Wednesday, October 2, 2013

UFO Bits: Is Tom Cruise "Nuts?" by Regan Lee, not Amy Ge...

For example (see post below) A. George has put her name to this post I wrote back in 2005:UFO Bits: Is Tom Cruise "Nuts?"

Calling Out Amy George on UFO Bits

A few years ago, I think it was before the Orange Orb, I had a blog called UFO Bits. Not the best name, but I was searching for ideas and names, trying out various things. So, for a short time, had a blog called UFO Bits.

I got rid of that blog, or so I thought. I stumbled upon UFO Bits, but it seems we have not only a squatter, but a bold ass in your face plagiarist as well. Her name is Amy George, and she has put her name onto posts that I have written. Here is the shameless hussy: UFO Bits: Amy George

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Mayan Alien Hybrids and Russian Femme Fatales

From Jason Colavito's blog; I don't know which is better, the title:Were Maya Lords Alien Hybrids with Hallucinogenic Blood?,the speculation Mayan rulers were alien hybrids,with hallucinogenic blood, thank you very much. Or former Russian spy Anna Chapman having her own paranormal television show in Russia.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Alfred Lehmberg: Errant Clocks...

UFO Magazine - UFO Magazine Blog - Errant Clocks... an excerpt:

I'm logging in a sky-watch for the stuff one finds up there; I won't pretend what I have found—report what isn't there. Too, I don't mean to scare you or detract from your beliefs, but we're beset by bastards with the ethics of disease.
See, it's "winners" write a history clearly missing all its thorns. It's how they've kept posterity on the UFOs suborned. It's how they've lied to spare themselves; it's why we don't look up; its why we ask no questions of these men we know—corrupt.
This is why "they" can ignore us. This is how we're so insane. It's where we trod the paths we take—or shriek our shrill refrain.
We call that cognitive dissonance, how to think when "up" is "down." How to justify what doesn't fit; turn "crap" to sparkling "crowns." ...Can't keep it up for very long; the spirit won't abide. One makes oneself irrelevant. It makes one sick inside.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

From Red Pill Junkie;Once Upon a Time… Ancient Aliens for Children | Intrepid Blog

A wonderful entry by Red Pill Junkie for Intrepid. A look back on childhood, our fascination with ancient aliens, and an homage to the late Phillip Coppens.
Once Upon a Time… Ancient Aliens for Children | Intrepid Blog: Yet there’s something the powerful leader of Deathsquad seems to forget –aside from the fact that HE HIMSELF is interested in this “really stupid $#!t” too!– and that is the fact those middle-aged men (and women) were once young, and during their formative years they must’ve stumbled upon something which piqued their curiosity, and forced them to follow the white rabbit down its deep dark hole. Like I wrote on a previous post, Forteans are not born –they are made.

David Paulides on C2C tonight

George Knapp, host, David Paulides guest, discussing mysterious and spooky disappearances on Coast to Coast tonight. 

At Last! Authentic Alien Roswell Images Found!!!!

Finally! Proof that ET crashed at Roswell back in 1947, as reported by the UFO Iconoclasts:The UFO Iconoclast(s): AUTHENTIC ALIEN IMAGES FROM ROSWELL FINALLY FOUND? by Anthony Bragalia I am so relieved, so beside myself! This is huge news everyone! HUGE!

But, let's not get too excited. For these images are not going to be released to us lowly, non-bona fide UFO researchers and Forteans. The images are too pure for that, and we are far too loathsome to be trusted with such evidence. As to the general public, they simply don't count.

Damn! And here I thought we were so close to the big reveal!

Trent photo
Oh well. Maybe next time. Though I doubt it, given the UFO Iconoclast's (a blog I rarely directly mention or relate to, for obvious reasons, despite the fact some UFO and Fortean writers I respect will relate to them) history on such breaking UFO news. Like their *Trent photo stunt awhile back. (Paul and Evelyn Trent, McMinnville, Oregon, 1950:Paul Trent snapped two photos of a UFO over his farm; those photos made international news and to this day have not been proven to be hoaxed.)

