I wrote a post some time back about Meers being a self-appointed UFO Police officer, wanting to censor those he disagrees with. Anyone disagreeing is guilty of "hate mail" and other offenses. Then I responded with a post, and he responded on his site with his response of my response.
I know, it's non-productive and a bit immature but on the other hand, it is sometimes necessary to call out those who obsess and, while not lying, exactly, certainly are highly disingenuous in their melodramatic defenses. This, like it or not, is a part of UFOlogy. And while it's true that not too much attention should be given, now and then it is a worthy act to occasionally show them up for many reasons. One, yes, they're a distraction. Possibly even intentionally; ops or professional trolls, literal agents of disinformation and misdirection. Two, within the obsessive minutuate of people like Meers, the lies are present and therefore spread thoughout UFO Land, which shouldn't always be tolerated. Now and then it's okay to rattle the cage.
Anyway, the latest from him:
Case Related Hate Mail - The Linda Cortile UFO Abduction Case Website: A Brief Commentary on the Latest Harassment from Regan LeeAccording to Meers, my opinions are "harassment" and "hate mail" -- even though it wasn't "mail" at all, as in email or snail mail, but my blog post.
The most recent hate mail entry from Regan Lee is extremely contradictory in nature. At first Regan Lee argues that the material she’s written does not constitute hate mail, then she concedes that she did in fact make an ad hominem attack, then she indicates that she stands by her ad hominem attack characterisation.
-- Sean F. Meers
December 30, 2015
My post was not "extremely" contradictory -- I was pretty clear. I called him a thug because I think he is a thug because, as I explained, anyone who demands that others shut up just because they want them too is a "thug."
Once again: personal opinions are not "hate mail," nor "harassment" and saying someone is a bully (thug) isn't necessarily an ad hominem attack.
But most of us know all that.