Showing posts with label ufos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ufos. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"Oh yes they do!"

I was visiting with my friend "Lola" the other day. Things almost always turn esoteric very quickly when we get together. Lola is my friend who lives in the coastal range; the one with a family full of paranormal encounters: ghosts, entities, psi, Bigfoot, UFOs . . .

Anyway, we were talking about UFOs and aliens and related things, and she shared with me that someone she knows in her small town used to live in the south, where, according to this person, they saw UFOs almost every day. Everyone was seeing them. But no on was talking about them. This person said the military was always hanging around, glaring at people and buying them drinks to get them drunk to keep them talking, or to stop them from talking, I forget which. Lola couldn't remember where in Florida this took place. "Gulf Breeze?!" I asked excitedly. "No, it wasn't Gulf Breeze," Lola said. Hmmm.

Lola said to her friend that UFOs are incredible, we just don't have the technology to make these things. "Oh yes they do!" her friend said vehemently. For her friend used to live on a military base. Then there was lots of juicy stuff about near MIB encounters and other weirdness.

"Lola," I said, firmly. "You have to put me in contact with this person!" I paused. "You must!"

Lola of course knew that, and so, we'll see if I can meet this person and find out more.

This conversation had me thinking about a common UFO meme; that we don't have the technology to do the things many UFOs do. How do we know that? We don't. It does seem fantastic, but not impossible. What "they" know, we only get to know years -- decades -- later. If at all. Der. In a moment of synchronicity, I came across something today about Nick Redfern's views on the Phoenix Lights event. He thinks it was a staged event by us, not aliens. I wouldn't be surprised.

I still believe there are aliens around, and that they're even here, but that doesn't exclude the government's participation in all this, not for a minute. Half the stuff we see and experience are thanks to our covert individuals, not aliens or other non-human entities. Which is almost as scary as accepting that UFOs, missing time, and all the other UFO weirdness are caused by extraterrestrials. Which is scarier: ET, or our own government(s) using us as guinea pigs? And why do so many of us within UFO studies reject the latter possibility?

Meanwhile, I'll wait for Lola's friend to contact me.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The UFO Tarot

I collect Tarot and divination decks, and was idly looking through the House of Tarot website, and found this: The UFO Tarot deck. It was bound to happen!

You can see more decks that I found interesting on the Women Of Esoterica blog.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Tiny White Orb

A small white lighted sphere comes to visit -- twice.

About thirteen years ago, I was doing a lot of work with meditation and crystals. At that time I was experiencing a lot of precognitive dreams and “flashes” (sudden pictures “inserted” into my mind of what was to come, and sure enough, within the next forty eight hours or so, the premonition came true.) Some UFO stuff in there as well.

One experience I had one day was very strange. I woke up and turned over, to see my husband sitting on the edge of the bed. Just sitting there. Very strange, for he isn’t the sit around type; it’s not like him to just “sit there” -- and not be saying something, or doing something. Nope, he was just sitting there, very still, very quiet. It was unnerving.

Then I noticed a dime sized ball of light “dancing” around on his back. This wasn't an orb like a spirit/ghost orb, but a ball of light; solid, and very bright. This light -- and I had the distinct impression it was intelligent in some way -- was moving all over my husband's back. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out where that light was coming from. I moved, which should have done two things: make my husband (“George,”) move, say something, acknowledge my presence, and two, block the light; block the light source. But neither happened. George continued to sit there, perfectly still, and the dancing light continued to bop merrily along.

Very weird.

I felt strange, not psychically, but emotionally. So I went back to sleep. When I woke up, I almost had a heart attack. Because I woke up, found George sitting on the side of the bed, saw the same dancing light. What was going on? The difference this time was that when I spoke to George, he responded. He turned towards me. The light went away when he turned towards me and started talking.

I have no idea what that was; UFO/alien related, or what. But I cannot stress strongly enough that the first time, I was awake. AWAKE. NOT dreaming. NOT foggy, half in half out, nothing of the kind. I was as awake as I am now. AWAKE, I tell you. As awake as I am now.

Even though I didn’t see a UFO or aliens, or remember any kind of UFO related dream, I have a nagging feeling it’s related to UFOs somehow. And yet, at the same time, not neccesarily UFOs from outer space; there's a "fairy" kind of connection. I know this sounds odd at first, but recently I've been thinking about these connections (again) and in doing so, remembered this experience. But either way, the experience was definitely among the weirder things I’ve encountered.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Wales Seeing More UFOs?

