Monday, August 13, 2018

Space Art

Space art. Not art about space, but art in space. As in, outer. Oy. As The Daily Grail commented "It’s only a matter of time until there are fast food logos up there, right?"

Elon Musk is involved in this latest human indulgence of the surreal kind. No surprise there. In a stupendous understatement, artist Trevor Paglen is quoted:
"Space is actually really really big,..."
Mr. Paglen goes on to assure us that:
"... it's extremely unlikely that it will collide with anything else. The main thing to worry about is it deploying successfully around other satellites. We've been working with the launch provider to come up with a plan to mitigate against any accidents there.”

[Heavens to shine with new ‘star’ as first space sculpture prepares for launch]
Well, that's good to know. I feel safer.

I get the artistic philosophy here. But, after all the conceptual musings, the actual implementation of this seems surreal, indulgent and crazy. And opens the door for crasser endeavors. Also, Elon Musk. I have long been suspicious of the man.

Earthquake Synchronicity

A little bit of a synchronicity. Something woke me up Saturday night. Or, early morning. It was late, but I don't know the time. I was awake, just . . . there, in the dark, and suddenly felt the shake. From perfectly still to a real shake. No trucks, etc. had gone by, the cat hadn't jumped on the bed (and our cat wouldn't have made just a strong shake like that anyway) just one single strong jolt of a shake. Then, nothing. My first and only thought "earthquake." So I waited, half expecting another one to follow. Nothing. I went back to sleep.

Then this:
(CNN)A 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit a remote part of Alaska on Sunday, according to the US Geological Survey.
There have been no reports of injuries to people, or damage to places or pipelines, after the quake on Alaska's North Slope, according to the University of Alaska Fairbanks' Alaska Earthquake Center.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Space Force Merc

Trump 2020 to sell 'Space Force' merch - CNNPolitics: Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's re-election team seized on his administration's push for a "Space Force" on Thursday, pledging to sell branded merchandise to his supporters.
"President Trump wants a SPACE FORCE -- a groundbreaking endeavor for the future of America and the final frontier," read an email from the Trump campaign. "As a way to celebrate President Trump's huge announcement, our campaign will be selling a new line of gear." [CNN]
Good goddess gravy. The Rotting Mango is treating the white house like a corny info commercial. Space Force! Force All the Way! RM tweets. This from the president of our country.

Us fortunate citizens can buy Space Force!  "gear" and not only that, vote for a favorite Space Force! Force patch. Naturally,  Mars Awaits is my favorite.

I won't comment on the obvious absolute ridiculous and surreal nature of the RM's Space Force! Force plan, because, if I have to explain why it's so,  you're doomed.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Emma Woods: Upcoming Book, YouTube

Emma Woods has a clip describing her paranormal life on YouTube. There's a link on her video to another video regarding her sleep-walking, or more correctly, sleep note-taking which is interesting.

From her blurb:
I am one of many people who have had anomalous experiences throughout their lives that cannot be explained in conventional terms. My own experiences fit patterns that, in our culture, are often explained as “paranormal”, “UFO” or “alien abduction” experiences. I have an agnostic view of these cultural explanations; I am neither a “believer” nor a “skeptic”. However, I think that the underlying experiences giving rise to these explanations are both real and anomalous, whatever their origin. Although most of my experiences occur when I am alone, there have been other people present for some of them. Several of them kindly allowed me to post audio of their witness testimony in this video. Look out for my upcoming book on my anomalous experiences! [Emma Woods]

I'm looking forward to reading her book.

Friday, August 3, 2018

The Left vs. the Right and 'Constricters'

 Satanic Abuse/ Egregores & the Occult - Shows (Coast to Coast)
Last night's Coast to Coast was interesting. Except for one point; the point I've been writing about these past few weeks. Which is the relationship between the political right and the left in context of UFO, paranormal research.

I think it was guest Russ Dizdar, (I think it was Dizdar) who, on discussing the deep state, negative energies, mind control, etc. -- which makes sense, and is, in my opinion, a non-debatable reality -- went off on what he called "constriction." Except, according to Dizdar, it's the left who is responsible for this constriction!

He went on to talk about Communism, which, according to him, is the agenda of the left. And then placing blame for all kinds of crazy onto the left, in context of "constriction," which is the egregores, and the occult's, purpose.

