Showing posts with label Oregon UFOs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oregon UFOs. Show all posts

Sunday, February 19, 2012

HULIQ:'UFO sighting beliefs counter today's science while new metal box theory floated'

(I had planned to go out there this weekend, but family illness keeps me in town for now...hopefully I can go out there next weekend.)

An update from Dave Masko on the metal boxes.UFO sighting beliefs counter today's science while new metal box theory floated. Theories are afoot. For example, "...the boxes on the beach are merely floats that were originally built to support docks," (William Hanshumaker, Hatfield Marine Science Center.)

The fear of metal boxes has to do with post Cold War angst. Or something. Time writer Jeff Wise is quoted in the article:
Mention “strange metal boxes” on the beach, and “people sort of shut down and call you a UFO nut. They need answers right now, and they won’t give an inch until they either try and understand or simply dismiss what you’re saying because ‘UFO’ is part of it,” added Errol when expressing her personal angst over being shot as the messenger for what other many in society view as real or not real.

In turn, people are funny adds Wise when noting how “the Cold War is over, but there’s still enough nuclear mega tonnage to end civilization,” but, alas, people will fear something unknown – such as UFOs and people who spot strange metal boxes on the beach – over loose nukes in our world.
The UFO connection will not go away. The boxes are disappearing, incorporated into art pieces and taken as souvenirs of alien activity.

Much of the article is the same material used in previous articles.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Entering the Orb: Location Connection in Dream

I had the following dream last night; I'm leaving out one detail because it was about a public figure's death. (Said person is, as far as I know, very much alive.)
 I drive out to the coast, but it wasn't a place I'd been to before. Like most dreams, this location is all mixed up. Part coast, (50 miles west) but part south of me towards the small town of Cottage Grove, a straight shot down 1-5 from Eugene. About 25 min. away. (Cottage Grove is said to be haunted in a lot of ways: UFOs, strange things, and in fact, I've always felt uneasy and, well, "haunted" whenever out there. That includes the outlying areas like Dorena Lake.)

I arrive at my destination. Jim is with me. We're all about UFOs, Mothman, ghosts... lots of talk about that with others who are researchers and witnesses.  The woods are all around us. It turns into night.  I become very  nervous because I have to drive back to Eugene  but don't like to drive at night, especially on a road I'm not used to. Jim seems to have disappeared around this time; for some reason, I have to drive back alone.  Several of the people here accuse me of being a big chicken and not serious about UFOs because I want to wait until morning to drive back.  I try to make them aware that driving at night, in the dark without lights and on an unfamiliar road in an unfamiliar town is irresponsible.
It wasn't until I started writing this, sharing it with others (because of the person dying, mainly) that I realized with a jolt the Cottage Grove-orb-missing time connection. Jim and I were coming back from Cottage Grove, at night, when we had our orange orb sighting and missing time.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Humming Boxes on Oregon Beaches

More reports of humming metal boxes appearing on the Oregon coast:UFO sightings reveal more strange metal boxes along coastal beaches | HULIQ

At first look it seems very likely these boxes are debris from Japan. But there is the typical "wait there's more" anomalous elements that ties these boxes in with UFOs, at least according to the this article. Referring to the photo accompanying the article of one of these boxes at Bray's Point, Oregon, it's noted the boxes have been seen before:
The photograph that accompanies this report – taken during the afternoon of Feb. 8 near Bray’s Point -- of yet another strange metal box stuck in the surf up is one of a possible group of a dozen or more that have been sited up and down West Coast beaches. Meanwhile, the British government also photographed similar huge metal boxes on beaches in Sri Lanka in the late 1990’s and in early 2004 and 2005. The discovery of the boxes is detailed in updated previously classified reports from the British government that document sightings of unidentified flying objects by both the military and the general public dating back to the 1950s.
According to the coastal UFO researchers, there's been an increase in UFO sightings recently, coinciding with the boxes.

The boxes are heavy -- "not movable" -- ring, or hum, glow, and coincide with UFO sightings.
While I have no idea what these are of course, it seems irresponsible to go up to these boxes and touch them or attempt to move them.

Related posts:
UFO Sightings at Stonefield Beach
Stonefield Beach, Stormy Day and UFO?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

UPdate: UFO sightings at Stonefield Beach reveal strange boxes up and down coast | HULIQ

Not really an "update" but I've been thinking about this odd case all day. While UFO activity is certainly very strong on the coast, and has been for decades (witness the Reeves affair in Toledo/Newport, circa 1960s) it seems that the timing, among other things, of this particular story points to Japan. It is very possible these boxes are debris from the tsunami. Another possibility: that the boxes have something to do with naval or some other military branch experiments. Or NOAA. (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.) 