And is it because of Torchwood?

Two things I need to remind myself of: there is no X-Files, not really, and David Duchovny is an actor, not Spooky Mulder. Not really. There is no Torchwood, not really, and there is no such person as handsome sexy Captain Jack in his black trenchcoat. It’s all pretend. Pretend. TV. These are two of my all time favorite TV shows; fictional shows.

So, this article asks if the popularity of Torchwood isn’t responsible for people seein more UFOs lately:
“Torchwood could well have brought an increase in the number of people looking at the skies rather than their feet when they are coming out of the pub.”

says Dr David Clarke,who wrote Flying Saucerers, A Social History of UFOlogy. I haven’t read the book, and don’t know the slant, but from his comment it seems like he’s being fair. (He also acknowledges Wales is a UFO hot spot.) If you look UP, you’ll see things. I know that, Alfred Lehmberg knows that (see his current article in UFO Magazine) Lesley knows that; all kinds of people know that. Try it.

I do take exception to Dr. Clarke’s opinion about the government’s innocence in such things:
He warned against conspiracy theories that accused the government of covering up alien landings, adding: “The idea that the government has a Men in Black department and they send out Captain Jack or whoever... it doesn’t happen.”

Okay, so maybe there isn’t a Captain Jack in a trenchcoat being all sexy assertive and commanding (and yet oh so vulnerable, the poor immortal dear) and jumping in and out of black SUVs, but come on, to suggest the government (theirs, ours, . . .) is content to let it all go by is naive.

X-Files, while fictional, did a lot to nudge us towards seeking out these areas. Torchwood seems to be doing the same. Shows like this are popular for a reason, and there are all kinds of people with all kinds of theoires on why this is so. Briefly, the theories range from "people are lonely geeks who need to fill a void with something magical" to "people are paranoid due to our ever increasing technological, post WWII world" to "Because they're here, damnit! Haven't you been looking up? And around?! Haven't you been looking?!" I go for that last one.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I went to a psychic/healer recently, and I’m not going to talk much about that. It’s very personal -- very private and intimate. (I know, even for me, who spills her paranormal guts out all over the internet.) But I will say it was “real,” and deep, and important, and all that stuff. Believe me dahlings, they aren’t all Sylvia Browne’s. (Even Sylvia Browne wasn’t always Sylvia Browne; I think she had/has something true there, but got lost and tangled somewhere along her path.)

But the one thing I will share is that, while I was sitting there in the chair, eyes closed, and she was dancing and signing and sounding all around me, weaving the matrix around my head and third eye self, she said:
That terrifying thing that happened to you, I can't quite get to it, but all that work you’re doing trying to find out what happened, asking what happened, all that terrifying unknown thing, just let it go, you don’t need to know every terrifying thing that’s happened to you.

I had the distinct feeling she was referring to my UFO -missing -time- wtf -did- happen -anyway quest.

I have the greatest trust and respect for this person, and do not regret any of what I experienced that day. But I don’t know if I agree with her on this. It is interesting to consider her words; do I need to know? If I did know, then what? So what? Maybe she said that to remind me there are other things in the world I need to deal with. I don’t mean the day to day bigger picture things; believe me, I’m all too aware of those things. I mean those things that make up me, that I’ve been carrying all this time. Each of us has those things, that are no one’s business, or maybe only a rare one or few are allowed to know.

Or maybe it had nothing to do with this at all. It doesn’t matter; what matters is the question itself: does "it" matter?

I think it does, but possibly with a shift in attention and focus. A shift in intent. I’m not entirely sure what that means yet, but it seems like a good start.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Weather Modification

A bit clinical and not any of that fun juicy esoterica stuff but it’s worth reading for the facts of the thing:

Bills on weather modification -- and it’s more than just making it rain more so the crops can grow.

The article addresses two new bills that don't answer to any oversight committees ... and mentions that there are over fifty weather modification programs in the U.S. right now. Peterson also mentions Dyn a mat, the company that can stop hurricanes.

Like UFOs, though of course there’s always a danger of sending this into kook land whenever one uses UFOs in the same arena as anything else, chemtrails are here. Look up! What they are, why they are -- those are other questions.

