Showing posts with label abduction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abduction. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Stalled Emails, Evil Empire

(See previous two posts below)


     My friend "Carol" with the life time of UFO/alien/general strangeness events, has mentioned to me several times that something -- some force or forces, energies or entities, vibrations -- like to keep us apart. Stop us from getting together to share high strangeness notes as it were.
For example, we, decades ago (decades ago!) would get together, along with others in her family as well as friends, to talk about these things. Then, suddenly, nothing. It was like we both had amnesia and forgot about each other. And yet, in typical Trickster ways, her husband and I (often along with my husband Jim)  would run into each other constantly, often two or three times in the same day.
     Not long ago however we did Carol and I did connect, and talked about this installed amnesia, this barrier seemingly placed by "them" and we decided to not let this happen again.

     Little things seem to happen to trip us up, but we're not letting them win. For example, as I wrote in my previous post, it took me almost half an hour to realize I was on the wrong street when visiting Carol. Since then, Carol has sent me at least two emails; they have not gone through. The address is correct, her email, my email works fine, etc. Yet emails sent from Carol to me are not coming through. Today Carol referred to "The Evil Empire of the short and gray." Indeed. Screw the little spindly bastards.

     If, of course, short gray spindly things they be. Carol has seen them, I have not. I have sensed them, I have "seen" them during a trance like state, others have sensed them in proximity to me, but I can't say I have seen seen them, if you know what I mean. I also think that the experiences we've all had -- Carol, myself, my husband, other friends of mine -- where we've felt without a doubt the presence of a very high intelligence, is not the grays, but something to do with what we call "the grays." But that's another path to follow another day.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Missing 411: The Devil's In The Detail For All -

Missing 411: The Devil's In The Detail For All - By Dustin Naef - - "For all those who have read David Paulides “411 Missing” books, and believe you’ve figured out the Who or What behind all of the mysterious disappearances going on in our nation’s National Parks (and elsewhere), prepare yourselves for another paradigm shift."
I don't think there is any research out there that is stranger and creepier and downright scarier than David Paulides work into the disappearances taking place in national parks, forests, woods, rural areas, etc.

Lots of speculation, including supernatural or Fortean ones. Now, on one Coast to Coast interview a few months back, Paulides inspired me to think along lines of a Bigfoot type energy/entity being responsible for these disturbing disappearances. This generated a heated email from Paulides after I posted a piece on my thoughts.  on Cryptomundo and on my blog Frame 352: The Stranger Side of Bigfoot. Well, I did get a book out of it and, while I maintain he misunderstood what I said, that has nothing to do with his excellent research. He's the only one out there doing anything like this, and it's clearly extremely important work. I cannot wait to read his other books, including his newest; The Devil's in the Details.

I look forward to everything and anything Paulides has to share with us on these disappearances. What is going on?!  (Adding to the already disturbing mystery is the fact there is an obvious cover-up by authorities regarding the disappearances.)

And so, this brings us to Naef's review of Paulides newest book on the strange disappearances, The Devil's in the Detail. New information, new cases, new ideas as to what force is responsible for people disappearing and sadly in many cases, dying. Naef writes, on finding an answer to this mystery:

"Ultimately, I think this is a mystery which is not going to be solvable by any one person, or explained away to anyone’s satisfaction by an “expert”. But by making all of this information public and open-sourcing it I believe there’s a good chance that the mystery will someday be solved." ~ Naef

There are lots of clues, and clues that defy the mundane. Bigfoot, elementals, time warps, portals, fairies, who can say. Maybe none of those things, maybe some of those things . . . but it does seem obvious that there is something other afoot, something truly out of the ordinary, that is the cause for people disappearing.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Mike Clelland's "I now know..." Utah map, under the stars

Yesterday, I posted a link, with comments, to Mike Clelland's blog post "I now know." He "came out" and these two earlier posts of his give the context: (See " Sleeping Under the Stars, and Line on a map across Southern Utah.)

 I mentioned to Mike earlier today that I had read his post about sleeping under the Utah skies, and, in a good example of denial/dancing (or scrambling) inside that loop, didn't see the obvious. And as to my own life -- and Jim's -- we still aren't seeing the obvious. So read the two posts Clelland has at his blog.

