Showing posts with label aliens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aliens. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Where's that banging my head on the desk cartoon? Oh, here it is:
head desk bang

UFOs are real. Call them UFOs, UAPS, -- they're real. UFO means Unidentified Flying Object. Could be theirs, ours, or theirs…you know, Reptilian Overlords.  Specifically, they are pretty likely to be all three. Some are ours, some are the other guys, some are truly mysterious. Unexplained. ET. All at once, all vying for our attention distraction.

So the announcements are made, and the majority argue over the minutiae of what UFOs are, as if UFO is one thing. One explanation for what UFO is, as well as its motivation.

Meanwhile, the truth (most of it anyway) is out there and in our faces, mixed up with a lot other stuff. Misdirection. Allowing the arguments to continue.
The deeper issues continue to be ignored. Even with the concession that off world intelligent beings are hanging around, it's still a vague idea to many. Bills still need to be paid. We still have family issues, health, jobs. Aliens, cool, but, doesn't pay the rent.

The truth is, many people -- myself included -- have had intensely weird experiences that cannot be explained, no matter how hard debunkers, Big Science, religious know it alls, or fanatical true believers try their damnedest to Explain It All To Us. Behind the mundane goings on, these experiences remain. And meanwhile. . .

There is the issue of concurrent UFO activity, which is indeed ours. Whether it's the U.S.A. or another government, covert, often illegal and unethical experiments are conducted within the framework of 'UFO.' Not many seem to pay attention to either. The former is indulgent kook stuff, the latter is a shrug and dismissal, as if simply stating the obvious: "Military experiments" is enough to get on with things. Not recognizing that the implications of those experiments are huge.

We are spied on, tracked,lied to, treated like lab rats. Both the "other" and our own do these things to us -- and many of us don't seem to notice much.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Childhood Memories: An Obvious Connection in the Pattern

You'd think that, after a life time of exploring my own UFO and anomalous  experiences, as well as the experiences of others, I'd recognize the obvious. Which is, a pattern, a connection, between locations. For example:

I was thinking, for some unknown reason --  just my mind going back -- to my "giant eagle" experience. This happened when I was about four, maybe three, and in the house on Corning St. in Los Angeles. It's my first memory of something weird and powerful -- nope. (That happened even earlier, in another house a few blocks from the Corning St. house.)

The second memory, a year or so later, very different in many ways: what was seen, as well as what I felt. But, it also happened in the house on Corning St. In the first Corning St. experience, I felt incredible awe and joy, no fear. The second, I felt fear and anger.

Before those two experiences, were two odd experiences in the house we lived in before Corning St. One memory: a giant metal cylinder type of thing, coming towards me at night, while I was in bed, frightened. Strange ribbon like things, like colorful tendrils, waved out at me as this thing floated towards me.

The second memory, looking outside my bedroom window at night, because I heard Santa's reindeer bells on the roof. Except, it wasn't December. And in both memories, I remember me being on the second floor, where my bedroom was. Of course -- yes you guessed it -- there was no second floor.

In later years, I assumed my cylinder memory was of a heater in the bedroom. But my mother insisted, when I told her of this experience, that there was no heater or object of any kind she could think of in that room.

In our third house (again, just a block or two from the other homes) more experiences. One, dancing with my friends -- the invisible aliens. I didn't call them aliens at the time, but I knew they weren't human. For one thing, they didn't look human. About my size (four feet or so) transparent, spindly things. The other experience: many times, floating out through the doors and walls, assisted by these same invisible beings, where'd I wait outside, at night, for "them" to come and take me on up. (Oh, and then there is the parallel experience of the "fuzzy puppet wolves" where my husband had a similar childhood experience.) One more: when my mother, excited, called out to us because she was witnessing a UFO in the sky. No one believed her, except me. Disappointed the UFO zipped off, my mother was watching, hoping it would return.  I told her (she insisted I said this, I don't remember) not to worry, it will come back, for "they always come back," I said.

Eight very different memories, in three locations. As different as these memories are, they share a nagging feeling that somehow, as bizarre as they may seem, they are connected.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Exploring the Orb: Missing Time, Memories and MILABS

Last night's Coast to Coast was excellent (what Coast to Coast is all about, to my mind) with guests Robert Davis, Rey Hernadez, Mary Rodwell, and Rosemary Ellen Guiley from the FREE Project. Such a simple idea! Gathering data from witnesses from around the world, and not dismissing any of it. Just letting the information speak for itself. Of course, as the guests acknowledged, whatever "they" are -- reptilians, aliens, ETs, others, Djinn, inter-dimensional, MILABS, or combinations of some -- we don't know. Maybe we'll never know.

Some of the thoughts gained from this research were very interesting. For example, the evidence points to positive experiences of "abductions" and interactions with these aliens. Host George Knapp asked about those witnesses who have had unpleasant and frightening encounters. Those experiences involved MILABS, or humans involved in the abduction event. If that is the case, then the case for human manipulated "alien abductions" is strong, as well as insidious. One idea: humans manipulating known and actual alien technology for their own severely negative purposes.

As regards to missing time, still a mystery of course. But I was inspired to revisit my own reactions concerning missing time. I remain angry at the fact missing time happened at all and more than once. Something, or someone, messed with my memory. Who, and why? And, how dare they? But what if the missing time was due to my own physiological responses to trauma, and not "their" fault at all? Or what if missing time is an unintentional side effect of whatever "they" do? Aliens don't intentionally cause missing time; it's just something that happens and can't be helped. Or, were those missing time events not alien at all, but human engineered? (MILABS.) The problem is, I have no conscious memory of either...

I have memories of something very not-quite-right going on, seeing craft, strange and frightening dreams and events in the after-math, and, missing time. No memory of "aliens" or being aboard ships (though in one case I had dreams of being paralyzed under a beam coming down from a craft) --- yet UFO connected nonetheless. Does this mean these later events (for I've had interactions with beings since childhood) were artificially induced? MILAB type events?  No memories of humans in these cases either.