If anyone, anything, is doing "constricting" it is Trump, the orange one, the POTUS, the 45. He, and the followers, supporters and kiss assers, are the ones who "constrict." And if I have to explain it to you, you are doomed.

I have no argument concerning negative energies, from our own -- humans -- as well as non-human yet intelligent entities. Call these energies Satan, demons, daimons, Djinn, fallen angels, ET, aliens, faerie, elementals ... wait. They are not all the same thing. But they are all, all. Some of them are negative. Malevolent.

Some are not. Some don't care either way. Sometimes we just get in their way. Other times, there is a specific agenda to fuck with us. Some of the energies involve humans.

But to seriously inject that liberals are the cause -- this is the point I find myself in despair. I can only go so far when I hit that wall. That wall put up by conservatives who abruptly veer off from delving into the paranormal -- the real, actual, at times insidious, paranormal, including UFOs, and all its deception -- and scream "liberal."

Lizard Man Tales/ Was Elvis Murdered? - Shows

This is what Coast to Coast on AM radio is about!

Lizard Man Tales/ Was Elvis Murdered? - Shows: In the summer of 1988, a terrifying creature began haunting the woods and little towns of Lee County, South Carolina. Crypto investigator Lyle Blackburn joins Richard Syrett to discuss the history of the 'Lizard Man,' described as 7 ft. tall, with a green scaly body, and red eyes. [Coast to Coast]

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Art Bell's Ouija Message Via Jimmy Church

I find this creepy. It might be so, but. . . there's just something about this that makes me uncomfortable. But, here it is, Art Bell's post-death message, channeled through the Ouija board.

Art Bell's Ouija Message For Fans - Dark Matter News: During the close to 2.5 hour session, Church asked the guides to contact Bell requesting a message to his fans — live on air during the broadcast. the image above is included in his video as he was transcribing the message during the program.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Become the Tree: Post Orb Sighting

After my orange orb sighting, I began to have, not only more UFO sightings, but psychic experiences as well. From early childhood on, I've always been psychic, or sensitive, and I've also had UFO experiences, including missing time (in Los Angeles, before the missing time with the orange orb sighting in Eugene.)

All kinds of synchroniciites, UFO sightings, and psychic episodes and dreams followed the orange orb sighting. Includng the following, which involves Tree Spirit.

We were still living in the house where the orange orb sighting took place. We only lived there about a year. I was lying on the bed upstairs; it was early evening. There was a sliding glass door that led out to a little balcony by the bed. I was idly looking outside, at the trees . . . we lived at the top of a hill in a woodsy area, even though we were very close to town. Up the hill: woodsy, down the hill, traffic and 'the city.' Still light outside. I was very relaxed, though completely awake. Abruptly, I heard a rushing sound -- the sound of water coursing through. This came from outside, but also inside. Not inside the house, but inside me. I was aware of myself, as 'me' but I had been possessed (?) by the tree. I was the tree. I felt and heard water within me, the roots below. The awareness and sentient being of the tree. We were one. This was one of the most vivid experiences of my life.

Now, before you think "Too many 'shrooms there my friend," which is fair, I was not under the influence of anything remotely mind altering. No drugs, weed, alcohol, pills, nothing.

I was stunned but not upset or bothered. I was honored. I was surprised. I wondered at the seeming randomness of this event. And I couldn't help but think this intense, magickal moment was related to the UFO sighting.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Contact with the Greys on Coast to Coast

Tonight's Coast to Coast episode is about what Coast to Coast should be about; good old alien stuff. Host is Jimmy Church:

Contact with the Greys - Shows: Visual effects artist Steve Neill has had lifelong experiences with non-human intelligence starting when he was 6 years old (related link). He first became aware that memories he thought were unique to himself were also shared by others after reading Communion by Whitley Strieber. [Coast to Coast)

Multiple dead octopuses were found at Boyd Lake and no one knows why |

 Very odd, and sad, story. Truly Fortean. Thanks to The Anomalist for the link.

Multiple dead octopuses were found at Boyd Lake and no one knows why | Multiple dead octopuses were found at Boyd Lake and no one knows why
A 5-year-old found an octopus at Boyd Lake State Park a couple weeks ago, and then his family found two more. What the octopuses were doing there is not known.

