Sunday, June 30, 2013


Tina Sena on a recent experience, possibly UFO/alien related:
 Sometime in the night I thought I heard bees.
It was a loud droning sound that went passed my window. I live on the third floor and for some weird reason my mind processed the sound so that it was familiar. Bees. Giant bees. These 'bees' went by and were gone. I rolled over and went back to sleep.

I like Tina's post for several reasons, one being, the sheer strangeness of this episode and yet, for all its off the wall aspects, so damn familiar at the same time. (One strange experience I had when a kid involved a "giant bee" and I always equated this with the UFO/alien phenomena.) The bed shaking and droning sounds also remind me of the physical sensations when astral projecting -- leaving the body. And we as we all know, UFO boys and girls, many a UFO encounter happens in on this physical/non-physical plane. (One example: abductee Jim Sparks speaks of being "pulled" while in bed -- no, stop with the jokes please -- we mean entities literally taking him from his self.)

Tina mentions reciting the Lord's prayer to keep the non-human entities at bay. Something I've rarely spoken about publicly is the invocation of Christian prayer, because I am not a Christian, and even anti-Christian. But when fear kicks in along with confusion, it's easy to fall back into that primitive defense mode: what I know, from childhood, is the childhood Catholic school dogma that's at the ready. To my surprise, this seems to keep these beings from getting closer. But so does the use of white light and crystals, which have also worked for me.

As Tina herself writes, who knows what her experience was, really. But it's very interesting and as always, I am struck by the juxtaposition of seeming unique, bizarre encounters with shared experiences of others.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Bus company rejects ad featuring an extraterrestrial |

Bus company rejects ad featuring an extraterrestrial | Kidum hoped to have its ads in hundreds of buses in Jerusalem, but bus company Egged rejected the extraterrestrial posters. Kidum was informed via email that “it is impossible to use figures of any kind in Jerusalem, and therefore the current campaign was not approved by Egged.” A Spokesperson from Egged clarified, “It’s true that Jerusalem is characterized by more sensitivity due to its demographics. We try not to offend public sensitivities even if it occasionally damages the concessionaire economically.” Kidum reportedly issued a statement saying, “We are careful to respect all sectors in the State of Israel, and wouldn’t even consider offending any human . .

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Edgar Cayce Subject of Tonight's Coast to Coast

Edgar Cayce - Shows - Coast to Coast AM

Nick Redfern: 'Holy Giant Insects!'

At Mysterious Universe, Nick Redfern has a wonderfully bizarre UFO tale to relate. This is what UFO junkies (as the witness Danielle in this story calls herself, and I am of that same world) live for! Truly incredible and so, the question is: is it true? Literal? Does it matter?

Some of this reminds me of contactee Dana Howard and her experiences in the desert. Howard did not meet with giant insectoid beings, but her frequent visits to the desert and musings on the esoteric brought her visitations from other realms.
Holy Giant Insects! | Mysterious Universe: As the helicopter got ever closer, Danielle somewhat reticently explained to me, she could see that it was, in actuality, nothing of the sort. Rather, the “helicopter” was a black-colored, and monstrously huge, flying insect of about eight to ten feet in length. What she first thought were the distant whirls of its rotor-blades, were in fact rapidly beating wings. And the calf was not hanging by “a couple of ropes” either. Rather, it was held in a vice-like grip by a pair of powerful-looking, black-colored limbs. ~ Redfern, Mysterious Universe

Jim Marrs: Secret at Red Gate

I saw this years ago. Fascinating. One aspect of all this I find particularly interesting is the use of remote viewers in tracking ET.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Chris Holly: 'The reports of Orbs keep coming'

Chris Holly writes of orbs (not spirit/ghost orbs but craft/UFOs) on UFO Digest:The reports of Orbs keep coming. In Holly's case, she witnessed what she describes as a red orb:
My encounter occurred when I noticed a dodge ball size glimmering red orb sitting among the tree tops apparently looking in to my bedroom window. Not knowing what the strange orb was I immediately called my young husband in to look at the orb sitting in the trees. That is about all we remember of that night until the next morning when my husband and I woke up on top of our still made bed with clothes on backwards and twisted while feeling ill and confused. My husband immediately went outside to the look for the strange orb we had seen the night before. He climbed in to the trees where the orb was located but could not find any sign it was there.
In my case, I saw an orange orb -- more orange than a red -- and it too was in the trees. Fascinating article about orbs, witnesses, and the fact these encounters are continuing.

