Showing posts with label aliens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aliens. Show all posts

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Sky, Trout, and Devil

     The following had nothing to do with UFOs or research, but it does involve animals and the dream state, so good enough. Night before last I had a dream, set in one of my many recurring dream states. This one was the one where it's a in the middle of nowhere semi-tourist teeny town surrounded by woods. Single lane highway through it. Usually it's night when I'm here. Don't know where all this goes, where I'm going, always a little anxious and even creepy.
     Someone steals my fifteen year old car and refurbishes it -- turns it into a weird Jeep/trike bike combo thing, with a domed window covering, like an inverted fishbowl, the interior of the car-jeep-bike.
     I get the car back, annoyed this guy just up and stole my car and took it upon himself to change it. On the way to my car I come upon three dogs: two black labs, about a year or two old, and a German Shepherd, about four or five years old. These dogs are fantastic! Funny, sweet, intelligent. They have been waiting for me. Their only "job" is to be with me. We are all so damn happy to be together! I have a lucid moment; why am I dreaming about dogs, when two dogs recently killed my beloved cat, Roswell, recently (I am still grieving his death) and, the only time I've been bitten by a dog was by a black lab. The only time my husband has been bitten was by a black lab. (That attack was so bad he had to go to the hospital.) And I'm no fan of German Shepherds, not a favorite breed of mine.
     Oh well. These dogs, in the dream, are just so great. We're all communicating very easily and telepathically. One of them says "Hey, we need names. You have to name us!" So I call one of the black labs "Sky", the other one "Trout," and the German Shepherd, "Devil." That last one cracks us all up, because it's a joke. "Devil" in an affectionate way, he is very un-Devil like. Not a vicious bone in his body. So we all get a good laugh out of that name. I have another lucid moment and think, "Hmm, Devil sounds a little off, but now Diablo, that's much cooler." So we go back and forth calling him Devil or Diablo, still laughing about the name.
     Later, looking at vintage images of Tarot cards, I find this:

Image source for card here.
     It is interesting a black dog is used for the Death card. In this card the dog appears to be a Great Dane, not a black lab. The black dog image in folklore, particularly Celtic lore, is connected with the supernatural, death, appearing usually at night. Google black dog folklore and you'll find a lot to explore. Aside from the traditional black dog lore, there is an interesting black dog story related by Whitley Strieber in Solving the Communion Enigma; What is to Come. A dead black dog  -- a lab -- was found on neighbor's property in the midst of the intense (that's an understatement!) UFO activity Whitley and his family were experiencing. Streiber reminds us that Cerberus  the black dog, is the guardian of Hades. Obviously why this Tarot card depicts a  black dog. Interesting I called the shepherd in my dream "Devil" -- my subconscious picking up on filed away knowledge. (though why I named him Devil and not one of the black labs I don't know.)
     I wrote at the beginning that this has nothing to do with UFOs but as I went along, remembered the black dog story in Strieber's book. Domed vechilces, and a black lab named Sky. Trout, however, remains puzzling. Unless, as Douglas Adams once wrote, "So long, and thanks for all the fish." 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Jim Marrs: Secret at Red Gate

I saw this years ago. Fascinating. One aspect of all this I find particularly interesting is the use of remote viewers in tracking ET.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

New Facebook Pic

I changed my Facebook profile picture the other night to this:

I thought it a perfect image to represent me. Love its retro look and the time era fits, and the U.F.O. book in her hand, what could be better? No idea though about the photo's history. Thanks to UFO cinema expert Robbie Graham of Silver Screen Saucers,  who commented on FB that the image is from "...the 'Steve Canyon' TV show (1959), Episode 'Project UFO', which was censored by the Air Force." I need to know more about that! Googling this I came across some very interesting links. YouTube doesn't have much on this specific episode, but I did find this:


Shepherd Johnson also left a comment about the woman in the photo. She is Julie Adams, "...who starred in 'Creature from the Black Lagoon'" one of my favorite monster movies, a classic of course, from 1954 -- the year I was born.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Message Is ...

