Monday, September 20, 2010

More Owls. . .

I 've been posting lately about owl synchronities and imagery in media. The other day I posted about another owl synchronicity: at work, someone came in wearing a large tee-shirt with a large cartoonish human figure that was part owl.  Mike Clelland commented that the post was "curiously cryptic," -- I didn't mean to be esoteric, just noting the weird owl synchronicities in my life lately. Of course, Mike has his own long term synchrocratic relationship with owls!

And so today found me in a room with a woman wearing large--- really large-- silver hoops, with some kind of figure inside the hoop. At first I thought they were some kind of flower, or leaf motif, but after awhile, I realized: yes, they were owls! Large silver colored owls, perched upon even larger hoops.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Colin Andrews: Colin Andrews Comments Upon People Who Make Crop Circles - In Particular the Recent Interview with Matthew Williams by The Polite Skeptic

Very important reminder from Colin Andrews about the crop circles made by artists, crop circles of unknown/non-human possibly origins, and the convert activities and manipulations surrounding the crop circle phenomena, its researchers, and so on. Colin Andrews: Colin Andrews Comments Upon People Who Make Crop Circles - In Particular the Recent Interview with Matthew Williams by The Polite Skeptic

As Andrews writes:
I have said in my presentations for over a decade now that people that make crop circles are an essential part of the education process when studying the entire mystery. I admit I was a long time coming to that place myself, 16 years in fact .

I didn't want to hear that either, --- ever. But because of my deep regard for Colin Andrews, I listened. I was fortunate enough to be at the McMinnville UFO Fest last May, where he was the main presenter, and he explained his admittedly controversial views. The idea that crop circle phenomena only gets a lot weirder and complex and profound with this added data of human made crop circles and the effects of such. And it shouldn't be (though it is) misused as a "See? Even Colin Andrews says most of crop circles are made by humans." We don't get off that easy.

Strange "Cloud" Formation in Mexico

Not much info with this footage of a strange glowing cloud formation in Mexico, taken in Sept 12, 2008. I couldn't find details on YouTube as to location specifics, weather conditions and so on. Some people commented they thought the cloud formations were caused by HAARP. . .

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Another Owl Synchronicity

Sure enough, in walks a body wearing an oversized tee shirt with a cartoon figure of a human but that's morphing into an owl -- a sort of human/hybrid owl figure. Just a reminder, I guess, :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mike Clelland Interviews Nick Redfern

New interview with Nick Redfern on Mike Clelland's hidden experience blog. I haven't listened yet but can't wait. I also cannot wait to read Nick's newest book: Final Events.

I Can't Take It Files: Billy Ray and UFOs

I don't know what to say, except the non-poetic and unimaginative "what the fuck?!" -- I mean ... it's ... uh ... um... you can't make this up... Billy Ray Cyrus is going to host his own show on UFOs. Yes, UFOs! AND, he's gonna debunk 'em! Hold me back, please. . . I can't take it. The world's gone mad. But we knew that already.

Anyway, Lesley Gunter says it well on her Grey Matters column for BoA:Redneck Ufology & The Best Hair on TV

...what exactly gives them any expertise as Ufologists or skeptics? Are they going to have real experts on or are we suppose to rely on their opinion? Seriously, it is totally ridiculous. What the fuck was SyFy thinking? Were they trying to make UFOs into an even bigger joke than the rest of the media already treats them as? What is next - ghost hunting with Heidi Montag or maybe Bigfoot hunting with Celine Dion?

I love that; "Bigfoot hunting with Celine Dion."  In the deep woods of her beloved Canada, searching for the elusive Sasquatch. Maybe she can wear these while she's out there: (hat tip by the way also to Lesley, who posted about these psychotic and disturbing er, "shoes" on her  Totally Girlie Blog.)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ida Kannenberg

I just saw Mike Clelland's lovely post at hidden experience (Ida Kanneberg: Lovely Contactee) on Ida Kanneberg's passing in May of this year.  She was 95.

Ida wrote several books about her experiences with channeled ETs and entities, UFO sightings, and most recently,  her contributions to My Brother is a  Hairy Man, with co-author Lee  Trippet about UFO/paranormal Bigfoot encouters.

Ida lived here in Oregon. I never did get the opportunity to meet her, though I did receive a nice eamil from her a few years ago. I have loved her books and in fact, had just finsihed reading her Project Earth a couple of weeks ago.

I always felt that Ida was a brave woman for being so open about her experiences and her philosophies.

