Monday, April 16, 2012

Getting Snarky with Producers

I might be naive but I'm tired of producers contacting me, pumping me for information and research, and yet not crediting me or (ahem) paying me. I realize the latter rarely if ever happens, however, it's still annoying. I'm also frustrated with producers twisting the particular phenomena they're on about into their personal spin on what UFOs, Mothman,Bigfoot etc. are. Half the time their ideas aren't based on anything actually witnessed or experienced by real people who've encountered these things. In this morning's email I get another request from a producer, this time from the UK. This was sent out to many in the field, I was only one out of dozens:
Hi, From: Saskia Rusher [email address omitted] To: Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 8:14 AM Subject: BBC3 Documentary While researching on the internet I came across your very interesting blog. I wondered if you might be able to help me. I am contacting you from a TV company called Renegade Pictures. We are currently producing a documentary for BBC3, which focuses on people who believe in UFOs. We want to hear from people who think that aliens have visited us on earth, and that possibly the government has been hiding the evidence from the public. We are offering five people the unique chance to take part in a two week road trip across America , where they will have the chance to explore their views and put them to the test. BBC3 is a channel aimed at a young demographic, so we are looking for people to take part who are aged between 18 and 35. I was hoping that you might be able to circulate some information (see below) about the programme to some of your members who are living in the UK and who you think might be interested? If anyone would like to get involved they can contact us directly for a confidential chat over the phone. It would be great to have a chat about the programme and find out your thoughts, you can reach me on ****************. Many Thanks, Saskia Rusher Researcher Renegade Pictures
Feeling snarky for whatever reason, maybe just because it was Monday morning, I responded:
From: Regan Lee: The OrangeOrb [] Sent: 16 April 2012 16:51 To: Saskia Rusher Subject: Re: BBC3 Documentary I appreciate the information. As someone who is in her fifties, I take exception to the "no old people" stance. I can still type, read, drive, walk and feed myself. That aside, I'm afraid I don't know anyone in the UK . My UFO contacts are still happening, and my search has been a life long search for what is behind such experiences as missing time. Which, I suspect, are in part manipulated by the government. We all have valuable things to share in this journey, and age should not be used to shut people out. Regan Lee
Saskia's response was pleasant, but restated the obvious and ignored my point:
I appreciate that Regan. However, the channel is keen to get people within that age range because that is BBC3’s target audience: Thanks anyway for getting back to me. Saskia Renegade Pictures ( UK ) Limited
Well, big duh on "...keen to get peope within that age range because that is BBC3's target audience."

Searching the Blood: "Chapter 1 - The Rh Negative Factor"

Many thanks to Dia Sobin, who is also Rh negative, for this link: Chapter 1 - The Rh Negative Factor Like myself, the author went on a search to find out the connection between Rh negative blood and alien, ufo experiences. Well, right away I discover that global control is the goal. (I appreciate the cheeky style.) The information in this article is extensive, and she does a very good job of presenting the technical details. What it gets down to is: no one knows why some of us are walking around with Rh negative blood types.

I was curious about my rare blood type, and so what started out as a simple search on Google, turned into the most bizarre research of my life. First and foremost, I found out that we are descendents of a reptilian race of aliens, and that we love to drink blood and shape shift, while we are actively seeking nothing less than world domination.

Among those that are walking around with Rh negative blood types are those with Spanish, Basque, or Jewish ancestry. My fraternal grandmother was of Spanish descent and my maternal grandfather was a Russian Jew (Ukraine.)
“No one has tried to explain where the Rh negative people came from. Most, familiar with blood factors, admit that these people must at least be a mutation if not descendants of a different ancestor. If we are a mutation, what caused the mutation? Why does it continue with the exact characteristics? Why does it so violently reject the Rh factor, if it was in their own ancestry? Who was this ancestor? Difficulties in determining ethnology are largely overcome by the use of blood group data, for they are a single gene characteristic and not affected by the environment.

The Basque people of Spain and France have the highest percentage of Rh negative blood. About 30% have (rr) Rh negative and about 60% carry one (r) negative gene. The average among most people is only 15%-Rh negative, while some groups have very little. The Oriental Jews of Israel, also have a high percent Rh negative, although most other Oriental people have only about 1% Rh negative.

More to come in future posts, including "blue bloods."