Strange events still going on at Stonefield Beach in Oregon. I have to get myself there! As soon as I have the time, I will take a drive out there. Unfortunately I'm inland; about 70 miles from Stonefield Beach. Work and floods (recent rains had literally flooded and closed down access a couple of weeks back) have contributed my inability to explore. UFO sightings at Stonefield Beach reveal strange boxes up and down coast | HULIQ Definitely odd things are happening, like the recent appearance of metal boxes that glow:
It’s as if an alarm went off, when a “high, shrill, piercing, frightening ring caught our attention Sunday evening,” explained Doris, a local senior whose retired and lives nearby Stonefield Beach. “I know crazy things happen over at Stonefield, but when you walk down and see that metal box sort of glowing in the surf it gets your attention real quick.”
That area, as the article notes, has had a history of UFO sightings for some time, as the coast in general. I wonder if this isn't due to some naval operation, or possibly debris washed up from elsewhere. Japan? Not impossible but how likely? It's a mystery at this point.

A related post here at the Orb: I wrote about Stonefield in a round about way and a possible UFO that showed up in a photo on the beach. You can read it and see the photos here.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Entering the Orb: Stumbling on the Hill (s)?

The area where we saw the orange orb is hilly. We lived at the top of a hill. Well, already we're in a land of confusion, because Jim insists we weren't living there yet when we saw the orange orb; we were living on Hilyard St. "downtown" ish, near the U of O campus. I insist that simply isn't correct at all, that the orange orb was seen when we were living at the house on top of the hill at Friendly St.

Inspired by a comment left here yesterday I was skimming through my copy of Captured! (Stanton Friedman and Kathleen Marden) about Barney and Betty Hill. Specifically I was looking at sections regarding Dr. Simon, who used hypnosis to help recover their memories of what happened during their missing time.

Last night I had a dream:

it's night, very dark, and Jim and I keep walking up a hill. It's not the hill where we lived, but around there, up a ways. (Kind of near where I saw the orb drop down behind a house.) We get almost to the top of the hill, but then stop. We're lost, can't see well, things sort of dead end. So we try again. Go back, walk around, come back up the hill. Same thing. We're both getting very irritated with each other, and the whole thing, just all of it. We just keep doing this over and over and are getting very frustrated with "them" and  Jim kind of calls out to "them" to knock it off. It's like "they" are close by and can see us but we can't see them.

I was telling Jim this dream as we were taking our walk. I said it was like Sisyphus and Jim said "I was just going to say, it reminded me of that." Just at the part where I said "We keep getting to almost the top of the hill then things just stop..." I almost fell flat on my face, thankfully Jim caught me. I had tripped on the sidewalk, the top of my sandal got caught somehow. It wasn't a small stumble but a big one; really yanked my toes! If Jim hadn't caught me I would have fallen.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Images and Old Poems

pastel drawing by Regan Lee
I've been going through some of my poetry and creative writing with the idea of e-zines, or chapbooks, or something, not sure yet where I'm going with this. I noticed that some of theses early poems from the 1980s have recurring images of orbs, night skies, and feelings of disconnection. In re-reading them, I realized many of these were written around the time I saw the orange orb. In fact, this poem refers to an orb, although it's a sliver orb, not orange. The imagery is interesting: moon women, orbs, shadows, and the end, sweet jesus, "capturing my frozen eyes." ?! What was that about? I also noticed that I wrote a lot of these kinds of poems during the late summer and the fall, which is the time frame for our orb sighting. And in going back further, reading poems I wrote while living in L.A., the imagery of orbs and night and planets, etc. were present. As Jim and I know now, we had UFO related, and/or high strangeness events occur when we were living in L.A., before the orange orb sighting. And, of course, going back to our childhoods, independent of each other. Are there clues in these poems, signals from the subconscious? No doubt, lol.

unconnected with moon women

a silver orb waits silently in a

musty corner on a wooden shelf,
hidden by sharp shadows like Chinese meat cleavers poised
on thick pegs above labeled spice jars, corked and racked, 
full of the herbs of mid-wives, now forgotten.

on the windowsill, tart purple grapes, hot and shriveled

grapefruit and pomegranate exposing their soft pink and secret glistening red waiting to be eaten.

unconnected with moon women i wait,

a single artichoke on a a scalloped plate, my tips half chewed, strewn about the cream white edges

the sliver orb shifts forward slightly in the night, and
one sliver gleams bone white 
capturing my frozen eyes.

~ 1982

Friday, August 20, 2010

Anxiety 101 or A Level of Unveiling?

Is the following dream the beginning of uncovering buried memories of a UFO encounter, or just anxiety over everyday life issues?

For the past few nights, I've been saying to Jim just before we go to sleep "meet me in the orb." I've been working with the intent of retrieving memories about that sighting, as readers know, for awhile now. Using dreams, art, discussion, meditation, among other methods (though not hypnosis) -- and, in fact, I've been playing around with a journal type format of all this -- I, we, hope to uncover details and the missing parts of our experiences involving missing time and the sightings.