'UFOs & Cryptozoology' on C2C with Stan Gordon

This is what I live for; UFOs and cryptids. Researcher Stan Gordon is tonight's guest on Coast to Coast, with host George Noory.UFOs and Cryptozoology - Shows - Coast to Coast AM

Knapp's News 6/23/13 - Articles - Coast to Coast AM

Among the items: the NSA, secrecy, global corporate control, and Uri Geller as possible psychic spy.Knapp's News 6/23/13 - Articles - Coast to Coast AM

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Richard Dolan Press

Enough said. Richard Dolan Press

1950 The Flying Saucer

Jeremy Vaeni: It’s Time To Help The Skeptics (Part 2 of 2) | JayVay

Part 2 from Jeremy Vaeni:It’s Time To Help The Skeptics (Part 2 of 2) | JayVay

Green Shinto: Dogu -- ET?

From Green Shinto:
Some dogu are clearly related to fertility, and some are baffling goggle-eyed aliens apparently dressed in space wear.  Mankind's links with other worlds was never shown so graphically.  Erich von Daniken hardly needed to build a thesis in Chariots of Gods (1968) about extraterrestrial influence on earthlings; it's all demonstrated visually in the dogu !

Richard French, Ex-Air Force Lt. Colonel, 'It Was A UFO And . . . There Were Aliens Aboard It'

From Huffington Post:
Richard French, Ex-Air Force Lt. Colonel, 'It Was A UFO And . . . There Were Aliens Aboard It': When Air Force Lt. Col. Richard French was an alleged lead investigator of Project Blue Book in the 1950s, his job was to shoot down false reports of UFOs.

Given his job, French never dreamed he'd end up in Newfoundland one day watching what appeared to him to be two extraterrestrials performing repairs on a submerged, unknown circular craft.

Today I Learned Thomas Edison Was An Elephant-Torturing Monster

Today I Learned Thomas Edison Was An Elephant-Torturing Monster

Forget Crop Circles. The U.S. Military Does Even Weirder Stuff In The Middle Of Nowhere.

Forget Crop Circles. The U.S. Military Does Even Weirder Stuff In The Middle Of Nowhere.

Tonight on C2C: Suppressed Stories

All about secrets on tonight's Coast to Coast with host George Knapp:Suppressed Stories - Shows - Coast to Coast AM Guests include Amy Waters Yarsinke, former naval intelligence officer, and Kris Millegan, author of Hidden Dynamics: Narcotics, Secret Societies, Intelligence Agencies and Generational Politics.

Doggie-Chupa: "Chupacabra sighting in San Antonio city limits on Bitters | San Antonio"

In Texas, a recent sighting of a chupacabra:SPOTTED: Chupacabra sighting in San Antonio city limits on Bitters | San Antonio Except, of course, this isn't a real chupacabra, it is Chupacabra, Version 2. The canine variety; those mange ridden, coyote looking animals (often shot dead) that, for intriguing folkloric reasons, have come to be called "chupacabra." Linked to item includes video clip.

SAN ANTONIO -- Margaux Huckabay said her brother spotted the legendary chupacabra on Bitters.

"At first he thought it was a coyote," said Huckabay. "It definitely looks weird."

Saturday, June 22, 2013

UFO Book: Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation

Having seen a triangle UFO myself years ago, as well as being a UFO nerd, you know I have to read this book: Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation, by David Marier, and "contributions by Richard M. Dolan, Mark Rodeghier..."

KGRA Radio

Richard Dolan show tonight, check link for other great UFO programs!KGRA Radio

New X-Files comic from IDW

I had no idea! This is too great; new X-File comic. (Not the TOPP comics of years ago.) I love this cover. Go to Duchovny Central for covers and info. Duchovny Central: Mulder is back - The X-Files comics!

Science-Fiction Phantasmagoria - Shows - Coast to Coast AM

Host John B. Wells, topic:Science-Fiction Phantasmagoria, on Coast to Coast tonight. Larry Niven, Joe Haldeman, Lois McMaster-Bujold.

