Saturday, June 16, 2012

Billy Booth: Bizarre Event in Redmond, Oregon

Billy Booth has this item from May about a UFO encounter in Redmond, Oregon. Bizarre Event in Redmond, Oregon. The incident was reported to Oregon MUFON.
A very bizarre event occurred on May 19, 2012 in Redmond, Oregon. This event involved lights in the sky and an elderly man being injured by some type of energy beam.

The woman involved was doing dishes. Her sink has a window in front of it, allowing a view of the grounds around one side of the home. The land is part of the Oregon/Washington BLM, or Bureau of Land Management. The program makes use of 16 million acres, setting it outside for wildlife, recreation, timber harvest, livestock grazing, mineral extraction and more.

While she was finishing up the family dishes, she noticed two glowing objects that would have been over BLM land. The objects appeared to be at least 20 feet apart. They were sitting in the sky, looked to be of a rectangular shape, with a bluish color.

The couple, in their seventies, went to explore the strange lights in the woods. I find this very interesting behavior. Despite the dark, their age and the overall strangeness of odd blue lights and unpleasant physical feelings (zapping electrical type energy, etc.) first the husband, then the wife and husband together, go out to investigate. As so often happens with UFO encounters, humans will pursue the event even though it is dark, or in the middle of nowhere, or just plain overall weirdness...on the other hand, as we also know, often overwhelming apathy can take over and witnesses will simply say "Oh, how odd" and then go off to sleep as if nothing had happened. Both responses to UFO encounters are extreme (I sure wouldn't be brave enough to walk out into the dark in the woods after seeing unusual lights -- or would I?) yet, there it is.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Military drone mistaken for UFO on D.C.’s Capital Beltway

This is standard "lighter side" item material. Almost. At the same time, the shape of the thing is obvious intentional, projecting that image into the shadowy parts of the collective psyches. They could have avoided such silly publicity by throwing a tarp over the thing. (Though that too would have generated conspiratorial musings.) Distractions of the whole UFO/alien reality on the one hand, while underscoring the in your face drones are here to stay on the other. Military drone mistaken for UFO on D.C.’s Capital Beltway | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Two Little Bits of Synchronicity

Love tracking those moments of synchronicity. I had two moments last night. Firstly, working with my Deviant Moon deck. Not wearing my glasses, I misread/saw the Knight of Cups as the Page of Cups. When I looked closer, I saw that I had read the layout as if the Knight of Cups was the Page; so I drew a card from the top of the deck for further insight, something I sometimes do. That card was the Page of Cups.

Deviant Moon tarot, artist Patrick Valenza

Deviant Moon tarot, artist Patrick Valenza
Later, listening to Coast to Coast with guest Robert Knight, discussing remote viewing. At one point as Knight was talking, I wondered why he hadn't included Ingo Swann in his list of researchers and thinkers. "Swann was one of the pioneers in all this!"I thought. How odd he doesn't mention him. A pause, then Knight goes into Ingo Swann.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Tim Beckley writes about the "negative side" of UFOs, citing Scott Corrales' recent article Cemeteries and UFOs (see post below.) HELLFIRE AND BRIMSTONE: The Dark Side of UFOLOGY
It’s UFOlogy’s dirty little secret. It’s something that is better left swept under the rug. Stanton Friedman doesn’t talk about it. Stephen Bassett most assuredly would keep the subject at arm’s length. The late Richard Hall would have deleted you from his address book. And Steven Greer would never consider it part of his ongoing Disclosure program.

To coin ourselves a catch-all phrase that brings together all the negative aspects of the subject, I prefer to call it the DARK SIDE OF UFOLOGY!

It would appear – at least at first glance – that only those who consider themselves Christian fundamentalists have a rigorous drum to beat on behalf of the subject matter we are considering – that at least some UFOs can rightfully be tied in with Demonic phenomenon. It would seem to be almost an exclusive element of their zealous faith based belief system that contends anything remotely occult or supernatural—and that would definitely include UFOs -- has a stanch ally in the devil and his minions. Christian apologist, Dave Hunt has stated, “the same people that run UFOs are the same people that run haunted houses.“ ~ Tim Beckley

I think one reason among several many UFO explorers reject the dark side is the religious flavor. It sounds all so medieval and superstitious. A lot of individuals, myself included, don't want to be thought of as, say, fundamental Christian literalists. Or, in my case, Christian anything. That doesn't mean these things don't exist; it's just the box these things come in that distracts.