Adding to my own UFO mystery, is the fact that I've had interactions with UFOs and "aliens" since early childhood. So it seems to be possible that there are absolutely "others" out there --- no doubt many types of "others" -- and sometimes, some humans manipulate these things. Watchers watching Watchers.

It's truly weird out there and there is a carnival aspect to all of this but we have to not only acknowledge this fact but find a way to positively incorporate the weird with the rest. We'll never get anywhere if we don't.

Monday, February 22, 2016

"Aliens are Real"

We see this often; the statement on social media and throughout the internet that "aliens are real." I agree with that, aliens are real, and I won't argue that with the debunker crowd. (Just like I don't argue my case with them on ghosts, UFOs, etc.)

But, the question is, not are aliens real, but what do we mean by "aliens?"
Exchange the word "alien" for "God" and it's the same idea. I believe in "God" but, as I've discovered through the years, my idea of "God" is very different from the majority's, at least in our culture.  My Christian friends definitely disagree with me on this conception of "God." (Yes, I'm an old hippie flower child, believing that "god" is all, everywhere, within and without, consciousness and star stuff. A bearded man in the sky who sent his son, who was also him, what?! -- no.)

So we throw the words around -- alien, God, -- and assume we're on the same page. Oh dahlings, we are so not!

For that matter, I'll even throw in UFOs, for our definitions of that seeming obvious term has different meanings for different people. (Debunkers and skeptics often like to be cute and insist that when using the term "UFO" 'everyone knows we're really talking about aliens from space.' Bless their disingenuous hearts.)

"Aliens are real," sure. But that belief, that opinion, doesn't stop there with the acknowledgement that "they" exist. We really have two questions -- what are aliens -- and, which ones are talking about -- in what context?

Were the "aliens" listening in on our conversations -- invisible yet very distinct  presence felt by many -- aliens from outer space? Another planet? Or an energy? Something co-existing with us here on earth? Something mystical/spiritual, like angels? Djinn? Even something co-created, even unconsciously, by us via our intense discussions of the subject? A sort of UFO tulpa?

What of the beings seen by landed ships and inside craft?

The list of weird unexplained beings that are non-human but described as "alien" is a long one, as well as a varied. We can't simply put the idea of "alien" into one category, acknowledge its existence, then feel as if we've solved something.

Just trying to define terms is exhausting in the land of the weird, and we realize how complex the "thing" (UFO, alien, er, "God") really is.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Updated: Owl Synchronicity!

I reposted this on the Oregon L.O.W.F.I. page a few minutes ago, and, as I was posting, I remembered something while I was in the doctor's office -- after I asked her about the owl plush (see below) she added that the other day, the topic of owls came up the group she was with. Then, searching for something unrelated to owls, I found this  -- an interview I had done some time ago, except I don't remember this at all! (I apologize to the interviewer! I'll have to listen and see what jars loose.) Anyway, at the end of the blurb introducing the interview was this:
mythic owl dream

Yesterday, posting on Facebook, social media in general and here about Mike Clelland's book The Messengers. An obvious aspect of the owls  within the context of the strange is that they appear when you start talking about them. So last night, while washing the dinner dishes, I was thinking about this, wondering if I'll experience any owl synchronicity in the aftermath of posting about Mike's book. (Humbled to say, I'm mentioned in the book.) Then I had a thought about playing with "them" -- the "be careful what you wish for"  adage.

(After writing this post, went back to upload images, as happened yesterday, is not working. The owls do not want to be seen today it seems.)

Today I open the paper, and find this item about the return of the "angry owl" in Salem:

Angry owl is back in Salem | Local | Eugene, Oregon: SALEM — The year is ending the way it began in Salem, with an aggressive owl going after people.

At least two attacks have been reported more than a mile north of a park where joggers were attacked in January, said Julie Curtis, spokeswoman for the Department of State Lands.
Owl caution signs are posted to warn visitors of possible owl attacks.

Later this morning, I was in my doctor's office. I noticed a stuffed owl toy on her bookshelf. I didn't think I had noticed it before, so I asked her if she had always had that owl there. She looked over there and said "Oh, that's not an owl, it's a pneumonia germ." There's a whole world out there of germ plushies. Ew. Anyway, it looked exactly like this; this is the one:

Pneumonia germ plushie, mistaken for owl toy
And lastly, here's a quote to muse upon:

“The owl,” he was saying, “is one of the most curious creatures. A bird that stays awake when the rest of the world sleeps. They can see in the dark. I find that so interesting, to be mired in reality when the rest of the world is dreaming. What does he see and what does he know that the rest of the world is missing?” ― M.J. RoseSeduction

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Random Sketching, and Looked What Showed Up

Didn't mean to, it just came out that way. The ubiquitous aliens-in-the-bedroom drawing. Here's the original:

And then I played around with the color enhancement thingie and this felt right (as if there is anything "right" about this realm.)

We've seen these before; these drawings of faceless, ghost like beings peering down at us while we're asleep and unaware of the presences surrounding our beds.

I've written before that I have memories of little "wolf like" (gray, short, jabbering) beings surrounding my bed when I was a child. Jim, my spouse, has had similar experiences. (The Synchronicity of Puppet Wolves: Binnall of America 2007)

In looking at this sketch, I realize these entities are not all that short -- not the typical gray alien so commercialized and now a non-event in pop culture. The gray has replaced the little green man from mars as cartoon. Prevalent and used to promote all manners of entertainment. Yet there is one little guy (that's how I think of him, without thinking of him…)

What does all this mean? I'm not to say. I don't know. This not knowing annoys some. As if, because I've had these experiences, I should somehow know. I wish to hell I did know. But I'm not a prophet. I have some theories that are in constant stages of movement. A dance, and all performers come together in one beautiful display but abruptly break apart, flowing back into an alleged chaos. I continue to research and speculate and explore with others their experiences, but I don't know. I guess. I dream. I draw.  I manipulate the memories, hoping to evoke some truths out of what's hidden inside.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Seth Shostak:The Great UFO Debate

By way of Alfred Lehmberg (where I followed this link) who offers his own excellent commentary on the musings of Seth Shostak, we have the . . .
  The Great UFO Debate: "The good news is that polls continue to show that between one and two-thirds of the public thinks that extraterrestrial life exists. The weird news is that a similar fraction thinks that some of it is visiting Earth."(Seth Shostak)
The "weird news?" Why so? Shostak's thing has always been that the reality of ET is quite reasonable, just out there, not anywhere near here.