I was out of town last night, visiting family. Jim wasn't with me. I had the a very uncomfortable dream last night; and at first think, it appears it was just a typical anxiety fest about returning to work, the new school year, the anniversary of Jim's heart attack coming up, etc. That's what someone said to me when I told her my dream: "Wow, you're really anxious about losing control," she said. And that's likely the main level of the dream. But as I was driving back to town today, it hit me; there's a small glimmer here of something related to the orange orb sighting as well; a little tear in the veil that's been obscuring that encounter for so many years, but first, the dream:

Jim and I are together as I go back to my workplace. Haven't been back there all summer, I see they painted the school, there's lots of new school staff. I'm bothered by this only because it makes me feel insecure, but it's okay. People seem nice, the new paint looks lovely. The classroom I work in bother me however; there are several new people there as well, which is okay and actually normal for that milieu, but my desk has been replaced by a teeny little piece of metal, like a TV tray. My supervisor apologizes and says she didn't think I'd mind or that it would make a difference. But the big thing is; they've changed my job! Now I'm in charge of the computers. "But," I say, "I don't know anything about computers, I'm not qualified!" They laugh it off, telling me I"ll do fine, that I use computers all the time, so what's the problem? I say it's like the difference between knowing how to drive a car, and how to fix one. I can drive, I know enough to do things like keep the gas tank full, air in the tires, the oil changed, -- but if somethings wrong, I don't know how to fix it, I take it to the mechanic. I'm not a mechanic. Then I go into another room, and it's full of nurses and doctors and medical people. Jim is on a gurney, hooked up to machines. He's very agitated, very upset, very very anxious. He's never like that, ever... so that freaks me out, and I get upset. A nurse comes over, leads me out of the room, tries to calm me down. Tells me I have to stay in this other room until they come get me. Jim's fine, they tell me, it's a normal, every day procedure they're doing, and nothing to worry about. I sit there, and occasionally people -- other school staff, or whoever -- come in, to get supplies. The room I'm in is some kind of work room/storage room, so people come and go to grab paper, etc. The dress I'm wearing has a tube top type top, and it keeps falling down, exposing me. I'm not happy about this of course and worry people will see me, so I keep holding it up.

Okay, all seems very 'Returning To Work and Worried About Hubby's Health 101,' except for:

The dark haired nurse, even though she was short with short hair, reminded me of the tall, dark haired "Geisha" woman in the space ship-orange orb dream I've written about. Jim is being kept away from me, or me, away from him, we're being forcibly separated from each other, another element in the Geisha dream. Jim is utterly uncharacteristically panicked. And the dress I was wearing in last night's dream: a dress I actually owned at the time we had our missing time and orange orb sighting. Everything about the dress in the dream was the same: color, design, fabric... everything. Except in reality it never fell off of my body like it did in the dream.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Meet Me in the Orb: Jim’s novel

Yesterday I wrote about something Jim had written in his novel that reminded me of our missing time, our "dreams" of UFOs and our Orange Orb sighting.

The following is an excerpt from Jim’s novel. It’s difficult to describe what it’s about or what genre to put it into. Sci-fi, kind of. Conspiracy novel, definitely; there’s a lot concerning MKULTRA and mind control. But it’s more than that as well, with metaphysical aspects, estoeric themes. . . This is from the rough first draft which fills several notebooks -- yes, he’s writing it in longhand!. Jim estimates the book would run about 600 pages; he’s considering creating three seperate books; sequels. I realize the reader won’t know the characters, or where in the novel the following two scenes take place, but here they are:

Untitled Novel by James (Jim) Rich, copyright 2010.

[The following scene takes place on an ocean liner. Martina is on the deck of the ship with Dr. Bremoli; it is her voice that’s speaking:]

I noticed that there appeared to be a light, just off the bow deep beneath the surface . “Another way for what?”
“Another way for you. Your way is the most difficult.”
For the first time, he seemed old and scary. The light was growing bigger and brighter. Something was rising out of the depths; something huge. “What's that?”
“I haven’t much time. You must listen very carefully: you won’t always remember this.”

The light resolved into a bright central light surrounded by a ring of smaller multicolored lights that rotated around the perimeter of an immense, circular, metallic object. Dr. Bremoli put his lips to my ear speaking softly in a lilting language that I almost understood. It was a song, or a poem, or a lullaby to calm a distressed child. It sank deep into my unconscious tickling the hairs of memory, rustling the leaves of my senses. The craft (at this point I could think of it as nothing else) emerged from the sea like nothing I’d ever seen its passage seemingly displacing no water creating no wave, leaving the sea undisturbed, as it hovered just above me a dozen yards off the bow.

