Saturday, May 28, 2011

Beeping Connections?

I can't believe Lesley Gunter wrote about strange beeping sounds she hears, as well as odd phone calls related to beeping in her recent Gray Matters: What the Beep? column for Tim Binnall's site:
Ever since I was a child, I have sometimes heard strange beeping sounds. It is not something that happens often, but it is kind of creepy.
About a week ago, I was up very late (or early for most people), and it was around 5 AM when I heard the beeping noise. It was just 3 or 4 beeps, but they were was fairly loud and seemed to come from outside my window. 
I've had my own experiences with beeping sounds throughout my life as well. One experience I wrote about here in March: On the Frequency: Owls, Beeping, Radio Voices. Other posts: Green Electric, and More About Beeping, a follow-up post on my blog Frame 352 about Bigfoot and beeping. Here's an excerpt concerning UFOs:
As I wrote in Beeping Creatures, in relation to UFOs, this beeping sound is sometimes heard in connection with UFOs. Bonnie Meyer, in her book Alien Contact: The Messages They Bring, writes, in a section titled “Scanning”:

”If you are hearing a lot of beeping sounds, it is probably a small scanning instrument. This scanning is kind of like a mind probe. I doubt you could tell the difference where or who it’s coming from.”

The beeping sound was heard by Barney and Betty Hill during their experience. This experience has been related many times, including most recently in Stanton Friedman’s and Kathleen Marden’s (Betty HIll’s niece) book Captured! where the beeping was described as:

. . . “code like,” with several beeps, a pause, then more beeps. Were the beeps some kind of alien Morse code?

UFO researcher Raymond E. Fowler, who’s also an “experiencer” (we must come up with a better word for that!) himself , has experienced this beeping sound while asleep:

January 27, 1995: I awoke twice to a electronic beeping sound. the second time I thought it was my watch alarm sounding and actually reached to shut if off before the beeping stopped. My right nostril is still sore.”
There is much more to the above post about UFOs, cryptids, and beeping sounds...

Speaking of Bigfoot, here's the original article I wrote about beeping and BF for UFO Digest: Beeping Creatures.

Then there's the strange telephone calls, which Lesley mentions in her column. I haven't experienced those, not quite, but I did have this dream about Mothman and phones. John Keel of course experienced strange phone calls and electronic oddness while investigating the Mothman and UFO events for his book The Mothman Prophecies. Greg Bishop wrote about phone calls and Mothman awhile ago: Mothman Phone Home.

There is a definite relationship between strange beeping and UFO, anomalous events. The question is, why, and in what way do they relate -- what's the connection? Why do some of us experience this? A fascinating road to explore.

Friday, May 27, 2011

From Whitley Strieber:| Sinister Forces in My Life

I've long wondered if Whitley Strieber hadn't been the victim of insidious manipulations and monitoring. It seemed obvious he most likely had been, along with others in his life who experienced high strangeness and anomalous events connected with Strieber. I've also wondered why Strieber hadn't said more about this aspect through the years. In a recent entry on his Unknown Country, he writes about this very thing, listing various attempts on discrediting him and worse: Whitley's Journal | Sinister Forces in My Life | unknowncountry

I remember reading the following Parade Magazine article Strieber mentions; I might have the clipping somewhere in my files:
4. In 1998, Parade Magazine published a false story . . . that I had discovered that I had temporal lobe epilepsy and had made a contribution to the Epilepsy Foundation, for which they were very grateful. This story was entirely false. I called the Epilepsy Foundation. They had never heard of me. I called the magazine, and the editor I talked to said that the story had come from their publisher, who had gotten it from 'friends of yours in the Air Force.' He was so very pleased, until I told him that the story was a lie. They retracted it, but the damage was done. . . on my author tour, people asked me about my temporal lobe epilepsy. I will never forget speaking at the Pentagon bookstore, with a row of Air Force personnel in uniform sitting there with pure hate in their eyes.
That was back in '98, but this campaign has continued up to the moment, including messing with the manuscript of The Key:
The 2011Tarcher/Penguin edition currently available contains the original manuscript, as it was intended to be published. After I made this all public, I was dogged by people claiming that I had faked it all in order to sell books. How dare they... There is even one person out there claiming that the "edits" make the book better. Sure, get rid of anything about mind control. Stick in things about evil aliens that don't exist to confuse people about who the sinister forces around here really are...

