Showing posts with label abductees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abductees. Show all posts

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Sky, Trout, and Devil

     The following had nothing to do with UFOs or research, but it does involve animals and the dream state, so good enough. Night before last I had a dream, set in one of my many recurring dream states. This one was the one where it's a in the middle of nowhere semi-tourist teeny town surrounded by woods. Single lane highway through it. Usually it's night when I'm here. Don't know where all this goes, where I'm going, always a little anxious and even creepy.
     Someone steals my fifteen year old car and refurbishes it -- turns it into a weird Jeep/trike bike combo thing, with a domed window covering, like an inverted fishbowl, the interior of the car-jeep-bike.
     I get the car back, annoyed this guy just up and stole my car and took it upon himself to change it. On the way to my car I come upon three dogs: two black labs, about a year or two old, and a German Shepherd, about four or five years old. These dogs are fantastic! Funny, sweet, intelligent. They have been waiting for me. Their only "job" is to be with me. We are all so damn happy to be together! I have a lucid moment; why am I dreaming about dogs, when two dogs recently killed my beloved cat, Roswell, recently (I am still grieving his death) and, the only time I've been bitten by a dog was by a black lab. The only time my husband has been bitten was by a black lab. (That attack was so bad he had to go to the hospital.) And I'm no fan of German Shepherds, not a favorite breed of mine.
     Oh well. These dogs, in the dream, are just so great. We're all communicating very easily and telepathically. One of them says "Hey, we need names. You have to name us!" So I call one of the black labs "Sky", the other one "Trout," and the German Shepherd, "Devil." That last one cracks us all up, because it's a joke. "Devil" in an affectionate way, he is very un-Devil like. Not a vicious bone in his body. So we all get a good laugh out of that name. I have another lucid moment and think, "Hmm, Devil sounds a little off, but now Diablo, that's much cooler." So we go back and forth calling him Devil or Diablo, still laughing about the name.
     Later, looking at vintage images of Tarot cards, I find this:

Image source for card here.
     It is interesting a black dog is used for the Death card. In this card the dog appears to be a Great Dane, not a black lab. The black dog image in folklore, particularly Celtic lore, is connected with the supernatural, death, appearing usually at night. Google black dog folklore and you'll find a lot to explore. Aside from the traditional black dog lore, there is an interesting black dog story related by Whitley Strieber in Solving the Communion Enigma; What is to Come. A dead black dog  -- a lab -- was found on neighbor's property in the midst of the intense (that's an understatement!) UFO activity Whitley and his family were experiencing. Streiber reminds us that Cerberus  the black dog, is the guardian of Hades. Obviously why this Tarot card depicts a  black dog. Interesting I called the shepherd in my dream "Devil" -- my subconscious picking up on filed away knowledge. (though why I named him Devil and not one of the black labs I don't know.)
     I wrote at the beginning that this has nothing to do with UFOs but as I went along, remembered the black dog story in Strieber's book. Domed vechilces, and a black lab named Sky. Trout, however, remains puzzling. Unless, as Douglas Adams once wrote, "So long, and thanks for all the fish." 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Total (Practically) Recall: Jim Sparks, Abductee

Jim Sparks, author of The Keepers, is an abductee. Sparks was one of the speakers at the UFO conference in McMinnville, Oregon, this weekend.  I was familiar with Sparks story, having seen a video shown at a local UFO group meeting, and I bought his book some time ago. But I always had "hmmm..." feeling about Sparks and his story. Other stories I believe: the Hills, Travis Walton, to name just two well known cases.

Better people than I have put their faith in Sparks; the forward to his book was written by John E. Mack, and the prologue, by Linda Moulton Howe. (also one of the speakers this weekend.) Donald Ware contributes his comments at the end of the book.  But I can't help but feel something is off here.

For one thing, Sparks big claim is that, unlike most, if not all, abductees, Sparks has almost total recall of his experiences. This sets him apart from others. My question is: how does he know? Seriously, how does he know he's recalled everything there is to recall, or just about, anyway? How does one know that what they remember is truly all of what happened?

He also isn't a particularly good speaker. It wasn't so much what he had to say, but the way he said it. That comes from experience and I don't know how good a job I would do, for example, but then again, if you're putting yourself out there on the circuit, it should be expected you are polished and together. One annoying thing: he kept walking away from the mike and podium out onto the stage. Not miked, it was hard to hear him. He said he needed the room because he was very expressive with his body language, but I found it unnecessary.

At the back of his book, Sparks offers consulting to those fellow abductees "...who lack of frame of reference in their life due to the bizarre nature of their experiences." (Sparks, The Keepers, second edition.) He charges $100.00 an hour for this service.