Super Moon

"Super Moon" is June 23rd. Closet, biggest, most intense. In the sign of Capricorn. Some info at Huffington Post.

I Come From Circus Folk

Lots of new links at my blog I Come From Circus Folk.

Simo Lazarov, "UFO," 1981 - Boing Boing

Pretty cool space-ship-from-outer-space music from 1981, courtesy of Boing Boing:Simo Lazarov, "UFO," 1981 - Boing Boing

'Goblin allegedly burns owner’s privates'

Goblins passed on intergenerationally. Didn't know that! (thanks to The Anomalist for link.)

Goblin allegedly burns owner’s privates — Nehanda Radio: At that time the kombi was filling with smoke. He jumped out of the kombi complaining about fire in his privates. He then CONFESSED that it was a goblin that was tormenting him.

He revealed that he inherited the goblin from his grandparents to boost his yield at the farm.

“I noticed smoke coming out of his trousers and everyone else wondered what was going on and begged the driver to stop. He then threw the ‘goblin’ out of the window before the kombi stopped,” said one of the passengers.

“He confessed that his grandmother left the goblin for him and he uses it in farming but it has been tormenting him for some time. He appealed for help over the issue.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Synchronicities: Local Mini-disasters

   Talking our walk this morning and walking by the industrial laundry building. We heard a very loud alarm type sound, like a car alarm. Except it was unduly loud, much too loud for a car alarm. People came walking briskly out of the building -- an industry laundry service -- and we realized it was a fire drill. Except, probably not a drill, since in the twenty years we've lived here, we've never once heard any such alarm. If the place had regular drills, we would have heard their alarms. (We live only a block away.) As far as we know, no fire trucks arrived -- we didn't see or hear any. So maybe it was a drill.
     This evening, we heard sirens close by and smelled smoke. The building across from the laundry service had a fire. That one made the local news.
      Another odd synchronicity: this morning on Facebook, someone posted a link to a store in the University area. I wasn't familiar with the store. I mentioned it to Jim, we were figuring out where it was exactly (parking is a bitch down there) and he said he wasn't familiar with the place. This evening, again making the local news, a report that a car drove into the place. 
     None of this has to do with UFOs or the paranormal, but this does have to do with synchronicity; those moments that seem, often, trivial yet the very fact of them reminds us it's a Down the Rabbit Hole World indeed.

UK UFO Contactee Ernie Sears

Contactee Ernie Sears, now deceased, eighty-one, talking about his meetings with aliens:

UFO Sighting in Oregon, United States on June 10th 2013

UFO sightings in Oregon, via UFO Stalker. More sightings on site, including one at Yachats on the coast.UFO Sighting in Oregon, United States on June 10th 2013

Momo -- the cat, not the Bigfoot

Another item in today's paper, right next to the UFO item (see post below)about Momo. Not that Momo, the cryptid Bigfoot type creature encountered in Missouri in the 1970s, but a photo of a man swimming after his cat, named Momo. Both had been swept up by the flood waters in Alberta. The local paper (R-G) did not say if the cat was saved or not. Fortunately, Momo and his owner are safe, according to the HP: Alberta Floods: Kevan Yaets Saves His Cat From Being Swept Downstream

UFO item in paper: MOD

   Today's paper, in the "Briefly" section (Eugene Register-Guard) small item:
Documents explain UFO desk closure. I've been noticing that in recent months, now and then an item about UFOs will appear in the paper. For a long time, there was nothing on the subject.
   The item describes "newly classified files" from the UK's MOD, which "closed down nearly three years ago." Reason for the closure, according to the item, was the expense of keeping an active UFO department open, "despite a surge in reported sightings."

From Nick Redfern:An Island of Synchronicities, on Mysterious Universe

Intriguing! Synchronicities were in abundance when Nick Redfern traveled to Puerto Rico years ago to research the Chupacabras. In writing about being seated next to a man from the military on the Chicago flight out, I wondered about the convenience of such a pairing. Well, so did Nick:
An Island of Synchronicities | Mysterious Universe: The always slightly paranoid part of me wondered if he was, perhaps, listening too intently. And, perhaps, the reason why he, a military man, was conveniently sat next to me was to pump me for information.