Morning Shower, James (Jim) Rich, acrylic on canvas

It was dry as a bone. Not a drop of water clung to it; strangely it reminded me of Jillian in the shower. It was incompressible, defying all reason. It was immense - at lease a mile in diameter - and there it hung, motionless, suspended, silent, but for a faint hum so low that I felt it in my gut rather than heard it. Unlike the top, there were no lights on the vast, featureless underbelly of a dark matte finish metal that was practically invisible, blending in with both sky and water. It seemed impervious to the laws of nature, like Magritte's Castle of the Pyrenees.
 “What did you say?” I asked, glancing over at the doctor, but he was gone. I spun around; he was no where to be seen among the still, almost motionless passengers. I looked back at the craft, just in time to see it depart, which it did in a fashion I never experienced, moving off in a direction perpendicular to everywhere, shrinking away into nothingness. I turned back around; once again the passengers were promenading around the deck, enjoying the now cool evening air, oblivious to the strange event that had transpired between moments.
Castle in the Pryenees, Rene Magritte

[A scene or two later, Martina goes down into the ship to meet with the very wealthy genius -scientist, Rainier Brancusi, in his labatory:]

I set off on my journey, taking the elevator to the lowest deck, where I switched to a service elevator which took me deep into the bowels of the ship. To the rear was the engine room. The air was hot, thick with diesel fuel, throbbing with machinery, but I made my way forward through a maze of narrow passageways to a hatch, beneath which a rusted ladder disappeared into uncertain darkness, and from which a nauseating stench issued like the breath of some infernal beast. “Really?!” I thought attempting to deal with my growing sense of claustrophobia, “was all this necessary? “ I considered turning back; after all, why was I going in the first place?

“Because he knows something,” said Medusa. [Medusa is an MKULTRA created personality that resides within Martina] and we need to find out what.”

I started down the ladder into the unwholesome darkness, like Orpheus descending into the underworld. I preceded rung by rung, my footsteps preternaturally loud, reverberating in the cavernous space accompanied by the creaking of stressed metal and the listless lapping of the liquid below.

The dim interior was lit primarily from a number of small unknown sources above, and an eerie bioluminescence billowing in the water below. As my eyes adjusted, I could make out a catwalk leading from the platform where the ladder ended, across the looming, phosphorescent abyss to a geodesic sphere suspended from cables in the center of the bilge. A figure was waiting for me on the platform.
I found the orb/sphere imagery interesting, as well as the description of time standing still, the unwareness of the ship's passengers of the USO/UFO, and the scientist character hidden away in the depths of the ship.

Looking at this the same way I've been looking at dreams and other expressions might reveal something about our experiences.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Naveed's Realm: Oregon UFO Wave

Naveed's Realm discusses a current Oregon UFO "wave:" What is going on: Oregon UFO Wave. I commented over there that, at least with local (Eugene-Springfield area) news, they don't seem to comment on UFO stories anymore. I have no official data but it seems that they've stopped since 9/11. (I've written before about one witness who contacted me about five years ago; he saw a UFO, along with several others, photographed and taped it. Yet no one from media wanted to hear about it.) Either way, it does seem that, overall, for the past couple of years, the nation, if not the world, has been in a UFO flap, and that includes Oregon.

Was there a "third, lost" Trent UFO photo?

Check out my published content!

Monday, September 7, 2009

International Air Space and the Black Triangles

In past articles on the black triangles, I've often made the comment about the fact the triangles appear all over the world, which means they appear in international air space. I've stated that this is risky; the abrupt appearance of an unknown craft in another country's air space seems dangerous. But, if we don't know who the triangles belong to, if they're man made or alien, and so on, the issue is probably moot. However, I still assumed that the U.S. (assuming the triangles are ours) flying into the air space of other countries was a bad thing, unless of course that air space was part of NATO and so on.

No one's challenged me on my assumption or has bothered to set me straight. (Which means no one's reading what I write, :) But in talking with someone the other day who's interested in history and military stuff, I was told that at certain heights, craft flies into air space all the time. And if the craft is astoundingly fast, as the triangles appear to be, and their origin is unknown (presumably) no harm can come to either craft or nation. If a black triangle appears in China, who would China respond to? Not enough time or data to analyze to determine where it came from.

This is all very nuts and bolts and it's an area I am not at all familiar with or even too interested in -- I'm not an aviation maven or military buff -- but it is important to have some sense of these kinds of things to help us in our studies of UFOs.

So far, the triangles remain true UFOs. They may very well be man made, but we don't know that, not yet. Even if they are man made, there are a lot of mysteries surrounding the triangles. One being: are the triangles based on alien technology? If not, it is still an incredible creation; these triangles are huge and incredibly fast, even downright spooky. What is their purpose? They've been around for decades, why the continued secrecy?

If the triangles are man made (either the U.S. or some other nation) and are flying in the skies of the world, as they clearly are, are they doing so with the complicity of other governments? Or is there just one, or a very few, governments having their way with the rest of the world? In this scenario, we hardly need aliens here, we seem to be doing a good enough job on our own involving issues of deceit, subversion, secrecy, disinformation, and agendas.