Shostak writes that "…recent television shows" depict aliens landing and doing all kinds of things to our planet and its inhabitants:
". . . alien craft are violating our air space, occasionally touching down long enough to allow their crews to conduct bizarre (and, in most states, illegal) experiments on hapless citizens."  (Shostak)
Mr. Shostak dahling, do you really think aliens give a hoot about the legalities concerning abductions and what not?! (Now, an interesting angle here -- one whose entertaining of thought eludes practically all skeptics and some, even, UFO researchers, is that many of the alien/UFO episodes are conducted staged by our own.)

And then there's paragraphs about lights, sightings, atmospheric conditions…all mistaken for UFOs and not proof of ET. Which, I will concede, is sometimes true. But that is not the issue here and I suspect that Seth Shostak knows this. The following -- in which Shostak refers to aliens who "melon-ball" human flesh, illustrates my point:
"What about those folks who have experienced alien beings first-hand? Abduction stories are an entirely separate field of study and one which I won't address here . . . "
Why won't you deal with abductions Mr. Shostak? What skeptics and debunkers consistently ignore, or, just don't get, is that you can't have one without the other. I don't mean to say that all encounters with strange beings are aliens-from-outer-space encounters, or that all UFO encounters include abductions. But many UFO encounters do include abductions, as well as missing time and a long list of weirdness. You can't look at one piece of this puzzle and decide on its solution while ignoring the rest of the scene.

The fact that we don't know where UFOs originate -- as if all UFOs should or do originate from the same source -- doesn't make this fact "goofy" as Shostak says. Again, he ignores the vastly intriguing array of possibilities. To Shostak, the ET question is a simple one with a simple answer. Black, white, either, or, this not that, and that's all there is.

Finally, we have the predictable and highly disingenuous comments from Shokstak. The first is his regurgitation of the skeptic cliche that the witnesses need to provide proof, not the other way around:
"The burden of proof is on those making the claims, not those who find the data dubious."
And here:
"If there are investigators who are convinced that craft from other worlds are buzzing ours, then they should present the absolute best evidence they have, and not resort to explanations that appeal to conspiratorial cover-ups or the failure of others to be open to the idea."
Well, many a researcher and witness do provide what they have, what they know, what they've seen. I can only report on what I saw, no matter how odd, and what I've experienced. Missing time? Sorry, I don't have any proof, which is not the same as evidence, which I also do not have; not even much on theories about what or why. Just that it did. (At least twice.) Sure, someone could have slipped me a mickey, or something was glitchy in my brain… then again, if the latter, that would have to be true for the other witness who was with me -- both times. And who also has had his own life long experiences of the UFO kind. Shostak doesn't consider these contexts, these connections of experience.

So all I can do, all any witness can do, is report what happened. And the honest researcher or collector of lore has to include it all and look at it all. Shostak does not. He is  stuck on his belief that ET is possible, and alive in space, while concurrently holding the opinion that no such thing is possible here on earth.

Instead of deciding before the fact what will be considered and what won't, participants in this quest need to work together. Don't tell me missing time was imaginary, or that someone slipped me a mickey. Look at the history of my experience in context of the phenomena. 

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Medium Amy Allen's The Dead Files and … Aliens

The Dead Files is Travel Channel's ghost/medium program, where medium Amy Allen explores locations said to be haunted. Research into the particular home, building or site's history is done by co-host Steve DiSchiavi. (Who is a retired homicide detective.)  Ghosts and spirits abound, and I find the program interesting. I think Allen is a good psychic. These are the type of ghost shows I prefer; Allen's, and medium Kim Russo's The Haunting Of . . ., where mediums are used to communicate between spirits and the living. Not yahoos with "spirit traps" and the like banging around in order to catch a ghost. I have nothing against using technology to aid in ghost investigations, but I think they're often overused, the input of mediums neglected, and responsibility for the interactions between humans and spirit disrespectful.

I've been intrigued by the sometimes overlapping encounters of ghostly hauntings and alien encounters. Are they the same thing? Does one know of the other? Does one -- mainly, aliens -- intentionally mimic ghostly behavior? Is some of what witnesses report as ghostly hauntings not ghosts at all but aliens pretending to be ghosts?

Last night's episode of The Dead Files referred to this cross-over, or parallel ghost/alien realm. Ghosts were present in the home Allen investigated, but she also mentioned another energy; an alien presence. Paraphrasing here, but Allen said something along the lines of something else "not a demon, a dead thing, but something else. Alien" Literally.

 Steve DiSchiavi asked if the family had been "abducted." Amy said it was possible, and that the aliens were "visiting." "They kind of manage it" she said, suggesting that the aliens had something to do with manipulating in some ways the paranormal aspects of the case.

At the end of the program, Allen gives her recommendations to the families on what to do to end their ghostly experiences. She offers advice on the use of mediums, blessings, maybe moving, etc. In this episode, regarding the aliens, Allen said that magick wasn't going to help. As far as the aliens went, Allen suggested the family document any experiences, and keep talking about what they remember. Interesting she didn't mention hypnosis. I'm glad she didn't, but wonder why. The emphasis was on memory, bringing it out into the open, and keeping a record.

There was another Dead Files episode where Allen mentioned aliens. The following is from my post in January of 2014:

Dead Files: Encountering Aliens

Wow. Tonight's episode of The Dead Files, with medium Amy Allan, had Allan tell the haunted residents in their Rome, New York home that she had encountered something she had never experienced before. Besides the usual spirits haunting the property, it seems there are also tall, human looking but decidedly not human beings that Allan said were "aliens." Either aliens, or beings from another world -- not spirits or ghosts of humans, or even non-human energy type entities and creatures (demons) but, for lack of a better term, aliens. Non-human beings from another planet.

