Showing posts with label missing time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label missing time. Show all posts

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Why Don't I Remember?

 Just musing along here. . . me: lifetime of UFO/alien-entity/paranormal experiences. Tons of UFO episodes since childhood. But I can't say I've been abducted, because I have no memory of such. Of seeing craft, yes. Of telepathically communicating with "them" yes. Of almost seeing them, yes. But not quite. Not quite! I call them the "invisible" aliens. No memory of being inside a ship. Lots of memories of waiting for them, for their craft. Lots of .... almost there. Just about ... there. Then, blank.What does this mean? If anything?

IF (and that's a big IF) I was abducted, why can't I remember? So many people who have been abducted remember. I don't. Is it me, or, them? 

In one case, both my husband and I suspect we were abducted but of course, we don't know. Neither one of us has any distinct memory of being inside a craft or seeing weird creatures. Why is it that neither one of us remembers? Maybe it's because we weren't.

All the classic textbook Abduction 101 motifs are there: strange glowing giant orange orb, follows us, telepathic communication, missing time. Vivid dreams afterwards as well as a long list of psychic episodes afterwards. But no memory of an abduction.

Maybe "they" checked us out and said "Nah, not these two" and threw us back. Like fish; just not big enough.

But then, I keep going back to my childhood, which was full of high strangeness. Maybe they were bored with me. Or they got what they wanted and were just checking in and there's no "there there."


Monday, March 4, 2024

Waiting for "Them"

 I am soon to be seventy years old. Happy Birthday to me! I made it so far, including this bout with cancer. I will NOT give up. I am fighting every day. That aside. . . been thinking lately of my childhood encounters with aliens. Or, non-human beings, anyway. 

It occurred to me, recently, that these memories includes barely seen entities that resemble the "grays." Or, "greys." About my height at the time (age around ten years old even younger) yet, I don't remember these beings as being seen in a literal sense. Or they were they all right. Utterly aware of their presence. Vivid. To this day. But the visual memory, the visual appearance of the aliens (or whatever one wants to call them) escapes me. I know they were there, I know they were about my height, I know they were in "control." They l like to play, they liked to "dance" with me before taking me out through the front door of our home and place me on a branch high up in the fir tree in our neighbors yard, where I'd wait for "them" to appear. Them being ships, often in the guise of a weird bathtub type object with a large sail above it 

Sometimes a friend of mine from elementary school, and also high school, appears in these scenarios, we are both up in the tree, waiting for "them."

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Hoping For a Trigger

     Something quite obvious occurred to me the other night, while watching a program on UFOs. There are so many UFO shows on television and You Tube, etc. that it’s hard to remember what it was that I was watching. It was on television. No matter. The thing is, I was watching, yet again, another UFO program and I wondered why, after all these years, do I still watch any program that has to do with UFOs, and to a slightly lesser degree, any show that has to do with Bigfoot, ghosts, the paranormal, etc.?

     I haven’t learned anything. Not true; I’ve learned the facts of various cases. Barney and Betty Hill, Kecksburg, Travis Walton. . .

     I’ve learned about triangles and the Phoenix Lights and orbs. All kinds of orbs. Orange orbs. Ah, so that’s it. 

     I watch these shows hoping for a trigger. That by watching UFO programs -- especially ones to do with orbs, orange orbs -- something within my subconscious will shift, and I’ll remember. I’ll remember what happened during the missing time my husband and I experienced during the sighting. I’ll learn just what the orange orb was. I’ll discover why. Why it was there, why I experienced all the strange things in its aftermath. I’ll understand the connection between the orange orb encounter and all the encounters preceding it. Since childhood, I will finally know.

     So far, no such luck. Tried hypnosis, which turned out to be a waste of money. I expected a deep dive into a dramatic uncovering of memory. Instead, it was a gentle fun but empty guided sort of meditation. (“You are walking down a hall and see a painting. What is in the painting?”) Bleh. 

     I’m trying a remote viewing kind of thing. I have my husband involved, though he doesn’t know what it’s about. Just a target number I gave him. So far, nothing. 

     I draw and paint and try to work out through my art if something will suddenly erupt in a big There It Is! moment.

      I continue to watch to see if there are other witnesses who have had similar encounters. There are lots of sightings of small orange orbs far off in the sky. Footage exists all over the place of those kinds of orbs. Not just orange but red, green, blue, yellow. There are some cases of large orange orbs, like the one I saw, and the sense from the witness that the orb was aware, intelligent, playing with the witness. That’s what I experienced. One happened in Oregon, near the gorge, also in the nineteen eighties. Connected? 

     So far, no answers. Interesting elements, but no answer. And now that I’m in my sixties I wonder if I’ll ever find out. 

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Memories Remembered and Lost

 July 23, 2023

Exploring the Orb: Self-reflexive investigation into an orange orb

     I’ve been wondering if one can remote view missing time. I realize I can’t remote view my own episodes of missing time. Or can I? I’ve had success with remote viewing; the little I’ve done. But trying to remote view your own event?I wouldn’t trust what came through. Still, trying to drift off to sleep, I gave my missing time target the code of 4242 and tried.

     Memory. I don’t remember a damn thing during those missing hours in context of my orange orb sighting, so maybe remote viewing myself is valid. So I started thinking about memory; how we know we had a dream the night before, for example, yet can’t remember the dream itself. Maybe a fragment. Yet we know, we sense, that we did dream, even though we can’t remember. That dream is out there, somewhere. Has to be. 

