Saturday, December 27, 2014

Will This NYE Bring Another UFO?

Last New Year's I saw a UFO. It was very odd. While odd, that doesn't mean it was that odd, in term of glowing eyed entities,landed flying saucers, intrusive
exams and missing time. (That, by the way, some of what I have experienced.)

The thing I saw last year morphed and moved very very fast and all the rest of the usual unusual flying object stuff, but I think this particular flying machine was one of ours. Drone (many a news item on drones in the area at the time) or military, anyway, some sort of man made craft.  Intentionally set off to do its thing right at stroke of midnight on NYE above the city skies, when all kinds of noise and lights and fireworks are happening.

So will I see something this New Year's? I can only hope!

Radio Misterioso | In-depth conversations on the paranormal alternating with weird music. Live on Sundays 8-10 PM PST @

Really good blog and podcast  with a collection of some of the best anomalous pundits (Greg Bishiop, RPJ, Kimball, …)  in UFO Land: Radio Misterioso | In-depth conversations on the paranormal alternating with weird music. Live on Sundays 8-10 PM PST @

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Annual Xmas Portrait

Time for the annual posting of the Christmas painting Jim did of me a few years ago. Er, should add that he did this painting from a photograph taken when I was about four.  I love Jim's work -- but this, this I cannot abide. It's a different style for him, and it's just … so wrong.

Merry Christmas!

painting by James Rich, acrylic on canvas

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Saucer Sightings: Reindeer Bells

Happy Holidays everyone!

I'm reposting this memory/event from my Saucer Sightings blog, since it is the season! (Originally posted December 25, 2012)

Saucer Sightings: Reindeer Bells: Now, I've never related this story because it seems like a typical little girls innocent anticipation of Santa and Christmas magic. I have always been a little embarrassed , as an adult, that this memory has always been so damn vivid. It was real! I wasn't dreaming, I didn't just think it happened, it did happen! So, I just put this memory into that gray basket.

But last night, with a jolt of awareness, I realized that this event didn't happen during Christmas time! Adding to the strangeness: in the memory, I am on the second floor. I remember distinctly the night sky and the brilliant blue stars, so close I could easily touch them. Only, we didn't have a second floor.
Rest at Saucer Sightings.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

alienviews: Ink And Stone... ...Part I

alienviews: Ink And Stone... ...Part I: I don't "believe" in UFO's, and I'm not splitting hairs, but *something* haunts the skies above, and shames us well down here. (Alfred Lehmberg)

Another good posting/poem/piece from Alfred. I like the way he begins: "I don't "believe" in UFO's…"

Exactly. They exist, they're here, and as to what they are… who knows. To assume they are all one thing, of the same source, is ridiculous. Ignorant. But to deny they exist is equally so. And in between that, to ask someone if they "believe in" UFO's suggests that the UFO is something that can bestow magick, or blessings, or , like so many mainstream gods of today (as then), hellish eternities and punishments. They can't, not really, even though some of the occupants of such craft pretend they can. I suppose their beyond belief technology can make it appear so -- it's a moot point, certainly.

But back to Alfred. Visit his page and read his stuff. And enjoy his artwork as well.

Friday, December 19, 2014

A Quote About Ancient Aliens

Jim, on Ancient Aliens: "They either go too far, or not far enough." 
That sums it up!

"Jim" being my dear one.

We still love you Ancient Aliens. It's just that, at times, it just gets so …. 

You know.

But as I said. We still love you!

In spite of … 

Friday, December 12, 2014

Alfred Lehmberg at The UFO Proletariat

At the sister blog UFO Proletariat, where Alfred Lehmberg is a contributor, who writes, thusly (as he might say)…

The UFO Proletariat: "It's a rabbit hole... sure. But then everything is, eh? We don't even understand ourselves, it is clear, awash in Whitehead's fallacy of "mis-placed concreteness…"

Indeed. So take a look over there; lots of good thoughts on UFOs in our midst.

Friday, December 5, 2014

The UFO Proletariat: Wait... What?! Alfred Lehmberg

Alfred Lehmberg on things gone wrong in UFO Land. At my blog UFO Proletariat, where, graciously, Lehmberg is a contributor:

The UFO Proletariat: Wait... What?!: In 2004 I was fresh from a substantive and emotionally messy donnybrook of the ufological kind. This regrettable kerfuffle involving the man called Mortellaro was the result of a knowing betrayal of my trust—neatly and before the fact—a betrayal as regards some kind of corporeal thread or inroad into this thing we're all interested in involving UFOs.