From Interstellar Housewife: Dimensional Wrinkles

Deirdre O'Lavery asks a not so new question but one we don't think of often enough: what if UFOs ("true UFOs" as she puts it) are from other dimensions, and what we see is only part of those UFOs?
"Consider that UFOs (the truly unexplained kind, mind you) are not of this dimension. You’ve probably heard some of this before, the idea that UFOs are not extraterrestrial, but extra-dimensional, although this isn’t really about that speculation as much as it's about a possible explanation for the seemingly simplistic shapes we see darting around our skies."
Deirdre's post reminded me of one UFO I saw years ago that morphed in color and shape when viewed through binoculars, but remained a bright white light when seen with the naked eye. The shifting colors and shapes were not due scintillation; this was precise and obvious behavior of the UFO, which was quite close to us. There's more to this sighting: I "knew" we were going to see a UFO that night when we arrived at the house where we were visiting friends, I "knew" the person who had been looking out the window for some time was watching a UFO (and I was getting very impatient with her, wondering when the hell she was going to let us in on it), one person in our party became downright angry at the fact we were watching this thing; he walked away in disgust and wouldn't look. The UFO came from a distance away, but steadily came towards us, the house, until it came between a large tree and the picture window of the house. It seemed to come in close as if saying "hi," and then, after it passed by the window, it curved back and made its way back. We watched it until we couldn't see it any more.

James Rich, Dance of the Elements, acrylic on wonder-board

As I said, when seen with the naked eye, it looked like a round bright white light. Through binoculars, it changed both shape: square, rectangle, triangle, oval, and back again, as well as color: turquoise, red, orange, yellow, blue, green. (I don't remember the order of the shapes or colors, but I do remember the vividness of both.) There was a rhythm to the changes; they were constant, not randomly timed.

That night, I had a dream where I'm standing on the sidewalk by my childhood home with the owner of the house where we saw this shape shifting UFO. (I did not know this person when I was a kid.) We are looking up in the sky together, and we see several of these UFOs above us. This time we can easily see them change shape and color, no binoculars needed. Also, they were very large, much larger than the one seen at his house. This person was an artist, and the UFOs had something to do with art. The dream message was very clear about that.

Was this changing UFO related to what Deirdre proposes? If from another dimension, is it also possible the UFO was cognizant, or responding in some way, to some of us? The fact that I knew, with unshakable certainty, we would see a UFO that night -- was that also an aspect of this UFO's connection to us, or, us to it?
Read Deirdre's article here: The Interstellar Housewife: Dimensional Wrinkles

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The USSR Cause for Roswell? - Muddled Disclosures

Supposedly. Could be. In UFO World, anything is possible. Journalist Annie Jacobsen, author of Area 51, acknowledges there's definitely insidious and strange events going on in Area 51 and the UFO realm generally, but it's not aliens. (No, it could never be aliens.) Jacobsen and her book is currently making the mainstream circuit, including a recent appearance on Jon Stewart's The Daily Show. I knew before she came on that Stewart, who I adore, would mock any hint of alien/UFO reality, since it seems to be an affliction of the majority of the liberal-left-hip to sneer at fringe subjects. He didn't disappoint.

Jacobsen's contention is that yes, weirdness abounds but it's not aliens. It's the USSR and Nazi experiments behind the Roswell crash. And so much more, but all of these strange events have been orchestrated by humans. ET has nothing to do it, nor cryptids or vortexes or magick or anything other than human Dr. Evils.