I have been frustrated for years with various UFO groups who smugly decide no "negative" tales shall be told in their groups. They've taken the high road. So much for research.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: A Touch of Darkness: Cemeteries and UFOs

While I'm still stuck in my current "there's nothing insightful helpful productive or new to say about all this ... esoteric stuff" mode, others are not in that gloomy rut. One of my favorite authors on the subject of UFOs and so much more is Scott Corrales. In this article Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: A Touch of Darkness: Cemeteries and UFOs, Corrales writes about an aspect of the phenomena not often explored: UFOs and the dead. The human dead.

One highly irritating trait within UFOlogy is the "let's stay positive" mantra. How can one call themselves researchers and seekers of truth if you begin your journey with the skewed view that only elements cheery and bright will be acknowledged? On this, Corrales begins his piece:
There is a dark side to the UFO phenomenon that has always been mentioned, but is seldom delved into. In an effort to “accentuate the positive” we overlook some of these grotesque aspects, mainly because they do not jibe with our concept of an advanced, benevolent, spacefaring, technological civilization – such as one that we may have read about in the books of Larry Niven or Hal Clement. This dark side is raw and primitive, evoking fears that go as far back as the caves, but taking place in our own troubled times. Some of these behaviors suggest – to the discomfiture of many – that the intelligence behind the UFO is far more earthbound than we know, and more closely related to Medieval lore than outer space.

A truly fascinating article with a lot to think about. As always, Corrales brings UFO history and research into this writing. And before anyone out there takes offense at the "negativity" of such ideas, remember, they are ideas. Thoughts, theories, "what ifs" and speculations. Without those, we'll get nowhere. Just like ignoring the so-called darker sides of UFO activity will keep us stuck in a loop of naivete.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Robert Barrow: UFOs in a World Gone Crazy

Robert Barrow: UFOs in a World Gone Crazy:
How can there remain room for UFOs in a world gone nuts? Europe's economy teeters on the brink, and when/if a similarly unsurprising collapse happens here the U.S. will likely fall right into the same muck.
So who has time to care about UFOs today? Tomorrow?

Good question. For a good while now, I've been experiencing a very deep sense of ... who -the -hell-cares -what -the-fuck- does-it-matter-what-the-motherfucker-fuck -is-going-on?!

Oh all ye skeptoids don't get excited. I don't mean to suggest for one second that UFOs, strange experiences, spiritual religious esoteric encounters are meaningless, or trivial, or don't matter. Not at all.

I mean, things are extremely bad, fucked up, wrong, and shit. Shit shit shit. Have been for some time, and while I believe the space beings exist, I also believe they don't give a goddamn, and I never expected them to. So the answer to our problems here on earth are not to be found in the mother ship, but in ourselves. So get on that, will you? In the meantime, I'm going to... I don't know. Like Stella, I'm trying to get my groove back. Only it's not my sexual mojo I'm working on (which, thankfully, is just about the only thing that is working these days) but the high strangeness unexplained world of anomalous mysteries that would bedazzle and behold.

Until then, my Fortean explorers...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Monday, May 7, 2012

Pyramid Shaped UFOs

Always interested in the changing imagery within the UFO realm; recently we've been seeing a few reports of pyramid shaped UFOs. In 2009 a pyramid shaped object was filmed in Russia. In 2010, a pyramid UFO was filmed in China. (see clip below.) Here's a recent one from Ontario:UFO: Couple reports Pyramid-like object over Cambridge, Ontario Triangles are familiar and have been around for decades. For awhile there we heard a few reports of rectangle shaped UFOs -- kind of like the triangles, concerning movements and size, just different in shape. What to make of these? While readers of the Orb know, I accept without apology or argument that intelligent aliens exist and are among us, but that aside, much of what we experience in the world of UFOs is often directly created by humans, and manipulated by those devious individuals for their own agendas, and our puzzlement. Are these pyramid UFOs man made; private industry, military, etc.? Very likely.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Entering the Orb: The Rocky Place - Aliens Not Ghosts

One recurring dreamscape: a large, open home in a semi-wooded area. Towards the back, it's seen the house is up against a rocky wall, cliff like. The ocean, or water, behind and below.

The house has large, open rooms, rarely a door, just extra wide doorways. In one room, you can see clearly through to the other room (s.) And beyond, the rocks, the water.