*Revisiting the Tempest in a Teapot: McMinnville UFO Photos Faked. Again.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Monkey Synchronicity

Night before last, I dreamt:

Walking, in daytime, amid one of my many dreamscapes. This one being a fairly residential neighborhood, lower middle class, houses are high up off the pavement, on hills of lawns contained with concrete retaining walls. I'm trying to find a particular house, somehow I know that there's a lot going on there that's illegal, as well as immoral and just bad. I find the place, on the corner, and go up and inside. It's a large house, with lots of people. Many live there, others are visiting. I see a lot of people crowded around some kind of enclosure (this is outside) and my heart sinks. I just know this is bad. I get closer, and there are two beautiful gorillas on their backs. One is dead, the other is badly hurt. Three or four little monkeys, like Rhesus monkeys, are responsible for this. They've been trained to attack and kill -- like fighting roosters or pitbulls. I am so damn sad! But I realise it's not the monkey's fault. I grab one and run away with him. The further away we get, the more aware he becomes, he feel so bad about what he's done. I let him know it's not his fault, and he shouldn't feel guilty, and I love him. I plan to go back to rescue the other gorilla, but for now, I just have to take this monkey to safety.

The next day there were three synchronicities: the line "I am the monkey" on a sit com I was watching, this item in the morning paper about a "non-sociable" gorilla, and children singing a song about monkeys in school. And tonight, a commercial I hadn't seen before where a monkey is eating candy, or who knows what, in a jail cell. I think, it was a commercial and I wasn't paying much attention.

Synchroniciites are always interesting and nudges from one realm to this. And then there is the Rh negative connection between aliens, UFOs, and Rhesus monkeys to add to the synchronicitous funhouse.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Strange Goings On the Air: Feschino, Lehmberg

Frank Feschino and Alfred Lehmberg were to be guests on radio hosts' Kate Valentine's UFO Show to discuss the Braxton "monster" UFO case and the updated edition of Feschino's book. Strange things began to happen, as Alfred reports on our blog The UFO Proletariat:
Frank explains, "As with any live program, the studio will call me at home a couple minutes before the show to make sure the connection is alright. They usually go over things like checking voice levels, commercial break times... ...stuff like that." 


Frank then relayed what happened just before the show aired last Friday.  

"Well, it was about 12:50—or about 10 minutes before the program was to go on and my phone rang.  I thought it was the studio calling but when I looked at my clock it seemed a little too early.  I picked up the phone and said 'hello' but there was nobody there, just dead silence Alfred, nothing!"  Oddly, and unbeknownst to Frank, I have to report that the same thing happened to me at the same time!  My phone rang and I answered to hissing dead air.
that is only the beginning, strange things continued to happen, and, as Lehmberg comments, this kind of thing is, unfortunately (but maybe not unexpectedly) not uncommon when it comes to broadcasts of UFO topics.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Greer Locks Down

It's events like the following that make me glad I'm often out of the loop in UFO Land;  ennui, work, personal life often keep me from really wallowing. But here's something that happened that isn't news to most in UFO Land. Definitely not the first time this has been pointed out, but there seems to be something inherent in Fortean and UFO research that drives many a researcher/witness/investigator to get bat shit crazy and say and do paranoid and self-destructing things.

William Henry's Revelations | William Describes a Bizarre Horror Show at a UFO Conference | unknowncountry: William Henry tells a horrifying story of imprisonment of the audience at the Contact in the Desert Conference August 9--11. He says that David Wilcock came with a bodyguard, and that Steven Greer arrived with a whole group of bodyguards, who proceeded to lock the doors and allow nobody in our out during his presentation. If this happened, it was illegal, and we urge all UFO conference attendees to demand that they not be imprisoned during any performance for any reason.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Invisible aliens and the dream state: shared images

Joe Gooch kindly gave me permission to post the following dream he had recently. I commented to Joe that I found his dream very interesting, since I too have "invisible" aliens -- entities present, felt, and known, yet visually unseen -- as well as other elements in my dreams:  the deja-vu, wands, and  orange orb. Visit Joe's site here.

{from Joe Gooch} Had an interesting dream this morning before I woke up that i tought I'd share with you;
I was on a plane, a small private type plane, and we were being followed by an orange orb which I saw out the left window. It then appeared on the right of the craft.
The engines of the plane cut out and we slowly began to nosedive towards an island.
I remember thinking "This is going to hurt" as we approached some vegetation covered rocks.
Before we crashed, the plane was enveloped in a strange mist.
Then I was on the Island. There was talk of 'alien beings' being somewhere near us and one apparently having a 'wand' but when I saw where the being should have been standing, there was only small twinkling lights as if it had just 'de-materialised'.
I remember something strange in the trees, an odd tan coloured limb bending backwards and a vague memory of other island areas but then I woke up.
Was very vivid and film-like.
As I get 'Dream Deja-Vu' relatively often I thought I'd record that one here, just in case.
Joe had also commented that "any dreams i've ever had that feature 'alien beings' in anyway, i never actually see the being. They have either 'de-materialised' like in this dream, or as in a previous dream where I was presenting an alien being to gathered news media, the being was 'removed' from what i was seeing and only a space comprising of tv static like interference was where it should have been."