(cross posted at UFOMystic)

Cover, Howard Menger's From Outer Space To You (1959)

The message is . . . well, doesn't seem to be a message. I've had telepathic communications with UFOs and "aliens." Nothing profound however. Or even silly, as in, no alien ever wanted to exchange  pancakes recipes.  All they did was say, in each encounter, "We're here!" Literally. Just letting me know they know that I know that they're about. Often verified by other witnesses, so, nice of "them" to confirm and not have me think I'm crazy.  But after that, nothing. No Space Visitor messages of universal love, no gentle chidings to start healing the planet before it's too late, no pedantic monologues about the workings of energy, vibrations, and how the flying saucer engines work.

Life long experiences, going back to childhood. Shared events; such as with my husband. (His, also going back to childhood.) Messages of personal confirmation. Why haven't I been told of cures for illness or given a message to spread to all of humanity? What about my recipe for pancakes? But maybe the message is -- as indeed I've been told many times by these invisible entities --  that the "message" is, simply, their existence.

They are here. That's not debatable. What more do you want?

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Mike Clelland's "I now know..." Utah map, under the stars

Yesterday, I posted a link, with comments, to Mike Clelland's blog post "I now know." He "came out" and these two earlier posts of his give the context: (See " Sleeping Under the Stars, and Line on a map across Southern Utah.)

 I mentioned to Mike earlier today that I had read his post about sleeping under the Utah skies, and, in a good example of denial/dancing (or scrambling) inside that loop, didn't see the obvious. And as to my own life -- and Jim's -- we still aren't seeing the obvious. So read the two posts Clelland has at his blog.

 It's blogs such as Mike Clelland's, Lucetia Heart, Jeremy Vaeni, and many others, that are the  important stuff in UFOlogy. The "folk," the witnesses, the experiencers, contactees, abductees, whatever label -- the encounters presented just as they are, just as they've been experienced, by the ones who've experienced them. All of us are just trying to find out what happened. We journey through in various ways, but, in my experience (personal communications, intuitive feelings, shared or similar experiences, etc.) all of us are honest and clear in what we share with others. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Glowing Eyed Annunaki

 Marshall Klarfeld: The Anunnaki Were Here
Our subconscious does strange things when you're sick, on pain meds, and listen to Coast to Coast in the dark.

Last night's guest on C2C was Marshall Klarfeld author of The Anunnaki Were Here!  A fascinating interview. (I bought the Kindle version of the book this morning.) Klarfeld's take on things alien expands the theories of Zecharia Sitchin. Klarfeld's research shows that there are ancient structures all over the planet that have to do with gold mining, which is, "as Ancient Alien Theorists contend" the reason for the Annunaki presence on our planet. Here's a blurb on the book from his site:
THE ANUNNAKI WERE HERE, Marshall's new book contains over 95 color pictures introducing his new theory of "washboard gold mining" by the Anunnaki. This book may rank as one of the 10 Most Important Archaeological Finds of the 21st Century.
I liked Marshall Klarfeld's approach; open to other, concurrent theories as well, it seems pretty straightforward the Anunnaki were once here, given all the evidence. As he put it, the pieces of the puzzle just fit, in giving support for the idea that the Anunnaki were (and still are) present on the earth.

Glowing Eyed Annunaki
So in my drugged state, while listening to the program, I had the following dream:

Jim and I are in Egypt. It's night, and we're a bit lost. We find ourselves on a large path, like a promenade, by the sea. (A recurring dream symbol for me.) We have to make it to our plane, or some kind of transportation to leave the next day, but in the meantime, we have to find a place to hang out for the night. We're a little worried about having all our papers, and making it to where we have to be the next day in time.