     While I was musing on this, I suddenly found myself remembering a house we lived in for a short time when I was little. It was on Bedford street in L.A. I was about six or seven, at the most. What is interesting about this memory is that I remember quite a bit about the house we lived in before when I was younger. I remember plenty of the house we moved into after the house on Bedford. I even remember being in the womb, and when I was a baby still in my high chair in the apartment we lived in on Mansfield. But Bedford, in between all those other places? Not much.

     Also, that house on Bedford was weird. The few memories I have are strange ones. One memory, I was alone in the living room. On the mantle were stuffed animals my step-father bought home with him for us. I remember staring at the eyes of these creatures, just staring and staring at them. They stared back. I remember being frightened by this. Another memory: I am upstairs. Of course, there was no second story, but for some reason I remember being upstairs in this house. It’s nighttime, I am leaning out the open window. I hear bells on the roof, clattering, and I know it’s Santa Claus. But it isn’t Christmas time. I am excited. One more memory: also remember this being upstairs, in my bedroom. A giant chrome or silver cylinder, with a grate inside it and ribbons blowing out from the object. It moved across my room. I was very very frightened. I did not like this thing one bit.

     When I was an adult, I asked my mother about the house, if there was a heater of some kind in my bedroom. I was thinking maybe I was mis-remembering, confusing a radiator or something for a giant monster-cylinder. She insisted there was no such thing in my bedroom.

     I remember strange things from the house we lived in before, including seeing what I call the Patio Alien. I remember experiencing all kinds of things in the house we lived after the Bedford house, like waiting for “them”, small barely visible beings carrying me out through doors and placing me in a large fir tree to wait for their ship. 

     But for some reason, I remember only those three disturbing incidents on Bedford. Why is that? 


Sunday, February 20, 2022

First Hypnosis Session: Changed My Mind

 Changed my mind, but not about going through with the session. At first, I was going to explore the Orange Orb sighting. As I've blogged about before, so much disagreement between Jim and myself about that encounter. We do agree that there was missing time and an orange orb, but after that... so much we disagree about. And what we disagree about changes.

Too much to start off with. Too much to unpack.

Before the orange orb sighting, Jim and I had another missing time experience, this one, in Los Angeles (West Hollywood.) We agree on everything. How we felt, what we saw, the missing time, and so on. No disagreements. We simply don't know what happened. Not to mention why. 

Were we drugged? Coming back from Barney's Beanery, a pub pool hall we visited a few times a week. In fact, that's where Jim and I met for the first time. But, who would drug both of us, and why? Nothing was missing, we didn't have vague feelings of unease or assault. 

So, a mystery. After a week long discussion, I decided to start off with that night instead of the orange orb in Oregon sighting. 

Tomorrow is the day. It might reveal nothing, it might reveal something odd but mundane, or . . . who knows.

The West Hollywood Missing Time:

Jim and I are walking back from Barney's Beanery in West Hollywood. We see a strange light. Or rather, not so strange, but we felt strange. There was just something very weird about it. We stop and look at it. The light is coming from underneath a garage door type thing. There's a long ramp like driveway or something like that leading to it. For some reason, we feel uncomfortable and Jim turns to me and says "Yeah, let's get out of here." I agree.

We enter the apartment, which he shares with his brother and mother. I've been living there for awhile. When we get inside we are very surprised at the time. It's 3 a.m. or so! It's taken us a couple of hours to walk back -- what?! We agree it's weird, very weird, but laugh it off and go right to bed. No discussion on the weird light or missing time. We wake up, go out into the living room. His mom and brother are surprised to see us. "I thought you two were long gone!" says his mother. She tells us she assumed we had left early because it was so quiet in our room, not a sound. At no time did either of us leave the room to use the bathroom, etc. Jim and I are stunned to find it is four o'clock in the afternoon!

Saturday, February 12, 2022

A Decision: A Hypnosis Consultation


After debating with myself the merits, if any, of hypnosis in regards to UFOs/missing time experiences, I've decided to check it out. I have a consultation this Monday. Valentine's Day, of all things. I love the juxtaposition. 

It's just a consultation, not an actual session. And I might decide to not go through with it after all. At this point, my husband, who also experienced missing time and UFO events, is waiting for me to report back. I don't know if he'll pursue this either. We're both unsure and overall wonky about this. 

On the other hand. . .

Anyway, more on this as it happens. If it happens.

It would be embarrassing to find out we were just forgetful regarding time or mistook an owl for a UFO. Then again, you know what they say: 

The owls are not what they seem.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Wait, What? Orange Orb at Dusk

 Watching Aliens in Alaska, and a witness describing their orange orb UFO experience. Jim says to me: 

"Like the orange orb we saw at dusk."

I say; "What? What orange orb at dusk?!"

He shakes his head. After decades of going over our sighting of the orange orb, complete with missing time, UFO filled dreams and crazy psychic experiences, there are still surprises.  We have argued, fought, discussed, dismissed, wondered, about our Orange Orb sighting (among others) for literal decades. No answers.

I said, in honesty but not trying to "get into a thing" : 

"I remember only that it was dark." 

Jim agreed. Agreed that when we got home it was dark, but, being summer, and only an hour drive from Cottage Grove to Eugene --if that! -- it would have still been light. 

I said "Maybe I only remember the night part and don't remember anything before that" and Jim said:

"Yes. And maybe I only remember the light, the daytime part . . ."

We both just shut up after that. Then, Jim says: 

"We just need to get regressed."