 It's blogs such as Mike Clelland's, Lucetia Heart, Jeremy Vaeni, and many others, that are the  important stuff in UFOlogy. The "folk," the witnesses, the experiencers, contactees, abductees, whatever label -- the encounters presented just as they are, just as they've been experienced, by the ones who've experienced them. All of us are just trying to find out what happened. We journey through in various ways, but, in my experience (personal communications, intuitive feelings, shared or similar experiences, etc.) all of us are honest and clear in what we share with others. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Deer Synchronicity

I've been working on a writing project the past week. In connection with the project, I was going through my files about deer last night -- specifically, deer stories involving UFOs and the paranormal, Fortean deer stuff. Later, in bed, I was trying to think of a title; all I had so far was something clunky like "Fortean Animal Tales." Suddenly, it came to me: Lola's Deer. I felt good about that, then turned on the radio to listen to Coast to Coast. The guests Noory had on were Trish and Bob MacGregor,  and I had just tuned in to the part where they were discussing a UFO event with several deer bodies lying "prostrate" (I think that's the word they used on the ground. Not only was that a strange synchronicity, but the emotion that came over me when I heard that was also very strange. I don't know why I had such a physical, visceral reaction. Oh yes, to top things off, I received an email yesterday from someone who shared his mysterious deer experience with me; an encounter that involved possible abductions and screen memories.  He gave me permission to use his story, which I will do at a later date.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Basket/Bathtub UFO Dream

A recurring dream I had as a young child. Timeframe 1959, early 1960s. Los Angeles, California.  I had lots of dreams connected to alien, non-human beings, which included being floated out through walls and doors and placed in a large tree at night. There I'd sit/wait/watch the starry night sky...

One recurring dream motif I remember has me standing outside, at night, on our block. Usually at the corner (near that large tree, that was easily three or four stories tall) which was at the corner. The tree belonged to our neighbor; we were the second house down from the corner. Waiting, outside, at night, sometimes I was with others, usually children. And up in the sky, not much higher than that tree, came the "ship." Sometimes it was a giant basket, like the ones seen with hot air balloons. But no giant balloon; just the basket and something above that, like a dome thing, some kind of machine. Other times, instead of a basket, it was an over sized bathtub. Inside the baskets, or bathtubs, were one or two people, adults, in uniforms.

I had this dream many times. Always the same: at night, alone or sometimes with others, mainly children, in front of, or near, our house. Waiting. Waiting for what I thought of as my friends -- these people in uniforms, in their floating bathtubs or baskets, were always pleased to see us. They took us away on purpose. This was a regular thing.

What that purpose was, I have no idea. That I don't remember. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Mentally Deranged Card

We expect the pathological skeptics to label anyone who insists they've had a UFO or anomalous experience mentally ill. The infrastructure does pretty well in that regard as well. General culture, mainstream media. And if therapy is sought and you're not fortunate or savvy enough to get yourself a Jungian therapist --  who might understand, even if interpreting the experiences as non-literal but nonetheless profound --  you might find yourself not only so labeled, but prescribed meds or worse.

I expect that crap from those groups, so when the Dr. Posners of the skeptic world pontificate, I'm not surprised. I do find it surprising  when I come across it within the filmy walls of UFO Land. (And not a little misogynistic, for it seems that the labels are more quickly applied when it's female experiencers that are the subjects.) Emma Woods has been called many things by some within UFO Land. The vitriol is astounding. Among the things she's been accused of: being "unstable," mentally ill, emotionally unbalanced. And much worse. A visit to just about any UFO forum will prove that. One forum and podcast in particular that I will not link to, that likes to promote itself as being of the highest caliber of metal is notorious for such insults.

Neither Jacobs, the UFO researcher and author who happily used Emma Woods as one of his subjects, nor those attacking Woods are shrinks. And even if they are, armchair psychoanalyzing is just that; hardly a diagnosis that's worth taking seriously. What often accompanies such easily thrown out labeling is a heap of nastiness with a topping of misogyny. Positive sneering, and a weirdly gleeful sneering at that.