These dreams never have anything to do with UFOs or even the esoteric (though sometimes, art is involved; people I know who create, including myself, congregate) yet somehow, I had the random realization the other day that these dreams -- this place, this subconscious location -- has a lot to do with UFOs. 

Then, this dream the night before last:
I'm here, in this wide open house of white walls and no doors, highly polished wood floors. I see amber and golden lights, orbs, things are glowing from within. Disembodied voices. Attacks from invisible entities. Obviously the place is haunted. I don't much like this, and I think, "Funny, this kind of scene has never happened before here in this dreamscape." I continue through the house, towards the back, towards the rocky hill and the water below. It's usually nighttime at this point. I have another in dream awareness moment: that it's often evening, at least, in this house when I reach the back. It's usually pleasant, and never hints of anything ghostly. But not tonight. Tonight it's haunted. Glowing lights. An intelligence lives inside those lights.

I don't like this, and want to get away. Some ghosts are fine, some are not. These are not. The glowing, the moving lights, the voices, all of it, are strange, and very very unpleasant. I want to leave, but don't know how. They're everywhere, and don't want me to leave.

Suddenly, and I don't know how or why, it becomes clear: these are not ghosts, not spirits, this is no haunting. But aliens. UFOs. Extra terrestrials having some bit of fun posing as ghosts, but it goes much deeper than that.  It's as if the aliens can't show themselves as they are and have to use the whole haunted house motif as their cover. This both scares me as well as irritates me. Stop playing games with me! I tell them. As if they care. They continue, sneaky softly glowing lights moving through the night.
So, another dream of my invisible aliens. Coincidentally, my current article in UFO Magazine discusses a dream I had after a UFO sighting at the home of an artist I knew. The dream involved that artist and our observation of UFOs. I didn't know that was the piece Nancy Birnes, UFO Magazine's editor, was going to publish this month.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The UFO Trail

Jack Brewer, one of the few out there doing the good work in regards to exposing David Jacobs:The UFO Trail

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Nobody Cares What You Had For Lunch; Or, They're Listening From The Beyond

Yet, among friends who communicate with each other on line, some of us do care what we had for lunch. Trivial, sure, but really, when Lesley posts she had some wonderful chili dish, I am interested. I think "Sounds good, I'd like to have the recipe, and I'd love to be with her enjoying such a lovely sounding dish."  By the way, we had a home made version of a Yumm! bowl, and it was delicious!

I haven't been posting much here, or, anywhere really. For awhile now, I've been busy, sure, but more than that. Just...dried up. Not writer's block, per se, but something. I think I'm going through a massive shift, a real change in my psyche concerning creativity. More specifically: esoteric creativity.

Is there no there there? Feels like it, but I'm not completely convinced that's it. Maybe there's so much there, I'm stuck between the here, and the what's to come. Hmm...

Speaking of the esoteric, I had a random and startling a-ha realization the other day. I was thinking of my experiences: UFOs, aliens, missing time, oh you know, all of that, and wondering why it is those things have pretty much ceased. They have, yet, they haven't. Maybe there's a clue in there. Then I was thinking on the three separate episodes where "they" were listening in. I've written about this before: where "they" -- highly intelligent, evolved entities but decidedly  non-human- were invisible, yet very, very present, during discussions of our missing time and UFO sightings. A big, obvious "duh" moment, but I realized that there was a connection between those three "they're here... they're listening" encounters, and our missing time/orange orb encounter. Der. And. Duh.

Other than that, I have nothing. As I said, maybe this long dry spell (and in so many aspects of my life right now, not just this) is a good thing, a waiting period before the esoteric-paranormal-conspiratorial shit hits the creative fan.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

UFO Magazine - UFO Magazine Blog - Emma Woods... 13Tapes...

From Alfred Lehmberg, at the UFO Magazine blog: UFO Magazine - UFO Magazine Blog - Emma Woods... 13 Tapes...
It's an Oral History of pertinate events, cast and characters, plus the incredible interactions of these characters by "Emma Woods," a research subject.

I've listened now three times... Around ten hours of her talking about yourself, and even FOR that, where one would predict that she would be whining, self-involved, self-interested, and self-promoting... was none of those things. No, she maintained an almost apologetic tone throughout, qualified herself competently—would seem to have a solid audit trail—and gave all credit where she thought credit was due. She wanted to contribute to a record.