I actually had contacted someone in Eugene right before the Covid madness hit. I think it might be time to try again. At my age (sixty-eight, in a few weeks, Jim's in his seventies) what's to lose? We either get some insight, maybe some kind of a truth, or, we don't. Turns out we just saw a laser pen being beamed at us. 

Worth finding out after all this time.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

A Question About Abduction Regression Leads To . . .

 I asked Lon Strickler yesterday if he knew if a certain psychic could do a regression on me regarding my missing time incident. He told me that this person doesn’t do that type of work. I’m not sure what prompted me to ask him that; it was a spontaneious moment. I replied that I do have a contact locally for someone that does that type of work, so I will contact them.

I told my spouse about this last night, as we were sitting on our porch, enjoying the early evening and nice breeze. Again, I’m not sure why I mentioned it.

Then last night, I had the following dream:

I’m in one of my recurring dream-scapes. This is the one where the elementary school is two stories, and I alwasy get lost. After assisting in the third grade classrooms upstairs, I am schedled to go downstairs to the second grade classroom. But I always hate this, becuae I always get lost. Other staff doesn’t get lost, why is it always just me? There are two staircases, and, elevators. One stairway, one elevator, takes you to the classrooms. The others . . . well, a dead end. And you can never find your way back in. 

No matter how hard I try to remember, write down directions, etc. I always get the wrong one, and get lost. Same today. And so, of course, I am not only late for my classroom, but never do get there. On my way trying to figure out which stairs to take, which direction to go, the principal comes down the hall. She says good morning, thank god. I was afraid she was going to ask me what was I doing. Then again, I think to myself, I only have a week to go and then I retire. (In reality, I retired this spring.) 

I finanlly choose an elevator, get off, and take a stairway, and damn it!! Again. No idea where I am. Can’t get back in. I start walking, very strange underground garage kind of place but no cars. Dust and concrete and pipes. A large man is stumbling around, he is bleeding and seems very confused, dazed. Another man -- I have the impression he’s a doctor of some kind -- is trying to get rid of this man. He’s telling the man that yes, he’s been abducted, and yes, it’s over for now, just keep going, keep going, you’ll be okay, don’t say anything, etc.

             Actor Christopher Plummer.


I am afraid. I know that I too have been abducted. This doctor sees me and refuses to talk with me. I tell him I now know where I am, sort of. That it has somehting to do with “them” and abductions. He pretends he doesn’t know what I’m talking about. Then I get really angry. “Well, at least tell me how to get back to the school!” He won’t. Tells me I have to figure it out for myself.

A friend of mine; sister? Not sure. She’s here. We’re now walking around, lost, wandering in and out of very dim rooms. It’s daylight but hard to see. A tall man comes out (Christopher Plumber, don’t ask me why all these movie stars are in my dreams lately) is not human. He looks human, but it’s a disguse. He attacks us for trying to find out things. Why are we here, where are we, how to get back, what happened to the man who said he was abducted, why it is a secret, was I abducted, what is GOING ON?!

He refuses to answer and is angry to be asked.

Somehow, we get away. Not back to teh school but out of this dim, underground type of place. At least we’re out in the open now.

Ah, the underworld. A sort of Alice in Wonderland dream. Down that rabbit hole for sure.

Secrets. Things Not To Be Known. Keepers of those secrets. 


It’s as if some dreams are one giant tarot card that is to be interpreted. 

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Emma Woods: Upcoming Book, YouTube

Emma Woods has a clip describing her paranormal life on YouTube. There's a link on her video to another video regarding her sleep-walking, or more correctly, sleep note-taking which is interesting.

From her blurb:
I am one of many people who have had anomalous experiences throughout their lives that cannot be explained in conventional terms. My own experiences fit patterns that, in our culture, are often explained as “paranormal”, “UFO” or “alien abduction” experiences. I have an agnostic view of these cultural explanations; I am neither a “believer” nor a “skeptic”. However, I think that the underlying experiences giving rise to these explanations are both real and anomalous, whatever their origin. Although most of my experiences occur when I am alone, there have been other people present for some of them. Several of them kindly allowed me to post audio of their witness testimony in this video. Look out for my upcoming book on my anomalous experiences! [Emma Woods]

I'm looking forward to reading her book.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

The Owl, the Tree, and Sasquatch

A few days ago I posted about this:      A Synchronicity Diamond UFO Memory
The other day, another synchronicity. Talking with someone who said "Your name came up last night." This person was hiking with a mutual friend, they saw an owl. Discussion on whether or not it was really an owl. It looked like an owl! but, was it moving? Closer look. Turns out it was part of the tree, that, in the last light of day (they went to watch the sunset) everything worked together to give the appearance of an owl. For whatever reason, this made them think of Sasquatch. Wondering if Bigfoot could be around these parts. The mutual friend said "I think Regan wrote a book about Sasquatch."

Well, I did, in a way. Decades ago I self-published a short book on two Oregon Bigfoot stories. Printed them up, sold them on e-bay. Sold them all, to my surprise. But also, to my embarrassment, because, of course, it was pretty terrible. Compared to what I know now. Craig Woolheater has a copy; I told him to never let it see the light of day!

The conversation then turned to owls and UFOs. My friend had never heard of the owl-UFO connection before, but she was very open to experiences, and shared some of her own with me. For some reason, I told her about missing time -- not only missing time, but my own experience with missing time. This to a co-worker. I had the sense she would be accepting, which she was.

I'll be sharing Mike Cleland's owl books with her. (Of which, in MIke's first book The Messengers, he refers to me as a "maybe abductee." I don't know if I, and my spouse, were abducted, or what, but I do know we had a UFO sighting and missing time, along with a list of psychic type experiences afterwards.)

