to me some of the things we have witnessed here. 
Amelia comments she has had other experiences, and will share them with me in the future:
When I write later I would like to share a couple of those experiences, if you don't mind.  My husband used to be a non-believer in ghosts, but he believes in them now.  Aside from the other incredible incidents,  we first started hearing people talking after we were in bed, but we could never understand what they were saying.  And my husband would hear what sounded like 2 or 3 men talking outside the bathrooom, coming from outside the house from the bathroom.  It was very clearly people talking.  We have also heard women talking, laughing, and singing.  One night when I was on the couch, I woke up before 4 a.m. to hear women's voices talking and laughing.  One woman's voice stood out.  At about 4:oo a.m., I was staring down the hall where the voices had come from when what looked like a large burning torch appeared at the end of the hall, about halfway up the hall.  I watched it in shock as it glowed for about 20 seconds.  Then it disappeared.

There is a strong male voice, very sophisticated DJ-type voice, that has talked to me.  (I didn't talk to it.)  It asked me in the hallway late one night, "_____________ why did you?........) and then it stopped.  Another time in the bathroom,  I heard the same voice say mockingly, "Oh---my---God".  I had been saying that all the time when something bad happened, and this?  It is hard to believe, even for me.
I am always so appreciative of people who share their stories with me.
Amelia's experiences are varied, from ghosts to UFOs, or at least, UFO like activity. It seems Amelia is a medium; like her, I have had these kinds of experiences, since childhood. It may seem odd on the surface, as well as jangled... hearing voices, lights beams, orbs, cones of light, odors, and all the rest, but I know of really quite a good number of people who have had not only UFO/"alien" experiences, but also the kinds of experiences Amelia describes.

In cases like this, one of things I always wonder about is the UFO/alien connection -- if there is one. Does the UFO phenomena mimic what we'd call hauntings? Or they aware of it, do they cause it, or interact in some way? Or manipulate? Or is there simply no connection at all?

As far as beams and orbs, particularly in relation to we loosely call hauntings, clearly it's some kind of energy manifesting. Sometimes we're lucky and are able to capture it on film; sometimes the medium inside of us responds to these energies and we can sense, hear and smell these energies.

Review of Secrets of Death Valley – Mysteries and Haunts of the Mojave Desert” UFO Digest

A very nice review from Sean Casteel of Tim Beckley's/Global Commincations recent release: "Secrets of Death Valley – Mysteries and Haunts of the Mojave Desert” which contains articles by Adam Gorightly, Diane Tessman, Paul Dale Roberts, Joe Parzanese, and myself, among others. The book also has a reprint of contactee George Van Tassel's "I Rode a Flying Saucer."

Random Thought for the Day: Will Larry King Become a UFO Investigator?

Larry King has announced he is retiring; will he spend more time, and more openly (sans skekptoids) on UFO investigations?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock: The Chemtrail-Contrail Post - The Plain Sight Anomaly

From UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock, a post, with comments on a few YouTube clips, on chemtrails.
There are some things I just don't argue (much) about anymore, chemtrails is one of those things. The post mentions orbs in trails, which I've seen, several trails at once criss-crossing and more, which I've seen, and more.
UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock: The Chemtrail-Contrail Post - The Plain Sight Anomaly

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Adam Gorightly: CD Release!

Adam Gorightly's CD Transmissions From a Dying Planet is now available!

Frank Feschino and Alfred Lehmberg on Church of Mabus

On the Church of Mabus, Frank Feschinoo and Alfred Lehmberg:
Jeffery Pritchett & Guy Weddle discuss the Undeclared Air War with ETs & EBEs with Frank Feschino author of Shoot Them Down: The Flying Saucer Air Wars of 1952! Alfred Lehmberg, Frank’s partner in crime helps break down the Flatwood’s Monster legend and more. Where we discuss what really happened and what the Monster really looked like based on testimony from actual witnesses. The American government waged war on UFOs to acquire technology. As well as the white wash of the brave soldiers who were involved in the air attack which resulted in the Flatwood’s incident. We discuss with Alfred the hogwash Ufology is Dead and how often naysayers use this term to cop out usually right before a Resurrection.
(As readers of the Orange Orb know, I've been ranting about the "UFOlogy is dead" line being "hogwash" as Lehmberg puts it . . . it's really so ridiculous for anyone involved in UFOlogy (I'm excluding the skeptibunkies) to take this idea seriously. )

Listen here or visit Church of Mabus site. 