I find this "invisible alien" motif very interesting.  Do some of us block the images of literal aliens due to fear, a glitch in the method imposed on us to ensure we don't remember, or is it just the way we're wired? Or is it because "they" or "it" have no form, and only appear as  various players -- grays, reptilians, giant grasshoppers or insects, for example.

I don' t know. I think in much of this however we are much more deeply connected with all parts of ourselves, including our subconscious, than some of us might assume. Memories as well as communications take place during the dream state. While some of "aliens" are literally beings from other planets and physical, some of them either exist on other planes that are primarily non-physical, or, they are capable of moving between the two realms.  

My Guest Stint on The Sync Book – 42 Minutes

I was the guest last night, very interesting, went by way too quickly! I think I misunderstood their last question but oh well. The Sync Book – 42 Minutes

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Jeremy Vaeni's new novel: ‘Into The End’

 Jeremy Vaeni has just published a novel, here's an excerpt from his excerpt at his blog. I like it! Will download to my Kindle, and you can too -- find out how by following the link to his place:

‘Into The End’ Launches Right Now! | JayVay: The tree house lay secluded behind an abandoned mansion on a gated estate that had its own haunted lore. No one went near it except these boys. Not to break in. Not to throw rocks at the windows. Not on a dare. Not for anything.

It earned the nickname Spooky Mansion by the shear creepiness of its existence. Townsfolk referred to it this way if they referred to it at all. In truth, barely anyone in Taunton thought about it let alone talked about it. Even the boys only mentioned it by way of territorial marker. Let’s meet up at Spooky Mansion, they’d say. It was interchangeable with tree house.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Alice, Dogs Again, and UFO Maze

Had a dream last night where the point of view shifted constantly; from me watching the movie on TV up close, to becoming a part of it, including the main character, Alice.

The movie was a sequel to Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. This Alice version was the third story written by Lewis Carroll. I forget what the title was, but it had something to do with a rabbit hole. The movie was made in the late 1940s, starring all kinds of famous stars, Elizabeth Taylor among them. Part of the dream -- part of the movie in the dream -- was animated. Stop action type, not cartoon animated. Parts were in color, parts in black and white. I wonder why very few people know about this third story and this movie. Of the three, and all the Alice movies made, this is the best. But also the most esoteric.

I talk to giant eggs, like Humpty Dumpty who are resting on beds, animals, creatures, you name it.  We arrive at a the rabbit hole, and I'm told by Alice (sometimes I'm Alice, sometimes I'm with Alice...) that "this is the real thing here, the real rabbit hole. Serious stuff, this. Here we go..." and down we go. It is understood there is no coming back from this. Which feels okay; it's a choice we made and exciting even if a bit scary. 

Then I'm in a bookstore pub kind of place. I am delighted to find racks and racks of UFO material; little pamphlets and out of print paperbacks and articles in unexpected books, all kinds of things. I think they're free, not sure why, and start loading up my arms with these treasures. Some are so old they're falling about. As I walk through this narrow dusty and dim maze of book racks, someone stops me. They tell me I have to pay for these things. I explain there isn't any price on any of them, or signs posted anywhere, and ask her if she even knew they were there. If she hadn't seen me come out, she wouldn't have noticed the books at all. She shrugs and I leave with my material.

As I'm walking through I see a woman with a dog. Pretty dog, something is wrong with him, not serious, but he's ill. The dog is on a wheeled platform, with lights and the sides are caged, not to keep the dog in but to protect him from falling off. A beautiful Irish Setter comes up, this dog is amazingly beautiful! He has the softest fur like silk, and the color is incredible. A magnificent reddish brown, with deep gold highlights. He just comes right up to me, standing there before me. It's clear he was sent to me to be my dog. His standing there next to the other dog is intentional, the Irish Setter was sent, in part, to heal the dog. But that's a bonus, the main reason this Irish Setter was sent here was to be my dog. I am very happy about this and grateful for this gift, but I didnt' ask for it and it's clear that I have nothing to do with it. I have to accept the dog, he will simply follow me if I reject him, -- which I wouldn't do -- it is beyond my control.