I'm not suggesting Sparks is a liar. In fact, I think he's had some experiences that were UFO related, and deeply affected him. There are some things Sparks says that are intriguing, for example, his description of "being pulled" by the aliens. I've had this happen myself so I find the connection interesting.

Then the familiar dream unrolled. Being pulled from the bed ...  (Sparks, p16)

How much of that story is true, no one except Sparks can say. Personally, I just don't buy into his story, or more accurately, into what he's done with it.

I told someone at the conference that I can't put my finger on it, other than to say it's my gut feeling. Something is off, and I've learned to listen to that voice. But I don't know what it is that makes me uneasy. So all I can say is, that is my take on Sparks.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Message Is ...

(cross posted at UFOMystic)

Cover, Howard Menger's From Outer Space To You (1959)

The message is . . . well, doesn't seem to be a message. I've had telepathic communications with UFOs and "aliens." Nothing profound however. Or even silly, as in, no alien ever wanted to exchange  pancakes recipes.  All they did was say, in each encounter, "We're here!" Literally. Just letting me know they know that I know that they're about. Often verified by other witnesses, so, nice of "them" to confirm and not have me think I'm crazy.  But after that, nothing. No Space Visitor messages of universal love, no gentle chidings to start healing the planet before it's too late, no pedantic monologues about the workings of energy, vibrations, and how the flying saucer engines work.

Life long experiences, going back to childhood. Shared events; such as with my husband. (His, also going back to childhood.) Messages of personal confirmation. Why haven't I been told of cures for illness or given a message to spread to all of humanity? What about my recipe for pancakes? But maybe the message is -- as indeed I've been told many times by these invisible entities --  that the "message" is, simply, their existence.

They are here. That's not debatable. What more do you want?

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Mike Clelland's "I now know..." Utah map, under the stars

Yesterday, I posted a link, with comments, to Mike Clelland's blog post "I now know." He "came out" and these two earlier posts of his give the context: (See " Sleeping Under the Stars, and Line on a map across Southern Utah.)

 I mentioned to Mike earlier today that I had read his post about sleeping under the Utah skies, and, in a good example of denial/dancing (or scrambling) inside that loop, didn't see the obvious. And as to my own life -- and Jim's -- we still aren't seeing the obvious. So read the two posts Clelland has at his blog.

 It's blogs such as Mike Clelland's, Lucetia Heart, Jeremy Vaeni, and many others, that are the  important stuff in UFOlogy. The "folk," the witnesses, the experiencers, contactees, abductees, whatever label -- the encounters presented just as they are, just as they've been experienced, by the ones who've experienced them. All of us are just trying to find out what happened. We journey through in various ways, but, in my experience (personal communications, intuitive feelings, shared or similar experiences, etc.) all of us are honest and clear in what we share with others. 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Demons and Deer

Thanks to Lesley Gunter at The Debris Field for the following links, both of which are very interesting for their perspectives on UFOs.

"The UFO manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of the age-old demonological phenomenon. " (John A. Keel, The Trojan Horse)

Aliens are Demons We start with the following story link at UFO Disclosure blog: Experiences Changes Mind - Aliens Are Demons. Immediately the mind rebels: "demons?" That superstitious Christian fear based crap? But if we think of "demon" as an entity -- akin to Djinn, say -- and strip the label of its religious trappings, we might get somewhere. However, UFO Disclosure does not take any of these ideas seriously, commenting that he and Nick Redfern recently debated the idea of "demonic" forces at work within a UFO context. And the story itself, from "Messina" -- while described in somewhat sexist terms by UFO D. who paraphrases Messina's theory: "...including combining the missed periods of women in the 40's going thru the change of life - into being aborted by the aliens in their spaceship." (I've never interpreted my hot flashes as being alien induced probings, though they sure as hell feel damn supernatural sometimes.) Messina's story, about abductee Camille James Harman and linked to by UFO Disclosure, reports that Harman prayed for clarity regarding her alien encounters as she worked on her book about those encounters:
 "I started to pray, 'God, give me an answer to this whole mystery. I want to have a useful conclusion.' I was then guided to read a couple of books that I hadn't come across in my research. (Later on), a profound feeling of grace came over me. I felt the divine, protected and guided." Harman considers herself a born-again Catholic."
Not just a born again Christian, but a born again Catholic. I find this distinction intriguing for its connection to Marian apparitions and UFOs. I find myself in a betwixt and between place with all this. Fear and religious constraints vs. non-human but not ET alien alien. Meaning, some non-human, intelligent force that's been with us for eons. John Keel is just one of many UFO researchers who long ago came to this conclusion. Really nothing new, yet still a shadowy kind of theory that hangs out on the fringes of UFOlogy. This is not to say other entities also exist, including literal ETs.