My strong interest in the triangles is rooted in my own personal sighting. Which really wasn't very dramatic, given the experiences of so many other witnesses to the triangles. An example is the sighting of the Bale brothers from Oregon, who saw a triangle while camping in Idaho.

The triangle sightings continue, and have been occurring for so long, I think that for some researchers it's become almost a boring topic. Probably because of my own sighting, and my insatiable curiosity when it comes to unsolved fringe mysteries, I remain intrigued by the triangles. Alien or man made, almost doesn't matter, because the phenomena of the triangles is so weird (decades long event, fantastic speeds and maneuvers, odd effects upon witnesses, global appearances, secrecy, etc.) the topic stands on its own as a fringe object of study.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Triangle Manipulations

This is a pic of a drawing I did a few years ago of the giant triangle UFO I saw several years ago in Dexter, Oregon. I was just having fun with some computer manipulation of images. I did the little sketch in pastel crayon, than played around with the color, etc. on the computer.

The triangle sighting I've posted about before on-line; briefly, it goes like this:
Outdoors at a large gathering in a rural area in August; about five of us standing under a small tree, something, don't know what because there was no sound, made me look up and I saw the huge triangle. No lights, but the shape was definite, and blended in with the night sky. It was still light-ish, not yet totally dark. The triangle blocked out the stars, etc. so you could see a giant triangle shape of dark blue something, not sky, and the surrounding sky was a bit lighter, with stars, etc.

I told everyone with me to look up, they did. We made silly jokes about missing time and checked our watches (there wasn't any) and we just stood there, looking at it. We even commented that we should go tell people, but we couldn't move. Also, sound seemed muffled. Cris and Mark Bales, who had an incredible triangle sighting in Idaho and gave a great presentation on their sighting at the recent McMinnville UFO Fest, said that it was as if a giant blanket had been placed above them. That explains the feeling well.

The triangle left; it just zoomed/slid off, very fast, and very silently. How something so damn big can move so fast, and so quietly, ... very weird. As soon as the thing left, that ears stuffed with cotton ball feeling was gone, and we felt our normal selves again. That sense of apathy and physical sluggishness was gone.

We told others what we'd seen. Just about everyone thought it was interesting, the owners of the property were almost jaded, saying they see stuff like that "all the time around here."

One person was very rude; off the wall rude. He actually, literally made the "you're crazy" motion with his hands; I mean, who does that, as an adult? Then he made a comment about how much beer I'd had; when I told him I hadn't had any beer, since I was the driver, he then said I was smoking too much pot, or on something, for sure. No to all that as well. So then he just said I was lying. Okay, that's when I got pissed off and called him on his calling me a liar, which made him mad, and he walked off.

Anyway. The triangle sighting was different in many ways from other reports; it really wasn't visually as dramatic. It wasn't even black. And no lights. But it was still something else, indeed.

Check out my published content!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Oregon Coast and the Navy: Responsible for (Some) UFO Events?

The Oregon coast, and in particular the Lincoln county area (Waldport, Yachats,Newport, Toledo,) has its share of UFO events. The Reeves case in the 1960s is a classic; complete with strange multi-colored lights, three very odd high strangeness furry entities walking across a field, UFOs, . . . and I've been wondering off and on through the years if a lot of these sightings, including the Reeves case (where UFOs were seen all over the area, not just at their home on Pioneer Mountain just outside of Newport near Toledo) weren't due to military/naval projects.

Naveed at Naveed's Realm had an interesting post recently about hidden bases in Oregon, including the Oregon coast:Hidden Bases in My Locale...Oregon!

In today's paper I read the following:Lawmakers voice concerns about expanded Navy training along coast Oregon’s congressional delegates say the fishing fleet’s safety is among the issues that need more time for public input, by Wintston Ross.

FLORENCE — Submarines can sink fishing boats, hooking into the nets of midwater trawl boats and rolling the vessels like an alligator in a swamp. Lincoln County Commissioner Terry Thompson said he knows of at least eight boats downed by subs off the West Coast in the decades he’s been a fisherman. He has lost five friends in such incidents, he said.

“One boat hooked into a submarine and got dragged sideways, at 6 knots,” Thompson said. “The crew was sitting at the back deck and the captain was at the wheelhouse. Only one crewman lived to tell the story.”

So when Thompson found out recently that the Navy was planning on expanding the training it does in a 126,000-square-mile swath of the Pacific Ocean between Washington and California, he wanted to make sure the military has Oregon’s fishing fleet in mind.

The navy was very quiet about their plans, taking area residents by surprise and not giving much time for citizens to speak their minds about such plans. Among other things, whales are in danger from the Navy's exercises.

And it seems the navy's been around in that area for some time:
Many people may not know the Navy trains out there in the first place, even though it’s been going on since the early 1900s and includes exploding bombs underwater, firing missiles and 5-inch naval guns, and doing high-intensity sonar testing.