I'd bet on the wrong horse, frankly, and been humiliatingly hoaxed. Husband, father, grandfather, Air combat Veteran, Retired Army officer, Master Army Aviator, Summa college graduate, and aspiring writer on non-fiction, I was once burned, now, and maybe three times shy. (Lehmberg)

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Do It Yourself Abduction Regression Kit:Golden Merkaba, Chariot

Jim and I, and some others with us,  are walking on the boardwalk by the ocean. It is twilight. Cool, but on the warmish side for November. Light rain falling, wind. Orange and yellow leaves are falling slowly to the ground. I hear the wind, the rustle of trees, the falling leaves, the ocean ... I tell everyone to stop and listen, there’s something happening here. Everyone tells me of course there is, it’s just the rain and the wind. I say no, not that, listen! There is a sound behind the expected, the normal. “They” are here, and by "they" of course I mean "them." You know, those invisible aliens and their morphing craft. Soon, all can hear this sound behind the sound. It's a kind of invisible humming, or... something. We watch a leaf fall very slowly to the wet pavement and I say “That’s not normal, it’s falling way too slowly and purposefully for a simple leaf.” The leaf then turns into a large yellow geometric shape, the size of a VW bug, a yellow jack (child's game of jacks) then   a golden  Merkaba. We know to look up, way way  up, in the sky which is now vibrating with shots of light. Clouds are shaking.  A large UFO/craft appears through the clouds and the feeling is clear and sharp: this is not good, not good at all.

image source:public domain,

Dream scene shift, and  we are in a pleasant conference type room, surrounded by picture windows, up in the wooded hills. Isolated, out of town. It's later this same night.  The subject is UFOs, and I am desperately trying to tell everyone about what had happened earlier with the changing leaf, as well as my past columns for UFO magazine. I feel an overwhelming urgency to get this information out.  People are asking me all kinds of questions -- they’re beginning to feel this urgency too. Then I say to someone it’s like “the other dreams, the dreams I’ve had before this.” And I realize that I’m dreaming now, and talking about other dreams within this dream. Layers of dreams, messages  just barely hiding within them.  

merkaba stone: image: regan lee

The presentation begins. We sit and watch a video on UFOs and abductions, and how using the tools presented in this film, we can now regress ourselves. No longer do we have to go to an untrustworthy hypnotist or researcher, or share with strangers . We can regress ourselves within ourselves, by ourselves. This is great news for us and most of us seem to accept this as a breakthrough. We feel empowered, and that's the important thing, even though we are also uneasy about what would be revealed via this do-it-yourself-hypnosis-abduction-regression-kit. 

Merkaba: ancient sacred symbol representing energies of the human body ascending, used in spiritual work. A tetrahedron; two pyramids as one.  The Merkaba protects, transforms, brings us closer to our higher selves. It is also the Hebrew word for Chariot. In Tarot, The Chariot

The color yellow can be yellow aventurine. I don't know if that was the specific stone in the dream, but I found it interesting that one characteristic of yellow aventurine is to "help people who have problems with power and control."  (Healing
Also:Those who are oversensitive or indecisive, issues relating to an unbalanced Sacral Chakra, can also benefit from Yellow Aventurine's reassuring and balancing energies. Meditating with a Yellow Aventurine Merkaba can help focus your intentions for manifesting a sense of ease in being yourself. (Healing
The Major Arcana tarot card, The Chariot, also has to do with control, will, assertiveness, direction, victory, travel. Interesting the Chariot is also a vehicle, as is a UFO/craft. Both the golden Merkaba and the Chariot have to do with will and control. 
image: public domain, Waite Rider deck
In the dream, the Golden Merkaba came down from above; disguised at first as a leaf, then a child's toy, then finally, the stone. It transformed from familiar things to something more esoteric. While it came down from above, so did the UFO. The Merkaba was not a negative energy, but the UFO was. Both out of my control, both out of my doing. Later, meeting with other like minded individuals, in the woods -- we were away from others, in a private setting surrounded by nature -- taking back our own power with the "do it yourself" kit. Retrieving memories lost to missing time is our choice, and the way we want to do that --  if we want to do that --  is our choice. Each one of us determines what it means, not some self-appointed UFO guru shames or trivializes those who do not share in his or her conclusions. 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

A Fairy Survey

Image Public Domain

A fairy survey. Three, actually, based on experience. Thanks to Anomalist for link. Yes, I took one of the surveys; of course I did!

Survey - Fairyist: The Fairy Census is an attempt to gather, scientifically, the details of as many fairy sightings from the last century as possible and to measure, in an associated survey, contemporary attitudes to fairies. The census was inspired by an earlier fairy census carried out by Marjorie Johnson and Alasdair Alpin MacGregor in 1955/1956, a census that was published in 2014.

LogDriver: Emma Woods, Creepy Professors and My Little Wooden Box

LogDriver — Emma Woods, Creepy Professors and My Little Wooden Box: Suffice it to say that listening to the recording of Creepy Professor threatening Emma Woods over the phone when she refused to go along with his delusional script for her life brought back an explicit (by which I mean detailed, not X-rated) memory of being threatened by my former dissertation advisor when I called him up to explain why I wanted another one of my committee members to serve as chair instead of him. I remembered the trepidation I felt as I got ready to make a call I really did not want to have to make; I remembered his lengthy silence after I said my piece; I recalled the venomous tone in which he finally spoke. He had a low, rumbling voice and did venomous quite well.
An excellent piece, well written and very personal.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Climate Change / UFO Abduction - Shows - Coast to Coast AM

Odd juxtaposition, or, not. Travis Walton tonight on C2C discussing his abudction experiences, and in the first hour, climate change. Climate Change / UFO Abduction - Shows - Coast to Coast AM