Jacobsen has interesting ideas about what on, but there's no proof. As is admitted by everyone, but that seems to be all right, for Jacobsen is a legitimate journalist and not some tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist:
Still, lack of proof hasn't exactly stopped the book from sparking speculation on the media circuit and on the Web. In the last day, Yahoo! searches skyrocketed 3,000 percent for "area 51 book." And the tome is penned not by a crackpot conspirator, but a respected journalist.
I'm impatient and cynical with this distracting crap, because it's muddled disinfo. (Which is probably an oxymoron.) Jacobsen's story gets attention, while all the other UFO stories, including abduction stories sans Nazi bastards-Dr. Evils-government experiments, continue to go utterly ignored, utterly mocked. Meanwhile, journalists, writers, researchers, scientists -- those "respected journalists" and the like --  who know nothing of the esoteric world yet decide to take a swim in the sparkling waters for a look-see are blind to what they consider nonsense. They come out with one small bit, show it off as the latest in theory, and happily go back to their rational worlds. Everyone thinks something groovy-weird has just been revealed, and all has been solved: including the "nonsense" of UFOs. Because, as has just been proven, no such things exist. It was really Russia, or Nazis, or ...

We're not done yet. The fact is, there very well could be some truth to these theories. Nick Redfern's book Bodysnatchers in the Desert  brought explored the idea of human experiments and manipulations as the cause for Roswell. MILABS are a very real possibility, and some UFO witnesses and researchers have been writing about this for a long time. Ironically, among UFO researchers, the MILAB "conspiracy" doesn't get much attention.

It's not that Jacobsen's story couldn't be true, or, some of it could be's that once again, our attention from the reality of the UFO phenomena is trivialized and further pushed out to the edges. UFOs, the mainstream continues to insist, are entertaining and fun funny, but they're not real.

If Jacobsen's contentions somehow prove to be valid, (and/or Redfern's, etc.) that is horrifying, and the world needs to know. But what will happen in that event is that the many will accept that as the explanation for all of "it." Once again, we go back to clean dichotomies, something both the mainstream and many within UFOlgy are guilty of enacting.  It has to be this theory or that theory,  it's all aliens or it's all human psychopaths.

As I said, I'm impatient with this mainstream UFO denying stuff, but Nick Redfern has a calmer take on Jacobsen's book, giving us a bit of  background and data that is helpful, even if it does push us further down the rabbit hole. (Once you've fallen in, you just keep falling...:) You can read his review here.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

McMinnville Pics

A few pics from the McMinnville UFO conference; I have more to share later on.

Deirdre O'Lavery and my honey Jim Rich
Me with Deirdre
Mr. Robert Salas; great presentation
With Kecksburg, UFO-Bigfoot researcher Stan Gordon, lovely person and another fantastic presentation

Around the Orb

Gary Haden continues to bring us detailed, well written and researched insights. Incorporate your blog reading routine to include Haden's Speculative Realms: Speculative Realms: Sideways Worlds: The Bad Twin Smoke Monsters of Multiple Personality and Alien Abduction

Was at the McMinnville, Oregon UFO conference this weekend. We have a great time and it was very nice to see Deirdre O'Lavery again! Speakers Robert Salas and Stan Gordon were incredible. I particularly liked Gordon's presentation, being the Bigfoot-UFO nerd I am. More on the conference later.

Speaking of conferences, Lesley Gunter writes about her participation in the Wake Up Now! conference for her Grey Matters column at Binnall of America: Three Days of Waking Up.

Tessa Dick's newest is now available: her memoir Tessa B. Dick: My Life on the Edge of Reality.

I review Insight on the Orange Orb Review.

Lesley has a post at Women Of Esoterica about synchronicity and pendulums; I post a comment that mentions even more of same...

Fake and stage violent events continue to be staged in schools. Here's the latest. on my blog Octopus Confessional.