Here's something about Ida from UFO Experiences blog:
In 1940 Ida May Kannenberg met a UFO while traveling through the desert outside Los Angeles. She was tricked into thinking her help was needed and as she thought she was giving blood they were putting implants into her body. She met some of the people she’d later be taking psychic dictation from but forgot all about them when the voices began in 1968.

Ida’s communicators are time travelers from the time of Atlantis and a being from the beginning of time on Earth (Thoth). Her closest collaborator, or “live-in companion”, was Hweig, now deceased, who was the child of a time traveler and a Russian of royal birth.

Since then, Ida has gone from nearly being driven mad by them to becoming the most organized and systematic thinker and writer on UFO and psychic events. Although Ida never takes what they tell her at face value, her experiences with them during the last 37 years have made her extremely interesting and knowledgeable. At 90 she is the Sybil and Jung of this era of UFOs and abductions by aliens.

I referenced Ida in an article on another Oregon contactee I wrote about for my Trickster's Realm column on BoA. (Psychic Communications with Aliens and UFOs: More Oregon Tales.) In writing about "Jane," a woman I met many years ago and who had her own UFO and abduction experiences in, among other places, the Gold Hill area, "Jane" refers to Ida Kanneberg:
Jane quotes Oregon UFO author Ida Kannenberg's UFOs and the Psychic Factor  to help explain her ideas about her interactions with aliens. For example, Jane refers to page 187 of Kanneberg's book, where Kannenberg points out some of the ways extraterrestrials interact with us:

Hallucinatory craft and occupants due to hypnosis of the contactees ... craft/personalities are unseen, but their presence detected. These are psychic manifestations ... remote contact by telepathy ...Ida Kannenberg

Ida Kannenberg has been in contact with alien entities since the nineteen seventies, These communications involve both aliens, as in ET, and Bigfoot. In the book My Brother is a Hairy Man,  which she co-authored with Bigfoot researcher Lee Trippet, she writes that, during a conversation with Lee in the beginning stages of the book, and Ida's potential involvement, (for she was unsure due to her unfamiliarity with the topic of Bigfoot) a psychic communication came through:

Just about there a telepathic voice broke into our discussion to give us some specific directions. I have been steadily interacting with such voices since 1977. This was a new one. He introduced himself as Maez, the head of the Council that monitors Bigfoot. From the planet Arcturus yet! That would explain the UFOs that have been seen in the vicinity of our subject.

I am grateful for Ida's willingness to share her many experiences with the rest of us; and thankfully,  her gifts continue to intrigue us, as well as inspire us, in her writings.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Entering the Orchid: A Glimpse Into the Orb?

 Red Canna, Georgia O’Keefe, 1923 (University of Arizona Art Museum)

Progress, maybe, or something, on my experiment here with intent, conscious recall, retrieving memories of the Orange Orb sighting. . . as I do every night, I go through a sort of meditation/prayer/vision routine. I wasn't thinking consciously of anything to do with UFOs, the paranormal but mundane things, when suddenly my head sort of exploded in a burst of orange. (Sharing a similar experience with this.) As that was happening, I felt myself, not leaving my body, as has happened many times with OOBEs, but a sort of reverse OOBE; I was falling inward. Falling into my third eye, into the orange, and then a large flower shape appeared that was an off white, cream color, oval or almond in shape, that opened to reveal another shape. This shape was more of a figure with an inverted triangle head, very faint. It had eyes, that were closed, but as I "zoomed" or fell in closer, it abruptly opened its eyes, which were the typical huge black eyes of the so-called grays.

At that moment, I had a vivid lucid dream experience. I "shouted" "Oh, you've got to be kidding me!" which sounds very funny right now, but at the time, I was almost pissed at the idea this pop-culture icon that's become a cliche and a joke in many ways, appeared to me. Arriving first almost invisibly, as a shadow, a faint outline, then becoming more defined, sharper in detail and image --- for what? Was this an accurate and literal mind post-card, a psychic encounter of something that is just as it appears, or something created out of my own mind because it's familiar, no matter how silly?