Deer Men and UFOs
I've been thinking on deer imagery in relation to UFOs for awhile now, as I wrote about not long ago. Besides the deer connection, the account of other animals and their behavior as signals something is definitely not at all right is a subject I've been following for some years. So I found this link at The Debris Field interesting: UFOs and Deer Men in Oklahoma, at Mysterious Universe. Very cool encounters, and scary as hell. Definite high strangeness!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Thoughts on an Unread Book: Nick Redfern's The Pyramids and the Pentagon

I've heard that one of the theories put forth in Nick Redfern's newest book The Pyramids and the Pentagon; The Government's Top Secret Pursuit of Mystical Relics, Ancient Astronauts, and Lost Civilizations (he must be the most prolific Fortean writer around, besides Brad Steiger) is that the government/military complex was responsible for many contactee experiences.  I haven't read the book, yet. (Just downloaded it to my Kindle.) And of course, can't wait to read about one of my favorite topics -- contactees -- from one of my favorite Fortean authors. If Redfern does theorize that the government was directly responsible for many of the contactee encounters, that fits in with the MILABS theory, for one thing.

Some might wonder why many UFO witnesses, contactees, abductees are so . . . "obsessed." From the perspective of the on-looker -- be they researcher, debunker, or mainstream observer -- it may seem indulgent, silly, pathetic, even, this "obsession." But this so-called "obsession" is often the valid attempts from the witness to find out what the hell happened! So simple. Yet often surprisingly overlooked by others much of the time.

For myself, it gets back to, well, me. Since childhood I've had UFO related and paranormal experiences, including missing time. I am now of the opinion there are at least two things happening at the same time: "them" meaning, whoever, or whatever, these things we call aliens might be, and some of "us" meaning, mainly, the cliched (but nonetheless real) military-industrial-complex. The latter is using the former for their own agendas, and the rest of us are its little puppets.

So yes, I am damn well immensely curious, not to mention pissed off, that either non-human entities or human entities, (or both) felt they could mess with my mind simply because they could. It's certainly possible missing time, various manipulations, and sightings were human caused events. Within the context of covert operations performed upon the rest of us, it's absolutely relevant and legitimate that witnesses, like myself, "obsess" (ahem) over what happened.

It's obvious to anyone who's honest at all that humans have been sharing this planet with a host of other intelligences since our beginnings. Whether some of these beings are aliens from other planets is almost beside the point -- the fact is, we've been existing alongside other entities all along. It isn't a stretch to assume that some humans -- those with power, money and the means to exert control over the rest of the human population -- have found ways to manipulate some of these non-human beings. 

Don't throw it back on us; this idea that we're the ones wasting time and pondering the imponderable. Wrong argument.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Parallel Sibling History

My husband and I have many parallel experiences, many connected to UFO and paranormal events. I've written many times about these experiences: shared images, dreams, UFO related encounters, etc. We even lived a few blocks from each other when we were young, before we ever met each other.

And even though we've been married over thirty years, it's surprising, sometimes, when we realize we don't everything about each other. I forget what the context was -- how it came up -- but I mentioned his mother's (since passed) TB. When Jim was a very young child, his mother underwent several painful treatments for TB, including a stay in a TB sanitarium. At that, Jim told me his mother's sister -- who would had been his aunt -- had died when his mother and her sister were children. Her name was "Violeta."

"Are you kidding me?!" I said. I then told him that my father's (also passed) sister died when they were children, and her name was also "Violetta." Now, their names weren't really Violetta -- I'm not disclosing the real name. But their names were both unusual names, and so it is quite a coincidence (really, synchronicity!) that both sisters had that same unusual name. (Also, my father was about 20 years younger than my Jim's mother, who had Jim late in life.)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Conscience of the Queen, by Elsie Conner

Some have a different reaction to Leah Haley's opinion that, in her words, "abductions don't happen" and are, instead, human created mind control scenarios. From abductee Elsie Conner on Alien Jigsaw: Conscience of the Queen, by Elsie Conner.

I have no comment, not about Conner's experience, because, simply, it's not my experience. I have no right to make assumptions or argue; it isn't about that. I respect Elsie Conner's comments on her own life and experiences, as I do all who have UFO related experiences.

The main sticking point for Conner is that Haley hasn't offered any proof for her statement that "abductions don't happen" -- no FOIA documents, etc. It's both an intensely personal article as well as a tough one; attacking Haley for being insensitive to abductees by dismissing their experiences. Or what's being perceived as dismissing.