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Exploring the Orb: Missing Time, Memories and MILABS

Last night's Coast to Coast was excellent (what Coast to Coast is all about, to my mind) with guests Robert Davis, Rey Hernadez, Mary Rodwell, and Rosemary Ellen Guiley from the FREE Project. Such a simple idea! Gathering data from witnesses from around the world, and not dismissing any of it. Just letting the information speak for itself. Of course, as the guests acknowledged, whatever "they" are -- reptilians, aliens, ETs, others, Djinn, inter-dimensional, MILABS, or combinations of some -- we don't know. Maybe we'll never know.

Some of the thoughts gained from this research were very interesting. For example, the evidence points to positive experiences of "abductions" and interactions with these aliens. Host George Knapp asked about those witnesses who have had unpleasant and frightening encounters. Those experiences involved MILABS, or humans involved in the abduction event. If that is the case, then the case for human manipulated "alien abductions" is strong, as well as insidious. One idea: humans manipulating known and actual alien technology for their own severely negative purposes.

As regards to missing time, still a mystery of course. But I was inspired to revisit my own reactions concerning missing time. I remain angry at the fact missing time happened at all and more than once. Something, or someone, messed with my memory. Who, and why? And, how dare they? But what if the missing time was due to my own physiological responses to trauma, and not "their" fault at all? Or what if missing time is an unintentional side effect of whatever "they" do? Aliens don't intentionally cause missing time; it's just something that happens and can't be helped. Or, were those missing time events not alien at all, but human engineered? (MILABS.) The problem is, I have no conscious memory of either...

I have memories of something very not-quite-right going on, seeing craft, strange and frightening dreams and events in the after-math, and, missing time. No memory of "aliens" or being aboard ships (though in one case I had dreams of being paralyzed under a beam coming down from a craft) --- yet UFO connected nonetheless. Does this mean these later events (for I've had interactions with beings since childhood) were artificially induced? MILAB type events?  No memories of humans in these cases either.

Adding to my own UFO mystery, is the fact that I've had interactions with UFOs and "aliens" since early childhood. So it seems to be possible that there are absolutely "others" out there --- no doubt many types of "others" -- and sometimes, some humans manipulate these things. Watchers watching Watchers.

It's truly weird out there and there is a carnival aspect to all of this but we have to not only acknowledge this fact but find a way to positively incorporate the weird with the rest. We'll never get anywhere if we don't.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Updated: Owl Synchronicity!

I reposted this on the Oregon L.O.W.F.I. page a few minutes ago, and, as I was posting, I remembered something while I was in the doctor's office -- after I asked her about the owl plush (see below) she added that the other day, the topic of owls came up the group she was with. Then, searching for something unrelated to owls, I found this  -- an interview I had done some time ago, except I don't remember this at all! (I apologize to the interviewer! I'll have to listen and see what jars loose.) Anyway, at the end of the blurb introducing the interview was this:
mythic owl dream

Yesterday, posting on Facebook, social media in general and here about Mike Clelland's book The Messengers. An obvious aspect of the owls  within the context of the strange is that they appear when you start talking about them. So last night, while washing the dinner dishes, I was thinking about this, wondering if I'll experience any owl synchronicity in the aftermath of posting about Mike's book. (Humbled to say, I'm mentioned in the book.) Then I had a thought about playing with "them" -- the "be careful what you wish for"  adage.

(After writing this post, went back to upload images, as happened yesterday, is not working. The owls do not want to be seen today it seems.)

Today I open the paper, and find this item about the return of the "angry owl" in Salem:

Angry owl is back in Salem | Local | Eugene, Oregon: SALEM — The year is ending the way it began in Salem, with an aggressive owl going after people.

At least two attacks have been reported more than a mile north of a park where joggers were attacked in January, said Julie Curtis, spokeswoman for the Department of State Lands.
Owl caution signs are posted to warn visitors of possible owl attacks.

Later this morning, I was in my doctor's office. I noticed a stuffed owl toy on her bookshelf. I didn't think I had noticed it before, so I asked her if she had always had that owl there. She looked over there and said "Oh, that's not an owl, it's a pneumonia germ." There's a whole world out there of germ plushies. Ew. Anyway, it looked exactly like this; this is the one:

Pneumonia germ plushie, mistaken for owl toy
And lastly, here's a quote to muse upon:

“The owl,” he was saying, “is one of the most curious creatures. A bird that stays awake when the rest of the world sleeps. They can see in the dark. I find that so interesting, to be mired in reality when the rest of the world is dreaming. What does he see and what does he know that the rest of the world is missing?” ― M.J. RoseSeduction

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Seth Shostak:The Great UFO Debate

By way of Alfred Lehmberg (where I followed this link) who offers his own excellent commentary on the musings of Seth Shostak, we have the . . .
  The Great UFO Debate: "The good news is that polls continue to show that between one and two-thirds of the public thinks that extraterrestrial life exists. The weird news is that a similar fraction thinks that some of it is visiting Earth."(Seth Shostak)
The "weird news?" Why so? Shostak's thing has always been that the reality of ET is quite reasonable, just out there, not anywhere near here.

Shostak writes that "…recent television shows" depict aliens landing and doing all kinds of things to our planet and its inhabitants:
". . . alien craft are violating our air space, occasionally touching down long enough to allow their crews to conduct bizarre (and, in most states, illegal) experiments on hapless citizens."  (Shostak)
Mr. Shostak dahling, do you really think aliens give a hoot about the legalities concerning abductions and what not?! (Now, an interesting angle here -- one whose entertaining of thought eludes practically all skeptics and some, even, UFO researchers, is that many of the alien/UFO episodes are conducted staged by our own.)