Saturday, June 26, 2010

Forget UFOs, We Have Poop in Space

Watching an episode of Ancient Aliens recently, I noticed that Buzz Aldrin seemed, as he often does, like he’s definitely tuned into a frequency all his own. Something about his intensity and off the wall comments jars me a little. Sometimes he says something and I have no idea what he’s talking about. Is there a hidden agenda? A code he’s sending out to those in the know? His way of dealing with the reality of aliens on the moon?

Remember when Aldrin punched reporter Bart Sibrel?

  A recent Vanity Fair interview with Aldrin ignores the surreal obvious -- though does mention the infamous punching of the face -- and passes up a great opportunity to try to get a glimpse into the mind of Aldrin. Instead, there are waaaaay too many words written about poop in space.

While writer Eric Spitznagel did pick up on Aldrin’s inner world:

and told stories that occasionally rambled, sometimes ending with confusing sentences like “You have to appreciate these things in rotating coordinates.”

he doesn’t follow up on  that bit of weirdness. He goes for a series of questions about going to the bathroom in his astronaut suit.That lame-o line of questioning might be forgiven if Spitznagel had only stopped after the five or so questions regarding the scatological habits of astronauts in space, but for Spitznagel, human feces is far more interesting than extra terrestrials and UFOs:

Did you recognize what they were right away? A couple of years ago you hinted that you might’ve seen a UFO during a space mission. Is it possible you were just looking at floating bags of your own poo?

Aldrin responds pleasantly:

(Laughs.)  No, not at all. They were very close. We could certainly tell what they were.

to which Spitznagel lets that one go by, making yet another smirky poop reference.

And there’s interesting stuff about going back to the Moon, and to Mars, and colonization and the administrations response to space travel. But as to UFOs, nothing.

Friday, June 25, 2010

James Carion and CUT

Ex-director MUFON director James Carion announces a brand new UFO organization: CUT. CUT stands for Center for UFO Truth.

Here’s what I wrote on Facebook:
Oh dear. Not "affiliated in any way with UFology" yet "CUT" (there's an interesting Fortean twilight language kind of word to use)  studies "early days of UFOs ... answering the question long ignored by historians -- was the UFO subject purposely created by the United States. .. part of a cold war operation?" That's been asked before. But anyway, how is this NOT to do with UFology?! It'll be interesting for sure but how far is one willing to go in trusting government sources? Der.  And this gem: "CUT will work outside of the three ring circus that is Ufology and will not accept the contributions of anonymous individuals or alleged whistleblowers nor will it examine alleged leaked documents." So he's distancing himself yet once again from the unwashed masses and "...circus" of UFology, going so far as to call what he's doing - studying an aspect of UFOs --- not UFology.  Newsflash Mr. Carion, you ARE part of the "circus," -- we all are. How an ex-director of MUFON, who is currently involved in a new organization exploring an aspect of UFOs, say with a straight face he is not part of the "circus" is a deliciously ironic, er, circus like, stance to take.

I’ll add that the word UFO is in the name of the group! UFO is part of the acronym, yet, Carion insists, this new enterprise (heh, talk about twilight language) contains the word UFO in its very title. The title is also fun, in its ironic pot/kettle black way, for its word "truth." What a display of arrogance and self important stuff shirted puffery!

Carion never did like saucer heads. He reiterates his distaste for the distasteful and bothersome UFO witnesses and UFO explorers of various kinds:
CUT will work outside of the three ring circus that is Ufology and will not accept the contributions of anonymous individuals or alleged whistleblowers nor will it examine alleged leaked documents.
Yes, why bother with interviewing witnesses to see if they are credible or do the work involved to determine authenticity of documents? 

This is the problem with would be UFO Police; they set up their own little paradigm, decide to reject a good portion of what’s out there, and all the time, they’re congratulating each other on finally getting to the “truth.”

When you combine a systems like that with a dismissive attitude that reeks of classism and an obvious distaste for 90% of the thing you’re studying, you cannot possibly get to any “truth.” 

The Big Lie
Recently, the cyclic meme that “UFOlogy is dead” has been making the rounds, and I wonder: is this thing we loosely call UFOlogy really dead? Or is it just something people say out of frustration? I think the latter. UFOlogy is constantly shifting, and in fact, some big shakeups have been happening recently (David Jacobs, Cherry, and, um,  Carion. . . ) but that doesn't make it dead.

Do some think UFOlogy is “dead” because of the oft bemoaned statement that, “after such and such many years, we don’t have any answers?”

Carion remarks:
Ufology has nothing to show for more than 60 years of amateur investigation and research. By not establishing professional evidentiary standards, Ufology will neither join the halls of academic "ologies" nor will it discover the truth of what lies behind the subject of UFOs.
The us of the qualifier “amateur” is unfair. It’s snide. We’re all amateurs. Does he mean amateur in the popular sense: meaning, less than? Or in the true sense, meaning not paid for one’s work? Amateur has come to mean the former, more often than not, but being “amateur” does not always mean inferior. You cannot take away the study of UFOs from “the people” no matter how much you want to. And if you do, why do you want to? What's the intent?