Some things I have no patience for, and don’t bother arguing, debating or “discussing” -- UFOs are one, chemtrails are another. Before I decide to expend my energy with another on these topics, we have to, at the very least, agree that they exist in the first place.

By the way, I’m not suggesting UFOs have anything to do with chemtrails, so don’t go there. (Although they share similarities, more of which I’ll write on later.)

It gets down to this: there are things up there that shouldn’t be, and they’re doing things they shouldn’t be doing.

As always, I refer you as well to Colin Bennett’s article
Chemtrails: A Fortean View on the topic of chemtrails.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Too Many Blogs?

Too Many Blogs?

We all know that because of the ease, access to computers and low expense, anyone can have a blog. Lots of people do and it isn’t any different when it comes to UFOs, the paranormal and the overall esoteric. (I have five blogs myself.)

Some within UFO research think this is a bad thing, and certainly those outside on the fringe looking in (pathological skeptics, scofftoids, etc) think so. With the latter, their response is that all UFO blogs are created by blithering kooks, except for their blogs, because they’re not blithering kooks; they make fun of blithering kooks.

There are “too many blogs” but that’s not a bad thing. It just means I don’t have the time I’d like to read them all and write about them when I find something interesting. For every one blog I might mention or use as inspiration, there are about ten that I just haven’t had the time to really explore the way I’d like.

It’s natural some of these blogs are worthless, or just coming from a weird place. Some of these, in my opinion, are blogs by “known” people who should know better. They’re either mind numbingly narrow in their thinking, or scorchingly arrogant, while others are just weird. But all UFO blogs (and I’m don’t mean anti-UFO blogs; those chronic persistent skeptics that love to bash everyone else) are a positive thing, including the ones I or you may find off, annoying, boring or even silly.

It’s positive because people are taking the phenomenon seriously enough to spend time on-line sharing their thoughts, experiences and research. The more voices the better.

So I don’t complain that there are “too many UFO/paranormal blogs” and call for some sort of cleansing of the blogosphere. Anytime anyone is willing to put themselves out there about their views on Bigfoot, or UFOs, or the goblin universe we live in, it adds one more little squeaky wheel to the Big Picture.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Mary as Trickster?

I ponder. On UFO Digest: Speculation on Mary as Trickster.

UFOexperiences blog: On the (UFO) Road Again

From Aileen Garoutte's UFOexperiences blog, an unnerving story of one young man's UFO sighting. In this case, it isn't the UFO itself that's so unnvering:
The following case has no involvement with MUFON but it is a case that represents the most blatant kind of injustice we have ever encountered. We were given the case in 1988 and at the time of writing this book, we are actively engaged in finding some recourse for the victim. I say victim because that is what he surely was - and is.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

New things at Mating Hedgehogs

Bought myself the "U.S. vs. John Lennon" CD; in honor of that, there's a few things over on the Mating Hedgehogs blog related to Lennon, ufos, and mind control. There's also a poll; take a look, vote.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

UFO Semantics, Part One

UFO Semantics, Part One

Either through outright, intentional obtuseness in the case of pathological skeptics, or lazy journalism habits of media people, the question “Do UFOs exist?” continues to be asked. (Variations include statements such as: "UFOs don't exist," etc.)

UFO means unidentified flying object. Unidentified.
We have proof of the existence of UFOs through photographs, video, film, and eye witness reports. A huge amount of data gathered from all over the world.

This data has consistently shown (proven) that unidentified flying objects are in our skies.

What is there to debate? Nothing. If UFO means “unidentified flying object,” and you have a photograph/video/film/report of an unidentified thing, how can anyone who is rational and sane, deny what is in front of them? And what’s in front of them is an unidentified something.

All the rest: assumptions about extraterrestrials, or psychological manifestations of unintegrated mystical experiences, or government mind control via staged UFO events, etc. are just that: assumptions.

Anyone who denies that “UFOs exist” isn’t paying attention, are guilty of making assumptions, play games with semantics and are often disingenuous in their insistence that “UFOs don’t exist.” (as with skeptwoos.)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Green Electric

Green Electric
I feel strange writing about this. Yes, me, who urges others to share their stories of the anomalous with others, and not be afraid of what others may think. I hesitate because it sounds off the wall. (I know, it’s ironic, isn’t it? I can hear some people now; “as if missing time, etc. isn’t off the wall?”)