If looked at with the tools of imagery and metaphor, maybe this was a sign that I'm getting somewhere, and these images: orange light, oval petal, small gray, are offered because they are familiar acting as guides. Guides to what, is yet to be discovered.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Fluorescent Images, Random Synchronicities

Before going off to bed I'll pass along a little bit of weirdness that I've been experiencing lately. The first concerns dreams and "mind postcards." I've discussed before how I sing, fly, eat, can smell odors, feel, cry, etc. in my dreams. I almost always dream in color, and often times, the color of a particular object is very important in the dream. I've had a couple of dreams where the dream is in color, but a small part will be in black and white -- one dream I recall, was in color, but the TV set that was on in the dream was in black and white. I've changed genders, point of view of course, turned into animals, had lucid moments, and have been able, at times, to get the dream back after waking up. I've also had precognitive dreams, visitations, astral projections or OOBEs. But I've never had what happened the other night.

I wasn't in my own home; I was spending the night out of town. It's a place I've been many times, so I am used to the environment. I was in a lot of physical discomfort -- had a lot of trouble getting to sleep -- but managed to finally drift off. I was in that state where I'm almost completely asleep, just fallen asleep, and immediately started having these intense, weird images/dreams being "downloaded" is how I'd describe it, into my head. They were in color, but . . . they were also garishly bright and vivid, like the fluorescent colors you'd see on black light posters, mainly reds, yellows and oranges but all colors. It was so different, and so weird, it startled the hell out of me, it even scared me a little, and I was afraid to get back to sleep, as much as I wanted to get to sleep, and had been trying to all night.

The other odd thing that's been happening in the past week: random synchronicities. Mostly trivial synchronicites. I can't recall specifics and the few I can are too personal but what's been happening is I think of something, -- usually very trivial, and later that day or the next day, that person, or thing, pops up in my reality.

One specific example I do recall, because it happened today: for the past two days the film The Heiress, starring Olivia de Havilland, had popped into my mind. It's a movie I've seen but why I would just randomly think of it I have no idea. Today I saw that it's playing on television. So lots of mainly trivial, random things like that.

I was talking once with someone who's wise about these things, and I was complaining that these synchronicities, while intense in the fact that they appear, are so damn silly in their trivialities. She told me that the synchronicities themselves -- the fact they exist -- and that we notice them -- is the point, not so much the quality of those moments. Hmm.  Continuing, she said we're pretty dense, and it takes a lot of little taps for us to notice; if it were one big thing it might startle us too much and paradoxically, we still wouldn't get it.

Oh, one more thing: the timing of this coincides with the arrival of Tim Beckley's latest publication from Global Communications: Curse of the Men-In-Black, which I read cover to cover in one sitting. Ha!

And just because I love old movies, here's the trailer for The Heiress with Miss de Havilland:

Monday, August 23, 2010

David Huggins and Crescent: Artistic Synchronicities

 Untitled, Regan Lee, oil pastel on paper

UFO researcher Farah Yurdozu was the guest on Coast to Coast last night. Much of the interview concerned her book Love In An Alien Purgatory:
The Life And Fantastic Art of David Huggins
the story of abductee/contactee and artist David Huggins. One of the gray like beings he had many interactions he called Crescent; an interesting name, I thought.

Huggins described some of the beings, including Crescent, as white, typical gray-like aliens,  but wearing a dark wig. That description startled me. It reminded me of my Geisha Alien dream, where I am sitting in a domed space ship in space, sitting across a large, thin, white alien/woman, wearing a black "geisha style" wig. My friend Lola had an experience with a tall, white woman entity wearing a dark wig -- I wrote about that for my Trickster's Realm column on BoA. (Lola and I have a strong pyschic connection; we've experienced some tineresting things togehter including both of us being aware of "them" -- an alien intelligence/presence -- appearing, though invisibily, in my living room.)
A few weeks ago, she [Lola] called me to tell me she felt a presence in her bedroom. ... There have been times when, even over a long distance, one of us can sense what's going on. In other words, get a psychic confirmation of something. This experience Lola had was bothering her, and she asked me if I had felt anything. I truthfully told her I didn't see anything either way. 

Then there was the time Lola was talking on the phone to a friend, and looked up to see a very, very tall entity just looking at her. Just watching her. Lola had the distinct impression this thing wasn't human -- or ever was, as in, it was once a human, now a ghost -- but was trying to pass itself off as a human. She said it reminded her, in a typically goofy Fortean way, of the characters in the children's series Arthur. Long, long face, her eyes were up high, and her hair was fake looking, like someone pretending they had real hair. She said the eyes were very round, and very dark. I asked Lola about the shape of the eyes; she said that, while large, they were round, but it was the very deep darkness that was so strange. (Random Bits of Weirdness on the Oregon Coast on BoA)

Untitled, Regan Lee, acrylic on canvas

Lola's experience parallels in some ways Huggins descriptions, as well as my Geisha-Alien dream, and the imagery in my drawings.