We don’t have the Big Final Answer That Fits All to the UFO phenomenon. Carion’s mistake, as with many others: thinking there is one.

I don’t know what halls of “ologies” he means, probably the institutions of science, academia, and ironically, the very governmental agencies he plans on getting all this information from, but the reality is: CUT, too, is just another UFO group in the eyes of those “ologies.”

But back to the meme that “after sixty years we haven’t found the answer” -- I wonder if that’s true. No, we don’t have full disclosure, or the Beyond a Doubt UFO From Outer Space craft or an alien body. Well, not one revealed to the world on CNN anyway.

The UFO phenomenon has layers upon shadowy layers upon deeper darker layers. It’s a given UFOs and aliens are “real” and here,  We’ve moved way beyond that. We know they are; we don't’ know what they are.

Parsing the UFO experience down to a small segment --   U.S. government agencies intentionally creating false UFO scenarios to distract  -- is not a new idea, nor a surprise. And finding further proof that was the case at times won’t definitively provide an answer to what UFOs are.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Fortean Tornado

This tornado event in Connecticut -- or rather, "suspected" tornado -- has lots of Fortean elements; really, the event itself struck me as Fortean. Starting with the use of the word "suspected" in describing such tornado:
BRIDGEPORT, Conn. – A suspected tornado tore through Connecticut's largest city Thursday, toppling trees and power lines and collapsing several buildings as a powerful line of storms swept across parts of the Northeast. Remarkably, no serious injuries were reported.
Besides the use of the word "suspected" was the use of "unconfirmed"
There were unconfirmed sightings of a tornado..
You'd think the article was reporting on a UFO or Bigfoot sighting.

I wonder what part of the weather event caused such suspicion; it certainly behaved like a tornado:
Hundreds of bricks shook loose from buildings, trees split in half and crushed cars, and a billboard hung precariously several stories up over Main Street. Nine buildings were partially or fully collapsed, including three on East Main Street that were brought to their foundations . . .
Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch declared a state of emergency after the fast-moving system of driving rain and wind gusts that reached 78 miles per hour in the area.
 Jacqueline Arroyo, 44, said she saw a black cloud and ran inside to her third-floor apartment, where the window exploded. Trees were blown so ferociously they appeared to be coming out of the ground, and people were screaming, she said.
"All the wind started coming inside the house. I heard 'boom, boom!'" she said. "It was so fast but terrifying."
And so on. Among the damaged buildings: "a museum dedicated to P.T. Barnum"

Despite the damage, witness reports, the "unconfirmed tornado sightings," the weather service has to go and check it out for themselves before confirming or denying.

Read complete article here.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Enrique Castillo Rincon, Contactee

Came across the following time on UFOs, et al blog about the 1973 experience of Contactee Enrique Castillo Rincon. Rincon lived in Colombia. His experiences include tall aliens in diving suits (a not so unusual motif) and the craft he saw -- “domed ships” -- appeared to have come from a nearby body of water. Like many Contactees, Rincon received some form of telepathic messages from “several groups” of individuals in various areas.

Shameless Self Promotion

Visit UFOMystic. You'll find a groovy banner, and Greg Bishop, Nick Redfern, Scott Corrales, Lesley Gunter, yours truly, Sharon Lee, Craig Woolheater and Richard Thomas. I mean, that's fantastic! So go. Go already!

Facebook Mini Rant

I responded to something on Facebook, just thought I'd share. Sums it up, maybe I'll put it on my business card!

UFOlogy is not "dead," no one should be the Great UFO Decider, it ain't all that serious, and it is all VERY serious, science will never embrace us saucer heads, but that's okay because like Groucho said: (paraphrasing) "I don't want to be a member of any club that'd have me", one person's embarassing fruitcake is another person's tasty brownie, some of us are stuck with weird experiences and we're trying to figure it out, no, we won't shut up, far too many smug stuffed shirts pontificating their way through UFO Land, judgements, classism, self-importance, and not listening to the witnesses. I'd hate to go off on a rant though!

Tim Beckley's SAUCER BLAST!

Mr. UFO, Tim Beckley, has a new blog:   Saucer Blast! Groovy!

June 5th Spiral Over Australia

YouTube clip of the spiral over Australia. Pretty much like the Norway spiral. Explanation for this one: U.S. rocket ship. (I know, we don't say "rocket ship" anymore, I just like the way it sounds.)