Naveed found that one underground base in the Lincoln County area;
here we go, the first base in Oregon that I found is located around the Lincoln City area (on the gorgeous Oregon Coast) in the Van Duzer Corridor. There people have seen everything from weird lights to army bases somewhere in the woods. One couple apparently even had some missing time out in that area, which tends to be a good sign of alien abduction.

It's quite possible some of the UFO and anomalous related events were, and are, due to naval and other military actions on the coast.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Eerie Racoon Moments

Along with owls, deer, ravens and other animals, raccoons have their place in esoteric phenomena. Signaling the possible arrival of the weird,these creatures, including raccoons, stand between us and "it," whatever that it may be. A UFO encounter, with journeys on ships, contact with entities, maybe, or some sort of liminal experience. Take the experience of Dr. Kary Mullis, who had a very strange encounter with a glowing raccoon in the summer of 1985.

Consciously pulling up memories of these kinds of experiences is difficult; they usually erupt randomly. For myself, unexpected snippets -- jarring in their visceral appearances -- come to me through meditation, dreams and while viewing images.

The other night, while watching the television program Eleventh Hour, I had one of those startling moments that really jolted me. On screen, the character, driving his car on the road in the daytime, swerves to avoid hitting a raccoon who was standing in the middle of the road. (A few moments later, the character realizes the raccoon shouldn't have been there, which was a clue that something was very wrong in the area.) For some reason, that image of a raccoon standing in the road, during the day, reminded me of something. I turned to my husband and said "Didn't we see two or three raccoon's in the daytime when we lived on Friendly Street?" He remembered. I hadn't thought of that in years, but something about that image on the television recalled that memory.

We had a large sliding glass door that led out to the backyard. We lived at the top of a hill; town was right down the street, but right above us, it was rural, and the further you drove on the highway above our house, the more rural you got. One day we were surprised to see raccoons just standing there at the glass, looking in at us. It was weird. I remember how very weird we both thought it was at the time; in fact, I remember kind of screaming -- not screaming, but shouting out when I saw them. For some reason, I found their presence irritating; unusual for me since I'm an animal lover, and normally would have thought it pretty neat. Friendly Street was where we were living when we saw the "orange orb" and had the missing time, and all kinds of UFO related events happened.

I've seen raccoons in the daytime before; but rarely. Several months ago I saw a raccoon in the daytime where I'm living now; it was sickly looking and it's obvious something was wrong. It's not common to see raccoons in the daytime, but not impossible.

But something about that memory of seeing those raccoons, just standing there, watching us through the glass, was eerie.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Read me, click on me

And help support a starving writer. . .

I've joined AC, where you can earn a bit of money according to the number of hits you receive. So I'm shamelessly promoting myself. I'm still learning my way around the place; what the audience is like, etc. and I have only one piece up now. But that'll change, after I meet a couple of deadlines.

UFO Oregon: The Trent Case

Friday, November 9, 2007

A Strange Anniversary Conversation

Today is our 31st anniversary. Being old and tired, (but hardly bored with each other) (as you’ll soon see why) we agreed to stay home after a long hard day at work, enjoy our bottle of good wine and Trader Joe’s pizza, and each other. Tomorrow, rejuvenated with the weekend vibe (three day weekend for me!) we’ll go out and have fun.

So tonight, of course we’re watching the Larry King program because it’s the UFO show. (More on that later.) My husband, let’s say his name is, er, “George,” was pretty good about remaining quiet, although he managed to interject a good number of outraged sputterings, especially when Oberg was on, but overall, George behaved. It wasn’t until the very end of the program that George said to me:
“We've had weird UFO abductions or whatever happen,at least twice. That one in L.A. was the weirdest.

I did a huge “huh?!” I asked:
What do you mean, ‘at least twice?’ And, what do you mean, the L.A. one was the weirdest?!

In Oregon years ago, we saw the Orange Orb, that followed us on our way back in from Cottage Grove about 30 miles away. That incident included missing time and what I've always maintained a sighting of a silver sphere hovering above a pasture on the way out.

Turns out that’s wrong. At least according to George.

So we shouted at each other -- out of excitement and ‘wtf’s” not in anger -- just your basic abduction confusion:
Me: “What do you mean, that’s wrong! We saw that orb coming back from Cottage Grove when we lived on Friendly St.!”
George: “No, we saw it when we lived on Hilyard."

Oh boy.

So we went round and round, and it turns out, according to George, this is what happened:
1. Something weird happened in L.A.
2. Something weird happened in Oregon, when we lived on Hilaryd St. near the University of Oregon.
3. Something weird happened when we lived off Lorane Highway, at the top of Friendly St.

George: No, no, you’ve combined two different sightings into one thing. Your memory’s been messed with.”

Me: “How do you know it isn’t YOU whose memory wasn’t messed with?”

(I was pretty proud of that one.)

George just looked exasperated. He insists he’s right. I remember it the other way.
I don't remember anything weird at all happening when we lived on Hilyard.