These beings appear to be after the children in particular. Allan said these beings will probably always be there and she didn't know how to get rid of them.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Pre-Orb: The Light in the Garage

The name of this blog is The Orange Orb, referencing the orange orb I saw decades ago in Eugene. That episode included missing time. I’ve written many times that I’ve always considered this sighting as the “main” one in my life, the one that was the inspiration for my since then quest to find out what I could about UFOs. Along the way of course, I tripped and fell down the rabbit hole, where I am still tumbling and bumping into all manner of realms mysterious and evocative that have grabbed me, insisting I follow.

Of course, I’ve had a life long experience with paranormal and supernatural events, including UFOs. But before the Orb sighting, there was the garage episode. In both events, my husband was present and witness (fellow experiencer?)  I think this is not a coincidence; that we were together for both events, both of which included missing time.

When Jim and I (Jim being my then boyfriend, now my spouse) were living in L.A., we hung out at Barney’s Beanery a few times a week. We’d walk from his apartment to Barney’s and back home.  Usually a twenty-five minute walk if we walked fast, but usually about thirty, forty minutes at the most.

One night, we walked home to his apartment on Curson as usual. When we entered the apartment, we saw that the clock on the desk read 4:00 a.m. Which was a good two hours and more after we left Barney’s.  The other clocks read the same; it wasn’t a matter of a broken clock. We both felt strangely energized, giddy. We looked at each other, said “That’s really weird! Oh well, let’s go to bed.” And that was that.

We woke up the next day, and went out into the living room. I thought it odd that everyone in the family was also up and dressed and sitting around, including some friends who were visiting.  Jim’s mother said “There you are! I didn’t
think you two were home, you’ve been so quiet in there!” Turns out it was four o’clock in the afternoon. Jim and I had slept for twelve hours. Neither one of us remembers waking up during the night -- or any time --  not to use the bathroom, nothing. 

The Garage
The night before, when we experienced missing time, we noticed a light from an open parking structure at an apartment house down a street we didn’t usually walk on to get to his apartment. Nothing unusual in that sight at all. Dozens of similar, covered parking places in apartment buildings all over the place. But for some reason, this one caught our attention. It looked very odd to us; Jim asked me “What is that?” and we walked towards it. I remember the typical parking structure, lighted, and a ramp type walkway leading down to the left. There was another light coming from the end of this ramp. A little brighter and more yellow than the lighting in the garage. I remember we began to walk towards the light . . . 

That’s all we remember. Next thing we know, it’s four a.m. and we’re standing in his apartment wondering how it could possibly have gotten so late so fast. 

Context is important in cases of the weird. While I’d always been interested in  all things Fortean, anomalous and strange, I hadn’t done any in depth reading on those topics at the time of this event.  As to UFOs, this was before Communion, before movies like Close Encounters or ET, before TV shows of aliens, abductions and flying saucers. I knew of the Barney and Betty HIll case, and that was about it. I accepted that UFOs existed, but hadn’t gone much further in thinking about the subject. 

(A related post on this blog: The Blue Suited Aliens in
the Garage.)

The Geisha Alien
During those months living on Curson, where Jim and I had our strange missing time and light-in-the-garage experience, I had several dreams involving UFOs and aliens. One dream in particular, that I’ve written about on-line in the past,  is what I call the Geisha Woman dream. This dream stands out as a startling cousin to the missing time light in the garage experience.

I’m inside a glass domed shaped flying craft. We are out in outer space. I see the black sky and white stars through the glass. It’s cold here. I’m sitting cross-legged on the white tiled floor. Across a small low table is a large white woman with a big black wig on her head, styled like a Geisha would wear her hair. She is so tall! She looks human, but also, not. Very thin and strange dark, large eyes. 

I am so angry!! So very damn angry! She is so cold, lacking any empathy or emotion. We communicate telepathically. She is in control. In charge. I demand that she let me see Jim, who I know is somewhere on this ship. But she tells me I cannot see him. There is nothing I can do or say. Nothing. She is absolutely cold, detached. Part of my intense frustration is that, as desperately as I want to see Jim, to know that he is all right, and that we can get the hell out of here, I can’t move. This strange, chalky, tall being with the huge black wig is somehow keeping me stuck to my seat.

I remember waking up and just being very rattled. To this day I remember this dream in vivid detail. 

While this event differs in many ways from the orange orb sighting a couple of years later, there are similarities. Jim and I were together both times. Missing time was experienced in both events. And intense gut pulling dreams of being paralyzed, stuck, and demanding to be let go, to see if Jim was all right were present in both. The  *"aliens"
 were also disguised, as in the garage/Geisha Alien dream, and invisible, as with the orange orb sighting/dream. (In the latter, I was paralyzed in a beam of light, aware of a huge saucer type thing above me, and “alien” presences inside -- unseen but felt, without a doubt.

* I call them "aliens" but whether or not they are aliens from outer space, or something else, I have no idea. Elementals, Djinn, earth bound spirits or entities, angels, fairies…there is an abundance of non-human energies to choose from. One thing is sure; they are real, non-human, intelligent.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

UFOs, Orange Orbs, and Luminosities

The UFO Box
A life long experience with UFOs and what I’ll call loosely paranormal events has found me endlessly curious about what I call my Orange Orb encounter. I have assumed all these years that what I saw that night was a UFO. To be technical, it was a UFO: unidentified, flying -- or at least, moving through -- the sky, and it was an object of some kind. But was this “UFO” from outer space? Another planet? Was the orb inhabited, or operated by, some sort of non-human entity? As in, aliens? I have no idea. Being mainly immersed in the UFO category of anomalous events, I have always put this sighting into the UFO box. This box included the aliens or ETs, as well as human manipulated episodes; MILABS, for example.