Another startling thing: when Huggins said he called the being Crescent, I was reminded of an image I keep drawing and painting over and over. The faces in these paintings and drawings are somewhat inverted triangle like, or thinly oval, often white, pale, often featureless, or with very slight, brief features, and, holding a crescent shape. The two images here were ones I could find easily; the others are packed away. One oil pastel drawing I did  of a white faced woman holding a moon boat, or crescent shaped -- whatever, I don't know what it is, I just draw the shape -- I gave to a friend years ago. I have several of these images that I've either drawn or painted somewhere around here...

The drawing shown here I did about twenty years ago, and the painting is in the beginning stages and one I started about a year ago but haven't gotten around to completing.

Huggins is an artist, and an excellent one, from the images I've seen on-line. He said during the interview that he thinks there's an important connection between artists (singers, musicians, writers, painters, etc.) and this whole alien/UFO/abduction/contactee experience. He made it a point to say that he thinks it's an overlooked area of UFO/abduction research. I think there's something to that. . .

A fantastic interview and I'll be ordering Farah's book today.

Related links:
Kay Wilson's review of Farah's book on Alien Jigsaw

David Huggins artwork, and interview with Farah on the Jerry Pippin show

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Follow-up on 'Anxiety 101 Or Level of Unveiling'

The other day I talked about a dream I had that seemed like a typical anxiety ridden dream about work and health: Anxiety 101 Or Level Of Unveiling.

But underneath the obvious text book themes and motifs of work and health related anxieties running through the dream was another level; eerie moments that jumped out at me as I was thinking about the dream the next day. As I described in the previous post; these elements mirror my "Geisha woman/alien" dream of being separated from Jim, both of us in situations out of our control, a dark haired womanin an official, authoritative capacity taking me away, and my dress. I was wearing a dress in that dream; a dress that kept falling down, exposing me. Naturally upset by this and hoping no one would see me I had to keep holding the top of the dress up. The dress in the dream was this very same dress seen in this photograph:

This photo was taken during the time we saw the orange orb and had our missing time experience, in front of the house on Friendly St. Of course, this is where things get very interesting, and damn frustrating. Because to this day, we cannot agree on something: I insist, I know, we were living in that house when we saw the orange orb. Jim insists, -- he knows -- we were not, that this happened before we moved there. We do agree we were going out to a friend's home in Cottage Grove when we saw the orb and, that there was missing time on the way back. We don't agree on the rest of the experience, including where we were living at the time.

These mixed-up memories came out, and a lot more, during our podcast appearance on Bill and Nancy Birnes Future Theater, which revealed a lot of surprising elements around our UFO sightings and experiences.

Related posts:
Eerie Raccoon Moments

Orange Orb UFO Hunters Episodes: Dark Presence

Jim's Popcorn Machine Alien Dream

Friday, August 20, 2010

Norway Spiral: Project Bluebeam?

Anxiety 101 or A Level of Unveiling?

Is the following dream the beginning of uncovering buried memories of a UFO encounter, or just anxiety over everyday life issues?

For the past few nights, I've been saying to Jim just before we go to sleep "meet me in the orb." I've been working with the intent of retrieving memories about that sighting, as readers know, for awhile now. Using dreams, art, discussion, meditation, among other methods (though not hypnosis) -- and, in fact, I've been playing around with a journal type format of all this -- I, we, hope to uncover details and the missing parts of our experiences involving missing time and the sightings.

I was out of town last night, visiting family. Jim wasn't with me. I had the a very uncomfortable dream last night; and at first think, it appears it was just a typical anxiety fest about returning to work, the new school year, the anniversary of Jim's heart attack coming up, etc. That's what someone said to me when I told her my dream: "Wow, you're really anxious about losing control," she said. And that's likely the main level of the dream. But as I was driving back to town today, it hit me; there's a small glimmer here of something related to the orange orb sighting as well; a little tear in the veil that's been obscuring that encounter for so many years, but first, the dream:

Jim and I are together as I go back to my workplace. Haven't been back there all summer, I see they painted the school, there's lots of new school staff. I'm bothered by this only because it makes me feel insecure, but it's okay. People seem nice, the new paint looks lovely. The classroom I work in bother me however; there are several new people there as well, which is okay and actually normal for that milieu, but my desk has been replaced by a teeny little piece of metal, like a TV tray. My supervisor apologizes and says she didn't think I'd mind or that it would make a difference. But the big thing is; they've changed my job! Now I'm in charge of the computers. "But," I say, "I don't know anything about computers, I'm not qualified!" They laugh it off, telling me I"ll do fine, that I use computers all the time, so what's the problem? I say it's like the difference between knowing how to drive a car, and how to fix one. I can drive, I know enough to do things like keep the gas tank full, air in the tires, the oil changed, -- but if somethings wrong, I don't know how to fix it, I take it to the mechanic. I'm not a mechanic. Then I go into another room, and it's full of nurses and doctors and medical people. Jim is on a gurney, hooked up to machines. He's very agitated, very upset, very very anxious. He's never like that, ever... so that freaks me out, and I get upset. A nurse comes over, leads me out of the room, tries to calm me down. Tells me I have to stay in this other room until they come get me. Jim's fine, they tell me, it's a normal, every day procedure they're doing, and nothing to worry about. I sit there, and occasionally people -- other school staff, or whoever -- come in, to get supplies. The room I'm in is some kind of work room/storage room, so people come and go to grab paper, etc. The dress I'm wearing has a tube top type top, and it keeps falling down, exposing me. I'm not happy about this of course and worry people will see me, so I keep holding it up.

Okay, all seems very 'Returning To Work and Worried About Hubby's Health 101,' except for:

The dark haired nurse, even though she was short with short hair, reminded me of the tall, dark haired "Geisha" woman in the space ship-orange orb dream I've written about. Jim is being kept away from me, or me, away from him, we're being forcibly separated from each other, another element in the Geisha dream. Jim is utterly uncharacteristically panicked. And the dress I was wearing in last night's dream: a dress I actually owned at the time we had our missing time and orange orb sighting. Everything about the dress in the dream was the same: color, design, fabric... everything. Except in reality it never fell off of my body like it did in the dream.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Meet Me in the Orb: Jim’s novel

Yesterday I wrote about something Jim had written in his novel that reminded me of our missing time, our "dreams" of UFOs and our Orange Orb sighting.

The following is an excerpt from Jim’s novel. It’s difficult to describe what it’s about or what genre to put it into. Sci-fi, kind of. Conspiracy novel, definitely; there’s a lot concerning MKULTRA and mind control. But it’s more than that as well, with metaphysical aspects, estoeric themes. . . This is from the rough first draft which fills several notebooks -- yes, he’s writing it in longhand!. Jim estimates the book would run about 600 pages; he’s considering creating three seperate books; sequels. I realize the reader won’t know the characters, or where in the novel the following two scenes take place, but here they are:

Untitled Novel by James (Jim) Rich, copyright 2010.

[The following scene takes place on an ocean liner. Martina is on the deck of the ship with Dr. Bremoli; it is her voice that’s speaking:]

I noticed that there appeared to be a light, just off the bow deep beneath the surface . “Another way for what?”
“Another way for you. Your way is the most difficult.”
For the first time, he seemed old and scary. The light was growing bigger and brighter. Something was rising out of the depths; something huge. “What's that?”
“I haven’t much time. You must listen very carefully: you won’t always remember this.”

The light resolved into a bright central light surrounded by a ring of smaller multicolored lights that rotated around the perimeter of an immense, circular, metallic object. Dr. Bremoli put his lips to my ear speaking softly in a lilting language that I almost understood. It was a song, or a poem, or a lullaby to calm a distressed child. It sank deep into my unconscious tickling the hairs of memory, rustling the leaves of my senses. The craft (at this point I could think of it as nothing else) emerged from the sea like nothing I’d ever seen its passage seemingly displacing no water creating no wave, leaving the sea undisturbed, as it hovered just above me a dozen yards off the bow.