There were repetitions, but they seemed more meaningful than tedious... and no blind alleys... it made sense and was listenable... internally and externally sensible. Not a crazy lady... more a concerned citizen.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Getting Snarky with Producers

I might be naive but I'm tired of producers contacting me, pumping me for information and research, and yet not crediting me or (ahem) paying me. I realize the latter rarely if ever happens, however, it's still annoying. I'm also frustrated with producers twisting the particular phenomena they're on about into their personal spin on what UFOs, Mothman,Bigfoot etc. are. Half the time their ideas aren't based on anything actually witnessed or experienced by real people who've encountered these things. In this morning's email I get another request from a producer, this time from the UK. This was sent out to many in the field, I was only one out of dozens:
Hi, From: Saskia Rusher [email address omitted] To: Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 8:14 AM Subject: BBC3 Documentary While researching on the internet I came across your very interesting blog. I wondered if you might be able to help me. I am contacting you from a TV company called Renegade Pictures. We are currently producing a documentary for BBC3, which focuses on people who believe in UFOs. We want to hear from people who think that aliens have visited us on earth, and that possibly the government has been hiding the evidence from the public. We are offering five people the unique chance to take part in a two week road trip across America , where they will have the chance to explore their views and put them to the test. BBC3 is a channel aimed at a young demographic, so we are looking for people to take part who are aged between 18 and 35. I was hoping that you might be able to circulate some information (see below) about the programme to some of your members who are living in the UK and who you think might be interested? If anyone would like to get involved they can contact us directly for a confidential chat over the phone. It would be great to have a chat about the programme and find out your thoughts, you can reach me on ****************. Many Thanks, Saskia Rusher Researcher Renegade Pictures
Feeling snarky for whatever reason, maybe just because it was Monday morning, I responded:
From: Regan Lee: The OrangeOrb [] Sent: 16 April 2012 16:51 To: Saskia Rusher Subject: Re: BBC3 Documentary I appreciate the information. As someone who is in her fifties, I take exception to the "no old people" stance. I can still type, read, drive, walk and feed myself. That aside, I'm afraid I don't know anyone in the UK . My UFO contacts are still happening, and my search has been a life long search for what is behind such experiences as missing time. Which, I suspect, are in part manipulated by the government. We all have valuable things to share in this journey, and age should not be used to shut people out. Regan Lee
Saskia's response was pleasant, but restated the obvious and ignored my point:
I appreciate that Regan. However, the channel is keen to get people within that age range because that is BBC3’s target audience: Thanks anyway for getting back to me. Saskia Renegade Pictures ( UK ) Limited
Well, big duh on "...keen to get peope within that age range because that is BBC3's target audience."

Searching the Blood: "Chapter 1 - The Rh Negative Factor"

Many thanks to Dia Sobin, who is also Rh negative, for this link: Chapter 1 - The Rh Negative Factor Like myself, the author went on a search to find out the connection between Rh negative blood and alien, ufo experiences. Well, right away I discover that global control is the goal. (I appreciate the cheeky style.) The information in this article is extensive, and she does a very good job of presenting the technical details. What it gets down to is: no one knows why some of us are walking around with Rh negative blood types.

I was curious about my rare blood type, and so what started out as a simple search on Google, turned into the most bizarre research of my life. First and foremost, I found out that we are descendents of a reptilian race of aliens, and that we love to drink blood and shape shift, while we are actively seeking nothing less than world domination.

Among those that are walking around with Rh negative blood types are those with Spanish, Basque, or Jewish ancestry. My fraternal grandmother was of Spanish descent and my maternal grandfather was a Russian Jew (Ukraine.)
“No one has tried to explain where the Rh negative people came from. Most, familiar with blood factors, admit that these people must at least be a mutation if not descendants of a different ancestor. If we are a mutation, what caused the mutation? Why does it continue with the exact characteristics? Why does it so violently reject the Rh factor, if it was in their own ancestry? Who was this ancestor? Difficulties in determining ethnology are largely overcome by the use of blood group data, for they are a single gene characteristic and not affected by the environment.

The Basque people of Spain and France have the highest percentage of Rh negative blood. About 30% have (rr) Rh negative and about 60% carry one (r) negative gene. The average among most people is only 15%-Rh negative, while some groups have very little. The Oriental Jews of Israel, also have a high percent Rh negative, although most other Oriental people have only about 1% Rh negative.

More to come in future posts, including "blue bloods."