This is interesting and vulnerable territory. Each person's story inspires questions and theories about alien abductions. It's a delicate line to walk between respecting others and maintaining your own sense of self, integrity and feelings about the phenomena. No one should speak for anyone else. Responding to the experiences -- to the responses to the experiences -- is difficult because respect needs to be maintained, yet so does a sense of awareness of your own place in all this.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Nick Redfern: Alien Abductions: Military Manipulation? | Mysterious Universe

Nick relates one woman's abduction experiences, and her theories on MILABS and ufos/aliens: Alien Abductions: Military Manipulation? | Mysterious Universe. Writes Redfern:

There are those researchers and eye-witnesses (or perhaps “victims” would be a much better term) who believe that alien abductions have nothing to do with the activities of real-life extraterrestrials, but are, in reality, the result of clandestine work undertaken by the U.S. military.
So the theory goes, the military uses the alien abduction motif as a carefully-camouflaged cover to allow for the continued testing of new technologies, such as mind-altering and mind-controlling drugs, and sophisticated hypnotic techniques on unwitting and innocent citizens.
Is it possible that now, after all this time, the idea of MILABS is getting some serious consideration on a more open level among ufologists? I hope so. About time. I don't know if MILABS explains abductions or not, if ET is still involved in some ways, or what, but I do know that the subject has been on the fringe of the fringe and many have not wanted to look at MILABS in a serious way. Maybe things are changing. Leah Haley's recent statements concerning her own abduction experiences have startled a few into rethinking things...

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Leah Haley on the Abduction Mythology

I've been following Leah Haley's story for years. So naturally I am keenly interested in her current stance regarding UFOs and abductions. Which is, as Jack Brewer at The UFO Trail relates:
Former self-described alien abductee Leah Haley has revised her perspectives about her experiences of high strangeness to conclude that no alien abductions ever took place in her life. She now completely attributes her remarkable perceptions to having been an involuntary research subject. Commenting on literal alien abduction from her home in Pensacola, Florida, Haley stated, “It doesn't happen.”
Now I'm really interested! I haven't experienced anything close to what Leah Haley has experienced, but, given my own two (possibly three) missing time episodes, and life long UFO/paranormal/high strangeness encounters, the abduction scenario has always been a part of this history. Like an unwelcome, sometimes embarrassing relative or friend that insists on being a part of your life no matter how diplomatically you tell them to just go away, the alien abduction scene persists in inserting itself. I've never thought I was literally an "abductee" -- and, in fact, don't think alien abductions are literal events or even, (maybe) related to ETs. Still, there is much weirdness afoot, and that weirdness is  from outside ourselves. (Mostly.)  These experiences (with some exceptions) are not due to psychosis or pathologies or la de fucking dah. They are real, and they of the "other." Of course, that opinion/belief rests on the assumption that the rest of us accept this "other" which of course, most don't. Worse, some do indeed accept that premise but pretend that they don't. That's the insidious side of all this. Some may call that view paranoid. Me, I'm being practical. It's real, it's insidious, it's part "other," it's part human. I've long suspected that humans are involved in much of this stuff: manipulating events, capitalizing on the dregs "they" leave behind or allow us to play with. Dark, paranoid, bleak. Sure. That's not all of it, and I am always hopeful. So I'm not completely pessimistic. In fact, I'm not pessimistic at all. Those humans that fuck with us in concert with "them" (ETs, and/or non-human entities) can go to hell. And if it does turn out they've messed with my head on more than one occasion as well as my husband's, that really is every bit as unnerving and fantastic as aliens. Something I've been saying for a long time.

So. Leah Haley. For years Haley has been writing about her experience concverning alien abductions. She wrote a book: Lost Was the Key, and related her experiences of UFOs and all kinds of related weird events. You can read about it by Googling and reading Jack Brewer's articulate article.

The idea of MILABS (Military Abductions) has always been an uneasy part of UFO research. Not many want to go there. Too paranoid, among other things. (I have had so many experiences with UFO groups who persist, like some Fortean Pelicanist-ostrich hybrid of keeping their heads in the sand, that only "positive" stories and theories of ET and UFOs be allowed. Even if your experience is the your truth, if it's "negative" they don't want you around.) There's a middle here; it's not only ETs, and it's not only humans operating covert staged abduction events. One does not exclude, or negate, the other. ETst still exist -- so do humans manipulating the idea of ET existence for all its worth.