I’ve discussed my orange orb sighting many times via blog postings, articles and podcast interviews, but to very briefly recap:  Riding on the back of a motorcycle. at night on Lorane Highway in Lane County, Oregon. Saw a lit from within orange orb in the night sky, a large object. It was stationary, as soon as I looked at it and thought “What the hell is that?!” it “zoomed” from its position (I guessed it was about a mile away, above the KVAL TV station at the top of the hill) to right across the road. I had the distinct feeling it was laughing at me, or, with me. Playing with me. It followed us to the intersection where we turned the corner to our home. The orb stopped once again in the sky above a neighbor’s house, then dropped down into their backyard.  (There was also missing time involved with this sighting. My husband saw the object only briefly.)

While I’ve always referred to this as an orb, due to its shape (round, sphere, circular) I never meant orb as in something nebulous. Not a spirit orb. Again, still in the UFO box, and, a somewhat nuts and bolts UFO box. After all, it was an object, a craft, a lit from within round thing. A machine with a light inside.

Orange Orb Above Lorane Highway, pastel drawing, Regan Lee

Through the years I searched for similar sightings. Nothing on orange orbs for a long time. Now of course orange orb sightings, as well as red, green and blue, are plentiful. People have captured these colored lights in the skies on video. But they rarely seemed to match up with what I saw that night decades ago. Usually these orange and other colored “orbs” are much smaller, sometimes don’t exhibit any kind of intelligence, and don’t behave quite the same way. Due to their shape, we call them orbs, but that  often seems to be the only similarity.

There is the category of spirit orbs, ghosts, that are smaller than my orange orb sighting, and don’t fit the category. Or so I’ve always thought. I am no stranger to ghostly encounters and have captured an orb or two myself but have never put that into the UFO box. Completely unconnected. Again, size differs greatly: spirit orbs are small. They do appear in different colors, including orange. But their connection to UFOs? Apples and oranges. But now I’m wondering if, at times, there are cross overs between UFOs and the more ephemeral  types of orbs.

Orbs as Luminosities
In the book Beyond Photography: with Orbs, Angels and Mysterious Light Forms, by Katie Hall and John Pickering, they talk about “luminosiites” -- their word for lights and orbs that appear in the sky.

This photograph from their book is very similar to what I saw years ago. While what I saw appeared larger, it’s appearance as well as its behavior is close to my experience:

Photo source: Beyond Photography, Kati Hall and John Pickering

Missing Time
I mentioned that my orange orb sighting included missing time. This missing time is not at all unusual in UFO cases. Is the missing memory an amnesia implanted by aliens? If we stay in the UFO Box the answer would seem to be yes.

But if the UFO is also a luminosity in some cases maybe it’s a part of being in the “zone” -- that area in the Oz Factor that researcher Jenny Randles wrote about. Why is it that most spectacular of UFOs can appear, complete with alien beings and all kinds of phenomena (including missing time) and only one or two witnesses will experience those things? Others close by don’t see a thing. They remain unaware that anything strange happened at all. This zone of weirdness, this "Oz Factor" is present in so many UFO encounters. Randles Oz Factor can also be found in many other anomalous events, which seems to support a cross over effect, or, a single source manifesting as many things.

Randles theory makes sense in terms of many a UFO encounter, and it also makes sense in other types of encounters. I’ve had that same strange “cone of Oz-ness” in other supernatural situations, but not UFO related, in an episode where we were discussing Bigfoot. (Although, the discussion did include a Bigfoot-UFO witness...) If the source of all this is a single source, that could explain cross over cases. Again, this is not to say there aren’t literally aliens (I believe there are, in fact) and UFOs from space, but that, in many cases, what appears to be a UFO and or alien isn’t. Also, UFOs/aliens and luminosities or “spirit orbs”  interact with each other.

Sentient Orange Orbs
I had said that my orange orb seemed to be intelligent -- either controlled from within, or remotely by an intelligent, sentient being. The orb responded to me; I had the strong feeling it was waiting for me, could read my thoughts, and was playing with me. It was as aware of me as I was of it.

Hall and PIckering write of this same type of communication in their book. Relating the experiences of UFO researcher Tony Dodd and his orange orb encounter:
“...Dodd...affirms that many of his own encounters with mysterious balls of lights left him in little doubt that they were intelligent, or intelligently controlled. . . on the Yorkshire moors at night, ... a large orange coloured ball of light glided about 30m feet above his head. As it passed, he tried to send out his thoughts to it; asking it to acknowledge his presence.  Whereupon it immediately stopped in mid air, blinked out for about 3 seconds, and the reappeared. Taking this as a response, Tony then thought the question: “Who are you?” (Beyond Photography, Hall and Pickering, p 93.)
To which the orb replied, telepathically, “I am the father of fathers and you are the sons of sons.” Typical trickster type behavior! (This also mirrors Marian apparitions; there is a hint of the religious here --  the authors have a section on Fatima and orb consciousness.) We  also get this silly kind of response from many a UFO connected entity.

In writing about orbs, or “luminosiites” the authors of Beyond Photography mention the intelligence behind these orbs. Often, the orbs seemed to respond to human thought; mind reading orbs, one could say.  Another case reported by Hall and Pickering:

Friends of the authors had an encounter with orange orbs in 1997. Two orange orbs, one the size of “a grapefruit” flew at their car at night while they were traveling on an isolated highway. Shortly after the first orb, another orange orb appeared, flying alongside their car. Their friends told them that “ retrospect they both felt as thought the orange balls were checking them out for some unknown reason.” (Beyond Photography, p 94)

Plasmas, Ball Lighting and Consciousness
For decades “ball lighting” has been a throw away explanation for these balls of light.  As if giving them a label resolves the phenomena. Hall and Pickering have no argument about the fact these orbs are often plasmas, and or "ball lightening" but that is not all there is to these intelligent, interactive orbs.