Last night, I had two very strong “episodes.” I was in bed, but awake. (I had just turned off the radio in fact.) I began hearing inside me, inside my head strong clickings and what I can best describe as electrical buzzings, whirrings, and beeps. It was very loud, and very weird. I’ve had this before to some degree, but never this strong. It was, to put it succinctly, freaking me out. At the same time, I was “seeing” this hint of green light -- like green lines, or machines, or green glowing beings -- I “knew” they were there. I “saw” them in my mind’s eye, but of course, when I opened my eyes, they weren’t there. This strong electrical, shocking feeling, was still there. I was afraid to move. It felt a bit like the feeling you get when the chiropractor or acupuncturist puts those electrical things on you, only much much stronger.

As if that wasn’t enough, then I started to leave my body. I was very aware of having, or about to have, an OBE (out of body experience.) I became very frightened at this point and managed to get up, “shake it off,” and then try to go back to sleep.

Then it just happened all over again! “They” or “it” wasn’t going to give up. I couldn’t dispel the unpleasant feeling of some very unpleasant entities around. I couldn’t see them (though I never got the sense of any “grays”) but I felt them. They were responsible for the electric feeling throughout my entire body. It was as if someone had just plugged my entire body into an outlet.

I once again managed to pull myself out of this, and after awhile, go back to sleep. I was a little afraid of going to sleep, but it was about two in the morning and I had to get up at six for work.
I’ve had these weird type of electric, buzzing sensations before; not only in connection with some UFOs, but in some cases of hauntings and precognitive experiences. Obviously there’s a connection there. Or possibly they’re different things but it triggers the same “thing,” the same mechanism.

The Green Glowy Screen Thing
I wrote about a similar episode some time back here on The Orb some where a green “matrix” like computer screen image was scrolling inside my head. (Jesus, that sounds kooky, doesn’t it?) It was one of those “mind postcards,” as I call them. It was from somewhere “out there” and had no business being in my mind’s eye, but there it was. There was the definite knowledge it was intentionally inserted there.

What It Means
I have no idea. I think it’s part of a connection to not only other, “higher selves” but things that are both outside of me (possibly entities, etc.) as well as within. We’re electric beings, and we’re all connected in some way. For all I know, it could be blocked chakras; I’m not being facetious. It’s possible some part of me is trying to connect with something out there, and wake me up to it. Or, the other way around.

It could also be something less “spiritual” and more sinister: government spooks engaged in MILAB mind control stuff. That’s pretty bleak though.

Whatever it is, it’s been something occurring throughout my life.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Trickster's Realm: 'Popcorn Machine Aliens'

Latest Trickster’s Realm: Popcorn Machine Aliens,about memories of aliens, on board craft, and giant insectoid creatures, by moi.

Also on BoA (Binnall of America:) Lesley’s Grey Matters: on Ian Punnett and C2C, Tina Sena’s Estoericana: The Witching Hour, where she writes about 3:00 am being the weird hour (as have many a UFO experiencer; indeed, that does seem to be the hour,)
Wrath of Joe’s Whiter UFOlogy? and Khyron’s The K-Files.

Plus all the great audio interviews Tim Binnall has done over the past two seasons!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Drone Meme

My latest for UFO Digest:The Drone Meme, on all this Chad drone business. This will make more sense after you read the article, but after I submitted it to Dirk at UFO Digest, I received this in my email box:Drones Unveiled. All about ET and drones and covert government operations. As I say in the article, reminds me of SERPO.

Monday, June 25, 2007

UFOs in Eugene?

UFOs in Eugene

Just a passing thought: doesn’t seem to be the same level of interest in UFOs here in the Eugene area as there is ghosts. Even though Eugene is considered a “mini UFO hot spot” (I read that somewhere) there isn’t any local UFO group. There’s a MUFON chapter in Portland, two hundred miles away. There’s a state wide paranormal society; TEPS (Trial’s End Paranormal Society.) Last time I heard from them, they were interested in starting up a UFO department, but don’t know what came of that. A new group is forming in Eugene; if I have their permission I’ll post more about it. Their focus seems to be on ghosts, although, again, they are interested in UFOs. Their first meeting is in a couple of weeks; maybe I’ll know more at that time.