And on my blog Animal Forteana, a couple of posts about the use abuse of animals in war and the titanium fanged dogs promoted as weapon in Osama bin Laden's death.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Planets Align on Friday the 13th, AND...

This Friday is Friday the 13th, a day of esoteric ominous vibes, along with the alignment of Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter. AND, it's also the opening day of the McMinnville UFO Fest, which was started more than a decade ago in remembrance of the famous Trent photographs. (May, 1950, Paul Trent took two snapshots of a UFO; those two snapshots made world wide news, and today, the case still stands up as one of the best UFO cases.) As I posted in the earlier post, I'll be at McMinnville this weekend, and will share photos and news!

Better Than Coffee: Planets Align in the Morning Sky - NASA Science

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

2011 McMinnville UFO Fest this Weekend!

It's been quiet here, believe it or not, haven't had much to say. Working on various things, other than that...

I will be attending the UFO conference in McMinnville this weekend. Looking forward to the presenters, especially Stan Gordon. I'll be meeting Deirdre O'Lavery there and I know we'll have lots of fun and lots to report.

This year we won't be staying at the Hotel Oregon; where they offer a package deal for the UFO fest weekend and we've taken advantage of that in the past. The hotel is worth visiting for its historic interest; lots of great art on the walls, including some UFO related art. And the rooftop bar is wonderful, a real delight. Last year however was a disappointment in terms of service including the hotel's insistence the $36.00 we paid was a "tip" and not actual money paid towards our account. Seems the wait person took it upon themselves to sign off on our bill basically taking our money, and the hotel seemed to think that was just fine. Other things too; realizing they're crazy busy every year, etc. but overall, cold food, snarky service, (one wait person said to us, when we finally got our food -- which was ice cold -- "Are you happy now?")  really pretty dismal last year. That aside, the beer is pretty damn good and the charm of Hotel Oregon is worth a visit.

Looking forward to hearing Stan Gordon,  Robert Salas, and Paola Harris!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Debris Field: The Wake Up Now Conference - why was it important and what does it mean for Albuquerque now and in the future?

Lesley Gunter was a part of the team that brought The Wake Up Now Conference to Albuquerque-- how I wish I could have been there! It would have been wonderful to meet Lesley in person after all these years, and to meet and hear all the speakers. I'm glad it was a success, and you can read more about it here:
The Debris Field: The Wake Up Now Conference - why was it important and what does it mean for Albuquerque now and in the future?

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Eagle and Owl

Earlier in the day, as I was resting (all right, napping) I was thinking on a presentation about my experiences and "invisible aliens." Beginning with the eagle visitation when I was four years old, I carefully went through the memory, focusing on details, color, textures, emotions. I wanted to see if I could get at why it is the "aliens" and the aftermath of their visits remain invisible.

Last night, I had the following dream; I didn't realize until later this morning that this dream is connected with my earlier visualizations of past experience.

I'm at the coast; high banks and the shore below. Grassy, lots of rocks, windy. I'm surrounded by children, many from where I work, in fact, this seems to be a combination of my work place and something much larger. It's not work... yet some people, children and adults, are around. I'm discussing my deep frustration with a sort of co-worker/sort of friend about my not being able to move to the coast. (Yet, here we are. Not sure if I live here yet, but I think I do.) I almost start to cry, I'm so sad and frustrated. We're inside a large building, going down a narrow set of white stairs. One of the children is with us; I'm slightly concerned about her overhearing us because it seems inappropriate, and we're talking not only about my distress but paranormal, UFO topics as well. But my friend/co-worker tells me this kid, along with many others around here, know all about this, more than I think they do, more than I do in many ways. I then notice this little girl is actually leading us down the steps, then we go outside.

Here we are at the beach, alongside a bluff that looks out onto the shore. The ocean is beautiful but also a bit scary; it's very close to us and churning, high waves... I see a large white head, then the body, of a polar bear come up over the bluff. I'm astounded to see this bear, and a little afraid -- do I get the kids and get out of here? Isn't it my responsibility to take care of them? But the bear isn't dangerous, I know that, and he just turns and lumbers off. I know that he's communicated with me that he's just too old, too tired, he doesn't belong here. He was simply curious and took a look around.