While a physical reason may exist for the existence of these orbs, it does not explain their intelligence, their intentional movements, synchronicity, and their responses to human thought. Hall and PIckering write, of plasma and the intelligent behavior of orbs: “We now have two possibilities; plasma energy and luminosities with consciousness.” (Beyond Photography, p 96)

The Oz Factor implies that the UFO close encounter has a visionary component. You might interpret that as meaning it is all in the imagination, but it really means that there is a direct feed, if you like, from the source of the encounter to the consciousness of the witness. (Jenny Randles, The Oz Factor)

This idea of sentience, of a non-human intelligence that is UFO related interacting with us is nothing new. Jacque Vallee suggested this decades ago with his ultra terrestrial hypothesis. But it seems that, even with this history from many researchers of exploring such a connection, the UFO community is still missing this huge piece of the puzzle.

Entities, ET, Djinn, Angels, and, Oh My
Hall and Pikcering do not discount the reality of UFOs and aliens from other planets. For the purposes of their book, they are mainly concerned with so-called spirit orbs (as well as beams of light, humanoid type light figures, etc) captured on film. Are these lights earth spirits, fairies, etc.? Are there sometimes cross over interactions between what we call aliens -- meaning, ET entities -- and more elemental beings? Spirit energy? What some of us call Djinn?

I still have no idea what it was I saw that night, why it happened, or  what it meant. I do know it was very important, and not a mere case of ball lighting, or some mistaken sighting of, say, a helicopter.

It’s possible that on that night so long ago I did not see a UFO in the classic sense, but had an interaction, not with an ET from another planet, but something else involving an earth based consciousness. Which makes this not any less fantastic, nor does it negate any of the other UFO experiences I’ve had.

It could be that these things -- UFOs, entities,ETs, missing time, synchronicities, games, telepathy -- are connected. Aspects of the various and often seemingly separate phenomena join in a performance, one where we’re surprised to find we’re witness to.

“Something makes them pay attention by tuning out the normal sensory flow and looking up to watch the show. Where that show is being projected from remains the subject of great fascination. And it certainly does not eliminate another intelligence as running this show. To me the Oz Factor is a vital key to the UFO mystery, and may help us to resolve what is happening. We should not be afraid of its implications, just because they seem to suggest a fuzziness to the phenomenon. In truth we should embrace these cases.” (Jenny Randles, The Oz Factor)
The Oz Factor

Friday, December 19, 2014

A Quote About Ancient Aliens

Jim, on Ancient Aliens: "They either go too far, or not far enough." 
That sums it up!

"Jim" being my dear one.

We still love you Ancient Aliens. It's just that, at times, it just gets so …. 

You know.

But as I said. We still love you!

In spite of … 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Do It Yourself Abduction Regression Kit:Golden Merkaba, Chariot

Jim and I, and some others with us,  are walking on the boardwalk by the ocean. It is twilight. Cool, but on the warmish side for November. Light rain falling, wind. Orange and yellow leaves are falling slowly to the ground. I hear the wind, the rustle of trees, the falling leaves, the ocean ... I tell everyone to stop and listen, there’s something happening here. Everyone tells me of course there is, it’s just the rain and the wind. I say no, not that, listen! There is a sound behind the expected, the normal. “They” are here, and by "they" of course I mean "them." You know, those invisible aliens and their morphing craft. Soon, all can hear this sound behind the sound. It's a kind of invisible humming, or... something. We watch a leaf fall very slowly to the wet pavement and I say “That’s not normal, it’s falling way too slowly and purposefully for a simple leaf.” The leaf then turns into a large yellow geometric shape, the size of a VW bug, a yellow jack (child's game of jacks) then   a golden  Merkaba. We know to look up, way way  up, in the sky which is now vibrating with shots of light. Clouds are shaking.  A large UFO/craft appears through the clouds and the feeling is clear and sharp: this is not good, not good at all.

image source:public domain,

Dream scene shift, and  we are in a pleasant conference type room, surrounded by picture windows, up in the wooded hills. Isolated, out of town. It's later this same night.  The subject is UFOs, and I am desperately trying to tell everyone about what had happened earlier with the changing leaf, as well as my past columns for UFO magazine. I feel an overwhelming urgency to get this information out.  People are asking me all kinds of questions -- they’re beginning to feel this urgency too. Then I say to someone it’s like “the other dreams, the dreams I’ve had before this.” And I realize that I’m dreaming now, and talking about other dreams within this dream. Layers of dreams, messages  just barely hiding within them.  

merkaba stone: image: regan lee

The presentation begins. We sit and watch a video on UFOs and abductions, and how using the tools presented in this film, we can now regress ourselves. No longer do we have to go to an untrustworthy hypnotist or researcher, or share with strangers . We can regress ourselves within ourselves, by ourselves. This is great news for us and most of us seem to accept this as a breakthrough. We feel empowered, and that's the important thing, even though we are also uneasy about what would be revealed via this do-it-yourself-hypnosis-abduction-regression-kit. 

Merkaba: ancient sacred symbol representing energies of the human body ascending, used in spiritual work. A tetrahedron; two pyramids as one.  The Merkaba protects, transforms, brings us closer to our higher selves. It is also the Hebrew word for Chariot. In Tarot, The Chariot

The color yellow can be yellow aventurine. I don't know if that was the specific stone in the dream, but I found it interesting that one characteristic of yellow aventurine is to "help people who have problems with power and control."  (Healing
Also:Those who are oversensitive or indecisive, issues relating to an unbalanced Sacral Chakra, can also benefit from Yellow Aventurine's reassuring and balancing energies. Meditating with a Yellow Aventurine Merkaba can help focus your intentions for manifesting a sense of ease in being yourself. (Healing
The Major Arcana tarot card, The Chariot, also has to do with control, will, assertiveness, direction, victory, travel. Interesting the Chariot is also a vehicle, as is a UFO/craft. Both the golden Merkaba and the Chariot have to do with will and control. 
image: public domain, Waite Rider deck
In the dream, the Golden Merkaba came down from above; disguised at first as a leaf, then a child's toy, then finally, the stone. It transformed from familiar things to something more esoteric. While it came down from above, so did the UFO. The Merkaba was not a negative energy, but the UFO was. Both out of my control, both out of my doing. Later, meeting with other like minded individuals, in the woods -- we were away from others, in a private setting surrounded by nature -- taking back our own power with the "do it yourself" kit. Retrieving memories lost to missing time is our choice, and the way we want to do that --  if we want to do that --  is our choice. Each one of us determines what it means, not some self-appointed UFO guru shames or trivializes those who do not share in his or her conclusions. 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Orb Synchronicity

Today, I began work on my book, tentatively titled Entering the Orb. It feels great to be working on this!