There was also Oregon UFO Review, run by Eric Byler in Salem, Oregon. Oregon UFO Review had investigators all over the state, but last few times I’ve checked, they seem to have disappeared. If anyone knows anything about them, I’d appreciate an e-mail or comment.

There is a loose group of individuals here who are interested, and they meet informally a few times a year. I hesitate to name them; I don’t think they want the publicity. There isn’t any investigation going on, per se, but sharing of information and ideas.

The local media seems to have ignored UFOs in the past few years as well. Ten years or so ago, they were far more active.

I know there are plenty of sightings in the area; I hear about them all the time. I’m sure MUFON in Portland, NUFORC, etc. do as well. What purpose would a group serve? Not sure. First problem is, as soon as you have a ‘group” you’re in trouble. Too many meetings, rules, etc. I'm not wired that way. But a loose resource center for local, interested parties might be nice.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Balloon-y Jetty Blue

At a barbecue last week, and standing around outside. We had just finished up a conversation about UFOs (which went quickly from the area of UFOs as physical craft to ESP, for some reason) and two odd things happened. Maybe three odd things, since I know that the two odd things wouldn’t seem at all odd to the others involved.

A note: none of the others were much interested in UFOs, or had had sightings of their own. (That they acknowledged.) They though my interest in the topic was, well, interesting, but that was about it. A big dud as far as getting any interesting stories, heh.

We looked up at the sky; commenting on the coolish weather. We all were expecting a sunny day; even at this late hour we were still hoping. (Approximately 6:00 ish.) Someone commented that there was a balloon up there, we looked. I didn’t see anything, but this person insisted there was a mylar balloon up there. Then another person said that one time he and his friend were out in the California desert, and a large silver mylar balloon landed right in front of them. He seemed very intrigued by the balloon, remembered its shape, its red letters, etc. HIs point was, that the winds can carry objects all over the place and for long distances, and . . . not real sure what his point was. He said it was pretty funny how a balloon could travel that far and land in an isolated area right at their feet.

It wasn’t until later that night, after we got home, that I thought about that story again, and how strange it was that a balloon would travel so many miles and just happen to land in right in front of the only two people in the area. I asked my husband: “Did you think there was something a little “off” about that story?” He agreed. We both commented that neither one of us commented about anything like cover memories, missing time, etc. It just wasn’t that kind of crowd. This is what happens to your mind after you’ve been immersed in UFOs and esoteric phenomeana for a few years.

“Jetty Blue” Glowing UFO-Plane Thing
While we were standing in the circle, at the same time the “balloon” was apparently drifting above us, I saw an iridescent blue-turquoise-blue cigar shaped object. It was very high up; I suppose as high as a plane could get, but it did seem higher than the usual passenger plane. It was moving steadily in the same direction, very slowly. in a North to South direction. The same person who was saying “that’s a balloony up there,” said, when I pointed out the blue object, was “That’s a Jet Blue.” I said, “Oh, okay.” It could have been a plane; so high up, all you could see was the shape, no wings, etc. I kept looking at it, watching for, among other things, lettering or different colors, but the whole thing was this one consistent color. It stayed the same color as it traveled. I realized that this iridescent color (which was beautiful) seemed to be lit from inside. And all this while, as I kept peeking up to look at it, this person was saying, “That’s a jetty-blue” almost like a little kid. (Even though she wasn’t looking up; no one was.) The others didn’t look up (an interesting response in itself) or, if they did, shrugged and continued talking. The next time I looked it was gone.

The blue wasn’t the same color blue as the Jet Blue color, though it could have appeared differently way up there. I looked up Jet Blue on-line, lots of images and variations on design and color, but nothing that looked like what I saw. The most intriguing thing was the damn color and its intensity; the way it glowed, seemingly from within.

All These Damn Sightings
Happen because. . .? Well, we know what some would say. Forget them. The happen because I make it a point to look. It’s surprising to me how many people do not look up, even when others around them are looking up.

Is it possible Dr. Jacob’s is correct, when he says UFO sightings aren’t always random, and that there is a reason for “repeat” witnesses, or long term witnesses? Or do we, as the more esoteric, metaphysical minded thinkers suggest, somehow create these sightings, or take a somewhat equal part in their appearance, and our witness to them? Does intent have anything to do with sightings?