We keep going, and I'm surprised to see two brown ears, then heads, appear; brown bear cubs. Their mom is nearby. It's delightful but scary; I know the mother bear will not tolerate anyone getting close to her cubs. I try to keep a low profile, for both myself and the kids. We continue on.

A large eagle (larger than the typical eagle) comes swooping in from the ocean -- not from out over the ocean, but from within the ocean. He lands in front of his nest, which is full of eagle eggs. I'm a little worried about the nest; how safe could it be out in the open like that? Then I wonder about the logic of this; eagles don't keep their nests on the ground like that. A moment later, a large dark gray owl comes swooping in from the ocean, and lands a few yards away from the eagle. Like the eagle, this owl also has a nest, full of owl eggs. Again I think both of the safety of the owl eggs, and the oddness of the location. 

As weird as this is, I somehow know that the eggs are just about to hatch, and the eagle and the owl will guide the hatchlings down the bluff and out into the ocean. This is about to happen any minute.

Both birds are aware we're here, but we're of no account. They're not afraid of us or concerned in any way. They have their own thing to do; we're not involved. 

Related blog: Saucer Sightings. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Cephalopod and the Crop Circle

One of my recurring dreamscapes: my house pretty much as it is now, with the addition of a structure in the backyard. Right outside the back door is a two leveled shack type building, about ten feet by ten feet, and about ten feet high. Openings for a door and windows but no glass or door, just open "holes" ... the upstairs is a loft type area, usually with a bed, or mattress on the floor, with cozy bed covers. It's ramshackle but clean and comfortable. I'm always surprised to find this structure there.

So here we are, Jim and I, in the house which is very much like the house we're in but a bit larger, lots of people around we don't always know, some family, some not... a lot of activity. Things are confused and sometimes it's good, sometimes bad. I'm not sure of what's going on around here. Some travelling is involved; people around me here are getting ready to go on various trips.

Somehow I end up with a cephalopod. Someone gives it to me, or I find it, among all this commotion. I'm not sure what to do with it but I know I don't want to see it die. It's about six inches from top of head to end of tentacle, seaweed brown, maybe a few dark spots, featureless. Sounds ugly but I'm getting to like this thing.  It's very intelligent; at least as intelligent as humans, though different. It's communicating with me telepathically.

Jim and I look around in the kitchen for something to keep it in and fill with water. I take out a glass bowl but Jim says that won't work, residue from foods will affect the octopus. Slightly offended I tell him it's clean; he says that's not what he means, that no matter how well we wash the bowls, the celphapod is so sensitive it will be affected by it. So we find a plastic basket that's not been used; it has an open weave design on it and I'm afraid the water will just run out, but we fill it to the level of the holes, put in some rocks, and put a smaller dish inside that, with water and rocks.

While we're getting these items ready, I put the cephalopod in a plastic bag to keep safe and let him know we're taking care of him. He puffs up really large, and it's then I can see his features; eyes, mouth. And now he's really communicating with me.

He starts "telling" me about crop circles; the origins, the meanings, and who's responsible for creating them. He tells me Colin Andrews, who, he also informs me, is right outside, knows about this and is doing his best to tell others -- it's an urgent time. The cephalopod tells me he needs to get back to his crop circle homes... and it's here I think, "Now, just wait a minute! Octopi don't live on land, and they don't live in crop circles! This is ridiculous."

But for some reason, I trust this creature, and believe him. It is very important I take care of this little cephalopod and I have the feeling that, while it's benign and highly intelligent, almost alien, if I don't treat this the right way things could get ugly.

(Jellyfish Crop Circle: In June of 2009, a beautiful "jellyfish" crop circle appeared in Oxfordshire field in England. Over 600 ft it is one of the largest crop designs.)