That aside, be it synchronicity or planned spook encounter, an interesting report on synchronicity and how the phenomena does seem to follow students of the strange.
(thanks to The Anomalist  for link.)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Red Pills of the Week — June 15th | Mysterious Universe

Always enjoy Red Pill Junkie's Red Pills of the Week, and the current list is another good one. My favorite items: Uri Geller(I agree, he's neither fake nor, well, ... trickster-spy indeed, maybe), Mirage Men, Mark Pilkington (who, and I admit I haven't read his book, irks me. Well, not him personally, I don't know the man. But the idea that because powers that be manipulated UFO researchers and witnesses, UFOs are trivial making us dupes, doesn't explain very much, just points out the givens.) And of course you have to laugh even while being exasperated at "Chantelle" an alien abductee. Funny, but not so, given that the phenomena is still not being taken seriously. Including by some researchers.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A Fractured Hall of Mirrors | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History

Excellent, from Greg Taylor at the equally excellent Daily Grail: A Fractured Hall of Mirrors | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History

Exopolitics & Contact tonight on C2C

I'll listen in because I listen to anything to do with UFOs, but I don't think there's anything worthwhile about exopolitics -- waste of time, laden with loads of assumptions. But, that's my opinion. Exopolitics and Contact - Shows - Coast to Coast AM

Experiencers Speak Conference

The focus is on the witness/experiencer. I like it. Was just discussing the other night (I gave a presentation on UFOs to a local group, very nice!) and I said that in my view, researchers and those of us who study UFOs need to keep in mind, always, the witness: respect them, listen to them, trust them, honor their wishes. Don't push them to submit reports to MUFON or NUFORC if they feel uncomfortable, don't reject the parts of their story if those parts make you squirm in embarrassment (i.e. "What do you mean, you saw Bigfoot dematerialize in front of a UFO?!") etc. Experiencers Speak

Airborne laser reveals city under Cambodian earth - Yahoo! News

Airborne laser reveals city under Cambodian earth - Yahoo! News: SYDNEY (AP) — Airborne laser technology has uncovered a network of roadways and canals, illustrating a bustling ancient city linking Cambodia's famed Angkor Wat temples complex.

The discovery was announced late Monday in a peer-reviewed paper released early by the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The laser scanning revealed a previously undocumented formal urban planned landscape integrating the 1,200-year-old temples.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Tonight's C2C: Bigfoot & Cryptozoology

Bigfoot & Cryptozoology - Shows - Coast to Coast AM

Alfred Lehmberg: alienviews: Misleading, Misled, Or Mentally Ill? ...Batsqueeze!

 Afred's latest. As usual, excellent. And I like these words from someone who appreciates Lehmberg's words and thoughts -- I lifted them from his blog:

"I love the way you scatter words together like a witch doctor with bones into magical sentences that make my brain feel funny." -- Sacha Claire Christie


Alfred writes, in part:

 Conspiracy LIVES! It is not in my mind. The *news* is a joke! If we looked, WE WOULD FIND! But, the man holds his purse in his covetous fingers, and the *news* is his stooge, so our ignorance lingers.

So, those of you laughing, you're wasting your time; you've nothing to add and committing a crime. Moreover, incurious, it's you being crass! You're lacking real courage, your head's in your ass! It's you lacking bravery to open your eyes, pay a freight—take a stand. You are truly despised.
rest at alienviews: alienviews: Misleading, Misled, Or Mentally Ill? ...Batsqueeze!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Naked Women Walking

A nineteen year old female decided to go alone on a spiritual hike in Washington state. Naked, and taking only a fanny pack and knife with her. She is missing and the search continues:
Search continues for naked woman on 'spiritual quest' in SW Washington forest - Local - The search continues for a 19-year-old woman who set out naked on a "spiritual quest" in the woods of southwest Washington.

Crews resumed their search Tuesday in the hunt for Maureen Kelly. The Vancouver woman walked away from a campsite Sunday around 5 p.m. wearing only a fanny pack. A friend reported her missing in the early morning hours of Monday, Skamania County Undersheriff Dave Cox said.