And then there's paragraphs about lights, sightings, atmospheric conditions…all mistaken for UFOs and not proof of ET. Which, I will concede, is sometimes true. But that is not the issue here and I suspect that Seth Shostak knows this. The following -- in which Shostak refers to aliens who "melon-ball" human flesh, illustrates my point:
"What about those folks who have experienced alien beings first-hand? Abduction stories are an entirely separate field of study and one which I won't address here . . . "
Why won't you deal with abductions Mr. Shostak? What skeptics and debunkers consistently ignore, or, just don't get, is that you can't have one without the other. I don't mean to say that all encounters with strange beings are aliens-from-outer-space encounters, or that all UFO encounters include abductions. But many UFO encounters do include abductions, as well as missing time and a long list of weirdness. You can't look at one piece of this puzzle and decide on its solution while ignoring the rest of the scene.

The fact that we don't know where UFOs originate -- as if all UFOs should or do originate from the same source -- doesn't make this fact "goofy" as Shostak says. Again, he ignores the vastly intriguing array of possibilities. To Shostak, the ET question is a simple one with a simple answer. Black, white, either, or, this not that, and that's all there is.

Finally, we have the predictable and highly disingenuous comments from Shokstak. The first is his regurgitation of the skeptic cliche that the witnesses need to provide proof, not the other way around:
"The burden of proof is on those making the claims, not those who find the data dubious."
And here:
"If there are investigators who are convinced that craft from other worlds are buzzing ours, then they should present the absolute best evidence they have, and not resort to explanations that appeal to conspiratorial cover-ups or the failure of others to be open to the idea."
Well, many a researcher and witness do provide what they have, what they know, what they've seen. I can only report on what I saw, no matter how odd, and what I've experienced. Missing time? Sorry, I don't have any proof, which is not the same as evidence, which I also do not have; not even much on theories about what or why. Just that it did. (At least twice.) Sure, someone could have slipped me a mickey, or something was glitchy in my brain… then again, if the latter, that would have to be true for the other witness who was with me -- both times. And who also has had his own life long experiences of the UFO kind. Shostak doesn't consider these contexts, these connections of experience.

So all I can do, all any witness can do, is report what happened. And the honest researcher or collector of lore has to include it all and look at it all. Shostak does not. He is  stuck on his belief that ET is possible, and alive in space, while concurrently holding the opinion that no such thing is possible here on earth.

Instead of deciding before the fact what will be considered and what won't, participants in this quest need to work together. Don't tell me missing time was imaginary, or that someone slipped me a mickey. Look at the history of my experience in context of the phenomena. 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Lanterns and Orbs

Discussion going on over at UFO Updates, started by Chris Rutkowski. Question posed concerns Chinese lanterns and orange orbs; how often are lanterns interpreted by witness as UFOs and not merely something everyday, like a man made object?

I posted my two cents. Once you've seen Chinese lanterns in the sky, there's no doubt that that's exactly what they are. For a brief moment, there's an "Oh, what IS that?!" and then, you realize, oh, just lanterns. Not a UFO or something truly mysterious.

I've seen these sky lanterns, and while at first look for about four seconds it's hard to say what they are, it soon becomes obvious they're just lanterns. Nothing close to the orange orb I saw years ago. Not similar in shape, certainly not in behavior, or effects. (missing time, dreams of ships and aliens.) Or size.

There seem to be several varieties of orange orbs:

  • Small points of light in the sky that are orange. These may move about but seem to stay relatively the same size and in the same area of the sky. Sometimes more than one orange orb appears.
  • Ball lighting, and or plasma. These two explanations don't really explain much -- basically a label given to a phenomena we don't fully understand yet. These orbs, which can be orange at times, can appear very close to the witness, indoors as well as out. Related post: UFOs, Orbs, and Luminosities.
  • Orange Orbs -- like the one I saw -- that are very large. From a distance of approximately one mile, as I took a guess-estimate at -- the size of a beach ball. Seems to move as if controlled by something intelligent, either within the orb itself or outside. Lit from within. An object (as compared to plasma) that seems aware of the witness. Psychic communication between witness and orb. Follows witness. Missing time sometimes associated with sighting. (as with myself.)

Monday, June 15, 2015

UFO Themed Dreams and Memory

Rosemary Ellen Guiley was the guest on last night's episode of Coast to Coast. The topic: dreams. Host Noory asked Guiley why it is that we don't remember dreams. (We may remember dreams a day or two later, but not over time, certainly not years.) Guiley said that dreams are in the "short term memory" part of the brain. (Realize I'm paraphrasing here and working from memory.) She explained that, unless something very intense and important happened at the time of the dream, trying to remember it, if trauma happened, then the dream would be remembered. 

Salvidor Dali, Persistence of Memory

So, that had me thinking. The dreams that I remember involved UFOs and or entities. The "Patio Alien" that I've written about here in the past happened a good fifty-five years ago. Yet I remember that "dream" to this day. And, in fact, I have only called it a dream because, what else could it have been? 

The second was a dream -- the Geisha Woman-Alien "dream" -- but, the question is, based on what? Why does that dream out of the thousands of dreams stand out? Was the dream a cover memory dream of an actual event? (In that dream, I am inside a domed spaceship out in space. The walls are glass. I sit across from a very tall, chalky white alien with the big eyes, but she is wearing a black "geisha" style wig. She is one cold detached being. I am angry, furious, that she will not let me go, and will not let me see my husband, who is somewhere on this ship.)