Haley has uncovered government documents, incuding patents, that have led her to her conclusion that alien abductions are human created mind control experiments. For example, as Brewer relates:

Haley cited U.S. Patent Office documents, demonstrating evolution of electronic technology and non-lethal weapons that correlates with the time line of reports of alien abduction. Advances in technology during the 20th century included using electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) to remotely entrain brain waves, induce altered states of consciousness and transfer an otherwise inaudible voice directly into the brain. Overexposure to EMFs was documented to cause hallucinations, nausea, short term amnesia (missing time) and reddened skin, circumstances which became staples of abductee testimonies.
Robert Bigelow figures into this. MUFON founder John Schuessler  rejects criticisms and suspicious of Bigelow's involvement in MUFON and UFO reports, thinking such opinions are silly paranoia. But I've been suspicious of Bigelow's involvement (and indeed MUFON in general) and Haley's experiences add support to the idea of a hidden agenda. It's not altruism on Bigelow, etc. part. (I should add, "in my opinion.:)

Of course we can't know if Haley is being truthful, if she isn't, in reality, just paranoid, if alien abductions really are literal, if the government is pure as the driven snow, and so on. I have no idea. I'll amend that: of course I have an idea, or else I wouldn't be commenting. I have no proof. In my own case, all I have is the knowledge of my experiences:

  • Seen several UFOs throughout my life
  • Have had related UFO "alien" experiences: telepathy, "visions", dreams, precognition, shared events, synchronicities...
  • Have had two episodes of missing time (and possibly a third), shared by another witness
  • That witness is now my spouse, who has had his own life long experience with such things
  • (We even lived a few blocks from each other when we were teens years before we met)
  • Have cover or screen memories related to these events
  • And all that's just for starters...
if she's telling her truth, she is not to blame for anything. 

In the meantime, those of us with experiences know something very odd occurs, and after years of investigating, exploring, speculating, sharing and discussing, no UFO pundit, self-elected UFO Police, or anyone else, has walked up to us and handed us a big "Here! All the answers to all your questions in this fancy little envelope." Nope.

So where ever Leah Haley's current opinions takes her, and us, we'll have to see. But in the meantime, for now, I appreciate her honesty in coming forth with her perspective. It causes us to take another look from a different perspective and that is not ever a bad thing in this realm.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The UFO Trail: Central Issues of the Emma Woods Case

An article post from Jack Brewer at The UFO Trial blog: The UFO Trail: Central Issues of the Emma Woods Case Here's just a bit from Jack's post:

As if Woods' thorough documentation of facts and the predominantly tolerant and open-minded nature of the UFO community are not reasons enough to allow Woods to speak her peace, there are three primary points I find wrong with the statements of those seeking to silence Woods:

1) None of those who try to saddle Woods with psychiatric disorders are actually qualified to diagnose or identify such conditions.

2) None of those who accuse Woods of unacceptable behavior provide documentation of specific circumstances.

3) My personal experience interacting with Woods gives me no reason whatsoever to suspect her to be anything other than reasonable.

My experiences with Emma have been the same: always civil, kind, "reasonable" as Brewer states, and clear.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Eagle and Owl

Earlier in the day, as I was resting (all right, napping) I was thinking on a presentation about my experiences and "invisible aliens." Beginning with the eagle visitation when I was four years old, I carefully went through the memory, focusing on details, color, textures, emotions. I wanted to see if I could get at why it is the "aliens" and the aftermath of their visits remain invisible.

Last night, I had the following dream; I didn't realize until later this morning that this dream is connected with my earlier visualizations of past experience.

I'm at the coast; high banks and the shore below. Grassy, lots of rocks, windy. I'm surrounded by children, many from where I work, in fact, this seems to be a combination of my work place and something much larger. It's not work... yet some people, children and adults, are around. I'm discussing my deep frustration with a sort of co-worker/sort of friend about my not being able to move to the coast. (Yet, here we are. Not sure if I live here yet, but I think I do.) I almost start to cry, I'm so sad and frustrated. We're inside a large building, going down a narrow set of white stairs. One of the children is with us; I'm slightly concerned about her overhearing us because it seems inappropriate, and we're talking not only about my distress but paranormal, UFO topics as well. But my friend/co-worker tells me this kid, along with many others around here, know all about this, more than I think they do, more than I do in many ways. I then notice this little girl is actually leading us down the steps, then we go outside.

Here we are at the beach, alongside a bluff that looks out onto the shore. The ocean is beautiful but also a bit scary; it's very close to us and churning, high waves... I see a large white head, then the body, of a polar bear come up over the bluff. I'm astounded to see this bear, and a little afraid -- do I get the kids and get out of here? Isn't it my responsibility to take care of them? But the bear isn't dangerous, I know that, and he just turns and lumbers off. I know that he's communicated with me that he's just too old, too tired, he doesn't belong here. He was simply curious and took a look around.

We keep going, and I'm surprised to see two brown ears, then heads, appear; brown bear cubs. Their mom is nearby. It's delightful but scary; I know the mother bear will not tolerate anyone getting close to her cubs. I try to keep a low profile, for both myself and the kids. We continue on.