Another naked woman was found on the highway in Oregon. She is described as "possibly autistic."

Oregon State Police said Sunday they have identified a young woman found walking naked early Sunday morning along Interstate 5 north of Ashland in southern Oregon.

The female had no identification and appeared to possibly be autistic and unable to communicate, troopers said.

With the assistance of the local 9-1-1, center she was positively identified about three hours after she was found.

On Lair of the Beasts: Flying Humanoids

Nick Redfern on Ken Gerhard's upcoming book Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyes and Other winged Beasts. I can't wait to read this one! Nick writes:
Lair of the Beasts: Flying Humanoids - Every now and again, a monster-themed book comes along that I recommend to one and all that are interested in the strange creatures of our world. And that is exactly what I am doing right now. Ken Gerhard is a good friend of mine who lives in San Antonio, Texas. He is the author of a number of books, including Big Bird, Monsters Are Real, and (co-authored with me) Monsters of Texas.

In just a couple of months from now, Ken’s new book will be published. I’m mentioning it now, as it can already be pre-ordered online. Its title is Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles and Other Winged Beasts.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

From Waking Times: 'Are We Food for the Moon?'

Are We Food for the Moon? - Waking Times : Waking Times: As to how organic life feeds the Moon, Gurdjieff taught that most human beings are mere “slugs” with no souls and that following death their remaining psychic energy is “food for the Moon.” Like a magnet, the Moon draws the fine matter of human souls into it: “Everything living on the Earth, people, animals, plants, is food for the Moon. The Moon is a huge living being feeding upon all that lives and grows on the Earth.”

Only through an intensive effort of conscious evolution – what he called “self-remembering” – was it possible for an individual to escape being eaten by the Moon. “The liberation that comes with the growth of mental powers and faculties is liberation from the Moon.” Gurdjieff always maintained Man is not truly conscious, and his actions are entirely mechanical: “Everything ‘happens,’ he cannot ‘do’ anything. He is a machine controlled by accidental shocks from outside.”

To escape these deleterious lunar influences, Ouspensky said we must “create Moon within ourselves.”3 By this he meant we must develop within a driving mechanism that takes the place of the external lunar influence; in this way we can break free of the puppeteer.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Current Show | Future Theater | Nancy Hayfield Birnes

UFO Magazine publisher and editor Bill and Nancy Birnes have their own podcast. Like, if you hadn't known that already! Future Theater. With lots of groovy guests:Current Show | Future Theater | Nancy Hayfield Birnes

Norio Hayakawa Recommends Dr. Vallee's UFO Propositions

I have the greatest respect for Dr. Jacque Vallee. Following are excellent points. I don't completely agree that these negate an ET presence, or explanation, but moot point. I do agree with Hayakawa about disclosure. Thanks to Norio Hayakawa for putting this together.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Small White Planes

Nothing to report here, on anything much. Partly too busy with non-blogging life, partly the heat. This little observation doesn't have anything to do with UFOs but it's a bit odd. But one thing I've noticed in the past couple of weeks around the skies of Eugene: low flying, smallish white planes. Probably private planes. One flew over our house, very low. Couldn't make out any markings. A few days later, about a mile up the road, I saw what looked like a similar type of plane, again flying low (though seemed to be a bit higher than the previous plane) fly over the school yard. It had some kind of object it was carrying underneath the plane. The object had a rounded oval, like a bulb shape, with a "tail" -- dark colored, appeared black or dark brown. No markings that I could see. I wonder if the object under the plane wasn't a drone.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Healing with the Angels: Nature

Healing with the Angels: Nature

The Secret Sun: Unified Weird Theory: Why It Matters

As readers of the Orb might know, I admire Christopher Knowles and his writing on The Secret Sun:
The Secret Sun: Unified Weird Theory: Why It Matters: When I wrote about the Unified Weird Theory it wasn't based in some impulse to bring together a bunch of pseudo-sciences and quasi-superstitions under one tent.

In fact, it was to redefine these as emanations, mere byproducts of what should be a modern Gnosis. At the very top of it all should be an understanding that the world we are sold is false and illusory. And that we'll take whatever clues we can find to get out of the primeval forest we are drifting further and further into every single moment of every day.