Not many people around here at night. Just the reflections of distant lights onto he dark water. We pass by the back of a large building, like a hotel, but there's no name or anything to tell us what the building is. We assume it's a free, hostel kind of place. There's a large sliding glass door that's unlocked, we go in. A few bean bag chairs, a cot like bed, comfy and clean but sparse. We go in and rest. I find a copy of a UFO book written in the 1940s about ancient astronauts. I am tickled to find a UFO book to take with me; I assume it's for the taking, as many motels have a book exchange. Inside the book there are several passages circled and underlined. 
Anubis, god of the underworld

Then we begin to see the Annunaki walking around, outside. They're peering inside our room, they're walking all around. It's a bit scary. They're tall and thin, and have glowing eyes, with no pupils. Their eyes are glowing a light blue. We start to run out of there, grab a few things, then I realize this is actually someone's apartment, and not an open room for weary travelers. There's a large messenger bag that obviously belongs to someone, and a duffel bag. Someone else is traveling along this way. We're trespassing and stealing, but at this point, I don't care. Our safety is the only thing I'm concerned about.

As we're running from the Annunaki , even though they're not a direct threat, not yet anyway, we pass by a few Anubis. They also have glowing eyes, with no pupils. Their eyes emit a brilliant white light. 
Another eye: Eye of Horus
There's the impression that these beings are alive and well and everyone knows about them. They only come out at night, and that's why everyone is inside. They're not a direct threat, not exactly, but it's not something you want to be around if you can help it. 

Deviant Moon Tarot, Patrick Velenza, artist

 Page of Swords and the Bull
A bit unrelated but the first thing that came into my mind when I woke up was this card from the Deviant Moon Tarot deck. This deck has become one of my favorites, and this card has always been a card that draws me. The page is dressed in royal colors and finery, and keeps his lighted, glowing eye on ...? The sword, which cuts through spirit and emotions, getting to the knowledge? Or looking ahead, sword poised, at the ready? The page is youth; eager, wandering, seeking. Traditional meaning for this card includes: energy, passion (that youth), journeys, beginnings, news. Often times a stormy beginning or energy afoot. Often assigned the sign of Taurus -- the bull. Which brings us to the Egyptian Apis bull, representing regeneration.

Egyptian Apis, believed to be public domain image

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Basket/Bathtub UFO Dream

A recurring dream I had as a young child. Timeframe 1959, early 1960s. Los Angeles, California.  I had lots of dreams connected to alien, non-human beings, which included being floated out through walls and doors and placed in a large tree at night. There I'd sit/wait/watch the starry night sky...

One recurring dream motif I remember has me standing outside, at night, on our block. Usually at the corner (near that large tree, that was easily three or four stories tall) which was at the corner. The tree belonged to our neighbor; we were the second house down from the corner. Waiting, outside, at night, sometimes I was with others, usually children. And up in the sky, not much higher than that tree, came the "ship." Sometimes it was a giant basket, like the ones seen with hot air balloons. But no giant balloon; just the basket and something above that, like a dome thing, some kind of machine. Other times, instead of a basket, it was an over sized bathtub. Inside the baskets, or bathtubs, were one or two people, adults, in uniforms.

I had this dream many times. Always the same: at night, alone or sometimes with others, mainly children, in front of, or near, our house. Waiting. Waiting for what I thought of as my friends -- these people in uniforms, in their floating bathtubs or baskets, were always pleased to see us. They took us away on purpose. This was a regular thing.

What that purpose was, I have no idea. That I don't remember. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mike Bara, Debunkers

Very much enjoyed last night's Coast to Coast interview with author of Ancient Aliens on the Moon, blogger, and Moon/Mars artifact investigator. I managed to stay awake for the whole interview for once, since I've had a few sleepless nights due to some Fall cold-crud keeping me awake. Naturally, I particularly appreciated Bara's telling it like it is with the debunkers and so-called "skeptics." One who even -- as I saw him running to the phone and dialing in my mind's eye as soon as Bara mentioned him by name -- managed to call in. And, in typical debunker faux skeptic mode, danced around the question -- the same question he put to Bara -- refusing to answer. What annoyed me about Noory, as is his style, was his insistence that, paraphrasing here, "we all have the right to our opinions." Yes well, that's a given, let's move on and deal with the real issue. And stop pandering and appeasing to these little debunker drones who persist in distracting from actually investigating and researching the UFO phenomena.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Favorite UFO/Fortean Event: The Kentucky Goblins