Recently, Leah Haley came out with her perspectives on the alien abduction phenomena. Her current take is that there is no such thing as literal alien abduction. After years of experiences and her own research, she's decided the alien abduction scenario is a staged event, controlled by humans. Mind control. MILABS. This is her opinion. She's entitled, certainly, and it's highly interesting. She could even be right. (Wow, how about that!) I have no idea if she is or not. I have long suspected humans are involved in what we loosely call "alien abductions." The point here isn't if Haley is right or not; but the reactions her announcement has invoked. An example from the above mentioned forum:

What would I call it?....uhhh.....errrr...nutsy monkey-batshit koo koo?
Ya know, I normally like cutting edge people and ideas, but this isn't one of them. This is mental dysfunction of the kind that doesn't let you process your sensory input without it going through a "I'm Nucking Futz" filter.

From the same message board:

But, I think she may be suffering from a mental illness.

Calling Haley mentally ill because she thinks human created mind control is the cause for abductions doesn't even make sense. I understand not agreeing with that opinion, but deciding it's a mental aberration? The U.S. alone has a long history of mind control experiments; why is the idea of mind control with an alien/outer space theme so outrageous for some to accept as a possibility?

If one is mentally ill, then they need support and compassion. So why the threats, insults, and stupid jokes at the expense of those UFO witnesses whose opinions you might find yourself in disagreement with? It's not as if those witnesses are being "mentally ill" on purpose.

What is the purpose of rejecting witnesses with sometimes glib, sometimes nasty (and not a little threatening) statements that they're lunatics? I've answered my own question: by stating (almost always with a false authority) that witnesses are mentally ill, the rest of us don't have to consider what they have to tell us. Nothing to think about here, move on.

But of course, neither Woods nor Haley are mentally ill. Not in the sense their critics mean. Vulnerable, anxious,obsessive possibly, even paranoid, -- all those are on a scale from "a little bit," to "hell fucking yes!" Who wouldn't be some of those things, at some times, given missing time, screen memories, encounters of non-human entities, sightings of strange objects, and other anomalous events?

There is also a bit of irony here; those inside UFO Land who otherwise align themselves with experiencers/"believers"/witnesses have no problem accepting UFOs and aliens exist -- which skeptics, etc. would easily call them "mentally ill" -- but bring up mind control, or MILABS, or "obsess" over being manipulated, used and sexually harassed, and you're mentally ill. Aliens: sane. Tell your truth: insane.

It doesn't work that way. None of us knows what's going on, and we can only listen and share. Sometimes it's hard to listen, and certainly it's hard to share. Attacking others as being sick in the head because one has a hard time listening makes it even more difficult than it already is for others to tell their stories.

Personal interpretations are open to debate. We all have our buffers and our beliefs.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The UFO Trail: Central Issues of the Emma Woods Case

An article post from Jack Brewer at The UFO Trial blog: The UFO Trail: Central Issues of the Emma Woods Case Here's just a bit from Jack's post:

As if Woods' thorough documentation of facts and the predominantly tolerant and open-minded nature of the UFO community are not reasons enough to allow Woods to speak her peace, there are three primary points I find wrong with the statements of those seeking to silence Woods:

1) None of those who try to saddle Woods with psychiatric disorders are actually qualified to diagnose or identify such conditions.

2) None of those who accuse Woods of unacceptable behavior provide documentation of specific circumstances.

3) My personal experience interacting with Woods gives me no reason whatsoever to suspect her to be anything other than reasonable.

My experiences with Emma have been the same: always civil, kind, "reasonable" as Brewer states, and clear.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Entering the Orb: Stumbling on the Hill (s)?

The area where we saw the orange orb is hilly. We lived at the top of a hill. Well, already we're in a land of confusion, because Jim insists we weren't living there yet when we saw the orange orb; we were living on Hilyard St. "downtown" ish, near the U of O campus. I insist that simply isn't correct at all, that the orange orb was seen when we were living at the house on top of the hill at Friendly St.

Inspired by a comment left here yesterday I was skimming through my copy of Captured! (Stanton Friedman and Kathleen Marden) about Barney and Betty Hill. Specifically I was looking at sections regarding Dr. Simon, who used hypnosis to help recover their memories of what happened during their missing time.

Last night I had a dream:

it's night, very dark, and Jim and I keep walking up a hill. It's not the hill where we lived, but around there, up a ways. (Kind of near where I saw the orb drop down behind a house.) We get almost to the top of the hill, but then stop. We're lost, can't see well, things sort of dead end. So we try again. Go back, walk around, come back up the hill. Same thing. We're both getting very irritated with each other, and the whole thing, just all of it. We just keep doing this over and over and are getting very frustrated with "them" and  Jim kind of calls out to "them" to knock it off. It's like "they" are close by and can see us but we can't see them.