Speaking of this second dream/memory, I had this dream in the same time frame and location as our missing time episode. I've written about both many times. I asked Jim, who was present during the missing time episode, if he remembers if I had this Geisha Woman-Alien dream before or after the missing time. Neither one of us remembers. What is for certain though, is that the dream did happen during this phase.

There is also my eagle "dream" from when I was about four. Again, I remember this in vivid detail and emotion, and have to put it in the category of "dream" because, once again, how could it literally be? (A few nights ago I had a weird experience regarding this eagle presence, which I posted about at my Mothman blog.)

And of course, there are the dancing invisible aliens that came to visit me during my childhood. All "dreams" and yet . . . they remain, in vivid detail, stand-out episodes of my life. Why those and not others?

Finally, Jim remembers a "dream" he had when he was a child that haunts him to this day. He calls it his "Popcorn UFO" dream.  An excerpt from an article I wrote for Tim Binnall's site a few years ago:

When he was ten years old, he said he had what he calls the “pop corn machine dream.” He was living in Hawthorne, California, at the time. Back then the area was almost out in the sticks, no sidewalks, brush, tumbleweeds. He woke up -- or, as he put it, he dreamt he woke up -- to see a craft outside his window. He went on board, where he saw a machine that “smelled like popcorn, and it reminded me of one of those popcorn machines.”  
“I knew they were aliens, and they weren’t good. Over my life, of all the dreams I’ve had about aliens, they’ve never been good in any of them. They’ve been all about bad, or Trickster at best.” (To this day he talks about how he hated living out there, moving from the Hollywood area to live in the middle of nowhere. 
This could probably be chalked up to being a kid, and suddenly uprooted from friends and school. But I wonder if some of this intense dislike has something to do with his “alien” experiences.) 
I told him I rarely see aliens in my dreams. (But then I immediately remembered my “Geisha Woman” dream of the tall female gray being; where I found myself on board, sitting across a tall “gray” female with black hair.) He said “I have. They’re usually human looking, but alien nonetheless. I just know they’re aliens. I don't’ think I’ve ever had gray aliens, specifically, but I have had insectoid aliens, giant preying mantis kind of things.” (When he said that, I almost fell out of the chair!) 
He continued: “You never see them completely, but more like parts of them, and they appear in parts, revealing themselves slowly. I never see the whole thing.”
“Do you still have alien dreams?” I asked him.
“Yeah, occasionally.”
“I don’t have bad dreams or scary dreams that often, but when I do, they’re about aliens. Whatever it is I’ve been seeing all my life, it hasn’t been good,” he said again. (Regan Lee, July 2007,  Trickster's Realm at Binnall of America.)

Sunday, March 22, 2015

UFOs, Orange Orbs, and Luminosities

The UFO Box
A life long experience with UFOs and what I’ll call loosely paranormal events has found me endlessly curious about what I call my Orange Orb encounter. I have assumed all these years that what I saw that night was a UFO. To be technical, it was a UFO: unidentified, flying -- or at least, moving through -- the sky, and it was an object of some kind. But was this “UFO” from outer space? Another planet? Was the orb inhabited, or operated by, some sort of non-human entity? As in, aliens? I have no idea. Being mainly immersed in the UFO category of anomalous events, I have always put this sighting into the UFO box. This box included the aliens or ETs, as well as human manipulated episodes; MILABS, for example.

I’ve discussed my orange orb sighting many times via blog postings, articles and podcast interviews, but to very briefly recap:  Riding on the back of a motorcycle. at night on Lorane Highway in Lane County, Oregon. Saw a lit from within orange orb in the night sky, a large object. It was stationary, as soon as I looked at it and thought “What the hell is that?!” it “zoomed” from its position (I guessed it was about a mile away, above the KVAL TV station at the top of the hill) to right across the road. I had the distinct feeling it was laughing at me, or, with me. Playing with me. It followed us to the intersection where we turned the corner to our home. The orb stopped once again in the sky above a neighbor’s house, then dropped down into their backyard.  (There was also missing time involved with this sighting. My husband saw the object only briefly.)

While I’ve always referred to this as an orb, due to its shape (round, sphere, circular) I never meant orb as in something nebulous. Not a spirit orb. Again, still in the UFO box, and, a somewhat nuts and bolts UFO box. After all, it was an object, a craft, a lit from within round thing. A machine with a light inside.

Orange Orb Above Lorane Highway, pastel drawing, Regan Lee

Through the years I searched for similar sightings. Nothing on orange orbs for a long time. Now of course orange orb sightings, as well as red, green and blue, are plentiful. People have captured these colored lights in the skies on video. But they rarely seemed to match up with what I saw that night decades ago. Usually these orange and other colored “orbs” are much smaller, sometimes don’t exhibit any kind of intelligence, and don’t behave quite the same way. Due to their shape, we call them orbs, but that  often seems to be the only similarity.

There is the category of spirit orbs, ghosts, that are smaller than my orange orb sighting, and don’t fit the category. Or so I’ve always thought. I am no stranger to ghostly encounters and have captured an orb or two myself but have never put that into the UFO box. Completely unconnected. Again, size differs greatly: spirit orbs are small. They do appear in different colors, including orange. But their connection to UFOs? Apples and oranges. But now I’m wondering if, at times, there are cross overs between UFOs and the more ephemeral  types of orbs.