A large eagle (larger than the typical eagle) comes swooping in from the ocean -- not from out over the ocean, but from within the ocean. He lands in front of his nest, which is full of eagle eggs. I'm a little worried about the nest; how safe could it be out in the open like that? Then I wonder about the logic of this; eagles don't keep their nests on the ground like that. A moment later, a large dark gray owl comes swooping in from the ocean, and lands a few yards away from the eagle. Like the eagle, this owl also has a nest, full of owl eggs. Again I think both of the safety of the owl eggs, and the oddness of the location. 

As weird as this is, I somehow know that the eggs are just about to hatch, and the eagle and the owl will guide the hatchlings down the bluff and out into the ocean. This is about to happen any minute.

Both birds are aware we're here, but we're of no account. They're not afraid of us or concerned in any way. They have their own thing to do; we're not involved. 

Related blog: Saucer Sightings. 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

"Leave Alien Abductions Out of UFOs..."

Amongst the debris from the Jacobs-Woods-Hopkins-Rainey events, are comments I've come across in various places regarding alien abductions.  Comments like (to paraphrase) "Leave alien abductions out of UFO research," or "Abductions have nothing to do with the UFO phenomena."

 It may turn out that what we call alien abductions have nothing to do with UFOs, but for now, we have no idea what we loosely call alien abductions are. How can someone say that UFOs and abductions have nothing to do with each other? Thousands of accounts from witnesses that contain: aliens, UFOs, kidnapping. So far, the connection between UFO and alien abduction obvious.

We're calling strange entities "aliens" that usually mean ET from another planet, and that may or may not be what is happening. Witnesses may be led to believe they're being abducted by ETs and taken aboard UFOs, and if so, who's doing the leading and why? MILABS, possibly. Satan? Elves? Is the abduction experience some sort of metaphysical phenomena that doesn't have anything to do with outer space, ET, or spaceships in any way? If any of those theories turn out to be the answer to the abduction puzzle, then and only then can we say "UFOs have nothing to do with abductions." But actually, the two do have something to do with each other, even if only in the fact that one (abductions) likes to manifest itself as part of the other (UFO event.)

Whether we're interpreting abductions as UFO events or dutifully accepting the scenarios presented to us by whatever force is responsible for abductions as alien-UFO based, there is still a connection. There is a valid relationship between the two, whether it's symbolic or literal.

None of this is to say I think the alien abduction scenario is a literal event (though even that is possible) but it is a phenomena that is being not only experienced by humans all over the planet, but manipulated by some kind of "other" (non-human) as well as  humans.

Are we going to go back to the days when researchers left out elements of witness accounts of abductions because they were found to be too off the wall, embarrassing, and just plain weird?

The obvious leading of witnesses by some researchers, whether intentional in order to support a personal bias, or unintentionally because that's a hazard in this field (as is losing it completely by falling so far down the rabbit hole there's no chance of ever getting out) isn't enough reason to disregard abduction accounts. 

We have no idea what's behind abductions, but we do know that aliens and UFOs appear in these narratives. An obvious relationship. Whether or not that relationship is true remains to be discovered. Until then, it seems both ignorant and arrogant to insist "UFOs have nothing to do with abductions." I find it persistently curious that some have the assurance of what are, and what aren't,   valid elements of the UFO phenomena.

Who are we going to pass alien abductions off to? If those UFO researchers who insist abductions have nothing to do with UFOs reject those accounts, and, continue to be disinterested in the subject, we're still left with the existence of the phenomena.

Science, well, so far they've done a poor job. At best, passing if off as aspects of sleep disruptions. By definition, science will never acknowledge the Fortean/UFO elements of abduction unless it's given a label that designates it as a disorder. Accepting the reality of esoteric, metaphysical, or UFO phenomena isn't the job of science. Neither is accepting the reality of conspiracies, like MILABS.

What if abductions turn out to have nothing at all to do with UFOS, but everything to do with ... Satan? (In that I'm being flip, but not much. While I don't believe in a literal devil framed within a Christian or other religion mythology I don't discount the reality of negative energies/entities.)

So we discover that MILABS are at the key to understanding abductions, which means an insidious and illegal action has been taken against global citizens. Wouldn't we care about that? In this not quite so hypothetical scenario, humans are "hoaxing" UFOs, manipulating the idea of an alien presence to fit their own terrifying agendas. UFO researchers are quick to expose the hoaxers and fakes, the liars and the hucksters, why afraid to tread the cold murky waters of so-called conspiracy in this case?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Bit of Rethinking: Aliester Crowley and LAM

I've been re-thinking my opinions on "the grays," alien abductions and hypnosis and the larger question of ET and UFOs. I still think some UFOs and aliens are literal beings from other planets. It's straightforward: they have technology, they live on the Moon, or Mars, or whatever. They manipulate us and have been doing so for eons. Yep, I'm all about Ancient Astronauts. However, much is going on that suggests other, and more... not just the much flung about phrase "inter-dimensional" but entities encountered on the astral level, the line blurring between religious doctrine and beliefs and non-human entities, myths, mysticism and our own participation that remain mostly secretive even to ourselves.