I was telling Jim this dream as we were taking our walk. I said it was like Sisyphus and Jim said "I was just going to say, it reminded me of that." Just at the part where I said "We keep getting to almost the top of the hill then things just stop..." I almost fell flat on my face, thankfully Jim caught me. I had tripped on the sidewalk, the top of my sandal got caught somehow. It wasn't a small stumble but a big one; really yanked my toes! If Jim hadn't caught me I would have fallen.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Entering the Orb part 2: Decision on Regression

For a long time, both Jim and I completely rejected hypnosis, or any other form of regression into our missing time episodes. We both admitted much of that rejection was due to plain old fear. (It was really years before we talked to each other about them in any kind of depth, and, a lot of details were left out when either one of us retold these stories to others, including each other. Sometimes this was due to simply not remembering, other times, particularly with Jim, he just couldn't voice it.) Over time, we talked more deeply of these experiences, but for a variety of reasons -- culminating with David Jacob's sociopathic behavior -- we continued to reject hypnosis.

The past few months, I began to work on getting at my memories in order to uncover what happened during those missing time periods. Inner work. Meditation, pendulum, dreams, and so on. Jim knew I was doing this. In his way, he was doing that as well.

A couple of weeks ago, we were driving out to the coast, and were talking about our experiences. Casually, Jim mentioned he feels comfortable with the idea of finding out what happened. Specifically, of going through hypnosis or something. I agreed. The idea of doing this journal/book came out of that discussion.

Regan, circa 1977 by James (Jim) Rich
So now we need to decide a few things. Exactly what process do we want to do here? I'm undecided on the idea of hypnosis; can it be trusted? Maybe we should be looking at it, not so much as the end all and magic answer to questions, but a tool, a guide, one more method to use in the journey of exploration. Maybe I'm over thinking it.

And of course there is the question of the hypnotist or regressor. As we all know from our UFO current events here, the quality and agendas of any person doing such work must be pure. Whatever that means. We need to be very wary of biases from all perspectives. A hypnotist who believes there are aliens under every bed isn't any better than a hypnotist who thinks anyone remotely considering the idea of UFOs and ET is mentally ill.

Finding such a person in our area might be difficult. I have some people I can ask; and probably we'd have to go up to Portland, about 2 hours away. Not too bad. So, next on our agenda: finding a qualified person we're comfortable with, can afford, and isn't too far away.

P.S. I know I wrote in my earlier post that I'd discuss the very different memories of one of our missing time episodes; I'll hope to discuss that in the next entry.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Book Project: Entering the Orb

I've begun a new project. Not sure yet how I'll end up doing this; interactive, as Nancy Birnes suggested, e-book, Kindle, self-publish, blog, pay per many options. I think, however, that it will be in a sort of journal format, fairly traditional in terms of publishing (e-book/Kindle/self, or through a publisher) with segments posted here at The Orange Orb.

So here it is, working title: Entering the Orb: A Couple's Journey into Missing Time, Screen Memories and UFOs.

Jim and I have decided, spontaneously and independently of each other, to go through some kind of regression and retrieval process to find out what happened during our missing time experiences. We've agreed that we would not share what we found out about our own experiences until all the work has been done. We don't know yet if we would see different people, or the same person. If we saw the same person, there's the possibility that person would be unconsciously influenced by the both of us.  Than again, maybe not.

A lot of this is absolutely trust based. How can we prove to others that we're telling the truth when we say we won't discuss with each other what's been discovered, until it's all done? We can't.

There's also a large issue of vulnerability here. Some possible causes for the missing time episodes are obvious -- as in, oh my god they really were Reptilian Overlords. Other reasons concern memory. As you'll see in my next post, Jim and I have very different memories of one of our missing time events. Clearly, one of us is wrong. So why the difference in memories? And if it turns out the cause for missing time isn't UFO related, alien related or some other esoteric or metaphysical cause, then what, and why? Are we unstable? Did someone drug us? (If so, why, and that's certainly scary on its own.) I could handle any of those, (I think) but what I don't think I could handle is the possibly we made it all up. Unintentionally of course, but made up nonetheless. If that is so, why in the world would we do so? That in itself is intriguing.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Seriously, A New UFOlogy. Seriously...