They also happen because there are a lot of weird things up there, and until they’re IFOs (Identified Flying Objects) they’re UFOs. While not every UFO is a flying saucer from Mars, that doesn’t exclude the possibility some are from Mars, or, Somewhere Else. And, some are whatever highly classified top secret covert psy ops Dr. Evil projects are going on up there.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

From Spooky Paradigm: “The Different Phenomena of the Social History of UFOs and Other Weird Things”

There’s a great piece on the Spooky Paradigm blog:

“The Different Phenomena of the Social History of UFOs and Other Weird Things”
by “ahtzib” who teaches a course on UFOs. As he points out, the problem with using academically approved type material addressing UFOs is that, well, it’s academically approved type material. (My words, not his.) These authors often are ignorant of the vast subject area of UFOs, and approach UFOs --or use UFOs -- as a pivot for their own pet field, theory, or study. UFOs are still cutting edge in academia, and you can do all kinds of things in terms of your own discipline. UFOs however aren’t to be taken seriously; not by themselves. Wrapped around anthropological theories and studies, or psychology, etc. it’s useful subject, as long as the writer "explains" UFOs away; as social anxiety for example, or post 9/11 fears.

Regarding Jung, this is what ahtzib writes:
A question I get asked all the time by academics is if I've read Carl Jung's (1978) writings (they typically haven't) on flying saucers. I have, and they're terrible. Mystical claptrap on how the saucer, being round, is a symbol of oneness in a dangerous age. Jung works largely with dreams and artwork that is only tangentially linked to UFOs. And yet because of Jung's name, this is top-shelf stuff. Saranov (1981) picks up the torch and jumbles up a bunch of vague similarities between 19th century Airship stories and various folktales, says it is all symbolic of something, and calls it a day.
The problem is in theories presented as “fact” to explain UFO sightings, rather than study those who see UFOs, and study UFOs. The problem with ignoring the latter, and focusing on the former Is:
What we cannot do is try to make those all the same people. Because if you do, your carelessness will simply muddy the water, and you'll just end up telling yourself a just-so story. These are different phenomena requiring different tools and theories to study. This happens all the time in conversation, or in informal study. Someone will put forth some vague broad brush notion to explain a social phenomenon. In this case, it might be "People see UFOs because they are concerned about some problem in society" or "People see UFOs because of status inconsistency" or "People see UFOs because of a symbolic need." But it then makes it into more formal opinion columns and essays in publications and blogs, and as I cite above, into scientific and academic articles.

As we know, this is true. It becomes a sort of meme; and often passed along by many within UFOlogy who should know better.

There is a lot more here, and it’s worth reading. His students are lucky to have a teacher who is introducing the study of UFOs from this perspective.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Unexpected UFO Serendipity

Two unexpected UFO related items:

The first, from Lisa Shiel, of the Bigfoot Quest blog. Shiel has shared her knowledge of restricted airspace in relation to government/military testing of craft. (The Truth About UFOs and Restricted Airspace.) Shiel questions the almost meme lake idea among many UFO researchers that many craft (like the Triangles) are military. Shiel insists they aren’t ours, since they can’t be flown over civilian/populated areas. Furthermore, there is plenty of restricted airspace where these flight tests can be done. So why fly over public areas here and in other countries (as with the case of Triangles.)

Excellent points, and good solid factual data. I respectfully have a nagging argument here though: just because the government isn’t supposed to, doesn't mean they won’t, can’t, and don’t. I don’t know if the Triangles, for example, are ours, ET, or something else, but I do know one thing: they exist. I’ve seen them.

Shiel writes about the Bigfoot UFO connection, and it isn’t completely surprising she would have UFO entries on her blog, though her focus is on Bigfoot. Which brings me to this nice tie-in concerning self-promotion: the current issue of UFO Magazine includes my column on Lisa: Wild Women: Weird Bigfoot Research.

The other unexpected find was a UFO report, made by someone here in Eugene, Oregon. The report was from January 22nd of this year. I followed the link from UFO commentator and researcher Billy Booth to UFO Casebook. It’s an interesting sighting: different, and seems to be of two objects, as well as a possible humanoid creature.
Then I saw the name of the witness: Nahu. Nahu is the author of UFOs: God From Inner Space and other books, and the subject of my next article for UFO Magazine!

(image source: UFO Evidence website.