Orbs as Luminosities
In the book Beyond Photography: with Orbs, Angels and Mysterious Light Forms, by Katie Hall and John Pickering, they talk about “luminosiites” -- their word for lights and orbs that appear in the sky.

This photograph from their book is very similar to what I saw years ago. While what I saw appeared larger, it’s appearance as well as its behavior is close to my experience:

Photo source: Beyond Photography, Kati Hall and John Pickering

Missing Time
I mentioned that my orange orb sighting included missing time. This missing time is not at all unusual in UFO cases. Is the missing memory an amnesia implanted by aliens? If we stay in the UFO Box the answer would seem to be yes.

But if the UFO is also a luminosity in some cases maybe it’s a part of being in the “zone” -- that area in the Oz Factor that researcher Jenny Randles wrote about. Why is it that most spectacular of UFOs can appear, complete with alien beings and all kinds of phenomena (including missing time) and only one or two witnesses will experience those things? Others close by don’t see a thing. They remain unaware that anything strange happened at all. This zone of weirdness, this "Oz Factor" is present in so many UFO encounters. Randles Oz Factor can also be found in many other anomalous events, which seems to support a cross over effect, or, a single source manifesting as many things.

Randles theory makes sense in terms of many a UFO encounter, and it also makes sense in other types of encounters. I’ve had that same strange “cone of Oz-ness” in other supernatural situations, but not UFO related, in an episode where we were discussing Bigfoot. (Although, the discussion did include a Bigfoot-UFO witness...) If the source of all this is a single source, that could explain cross over cases. Again, this is not to say there aren’t literally aliens (I believe there are, in fact) and UFOs from space, but that, in many cases, what appears to be a UFO and or alien isn’t. Also, UFOs/aliens and luminosities or “spirit orbs”  interact with each other.

Sentient Orange Orbs
I had said that my orange orb seemed to be intelligent -- either controlled from within, or remotely by an intelligent, sentient being. The orb responded to me; I had the strong feeling it was waiting for me, could read my thoughts, and was playing with me. It was as aware of me as I was of it.

Hall and PIckering write of this same type of communication in their book. Relating the experiences of UFO researcher Tony Dodd and his orange orb encounter:
“...Dodd...affirms that many of his own encounters with mysterious balls of lights left him in little doubt that they were intelligent, or intelligently controlled. . . on the Yorkshire moors at night, ... a large orange coloured ball of light glided about 30m feet above his head. As it passed, he tried to send out his thoughts to it; asking it to acknowledge his presence.  Whereupon it immediately stopped in mid air, blinked out for about 3 seconds, and the reappeared. Taking this as a response, Tony then thought the question: “Who are you?” (Beyond Photography, Hall and Pickering, p 93.)
To which the orb replied, telepathically, “I am the father of fathers and you are the sons of sons.” Typical trickster type behavior! (This also mirrors Marian apparitions; there is a hint of the religious here --  the authors have a section on Fatima and orb consciousness.) We  also get this silly kind of response from many a UFO connected entity.

In writing about orbs, or “luminosiites” the authors of Beyond Photography mention the intelligence behind these orbs. Often, the orbs seemed to respond to human thought; mind reading orbs, one could say.  Another case reported by Hall and Pickering:

Friends of the authors had an encounter with orange orbs in 1997. Two orange orbs, one the size of “a grapefruit” flew at their car at night while they were traveling on an isolated highway. Shortly after the first orb, another orange orb appeared, flying alongside their car. Their friends told them that “ retrospect they both felt as thought the orange balls were checking them out for some unknown reason.” (Beyond Photography, p 94)

Plasmas, Ball Lighting and Consciousness
For decades “ball lighting” has been a throw away explanation for these balls of light.  As if giving them a label resolves the phenomena. Hall and Pickering have no argument about the fact these orbs are often plasmas, and or "ball lightening" but that is not all there is to these intelligent, interactive orbs.

While a physical reason may exist for the existence of these orbs, it does not explain their intelligence, their intentional movements, synchronicity, and their responses to human thought. Hall and PIckering write, of plasma and the intelligent behavior of orbs: “We now have two possibilities; plasma energy and luminosities with consciousness.” (Beyond Photography, p 96)

The Oz Factor implies that the UFO close encounter has a visionary component. You might interpret that as meaning it is all in the imagination, but it really means that there is a direct feed, if you like, from the source of the encounter to the consciousness of the witness. (Jenny Randles, The Oz Factor)

This idea of sentience, of a non-human intelligence that is UFO related interacting with us is nothing new. Jacque Vallee suggested this decades ago with his ultra terrestrial hypothesis. But it seems that, even with this history from many researchers of exploring such a connection, the UFO community is still missing this huge piece of the puzzle.

Entities, ET, Djinn, Angels, and, Oh My
Hall and Pikcering do not discount the reality of UFOs and aliens from other planets. For the purposes of their book, they are mainly concerned with so-called spirit orbs (as well as beams of light, humanoid type light figures, etc) captured on film. Are these lights earth spirits, fairies, etc.? Are there sometimes cross over interactions between what we call aliens -- meaning, ET entities -- and more elemental beings? Spirit energy? What some of us call Djinn?

I still have no idea what it was I saw that night, why it happened, or  what it meant. I do know it was very important, and not a mere case of ball lighting, or some mistaken sighting of, say, a helicopter.

It’s possible that on that night so long ago I did not see a UFO in the classic sense, but had an interaction, not with an ET from another planet, but something else involving an earth based consciousness. Which makes this not any less fantastic, nor does it negate any of the other UFO experiences I’ve had.