It’s quite possible of course he is right, and does remember the incidents more accurately than I. Regardless, it’s clear we’ve both experienced some very weird things through the years.

L.A. (West Hollywood area)

I remember that one just fine. Well, obviously not all of it. Neither one of us do. If we did, that’d be a different story. But we both agree on this one; we agree it happened, we agree it happened just the way we both remember it. Walking back from our favorite place, Barney's Beanery. What should have taken us an hour at the most -- maybe -- took us a good two hours. When we entered the apartment we commented how odd it was that it was suddenly 4 a.m., then went promptly to bed, only to wake up at four the next afternoon. We slept straight through, very surprised to find that we slept so late!

I did have a few strange UFO dreams back then; one in particular that I call the “Geisha Woman” dream, about a tall chalky white being with huge black wrap around eyes, “pretending” to be female, with me inside a glass domed UFO in space and George in some other part of the UFO. She was very intelligent and very emotionally cold, detached, and didn't give a damn that I was scared and angry that she wouldn't let me see George, who was being kept in another part of the craft.

But the reason why I say it wasn’t the strangest, is because we didn’t see any kind of craft that night. We didn't have a UFO sighting. Not a hint. But George says it’s the weirdest, because we both agree on everything; no arguments about who was where, etc. We agree on where we were coming from, where we were going, that a couple of hours of missing time occurred, that we commented to each other on the oddness of the late hour as we walked into the apartment but also went promptly to bed, not waking up until 4:00 the next day.

Hilyard St. (Eugene, Oregon, near the University of Oregon campus)
Well, don’t remember anything weird there. I mean, aside from the horrid, spoiled, evil fraternity and sorority morons that lived in the frat and "sor" houses surrounding our little apartment. God, what assholes. Other than that, nothing.

I remember a weird “UFO” dream at the time though, about a robotic alien type being entering our apartment and causing problems.

It's while we were living on Hilyard that George insists we saw the silver sphere. We saw it out on Lorane, going out to Cottage Grove. (That part I agree with.) Silver sphere, above a pasture, daytime, a beam of light coming down from underneath the thing. I said to George tonight that I always thought it was weird that a beam of light would be necessary in the daytime.

We agree on the thing we saw, and place, but not the timing. I remember it as on our way out the same time we saw the orange orb which was on the way back. And I remember we were living on Friendly St. at the time, while George insists it was Hilyard.

(One question I have about this is: if the orange orb sighting took place another time, where were we coming back from? The only thing out that direction is . . . Cottage Grove. We didn't know anyone who lived out that way, from our house to Cottage Grove. But as George mentioned, we did just take off and for long rides in the country back then; true. I loved to do that on the motorcycle. It's possible we weren't coming back from anywhere in particular, as in visiting someone, but just out for a drive.)

Friendly St. (Eugene, Oregon, at the corner of Lorane, semi-woodsy rural area in parts)
I remember the orange orb at night, on the way back from Cottage Grove to visit his friend. The friend George says we went to see a year or so earlier when we lived on Hilyard.

George doesn’t remember seeing an orange orb. He does remember me trying to call someone when we went into the house (on Friendly) but I ended up just putting the receiver down. After all who was I going to call? The police? Airport? At that time, I didn't know about MUFON, or anything related to reporting UFO sightings.

Dreams started then too. Awful dreams about being paralyzed in beams of light so strong I could almost see through things. The sense of people -- or beings -- above me. Not being able to move. Screaming my head off for George, who I knew was nearby, but also being taken. Did I just say “taken?” Christ.

George said “Obviously we didn’t have what they wanted,” and I agreed. We’ve never talked about that, but when he said it, it made sense, and I acknowledged I’ve thought that myself many times.

He also said:
“Then again, we’ve both had life long experiences with this weird stuff. Maybe they got what they wanted a long time ago.

George also mentioned the uncomfortable and strong awareness that "they" are present at times. I too have felt that. Last time I felt that was a few years ago in this house we're now in. We've been here about ten years. This feeling that "they" were in the room, listening, watching, was confirmed by others. (One of whom has had her own history, along with many family members, of Bigfoot, haunting and UFO encounters. Connections?)

We don't talk too in depth about these events except for a couple of times a year. It's too close and chilling and just plain weird. We both get highly uncomfortable; anxious and need to stop. And yet, we talk around these things every day.

Something happened, something seemed to have happened a few times with the both of us. Neither one of us remembers actually seeing any beings. It’s as if we’ve come up only so close to this phenomena, and then, a steel door seals shut on us.

Oh, and please, someone tell me it was just sleep paralysis. I dare you.

I’m still not willing to say we were abducted. I can’t say that, because I don’t even remember seeing aliens, let alone being inside a craft, or being rudely probed, etc.

But something happened. While obviously there are trickster mind control alien game playing shenanigans going on with screen or cover memories, the reality is, something very real -- just highly strangely real -- occurred. And more than once.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Oregonian: It came from outer space

From the Portland, Oregon newspaper The Oregonian:
It came from outer space, says MUFON’s assistant state director Keith Rowell of West Linn.