The other day, I was thinking how I'd like to hear from others about their UFO -- especially orange orb sightings -- and anomalous experiences in general. Not look ago, Yahoo ate my orange orb email; all my emails from people around the world, with photos and drawings of their encounters, lost. Very frustrating and sad.

So today, after working on my book, I check my email, to find a message from a witness who had read my article at Binnall; he sent me photos as well as a description of his sighting of orange orbs.


Oh, and if you have something to share; a UFO sighting, paranormal event, Bigfoot encounter, etc. I would love to hear from you.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

What Are We Doing in Maryland?!: Childhood Friends and Synchronicities

(Please read related post below: McMinnville and Floating Cows)

     Every now and then, I have a dream about "Prudence O'Dell." That's not her real name of course, but "Prudence" is a real person. She is someone I was friends with all through elementary school (St. Mary Magdalene) and high school. We stayed in touch a bit until I was about twenty. Forty years later,  have no idea where she is, what her married name might be, etc.
     I just realized, the other night, every dream I have where Prudence is present, involves UFOs. Sometimes it's just a hint, a bare memory, sometimes it's a lively discussion about them, but always, these dreams have to do with UFOs in some way. As kids, we knew little if anything of UFOs, and to my conscious memory, had no experiences of that kind.
     So, the night before last, I dreamt my husband Jim and I are in Maryland, visiting Prudence:

     Jim and I are traveling across the country, and we're here with my childhood friend Prudence O'Dell. She seems fine, and it's good to see her, we're having a nice time. Her house seems to be one giant glass room; the walls are windows. We're sitting inside a giant fishbowl. Outside, it's meadows -- she lives out in the country in the middle of Baltimore, Maryland. I look outside, admiring the view, and say to Prudence "It's so nice! So wonderful you get to live in the country like this."
     Prudence looks around and says "Yes, but . . .  it's not what it seems. There's something not quite right out there. It isn't good to go out there. . . "
     I have a lucid moment in the dream; I wonder out loud "What the hell are we doing in Maryland?!"  Maryland, including Baltimore, is simply not a place I have ever wanted to visit. I find the fact that we're here in Maryland to be disturbing.

The day after this dream, I go to visit my friend "Carol" that I wrote about in the post below. (McMinnville and Floating Cows.) Carol has had UFO experiences -- as well as generally paranormal and anomalous experiences in general -- her whole life. As we were talking, Carol was sharing some of her experiences when she lived in Maryland.
     Now, as she was talking, I realized that I knew she had lived back east -- Maryland, New York, and other places, but I had forgotten. Obviously my subconscious remembered this fact about Carol and that's probably why my dream took place in Maryland; I knew I was going to visit her the next day. But why my childhood friend Prudence? Hmmm… maybe my own experiences were being nudged awake as well.
     There were other synchronicities as well. The day I went to visit with Carol, I was checking my Facebook page, as usual. For some odd reason I had dozens -- not one or two, or a few, but dozens, of posts from several different people I did not know about Buddhism, including Tibetan Buddhism. I wondered who the heck are these people?! Why am I getting so many posts from people I don't know about this? Not that I minded, but it was very odd.
     Later, on my way to Carol's, I parked on her street. And couldn't find her house. Walked up and down, drove up and down, parked, drove and parked again, walked again. Where the hell is her house? I have been there plenty of times. I walked past a house with a car parked in front with a Free Tibet bumper sticker, and the house: a Buddha in the front yard.
     Then I realized, in a scary moment of senior menopausal fog, I was on the wrong street! Carol lives the block over. Oy.
     As we were talking about so many things, Carol mentioned a friend of hers that practices Tibetan Buddhism. This woman is very deep into this realm; knows the language, has worked with the Dali Lama, etc. Carol's daughter has recently become a Buddhist, something I did not know.

     And, as is usual when in Carol's home, that "they're here" feeling was present. This time it was slight; not overt and powerful as it has been in the past, but there nonetheless. This is a slightly electrical feeling but more than that, a knowing of intelligent entities present. They're invisible but they are as real and here as any one of us. "They" listen, they're aware of us, they're highly intelligent. They are not human but human like in many ways. They are more aware of us than we of them. I've had this experience in other places (my two homes being among them) and verified by others. They appear when we discuss on a serious "real" level all this UFO stuff but more than that, paranormal/supernatural/spiritual ideas and experiences as well.
     Something that I remembered about Prudence: her father was a big wig scientist working for either the government or a corporation. I don't remember details, just that it was a big deal the way the family behaved around such news, but I wonder if that has anything at all to do with any of this? Or, not.

McMinnville And Floating Cows: When Is A School Bus Not a School Bus?