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Entering the Orb: Searching the blood part 1

I'm not sure why this suddenly came to me all of a sudden like, but I got to wondering (again) about a connection, if any, between those with Rh negative blood and alien/UFO experiences. And since I have Rh negative blood, well, there you go. Brief background: I've seen UFOs since childhood (I'm now in my late 50s), have had a life time of paranormal experiences in general (psychic/telepathic episodes, OOBEs, ghost encounters, and so on), seen the little beings I suppose we'll call aliens when I was a kid, and at least two episodes of missing time. So one can see how following this intriguing path has come about. Don't know how I'll go about this exactly, what process I'll use. For one thing, I really don't know what I'm doing. So for now, until I mull over things, including feedback from others, I'm taking the Gonzo random approach. Here's a goofy You Tube presentation on Rh negative blood and the alien-UFO connection. Despite the jerky and echoing voice over and the cheesy sci-fi music in the background, there's some good information in there. If nothing else, this video reminds me of some of the contactee stuff from the 1950s which is always fun. Very Space Brother Loves You... It's almost an hour long, so be warned.

April: the month of the Dinosaur

Canada's new collectible coin has a dinosaur image that glows in the dark.Canada's newest coin glows in the dark. The glow in the dark image is of the dinosaur skeleton. On the other side of the coin is an image of the Queen. Juxtaposed, the image of the Queen reminds one of all the royal reptilian lore in UFO Land.
In other news, there are dinosaurs in space. Or, could be, theorizes Dr. Ronald Brewslow of Columbia University:
Published in the March 25 issue of the "Journal of the American Chemical Society," the study addresses the chemistry of amino acids here on Earth. But study author Dr. Ronald Breslow, a professor of chemistry at Columbia University in New York City, said in a written statement the work suggests that if life forms do exist on other planets, they “could well be advanced versions of dinosaurs."
Breslow speculates dinosaur stuff was carried through space on meteorites, landed on a planet, and, dinosaurs were born. Naturally, Dr. Breslow is a lot more scientific than I just was, but that's the idea.

Breslow has his critics, like Dr. Paul "PZ" Myers: ["Dr. Myers termed the paper] “badly written nonsense.” Maybe, but do we need to heed Breslow's warning of extraterrestrial dinosaurs?: "I just warn that they might well see us as food.”

Other April dinosaur items: a cousin of T-Rex -- "Yutyrannus huali or "beautiful feathered tyrant," - was a feathered creature. This didn't mean the dinosaur could fly, but rather, the feathers were for "decorative purposes" or, possibly, for insulation.

And a fossil find of a dinosaur mother who died with her eggs still inside her, with the kind of creepy acknowledgement that "Mother's Day is just around the corner."

Lots of dinosaur news around lately. Dinosaurs are always popular. But the weirdness of the dinosaurs in space "theory," along with the warning they might eat us is an odd one. And how are they going to eat us? Are they coming to invade? Here's a casual Reptilian Overlord story cast in a scientific guise.

Writer Andy Colvin (Mothman's Phoograpther,Mothman Speaks!, etc.) suggests these dinosaur stories are omens of something still big to come, around the 19th, possibly. Earthquakes? More severe weather strangeness?

Friday, April 13, 2012

Green Glowing Object and Animal Name Games

AP item (saw it in my local paper this morning, and here it is on-line) of a large glowing green object falling from the sky. What I find interesting is the description of its size; compared not to balls or aircraft but a whale. The green glowing whale sized object fell into Bantam Lake. Trooper, motorist: Mysterious object fell from sky - Yahoo! News

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Friday, March 30, 2012

Contactees: We Met the Space People, Betty and Helen Mitchell

I noticed there wasn't a copy for Kindle, so I was trying to create one but I don't have the application to upload it. I put it on my Scribd page, but it's freely available via a Goolge search since it's in the public domain.WeMetSpacePeop.cwk (WP)

aeolus kephas : Through a Fractured Glass, Darkly: The Facts in the Strange Case of Whitley Strieber | Reality Sandwich

Through a Fractured Glass, Darkly: The Facts in the Strange Case of Whitley Strieber | Reality Sandwich: Whether the Imaginal "beings" resent being limited and literalized in this fashion, and become faintly malevolent as a response, or whether (as seems more reasonable) they lack qualities of benevolence or malevolence to begin with and merely reflect back at us our own psychological tendencies, the fact remains that alien and Ufo phenomena has always had a sinister edge to it. I believe that this dark edge comes less from the phenomenon itself than from a distortion that results from being filtered through the minds of individual researchers and experiencers. Faery lore was also dark, but dark in a primal, sorcerous fashion. Ufo lore, on the other hand, tends to be heavy, oppressive, and laced with despair. There is a soulless -- I might even say sickly -- quality to it that results when writers and researchers suck all the magical essence out of the Imaginal by imposing their own rigid (and neurotic) personalities onto it. This usually happens without their even being aware of doing so: it is an unconscious distortion, and it is unconsciousness that distorts.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Colin Andrews Report: UFOs