However, according to a post on UFO Updates by Keith Rowell, the article contained “factual errors” that he’s not responsible for.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Non-extraordinary Reactions to Extraordinary Things

Regardless of the cause behind the UFOs, the fact is the UFOs exist, and we have every right to talk about our observations and experiences.

That's a quote from me. Yes, I'm quoting myself. My recent piece on UFO Digest, on the orb/UFO sighting of the Lafuers in Albany, Oregon and chronic skeptics.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sunday Orb

Vintage UFO
Seems I’ve been productive with anomalous stuff and yet not producing much at the same time. A lot of it has to do with working full time and health. And yet I’ve managed to start up another blog, which I’m liking very much: Vintage UFO. Among other things, right now there’s a YouTube video of UFO Mystic's Greg Bishop in front of the Integraton at Giant Rock, California.

Tim Binnall and Binnall of America

As the earlier post below urges, contribute a little something to Tim Binnall’s website. He does an incredible job of bringing us anomalous junkies podcosts, columns, etc. every week. All for free. It takes a lot of effort and expense to do this. So any bit helps.

Oregon UFO
One UFO sighting making the news lately is of a couple in Albany, Oregon (roughly 60 miles north of me) who saw a UFO at night while they were out smoking (cigarettes, no lame drug jokes please.) The UFO split into two; shortly after they saw an orange orb fly very close to them, emitting sparks. What’s intrigues me most in some ways are some of the comments made about this: that this isn’t news of any kind. The fact that there are weird, unidentifiable things in the sky doing odd things is far more newsworthy than anything about Paris Hilton. Much more on this to come: concerning this case, related cases (including my own) and the mindset that is so jaded it can’t muster interest in machines above our heads.

Classic Abduction Scenario
One thing I’m working on, and might put it up soon, possibly for UFO Digest, if Dirk will kindly have me, is the idea I’ve been abducted. I don’t have this idea mind you, but others do.


Reminder to check out my blogs: Women in Esoterica, Mating Hedgehogs, Vintage UFO, and Frame 352.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Orbs and Objects in Oregon

A big thank you to Cindy PDX who sent me the links to this story out of Albany, Oregon. A couple saw two "bullet shaped" UFOs that separated, and an orange orb appear very close to their property that gave off sparks.Sounds similar in many ways to what I saw here in Oregon many years ago, though it didn't give off sparks.

A few people in this area have also seen things like this through the years. And a source I have has told me the that the Camp Creek area in the Springfield region (the town over from Eugene) has a history of orange orbs. Sali Sheppard-Wolford, author of Valley of the Skookum, writes of orange orbs in Oregon and Washington.

What's as interesting to me as the story are some of the comments left by readers. Some readers have had similar experiences through the years. Yet others find the story not real news and pointless.

Referring to NUFORC's suggestion to the witness to contact the media about the sighting, a poster calling himself "What" comments:
"And obviously she followed up on the suggestion to contact the media. D-H, is this really newsworthy?"

Well, yes, it is "newsworthy" -- strange objects, orbs emitting sparks on your property. The question isn't if it's newsworthy -- it's: "Why do you think it isn't?"
Another poster going by "ChadT" remarks:
Come on Democrat Herald.. front page news? You could not find a better story than this? Do a story on a local teacher going out of their way to influence our kids.. or a local war hero.. or why the most unemployed county in the state fights big employers that might be coming here.. jeez

I don't get this type of "logic." If I write about scrambled eggs, does that mean I don't care about war, poverty, children's issues, or if Sonny and Carly are going to get back together on General Hospital?

Okay, not the best example. But this kind of ho hum, why are you boring us routine from those who don't even bother to debunk or scoff; they respond with a big yawn and ignore the weird lights and orbs over their heads. . . I don't get it.

I find this reaction -- or non-reaction-- particularly odd in these post 9/11 days. Homeland Security, terror alerts and scales; if there are weird things flying over your property, wouldn't you be concerned? Interested, at least? The conclusion these UFOs are ET is an assumption, and some may go there right away, but not everyone, including me. Man made, military, or even, if it turns out, a hoax or someone's remote controlled toy. Fine. Until one knows however, to display such indifference borders on the pathological.

Cindy has seen her own orange orb UFO, and she has very kindly given me permission to use that information for a future UFO Magazine article on Oregon's Orange Orbs.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Oregon UFO

Aileen Garoutte, of
UFOexperiences blog
(an excellent blog of straight forward UFO reporting; I don’t think she gets enough credit) reports on an Oregon sighting.

This one from the Lake Oswego area (Portland area) and concerns a “black saucer shape (d)” UFO. One thing I find interesting is that the witness said to her companion “that this would be a good place for a UFO to land. “ right before the sighting.

Garoutte by the way is past Director of The UFO Contact Center International.