Morning Shower, James (Jim) Rich, acrylic on canvas

It was dry as a bone. Not a drop of water clung to it; strangely it reminded me of Jillian in the shower. It was incompressible, defying all reason. It was immense - at lease a mile in diameter - and there it hung, motionless, suspended, silent, but for a faint hum so low that I felt it in my gut rather than heard it. Unlike the top, there were no lights on the vast, featureless underbelly of a dark matte finish metal that was practically invisible, blending in with both sky and water. It seemed impervious to the laws of nature, like Magritte's Castle of the Pyrenees.
 “What did you say?” I asked, glancing over at the doctor, but he was gone. I spun around; he was no where to be seen among the still, almost motionless passengers. I looked back at the craft, just in time to see it depart, which it did in a fashion I never experienced, moving off in a direction perpendicular to everywhere, shrinking away into nothingness. I turned back around; once again the passengers were promenading around the deck, enjoying the now cool evening air, oblivious to the strange event that had transpired between moments.
Castle in the Pryenees, Rene Magritte

[A scene or two later, Martina goes down into the ship to meet with the very wealthy genius -scientist, Rainier Brancusi, in his labatory:]

I set off on my journey, taking the elevator to the lowest deck, where I switched to a service elevator which took me deep into the bowels of the ship. To the rear was the engine room. The air was hot, thick with diesel fuel, throbbing with machinery, but I made my way forward through a maze of narrow passageways to a hatch, beneath which a rusted ladder disappeared into uncertain darkness, and from which a nauseating stench issued like the breath of some infernal beast. “Really?!” I thought attempting to deal with my growing sense of claustrophobia, “was all this necessary? “ I considered turning back; after all, why was I going in the first place?

“Because he knows something,” said Medusa. [Medusa is an MKULTRA created personality that resides within Martina] and we need to find out what.”

I started down the ladder into the unwholesome darkness, like Orpheus descending into the underworld. I preceded rung by rung, my footsteps preternaturally loud, reverberating in the cavernous space accompanied by the creaking of stressed metal and the listless lapping of the liquid below.

The dim interior was lit primarily from a number of small unknown sources above, and an eerie bioluminescence billowing in the water below. As my eyes adjusted, I could make out a catwalk leading from the platform where the ladder ended, across the looming, phosphorescent abyss to a geodesic sphere suspended from cables in the center of the bilge. A figure was waiting for me on the platform.
I found the orb/sphere imagery interesting, as well as the description of time standing still, the unwareness of the ship's passengers of the USO/UFO, and the scientist character hidden away in the depths of the ship.

Looking at this the same way I've been looking at dreams and other expressions might reveal something about our experiences.

Orange Orb Turns Into "Fake Plane"

Woman films an orange orb that she says turns into a "fake plane" -- comments that follow this YouTube clip are interesting; one man comments he's seen the same thing.

I couldn't tell if the orange orb turned into something else; but it is an interesting clip. The color and shape of the orb in this video is very much like what Jim and I saw; but we also saw it much closer and larger, it didn't seem to be rotating or spinning in place, and we didn't see it turn into anything.

As with all reports of orange orbs/lights, just because they're orange doesn't mean they're the same thing, or even close. (Or, not!:)

This last one though is the most interesting, to me. An small sphere is in the trees, hanging around for awhile, getting brighter as they emit a strong strobe like light while stationary in the trees.

The woman who filmed this comments that the orbs morph into "fake" planes with fake plane sounds (sometimes getting it wrong, like a train sound pretending to be a plane sound) but a thought occurred to me as I was watching these clips. If these objects are trying to disguise themselves, why be obvious by being so damn bright? It's very odd to see mega-bright objects just sitting in trees at night; that would get my attention. After a bit, the ball of light moves, taking off, strobing as it goes. There are orbs like this in the clip as well, doing the same thing.

Her interpretation is that these are aliens. And, they might be, who knows. Something makes her sure they are; but I can't speak to that. They very well could be ours as well.

Speaking of bright lights and morphing craft, years ago I saw, with other witnesses, a bright white round light come bopping from out over the hills to in front of the large picture window of the house I was visiting. With the naked eye, it looked like a white light. Through binoculars, it changed both shape -- in a steady pattern, like 1-2-3-4 and back again -- as well as color. Triangle, square, rectangle, diamond shape, red, green, turquoise, -- very distinct, very considered, very precise. Nothing at all to do with a scintillation effect. Very well could be a man made craft, and seems like it but there is a high strangeness component to the sighting. I knew we were going to see a UFO that night, I felt it... and later, observed the hostess kept looking out the window. I knew she was watching a UFO, even though I couldn't see a thing from where I was sitting. I wondered how long was she going to keep it to herself, finally, after twenty minutes, maybe a half hour, she announced to the rest of us that we had to come look and see the UFO. We all went to the upstairs window to get a better look. That bit of psychic stuff has always bothered me.

And, there was the telepathic moment with the orange orb I saw many years ago; knowing it was waiting for me, knowing it "heard" my thoughts and responded to them.