Friday, July 20, 2018

A Grey Alien Tarot Card: Bifrost Tarot Deck

 Another area of passion and interest of mine,  (see my blog OrangeOrbTarot) aside from the UFO, paranormal realm, is the tarot. I was searching for various decks, since I collect them as most readers do, I have several, and came across this image from the Bifrost tarot deck.
This is a Major Arcana card -- specifically, The Chariot -- from the Bifrost tarot deck. There is a distinctive alien grey ET figure, floating in outer space, giving the peace sign.

According to the deck's creator, the meaning of the Trump or Major Arcana card The Chariot is:

The Chariot of the information age is the mind.  This is symbolized by both the flying saucer behind the Roswell alien's eyes and the magic carpet at his seat.  The blood in his grail and the strand of DNA show that no matter where he travels, he will always find himself. []

The flying saucer is in the place of the third eye. The location is specific: Roswell.  The alien is peace loving, since he/she/it/gender neutral alien is flashing the peace sign. And, the ET is on a magic flying carpet, floating out there in the starry void.

What to make of this?

Assumptions that ET, as 'the grey' is a good vibe, well meaning, peaceful hippie alien. All is groovy and cosmic, flying around on the magic carpet.

Traditional, The Chariot, Waite-Coleman-Rider deck
Traditionally, The Chariot is depcited as having stars above (hence the alien I suppose) which represents the influences of the stars in this card. There is also the crescent moon. The wings have to do with Hinduism -- the Bifrost tarot interprets this image using the third eye.

There are actually a few tarot decks that use aliens in as symbols. I don't know how I feel about using a deck with this image, for myself, it seems too strange. In one sense, accessing memories of UFO encounters as a sort of tarot card reading, in order to make sense out of what happened, is useful. I try to do this for myself at times. But I don't know about integrating both. However, it's not a judgement
 and others might find newer, non-taditional decks using alien motifs useful.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

From Jack Brewer at The UFO Trail: Steinberg Bankruptcy Failed to Slow Claims of Cash Crisis

Brewer always has great insights into UFO Land. Here's a recent blog by Brewer on Paracast's Gene Steinberg, whom I am no fan of, mainly due to his response to Emma Woods and his defense of David Jacobs. For years, Steinberg has been begging for cash donations because... well, just because. Maybe I should start in on this; asking for donations. We have a house, but it's shabby. Husband's retired, I'm working but worn out. Need work done but can't really afford it. Oh, we get by, and are really fine -- we're still in love, and happy, and have shelter and food and employment, but still. I should get paid for writing Very Deep Thoughts About Things, don't you agree? So send me some money.

Anyway, in the meantime, this from Steinberg is certainly ironic, since he's been shilling himself for years:

The UFO Trail: Steinberg Bankruptcy Failed to Slow Claims of Cash Crisis: "My financial struggles are none of your business," Steinberg wrote, adding that he demands others and I cease trolling him and posting what he termed false information. (Jack Brewer, The UFO Trail)

Monday, July 16, 2018

My Ego

I always give credit to those that inspire me. If I read an article, someone's blog, book, or even a social media comment that motivates me to comment, rant or rave, I give a nod to the source.

I find it both amusing and slightly annoying when I read something on, say, a blog, a day or two after I've written about the very same thing, and no credit is given. No "I saw this on Regan Lee's Orange Orb blog and got to thinking .  . . " just an obvious riff on what I recently wrote about. There are a specific few blogs that do this consistently. But, since I am disliked by some (aren't we all?) as well as considered uneducated and even mentally unbalanced, no surprise there.

It's my own personal button-that-hates-to-be-pushed, this. It's a cousin to being called a liar. For whatever reason, or reasons, I hate being accused of lying when I most certainly have done no such thing. I've felt this way since I was a child.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Nadine Lalich on 'Sleep Paralysis'

Nadine  Lalich wrote an interesting counter to the whole sleep paralysis is nothing but that explanation.

I've had sleep paralysis since I was a kid, as well as that pulling-tugging feeling, voices, etc. I've also had numerous UFO experiences, going back to when I was a child. For half my life, I assumed these experiences: the sleep paralysis, leaving the body (different from the pulling tugging, though similar), voices, sensing (sometimes seeing) presences in the room, were normal. It wasn't until I attended a health fair at the local hospital that, according to them, all this is considered a 'disorder.' Not in my book.