With the orange one now our nation's president, social media is full of commentary from many citizens. Including me. Since I'm involved in UFO and related high strangeness research, many of those comments come from other UFO researchers and witnesses that I follow on social media. Unfortunately, many of them are conservatives -- and worse. They voted for Trump; their comments are ones that defend and support Trump's policies and behavior. This, of course, fucking astounds me.
It takes a brave soul to put oneself out there as a UFO researcher, or witness, or even an interested bystander. Culture still scoffs, despite para-tainment successes such as
Ancient Aliens.
That's a bit beside the point -- my point here is that, given one's conservative, ultra
patriotic nationalistic fervor that goes along with supporting Trump, doesn't support UFO research. (This is also true of the other side, though to a lesser degree. Politics in general is a nasty, untrustworthy realm.)
As much as I "believe" in aliens from outer space, I am also aware that many of the UFOs we see are ours, not "theirs." They are classified, top secret. They are covert. Clandestine. Up to no good, most often, for they're weapons and tools used to spy on citizens. Mind control, disinformation, misinformation, crass debunkery, all government created, and inflicted on us hoi polloi. Conspiracies are not fantasies of paranoid minds; they're real, and the facts are hiding in plain sight. RFID chips, tracking devices, implants, staged abductions (MILABS), disclosure/Disclosure, are all government -- and industry -- manipulated events that control the situation. A sloppy control, maybe, but that doesn't stop them.
So why support those politicians whose priority is to keep the global-military-industrial-complex going at all costs, including the illegal and immoral mind fuck games concerning UFOs?
Some time ago, conservative Alex Jones was in the middle of the road okay, speaking out against government's heavy hand in context of UFOs. Nowadays, he's a screaming fruitcake -- he's the Rush Limbaugh of Forteana.
Are the ETs space brothers, benevolent and caring, compassionate and only trying to teach us love? If so, those in UFO Land who fall into the Trump camp are in for a big surprise. What would ET think about that? Instead of WWJD (what would Jesus do?) ask WWAD? (What would aliens do?)
Or are the aliens, whether from outer space or elsewhere, either indifferent or worse, intent on evil? They win, and the nationalistic fascist orange one and his supporters win too.
I can't put it together; the political mindset of prayer, patriotism, and money with the UFO journey. The very government one supports is the one hiding and controlling and manipulating the phenomena.
It goes way beyond disclosure. There's all the stuff happening now in front of us that no one talks about, let alone
cares about (i.e., the general culture) that is scary.
One well known UFO researcher accused me, years ago, of not being "patriotic" when I told him I hadn't reported my sighting to local police, or.. I'm not sure where he thought I should have reported it to. I reported it to
him, didn't I? What the hell did "patriotism" have to do with reporting a UFO sighting?
We're human, and so of course we have varied beliefs in all areas; religion, childrearing, music, you name it. Oh, and, politics. Usually it's the left who tend to mock "belief" in things like Sasquatch, ghosts, and UFOs. I like Stephen Colbert, but give a loud sigh when he makes fun of "Bigfoot believers" as do many a liberal pundit. The right either stays away completely from such silliness, or comes out with it. Which only continues the divide: one side mocks, the other gets defensive, attacking the snobs on the left, who attack the uneducated rubes on the right . . . neither are correct.
Meanwhile, "they" -- and I don't mean the aliens -- are in control. They could not give a damn about us.
So instead of supporting people and policies that divide and harm, making it easier for aliens to come and eat us for lunch, why not err on the side of compassion?