It could be that these things -- UFOs, entities,ETs, missing time, synchronicities, games, telepathy -- are connected. Aspects of the various and often seemingly separate phenomena join in a performance, one where we’re surprised to find we’re witness to.

“Something makes them pay attention by tuning out the normal sensory flow and looking up to watch the show. Where that show is being projected from remains the subject of great fascination. And it certainly does not eliminate another intelligence as running this show. To me the Oz Factor is a vital key to the UFO mystery, and may help us to resolve what is happening. We should not be afraid of its implications, just because they seem to suggest a fuzziness to the phenomenon. In truth we should embrace these cases.” (Jenny Randles, The Oz Factor)
The Oz Factor

Monday, December 15, 2014

Emma Woods: Paranormal Traces

Emma Woods has a YouTube channel: Paranormal Traces. And do not think Ms. Woods has gone away -- she has not. Much to come on not only her own experiences with the discredited David Jacobs, but … well, more to come.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Missing 411: The Devil's In The Detail For All -

Missing 411: The Devil's In The Detail For All - By Dustin Naef - - "For all those who have read David Paulides “411 Missing” books, and believe you’ve figured out the Who or What behind all of the mysterious disappearances going on in our nation’s National Parks (and elsewhere), prepare yourselves for another paradigm shift."
I don't think there is any research out there that is stranger and creepier and downright scarier than David Paulides work into the disappearances taking place in national parks, forests, woods, rural areas, etc.

Lots of speculation, including supernatural or Fortean ones. Now, on one Coast to Coast interview a few months back, Paulides inspired me to think along lines of a Bigfoot type energy/entity being responsible for these disturbing disappearances. This generated a heated email from Paulides after I posted a piece on my thoughts.  on Cryptomundo and on my blog Frame 352: The Stranger Side of Bigfoot. Well, I did get a book out of it and, while I maintain he misunderstood what I said, that has nothing to do with his excellent research. He's the only one out there doing anything like this, and it's clearly extremely important work. I cannot wait to read his other books, including his newest; The Devil's in the Details.

I look forward to everything and anything Paulides has to share with us on these disappearances. What is going on?!  (Adding to the already disturbing mystery is the fact there is an obvious cover-up by authorities regarding the disappearances.)

And so, this brings us to Naef's review of Paulides newest book on the strange disappearances, The Devil's in the Detail. New information, new cases, new ideas as to what force is responsible for people disappearing and sadly in many cases, dying. Naef writes, on finding an answer to this mystery:

"Ultimately, I think this is a mystery which is not going to be solvable by any one person, or explained away to anyone’s satisfaction by an “expert”. But by making all of this information public and open-sourcing it I believe there’s a good chance that the mystery will someday be solved." ~ Naef

There are lots of clues, and clues that defy the mundane. Bigfoot, elementals, time warps, portals, fairies, who can say. Maybe none of those things, maybe some of those things . . . but it does seem obvious that there is something other afoot, something truly out of the ordinary, that is the cause for people disappearing.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Jim Marrs: Secret at Red Gate

I saw this years ago. Fascinating. One aspect of all this I find particularly interesting is the use of remote viewers in tracking ET.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Thoughts on an Unread Book: Nick Redfern's The Pyramids and the Pentagon

I've heard that one of the theories put forth in Nick Redfern's newest book The Pyramids and the Pentagon; The Government's Top Secret Pursuit of Mystical Relics, Ancient Astronauts, and Lost Civilizations (he must be the most prolific Fortean writer around, besides Brad Steiger) is that the government/military complex was responsible for many contactee experiences.  I haven't read the book, yet. (Just downloaded it to my Kindle.) And of course, can't wait to read about one of my favorite topics -- contactees -- from one of my favorite Fortean authors. If Redfern does theorize that the government was directly responsible for many of the contactee encounters, that fits in with the MILABS theory, for one thing.

Some might wonder why many UFO witnesses, contactees, abductees are so . . . "obsessed." From the perspective of the on-looker -- be they researcher, debunker, or mainstream observer -- it may seem indulgent, silly, pathetic, even, this "obsession." But this so-called "obsession" is often the valid attempts from the witness to find out what the hell happened! So simple. Yet often surprisingly overlooked by others much of the time.

For myself, it gets back to, well, me. Since childhood I've had UFO related and paranormal experiences, including missing time. I am now of the opinion there are at least two things happening at the same time: "them" meaning, whoever, or whatever, these things we call aliens might be, and some of "us" meaning, mainly, the cliched (but nonetheless real) military-industrial-complex. The latter is using the former for their own agendas, and the rest of us are its little puppets.

So yes, I am damn well immensely curious, not to mention pissed off, that either non-human entities or human entities, (or both) felt they could mess with my mind simply because they could. It's certainly possible missing time, various manipulations, and sightings were human caused events. Within the context of covert operations performed upon the rest of us, it's absolutely relevant and legitimate that witnesses, like myself, "obsess" (ahem) over what happened.

It's obvious to anyone who's honest at all that humans have been sharing this planet with a host of other intelligences since our beginnings. Whether some of these beings are aliens from other planets is almost beside the point -- the fact is, we've been existing alongside other entities all along. It isn't a stretch to assume that some humans -- those with power, money and the means to exert control over the rest of the human population -- have found ways to manipulate some of these non-human beings. 

Don't throw it back on us; this idea that we're the ones wasting time and pondering the imponderable. Wrong argument.