Friday, October 11, 2013

NIck Redfern: UFOs: Then and Now | Mysterious Universe

Follow up to Nick Redfern's article the other day. Some took his comments out of context, Nick responds at UFOs: Then and Now | Mysterious Universe.

Well, it’s very clear that after reading my most recent article – Where are the UFOs? – many people took what I actually wrote totally out of context. That is abundantly obvious from the dozens of comments that now follow the article. Despite what some incorrectly said, I did not deny the fact that UFOs are still seen today. Nor did I deny that people still report UFO sightings in large numbers. Rather, what I actually said (and only said) was that, today, we simply do not get anywhere near the numbers and percentages of so-called “classic” cases of years and decades gone by. (Redfern)

Monday, October 7, 2013

Nick Redfern: Where are the UFOs?

Nick asks a good question in his blog post at Mysterious Universe: Where are the UFOs? | Mysterious Universe and points out that the UFO phenomena has definitely changed in recent years. So, what does that mean for UFO researchers? Redfern has some excellent suggestions, such as :
What this tells us is that many ufologists are already recognizing and realizing that if they are to get the answers to the UFO puzzle that they seek, it’s sure as hell not going to be by addressing today’s reports of “lights in the sky” and so on. The answers are to be found in history, in the past. It may well be that, 10 years from now, the primary role of the UFO seeker will not be to investigate current cases as such, but to take on the role of historian. And that would not be a bad thing. (Redfern)

I like Nick's philosophy here; history in order to learn, not to merely rehash or stew in nostalgia. But, as Nick Redfern writes, we ignore UFO history, we aren't going to get anywhere, especially if the phenomena has once again changed in recent years.

"It's a UFO!" Black Daytime UFO

On the playground, boy of about ten running by me. As he runs, he points to the side, up in the sky, and shouts "It's a UFO!" and keeps running. I think to myself he's having fun and being goofy. But I turn and look up anyway. What the heck. Sure enough, I see a black ... something ... moving slowly through the sky. Hmmm.

The object appeared to be round, but not quite. Possibly I was observing the rear of the thing, and it was delta shaped. I sort of got that sense but honestly, can't say.

It was very dark; darker than the crows, which are always plentiful. In fact, thinking at first it must have been a bird, I quickly realized it was larger and darker than any crow. It was moving slowly and in one direction, a straight line,  away from me. (Roughly an easterly direction.) I watched it for about 60 seconds, then had to walk away to join the others. I looked back however; it was still there, moving slowly, steadily. About 10 seconds later or so I looked back again, but couldn't see it. I don't know if that means it was gone, or I just couldn't find it.

Not a balloon; the movements too purposeful, the object seemed solid. Certainly no living thing, like a bird.  No idea what it could have been.

Besides the odd sighting of this thing, whatever it was (and it very well could have a mundane operation -- a drone? monitoring device?) was the interesting response of the boy. Running by to line up, spotted the object as he was running, almost casually, with a sense of acceptance, "It's a UFO!" and on he goes.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

2007 TDG Interview: UFO Mystics - Nick Redfern and Greg Bishop

From 2007, The Daily Grail interviews Nick Redfern and Greg Bishop. By the way, UFO Mystic is currently down and occupied by a squatter but I believe it will be back soon. Meantime, enjoy! UFO Mystics - Nick Redfern and Greg Bishop | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History

McMenamins UFO Festival For May 2014: Thursday????

No speaker line-up announced yet, and it is still early, but the blurb on the UFO site does note that the UFO festival will begin on Thursday. Thursday?! A first, and inconvenient for those of us who work and have to hustle as it is on Fridays to get to that evenings speaker and events.  For myself, I have been fortunate enough to take a personal day from work on Fridays and drive out to McMinnville. Check into the motel, eat, and make it in time for the first speaker. If things are going to start off on Thursday, I doubt t I can make it. And it will no doubt hurt the UFO Fest in general. Maybe it's a misprint. We'll see. I'll email them and try to find out.  McMenamins UFO Festival | May 15-17, 2014

Friday, October 4, 2013

Another Faked UFO Landing in UK School

Many thanks to Mike Clelland for this link; much appreciated.

So, here's another in a long line of faked UFO events in UK schools. The crashed or landed UFO scenario seems to be the favorite faux event by educators, but other scenarios have been used as well, including the start of WWIII, complete with the sounds of bombs bombing, sirens blaring, and frightened children hustled down into basements to wait out the threat of being invaded. There was also the "murder" of a teacher on the playground, witnessed by staff and students.

The usual reason for these events is given: to facilitate creative writing within students. Sometimes there are variations on the motives; sharpening critical thinking skills is another reason given in past scenarios.
Shock and awww... 'UFO crashes' into London primary school playground - News - The Independent: Pupils at a London primary school were shocked after a UFO appeared to have crashed into their playground.

An officer guarded the 'crash site; at North Harringay Primary School while an apparent forensics officer took samples behind a police cordon.

Only half the craft was visible after apparently smashing into the tarmac and children were allowed closer to inspect the UFO after samples had been collected.

However the UFO was not in fact a spaceship which had suffered a stall over the capital, but was part of an event designed to promote creative writing.

This recent event seems a bit more tame than some previous ones. Often in these kinds of faked crashes, landings, wars, murders and attacks, parents are not notified about the plan, and often times not the entire school staff is either.