Another intent to remake UFOlogy, and they are serious. Here they are: The Serious New UFOlogy Institute. Words like "serious" and institute" are heavy and pregnant with meaning, well, you know, serious. They have a paper, authored by Paul Budding: BEYOND THE LIVING MYTH… AND FROM SERIOUS ‘OLD’ UFOLOGY TO SERIOUS ‘NEW’ UFOLOGY

The group admires  Richard Dolan's work and gives him plenty of credit, a very good thing. But something about any organization, especially with the words "serious" and "institute" both in their name, makes me want to run in the other direction. By definition, organizations are things, (er, "institutes") that defy my wanting to join them. (Or, er,  take them seriously.)  That's my nature.

The Institute of Serious UFOlogy (I can't help but get a bit of a Monty Python vibe when I read that title) contrasts serious old Ufology with serious new UFOlgy. No longer concerned with collecting UFO accounts, the new serious UFOlogy is only concerned with: what are [UFOs] they?  Excellent question, and I share their opinion the ETH isn't a given. It isn't a given, but it is a good possibility. It's also possible there are many answers all at once, because UFOs seem to be many things all at once. An ET here, an ultra-crypto-terrestrial there, a rogue government Dr. Evil thing over there. Or even the demons and Djinn and dark energies called up by semi-pathological rocket scientists.
The institute is concerned with the "Living Myth" of the ETH:
The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH) equates to a Living Myth. Many people love the feeling of awe and fascination that goes with the UFO Phenomenon and therefore they will not give up ETH. Giving up ETH would amount to giving up on archetypal awe, fascination, mystery etc. Therefore scientific and academic Ufology lacks confidence in itself precisely because the mythological projections onto the field contain so many archetypal contents and unconscious assumptions. Hence the field senses its own biases and makes it impossible to establish consensus within itself. Indeed for ETH to be the correct explanation there would have to be a coincidence of the myth equating to the reality of the phenomenon and vice versa.  
Much is true of the above. Budding writes the institute does not "condemn" the Living Myth, just that it needs to be excised in order to get an accurate  picture. But at what point does one decide the living-myth-projections-unconscious-assumptions et all are to be discarded? Like it or not, and obviously there are some UFO researchers who do not, there is a whole mess of confusing, seemingly magical at times, and certainly huge WTF moments within UFO events. Discarding those because they're part of a "living myth" taints the research. Now you're left studying only a bit of the thing. How can it be expected that one will find something of validity using that method?

To their credit they acknowledge that it is reasonable to assume there are many concurrent theories that are fairly equally true:
However, as already said, it is possible that no single theory can explain the whole phenomenon. Just because ‘X’ is true doesn’t mean that ‘Y’ is false in this case. Oddly enough there is an obsession for one theory answers: whether they are debunkers, ETH proponents or advocates of other dimensions, or those advocating an earth/human based answer.
It doesn't matter if it's Bigfoot, UFOs, ghosts or any number of anomalous events; many people demand a "one theory answer." Are UFOs solid craft or high strangeness events, are abductions fantasy or alien (ET) caused, is Bigfoot flesh and blood or paranormal, and so on. Black and white theories that are of a compact size, leaving no room for those gray baskets.

 As with the disclosure and other movements, the new serious ufology is brightly naive in thinking that skeptics, scientists and politicians will be open and accepting of UFOs once the phenomena is presented, well, seriously:
Politicians would be forced to show the field respect if Serious Ufology really was able to clearly demonstrate its differentiation from the Living Myth. This necessitates that serious physicists and technologists study the phenomenon.
No one will be "forced to show the field respect" because the field will never get respect. The existence of UFOs -- and their occupants -- are known among the politicians controllers of the world, as well as many in other areas. The details may or may not be known, but the fact of UFOs is. There are concurrent forces at work: one, the phenomena itself. Call it trickster or something else, the UFO phenomena -- which includes the high strangeness/"living myth" stuff -- has a built in function that ensures it remains marginalized. The second concurrent force are the agendas of those humans (above mentioned controllers) who have their own reasons for playing games with the rest of us. As cliche as it sounds, good old cover-ups, conspiracies and disinformation are the human created responses to the UFO presence.