     How's that for an opening title?
     There is much that precedes this dream which I'll write about soon, involving a woman I've known for more than twenty years whose immediate family has had -- and continues to have -- UFO and alien/entity experiences. Her experiences go back to her childhood. We met yesterday to talk about these things, and more, and the visit was chock full of synchronicity, among other things.
     Last night I had the following dream:
     I'm a block or so from work; school hasn't started yet, kids are on their way, walking towards the school. I see the principal a few yards away, we say hello. I'm saying hi to the kids when suddenly, I feel ill. I am really sick! I want to go home but don't think I can because I took Friday off (my personal day) and it would look suspicious to everyone if I also took Monday off. How convenient, she's sick, humpf! kind of thing. But really, I am sick. I'm debating what to do when I see one of our substitutes. I ask her if she's able to sub for me, she says sure. I explain what others might think but it's too bad; she says "I can tell you're not feeling well, don't worry about it."
     So instead of walking home or calling my husband to pick me up, I walk over to the bus to take the bus home. Taking a bus isn't something I'd normally do. The bus is a city bus -- public transit -- but it's a yellow school bus. We all know it's not a school bus but a public bus.
    I get on, ask the female driver if the bus goes to "11th and Chambers" she says "I think so." I think to myself "You think so? What kind of bus driver are you?" but I'm feeling ill so I just get on. It's not far, how could the bus not go to there?
     I ask about the fare; she tells me it's seventy-five cents. I put a dollar in expecting change. She tells me there is no change; they're not set up for that. So my fare is a dollar. Fine, I shrug, and sit down, right by the door and behind her.
     Instead of the bus turning and going in the direction of my house,  we're going down a street I didn't know existed. Now, this is one of my dreamscapes -- an alley like place, except to the west, is the ocean! A narrow street or alley like road, small houses on one side, a low stone wall that's falling apart, and the ocean! Often times the ocean spills over and there is water on the road.
     I panic a little; where are we going?! The driver goes by a familiar corner and I assume she is going to turn down and go around, back to my house, but instead she gets on the freeway! I see a sign right away: McMinnville, and within ten minutes, we're there. In reality, McMinnville is about an hour and a half from where I live.
We drive through McMinnville. The streets are flooded, the bus can barely make it, it's floating on water like a houseboat. We pass by a street with a small bridge overhead -- lots of stone and tile, all different colors. There are huge cows floating in the water. Some cows are pink and green. They're having fun but some are a little scared. Some try to scramble up the walls but slip. There are a few people there in the water as well.
     All this water and the cows seem normal. McMinnville in the dream is quaint and full of old timey buildings and colorful lights. Lots of hills with buildings perched askew.
     While I'm fascinated that this is a short cut to McMinnville, I am also scared because of the water, the cows, and I'm still lost. All I want to do is get home.

     McMinnville of course is the home of the world famous May 11,1950 UFO sighting of Paul and Evelyn Trent. Paul Trent took two photos of the flying saucer that appeared over his farm.  To this day the sighting remains a mystery; despite the antics of UFO debunkers, it has not been proven to be a hoax. The annual McMinnville UFO Festival, held in May, is in memory of that famous sighting. (Google Trent UFO and you'll find plenty -- here's something I wrote some time ago for Tim Binnall on the attempts of some in the UFO Theater to further confuse things: The Trent Trickster Three.)

Dream Moods: Your Dream Symbol Interpretation: Bus To dream that you are waiting for a bus indicates a temporary setback in achieving your personal goals. If you miss the bus, then it indicates that an aspect of your life is out of control. You need to slow down and map out a new plan. If you get on the wrong bus, then the dream indicates your fears of making the wrong choice and going on the wrong path. You are conflicted between what you want and what others want for you. To dream that you are riding a bus implies that you are going along with the crowd. You are lacking originality and control over where your life is taking. To dream that you are in a bus accident suggests that it is time for you to move away from a group setting and venture out on your own. You need to be more independent. To dream that a bus is driven into water refers to an emotional journey that involves several people. To dream that you are paying a bus fare refers to the price you are paying in order to please others. ~ Dream Moods


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Underground Cows

Dreams are fascinating. I find them so, although I realize there are those who don't find dreams interesting. I also know that many don't enjoy reading or hearing about dreams. But in the UFO world, we all know that dreams are another aspect of the UFO realm. Do aliens communicate to us, at times, through our dreams? Do they use dream time to manipulate us? I say yes, most definitely.

So one little snippet of a dream from one of my many recurring dreamscapes/settings had me thinking of UFOs, probably because of the cow imagery. (You know, cows beamed up into the mother ship.) However, the dream (as far as I remember, which isn't much at all) had nothing to do with UFOs. But, intrigued as I am with imagery and  the surreal, the subconscious and the esoteric, and how those all might meet and perform, I found the following bit weird and a bit funny even, in its weirdness:

     Jim and I are in one of my dreamscapes; this one is the slightly ghost-townish neighborhood of asphalt lots, weeds, alleys, run down houses, wide slightly crumbling streets with businesses that just seem tired. Not sure why we're here, but here we are. I think we were looking for someplace and got a little lost, or we have to pass through here to get to wherever. 
     I find that we're in the backyard of my house on Corning St. in L.A. I lived in that house when I was very young. The backyard was weedy and had tall grass and a brick decorative well (I think it was decorative) and then, after the wooden fence, the alley. We go across the alley and some people in the large barn like building the people stop us. We assure them that "I used to live there," pointing to the yard behind me, and that fact makes it okay for us to pass. 
     We're standing around in a huge hanger like barn type interior. No furniture or anything at all, except a few people. The few people are all farmers, and not just farmers, but stereotypes, cartoons of rural farmers. They're dressed in overalls and baseball style caps with John Deere logos, chewing on long stalks of straw and saying things like "Yep, it's a gonna rain, I reckon!" Ridiculous. More ridiculous since this is in the middle of L.A. 
     The only other thing in here with us besides the farmers, are cows and bulls. Tons of cows and bulls. We're all standing around them, the cattle are in the middle. No stalls; the cows and bulls are just free, milling around a bit. 
Suddenly we hear a rumbling and it gets dim. The farmers say "Oh, damn! Looks like they're here, we're going to have to go down!" (Who or what "they" are, no idea.) And the entire barn like hangar room, cows and people, start to do down into the ground. Some kind of mechanism allows the whole building to go down into the ground, to hide, and on the surface, no one would know there was a building there. 
     So down we go, like riding in an elevator. Cows and farmers are calm, though a bit annoyed by the inconvenience. Jim and I however are freaked. 
Now I wrote that this has nothing to do with UFOs, and I'm not suggesting for one moment that the dream does have anything to do with UFOs. But it didn't occur to me until I started typing here into my bloggie dashboard that the house in the dream, on Corning St., was where I had my "Patio Alien" experience. 

Trickster cow dream!

Drawing of Patio Alien on Corning St, L.A. Calif. 1958? by Regan Lee