One highly irritating trait within UFOlogy is the "let's stay positive" mantra. How can one call themselves researchers and seekers of truth if you begin your journey with the skewed view that only elements cheery and bright will be acknowledged? On this, Corrales begins his piece:
There is a dark side to the UFO phenomenon that has always been mentioned, but is seldom delved into. In an effort to “accentuate the positive” we overlook some of these grotesque aspects, mainly because they do not jibe with our concept of an advanced, benevolent, spacefaring, technological civilization – such as one that we may have read about in the books of Larry Niven or Hal Clement. This dark side is raw and primitive, evoking fears that go as far back as the caves, but taking place in our own troubled times. Some of these behaviors suggest – to the discomfiture of many – that the intelligence behind the UFO is far more earthbound than we know, and more closely related to Medieval lore than outer space.
A truly fascinating article with a lot to think about. As always, Corrales brings UFO history and research into this writing. And before anyone out there takes offense at the "negativity" of such ideas, remember, they are ideas. Thoughts, theories, "what ifs" and speculations. Without those, we'll get nowhere. Just like ignoring the so-called darker sides of UFO activity will keep us stuck in a loop of naivete.