These violent scenarios, while different in theme and degree, involved at least one of the following elements:

  • They are spontaneous, a surprise, unexpected, as far as students -- and often parents and staff -- are concerned
  • There is the threat of violence or outright violent actions
  • Local police are involved, taking part in the fake event as they pretend to investigate 
  • Reasons given for these faked events: encourage student's creativity, facilitate the imagination, sharpen critical thinking skills
These events are not limited to the UK; the U.S. has been active in staging violent scenes in schools, though not of the UFO kind, as far as I know. Other countries, incluidng Canada, have also particpated in these drills/faked scenes.

Related: Follow-up: Staged Alien Events and Schools, WWIII Has Begun: More Staged Events of violence in UK Schools, Fake Event in H.S.,

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Red Pill Junkie, and the best quote on UFOs: Oddies But Goodies: UFO-Inspired Music | Intrepid Blog

Best UFO quote of the day, from Red Pill Junkie at Intrepid. The former, among my favorite writers on UFO and Fortean subjects, the later, one of my favorite blogs to visit.
Oddies But Goodies: UFO-Inspired Music | Intrepid Blog: And although I do think more scientists should grow a pair and dare to take a closer look to the subject regardless of what their colleagues might think, I for one am becoming more convinced as I grow older, that it takes a certain artistic sensibility in order to glimpse the Fortean forest for the saucerian trees. ~ red Pill Junkie

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

UFO Bits: Is Tom Cruise "Nuts?" by Regan Lee, not Amy Ge...

For example (see post below) A. George has put her name to this post I wrote back in 2005:UFO Bits: Is Tom Cruise "Nuts?"

Calling Out Amy George on UFO Bits

A few years ago, I think it was before the Orange Orb, I had a blog called UFO Bits. Not the best name, but I was searching for ideas and names, trying out various things. So, for a short time, had a blog called UFO Bits.

I got rid of that blog, or so I thought. I stumbled upon UFO Bits, but it seems we have not only a squatter, but a bold ass in your face plagiarist as well. Her name is Amy George, and she has put her name onto posts that I have written. Here is the shameless hussy: UFO Bits: Amy George

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Mayan Alien Hybrids and Russian Femme Fatales

From Jason Colavito's blog; I don't know which is better, the title:Were Maya Lords Alien Hybrids with Hallucinogenic Blood?,the speculation Mayan rulers were alien hybrids,with hallucinogenic blood, thank you very much. Or former Russian spy Anna Chapman having her own paranormal television show in Russia.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Alfred Lehmberg: Errant Clocks...

UFO Magazine - UFO Magazine Blog - Errant Clocks... an excerpt:

I'm logging in a sky-watch for the stuff one finds up there; I won't pretend what I have found—report what isn't there. Too, I don't mean to scare you or detract from your beliefs, but we're beset by bastards with the ethics of disease.
See, it's "winners" write a history clearly missing all its thorns. It's how they've kept posterity on the UFOs suborned. It's how they've lied to spare themselves; it's why we don't look up; its why we ask no questions of these men we know—corrupt.
This is why "they" can ignore us. This is how we're so insane. It's where we trod the paths we take—or shriek our shrill refrain.
We call that cognitive dissonance, how to think when "up" is "down." How to justify what doesn't fit; turn "crap" to sparkling "crowns." ...Can't keep it up for very long; the spirit won't abide. One makes oneself irrelevant. It makes one sick inside.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

From Red Pill Junkie;Once Upon a Time… Ancient Aliens for Children | Intrepid Blog

A wonderful entry by Red Pill Junkie for Intrepid. A look back on childhood, our fascination with ancient aliens, and an homage to the late Phillip Coppens.
Once Upon a Time… Ancient Aliens for Children | Intrepid Blog: Yet there’s something the powerful leader of Deathsquad seems to forget –aside from the fact that HE HIMSELF is interested in this “really stupid $#!t” too!– and that is the fact those middle-aged men (and women) were once young, and during their formative years they must’ve stumbled upon something which piqued their curiosity, and forced them to follow the white rabbit down its deep dark hole. Like I wrote on a previous post, Forteans are not born –they are made.

David Paulides on C2C tonight

George Knapp, host, David Paulides guest, discussing mysterious and spooky disappearances on Coast to Coast tonight. 

At Last! Authentic Alien Roswell Images Found!!!!

Finally! Proof that ET crashed at Roswell back in 1947, as reported by the UFO Iconoclasts:The UFO Iconoclast(s): AUTHENTIC ALIEN IMAGES FROM ROSWELL FINALLY FOUND? by Anthony Bragalia I am so relieved, so beside myself! This is huge news everyone! HUGE!

But, let's not get too excited. For these images are not going to be released to us lowly, non-bona fide UFO researchers and Forteans. The images are too pure for that, and we are far too loathsome to be trusted with such evidence. As to the general public, they simply don't count.

Damn! And here I thought we were so close to the big reveal!

Trent photo
Oh well. Maybe next time. Though I doubt it, given the UFO Iconoclast's (a blog I rarely directly mention or relate to, for obvious reasons, despite the fact some UFO and Fortean writers I respect will relate to them) history on such breaking UFO news. Like their *Trent photo stunt awhile back. (Paul and Evelyn Trent, McMinnville, Oregon, 1950:Paul Trent snapped two photos of a UFO over his farm; those photos made international news and to this day have not been proven to be hoaxed.)

*Revisiting the Tempest in a Teapot: McMinnville UFO Photos Faked. Again.