Fantastic events of abductions, mutilations and much more. Almost too fantastic, but I have enormous respect for Mr. Andrews, so here it all is:Colin Andrews Report: UFOs. I will say that I stopped thinking long ago that the government -- ours, theirs, yours -- would never do such things. Whether it's government, other human forces, or non-human, manipulations for their entertainment and our bafflement continue.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

When Entities Collide: Ghosts, Aliens, MIBS, and Entities and The Trickster Faeries

Article I wrote for UFO Digest in 2007:When Entities Collide: Ghosts, Aliens, MIBS, and Entities and The Trickster Faeries

Are aliens, at times, really ghosts? Or entities? Or the other way around? Do they imitate each other at times; if so, why? Is that the Trickster at work, mimicking one or the other, to confuse? After all, that's what the Trickster loves to do.

Sometimes entities of some type seem to imitate ghosts and aliens. There has been some interesting discussion about what we consider 'aliens' (meaning extraterrestrial) mimicking ghosts. (What we think of as ghosts.) And what about 'shadow people?' which some researchers believe are ghost like, but not ghosts; entities, but not aliens. Of course, no one knows for sure.

There's also a UFO/entity-alien and Bigfoot connection. Is Bigfoot a poltergeist or, is there a connection with Bigfoot and poltergeists, as Bigfoot researcher Lisa Shiel recently suggested? (Poltergeists: The Other Synchronicity with Bigfoot?).

Rest at UFO Digest.

2012 McMinnville UFOFest Speaker Line-Up

Well, the McMinnville UFO Fest has its third and final speaker for the event lined up: Matthew Reed. You can read about Reed, and his "multi-generational family abductions" at the UFO Fest site: Welcome to as well as on-line.

I'm mildly interested in abduction researcher/hypnotist Yvonne Smith, Friday night's speaker, but overall, the line-up this year, combined with my personal financial situation, doesn't justify my attending this year. I've been fortunate to attend the last five years in a row; we'll see what next year brings.

Puma Punku on Ancient Aliens: Utiliitarian Imagery

Last night's episode of Ancient Aliens revisited Puma Punku in Bolivia. Of all the ancient and mysterious sites on this planet that strongly suggest an alien influence, Puma Punku is the most startling and dramatic to support the theory that there was, and/or is, extraterrestrial life on earth.

Fascinating images, buildings and locations the world over, but all, regardless of the variety of those things, they still feel "human." Even with an ET influence on whatever levels, there is a familiarity, no matter how distant. But Puma Punku; the artifacts there seem truly "other" to me. The reamains at Puma Punku are oddly utilitarian. If anything shouts "aliens were here dummy" Puma Punku shouts the loudest.

Go here for slide show of images at Puma Punku:Ancient Aliens — Photo Galleries

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Those Boring No There There Metal Boxes

Was at the coast this weekend. Went to Stonefield
Beach, which as usual, was closed. That place has been closed since forever. As you can see, all there is on that beach are lots of big stones, and chunks of asphalt from the old parking lot. Now it's a rock strewn dirt path, closed off to the public. Why this beach access is always closed is a mystery to me; I'll make some calls this week to try to find out.

No metal boxes. Duh. Or signs of aliens or spaceships.

Later, in Yachats, I asked the motel owner if she had heard anything about these boxes. Not a word, she said. I thought that odd, since she's right on the coast full of travelers, and Yachats is the hip new age spot. In a mellow, old hippie kind of way. After all, a Yachats artist incorporated the mysterious boxes into his art and so on. Once I mentioned aliens and UFOs she just made a face and started talking about debris from Japan but clearly wasn't interested in the topic. That was fine.

I had planned on talking to others about the metal boxes but the weather was windy and cold and we were having too much fun with other things, like eating at Sada's Japanese resturant next to the Ripley's Museum on the Newport boardwalk.  The story is dead as a piece of washed up driftwood and as we all know, there never was any there there.

And that's the official report from Yachats, Oregon on the metal boxes from outer space.