In part, reading Nick Redfern's exciting and ---  as usual with Redfern, controversial and daring perspectives on subjects -- book Final Events and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife has caused me to take another look at Aliester Crowley's  "LAM."  In this 1996  article by  Ian Blake for Excluded Middle, (Aliester Crowley and LAM) Blake writes, about hypnosis and memory in the context of abduction/alien events:
Before we allow ourselves to be convinced however, it is worth taking into account John Rimmer's observation that the witness in this case, "one of a number investigated by Budd Hopkins, had no conscious memory of an abduction before the investigation." The phrase I have underlined is important, not least because the Lam procedure also involves a form of hypnosis, albeit self-administered and -regulated. Rimmer adds that "the UFO abduction as a distinct phenomenon exists as a result of the process of hypnotic regression." And again: " a very great extent the evidence for alien abductions stands or falls on the reliability of memories recalled through regression, and the techniques of hypnosis themselves."
Very interesting. (Of course, Rimmer, et al are skeptics in the end.)

Of our participation, even while we often forget or are unaware of that participation in these events, Blake writes:
In real terms most accounts gained under hypnosis are so vague and imprecise as to be virtually worthless. The sensible reaction to them must inevitably be that they contain a certain amount of "confabulated" material, expressing the repressed desires of the unconscious mind. Hilary Evans seems to be referring to something of this sort in Visions * Apparitions * Alien Visitors when he asks, "Are we to suppose that, subconsciously, all the witnesses...were unconsciously seeking their encounter? And in that case do we have to suppose that every UFO percipient is also responding to some subconscious motivation?" I suspect so -- at least as a broad percept. I suspect furthermore, just as the vampires of eighteenth century Hungary were unable to cross a threshold uninvited, so the UFO entities of contemporary folklore are bound by a similar constraint. Having given the matter careful consideration, I am forced reluctantly to conclude that they too are unable to cross the threshold of human experience without first being "invited" in some way.
That last sentence: "Having given the matter careful consideration, I am forced reluctantly to conclude that they too are unable to cross the threshold of human experience without first being "invited" in some way" is very intriguing.

Interesting points about the use of hypnosis to retrieve memories of alien encounters. Revisiting the issue of hypnosis in UFO research is a positive that's come from Emma Woods story of her sessions with David Jacobs and Carol Rainey's experiences with Budd Hopkins.

 Richelle Hawks discusses LAM and the image of the gray in her excellent  UFO Digest article Yabba Dabble Doo; How Aleister Crowley Introduced the Iconic Gray Alien.
Hawks notes that Whitley Strieber, who is often credited with bringing this now popular culture alien iconic image to our awareness, doesn't think the grays are literal space-men:
Many might be surprised to learn that Strieber himself doesn't (or didn't) necessarily adhere to the nuts and bolts theory, or even that the entities are necessarily aliens. In a Barnes and Noble Author's chat transcript, dated April 12, 1997, he makes these following curious statements: "Is there such a thing as 'grays?' I don't know." " I don't know what the 'visitors' are." And, "I assume aliens are the answer when we don't know what's going on."
Ideas about how UFOs/aliens intersect with esoteric systems and religious presentations of "demons" aren't specific to Crowley or new to UFO research.  Remaining open to this arena and how it might apply to UFOs/aliens; revisiting these concepts often reveals a new path or two for us to follow in our journey.

Related posts: 
Regan Lee for Speculative Realms: Female Abductee Madonna Complex: A Gender-Identified Blame Game

Monday, February 7, 2011

Gary Haden on Eschewing Emma Woods

Another excellent article by Gary Haden at Speculative Realms:The Nausea of an Emma Woods Idiot: Paranormal Celebrity Munchausen by Proxy, the Revolt of the Damned Alive and Making People Sick for Kicks concerning Emma Woods, this time on the responses, or rather, non-responses of the "shrug-so-tiring/boring" variety from researchers. (some who I respect very, very much; but on this one issue, I cannot understand why they think they way they do on this topic.)

Now, this is a hard one because Haden's words are harsh, and as I say, I respect some of the individuals he names. I'm the messenger, not the message. However, again, when it comes to the intentional "mind fucking" as Haden calls it, of witnesses by UFO researchers and disinfo agents, there doesn't seem to be any question as to the acceptance of such devious, manipulative behavior that, well, fucks with people's lives and minds! Yet, somehow, there has been a continued silence and/or acceptance of these doings.