Meanwhile, there are the witnesses. Remember us? Speaking of which, if the "new serious ufology" isn't concerned with collecting new UFO events, how will they recognize the ever shifting manifestations of UFOs? Questions and ideas about UFOs will never be addressed, because they're not being looked at. Soon the new ufology -- sorry, the new serious ufology -- will become the stagnant serious ufology. Before becoming the new old ufology, when another takes its place.

Monday, June 27, 2011

"Clown Selling" : Circus Offers Therapy for Clown Fear

Wasn't sure where to post this exactly, so I'll just put it here. (Er, clown "selling?" ) Anyway, speaking just for myself, I don't exactly have a fear of clowns; I just find them disgusting, creepy and dishonest. But if you suffer from a fear (as compared with just plain old disgust of sleeze, cheese and nastiness) you can now get clown therapy, or some such: BBC News - Circus offers 'clown-selling' for people's big-top fear. And oh hell, yeah, I am a bit scared of them too.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The USSR Cause for Roswell? - Muddled Disclosures

Supposedly. Could be. In UFO World, anything is possible. Journalist Annie Jacobsen, author of Area 51, acknowledges there's definitely insidious and strange events going on in Area 51 and the UFO realm generally, but it's not aliens. (No, it could never be aliens.) Jacobsen and her book is currently making the mainstream circuit, including a recent appearance on Jon Stewart's The Daily Show. I knew before she came on that Stewart, who I adore, would mock any hint of alien/UFO reality, since it seems to be an affliction of the majority of the liberal-left-hip to sneer at fringe subjects. He didn't disappoint.

Jacobsen's contention is that yes, weirdness abounds but it's not aliens. It's the USSR and Nazi experiments behind the Roswell crash. And so much more, but all of these strange events have been orchestrated by humans. ET has nothing to do it, nor cryptids or vortexes or magick or anything other than human Dr. Evils.

Jacobsen has interesting ideas about what on, but there's no proof. As is admitted by everyone, but that seems to be all right, for Jacobsen is a legitimate journalist and not some tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist:
Still, lack of proof hasn't exactly stopped the book from sparking speculation on the media circuit and on the Web. In the last day, Yahoo! searches skyrocketed 3,000 percent for "area 51 book." And the tome is penned not by a crackpot conspirator, but a respected journalist.
I'm impatient and cynical with this distracting crap, because it's muddled disinfo. (Which is probably an oxymoron.) Jacobsen's story gets attention, while all the other UFO stories, including abduction stories sans Nazi bastards-Dr. Evils-government experiments, continue to go utterly ignored, utterly mocked. Meanwhile, journalists, writers, researchers, scientists -- those "respected journalists" and the like --  who know nothing of the esoteric world yet decide to take a swim in the sparkling waters for a look-see are blind to what they consider nonsense. They come out with one small bit, show it off as the latest in theory, and happily go back to their rational worlds. Everyone thinks something groovy-weird has just been revealed, and all has been solved: including the "nonsense" of UFOs. Because, as has just been proven, no such things exist. It was really Russia, or Nazis, or ...

We're not done yet. The fact is, there very well could be some truth to these theories. Nick Redfern's book Bodysnatchers in the Desert  brought explored the idea of human experiments and manipulations as the cause for Roswell. MILABS are a very real possibility, and some UFO witnesses and researchers have been writing about this for a long time. Ironically, among UFO researchers, the MILAB "conspiracy" doesn't get much attention.

It's not that Jacobsen's story couldn't be true, or, some of it could be's that once again, our attention from the reality of the UFO phenomena is trivialized and further pushed out to the edges. UFOs, the mainstream continues to insist, are entertaining and fun funny, but they're not real.

If Jacobsen's contentions somehow prove to be valid, (and/or Redfern's, etc.) that is horrifying, and the world needs to know. But what will happen in that event is that the many will accept that as the explanation for all of "it." Once again, we go back to clean dichotomies, something both the mainstream and many within UFOlgy are guilty of enacting.  It has to be this theory or that theory,  it's all aliens or it's all human psychopaths.

As I said, I'm impatient with this mainstream UFO denying stuff, but Nick Redfern has a calmer take on Jacobsen's book, giving us a bit of  background and data that is helpful, even if it does push us further down the rabbit hole. (Once you've fallen in, you just keep falling...:) You can read his review here.