Paul Benneiwitz. John Ford. Emma Woods, for starters. How many more?

It was hard for me to read some of Haden's words concerning Redfern, for example. But Haden is entitled to his opinions. Again, I am the messenger, not the message. Among the many very important paradigm shifting (UFO-wise) elements within Emma's story is the relationship between researcher and witness. What people are still not getting is that Jacobs, no matter what one thinks of his research overall and his theories on aliens, ET, abductions, hybrids, got away with absolutely egregious behavior. Behavior that is no doubt illegal, or would be in other circumstances.

I don't agree with everything Haden writes in this article, though they are minor, nit picky points. Anyway. Read the article. As usual with Haden, it's a great piece, and he is one of the few voices out there continuing to bring the Woods/Jacobs story to our attention.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Charny, Charnie, Chani

Nick Redfern sent me an email commenting on my Calling for Mothman post at UFO Mystic, noting a connection between the name "Charny" (or Charnie) in my dream, and the robot Chani in the sci-fi film (in the "so good at being bad" B-movie genre)  Devil Girl From Mars, which he wrote about on his Contactees blog:
CONTACTEES: A History of Alien-Human Interaction: Devil Girl From Mars

Friday, January 28, 2011

Carol Rainey, Dr. Tyler Kokjohn on Paratopia

From Jeremy Vaeni:

Paratopia Episode 101: Carol Rainey & Dr. Tyler Kokjohn
Just in time for next week's Paratopia Magazine launch, Carol Rainey & Dr. Tyler Kokjohn speak for the first time about their groundbreaking articles released 2 weeks ago. This discussion evolves into one of answers as to where abduction research goes from here and what it will take to make it scientifically legitimate. It will be an uphill battle but the struggle for the future begins here.
To keep up with Carol’s work, please visit:
And be sure to check out Dr. Kokjohn’s informational youtube channel: rewinky

Monday, December 27, 2010

Lesley at Debris Field Comments on Odor of the Owl

The Debris Field: The Odor of the Owl

Lesley comments on the Owl perfume mascot out of London; she points out something I didn't know, that owls don't have a strong sense of smell.

As Lesley mentions, the owl as image is a strong and major one in esoterica:
We all know the owl is the most esoteric creature around, associated with alien abduction, bad omens, Bohemian Grove and so much more.

"They" must know of the owl's powerful impact on the subconscious in this regard. On the surface, one could point to the popularity of the owl in the Harry Potter novels, and the owl in general is a current popular culture motif in fashion. But being of a conspiratorial and Fortean mind, I think this imagery goes deeper than that.

I also agree with Lesley about clowns -- they're creepy and strange and evoke insidious intent -- and mascots, particularly animal ones, aren't any better.

Speculative Realms: Banning, Badge Checking, Sociopathy and the Mass-Hypnotic Herd Mentality of the Paranormal World

Gary Haden at Speculative Realms does it again. Another great post. And a bit of synchronicity, as I've been thinking the same kinds of thoughts these past few days; about labels, and little feuds, and ideas. Rejecting some because they're "wrong" -- as if any of us know what's right. All we can do, is be honest, and continue our search in our own ways.

Speculative Realms: Banning, Badge Checking, Sociopathy and the Mass-Hypnotic Herd Mentality of the Paranormal World: "I write as a flawed human being struggling to make his way in the world, not as some esoteric guru weaving a hypnotic web, trapping vulnerable people in a cocoon, and getting a kick out of watching them squirm and die in my ridiculous, life-draining ideas. The paranormal community zombifies its citizens."

But most of all, this:
I don’t need an advanced degree, or a degree of any kind, or even a grade school education, to give me PERMISSION TO THINK. The FREEDOM TO THINK is a right every human being has. I don’t need the permission of a paranormal celebrity to write what I write, to cite the sources I cite, or to speak about an offense that damages people and to adequately warn the public about a hazard to be avoided.

And neither do ANY OF YOU.

Many people who are bloggers or reporters don’t have advanced degrees in the subject matter they write about. Most reporters have Bachelors Degrees in Journalism. They’re taught how to make inquiry. They’re not taught to be experts in every field they cover, but they’re provided with investigative skills to allow them to deliver an informed report. Their bachelor’s degrees don’t defraud their research or render their scholarship invalid or deprive them of the ability, as free individuals, to THINK FOR THEMSELVES.
It seems so obvious, but as we know, so many spend a gross amount of time telling others what to think, how to think, why they should think it, and if they even get to think at all, dependent on arbitrary ideas of Who Gets To.

But those points just touch the surface of Haden's post, which is much deeper than what might appear as simply venting about the crap that goes on in paranormal studies.