A favorite anomalous event, one that remains a mystery more than fifty-five years later. That is the Kentucky, or Hopkinsville "goblins." Small, alien looking creatures terrified the Sutton family in Hopkinsville, Kentucky in 1955. Shots were fired, the sheriff notified. No one has resolved the mystery, though of course there are dozens of theories. And of course, the skepti-bunkies will tell you they've solved it long ago. (See debunker Joe Nickell's --"Mr. Owl" -- theory here.)

Were the Kentucky goblins aliens from outer space? Owls? Drunken, paranoid hallucinations? Elves? Inner earth entities? Two recent articles discuss this classic case.

Greg Newkirk at Who Forted? wonders if these beings haven't returned:Have the Kentucky Goblins Returned? Exclusive Photos! | Who Forted? Magazine Newkirk shares an email he received about strange creatures in the Kentucky/West Virginia area. Strange creatures that, the writer comments, seem to be coming from an "abandoned mine located on the edge of my property." Another email, more details, and... the strange path leading to the origin of a name. And, there are photos!

Newkirk asks the right questions. I empathize with his curiosity combined with skepticism. (I too have been contacted at times with tales of strange sightings and weird beings, but you always wonder if the person is honest, on crack, or what. The anomalous explorer wants it so much to be something to explore, and yet. . .) I think the first photo of the alleged being is outright fakery but really that's beside the point. In the true Fortean mileau, it doesn't matter.

Micah Hanks considers the Hopkinsville goblins as being of inner earth, and gives us more background on the original event:The Goblin's Grimoirie: Hopkinsville Reprised, or the Hollow Earth? Hanks references Newkirk's article and wonders if the beings weren't from innter earth after all.

Abandoned mines as homes for strange beings -- including Sasquatch -- a theory that has been discussed before. Wm. Micheal Mott wrote about beings living inside the earth in his classic Caverns, Cauldrons, and Concealed Creatures.

(Photo: Ivan T. Sanderson with goblin replica. Soure:

The Kentucky Hopkinsville goblins are often associated with UFOs; thought of to be aliens. There are similarities to the "greys" after all. (Assuming the greys are aliens as well.) But then we have other enticing ideas about what these "goblins" might be. Not from outer space, but inner earth. There's an idea these beings are aliens from space but also of the earth; entities of both realms. The Hopi tradition speaks of the ant people, who now live underground, but came from the skies originally. Descriptions of the ant people parallel the grays, and, the Kentucky goblins.

Here's an interesting explanation of the origin of the word "goblin" which contains a reference to mines:
Standard scholarship holds that English took goblin from the French gobelin. The problem with Goblin this is that, while Middle English had the word goblin as early as 1320, there is no record of the French word gobelin until the 16th century. Interestingly, a 12th century cleric called Ordericus Vitalis mentions Gobelinus as the name of a spirit which haunted the neighbourhood of Évreux. It is possible that gobelin evolved from the ancient Greek kobalos "rogue, knave", via the Medieval Latin cobalus. If so, it is related to the German kobold, and hence to the name of the metal cobalt.

German silver miners (that's German miners of silver, not miners of "German silver") named cobalt after the kobold, a "goblin or demon of the mines" as it was not only worthless but caused sickness. Nickel (a German name for "the devil") has a similar origin.
~ Source: Take Our Word for It.
Whether or not Greg Newkirk's contact was telling the truth or playing trickster, the idea itself is a valid one. Many traditions tell of entities that live inside the earth. It is possible the goblins seen that August night in 1955 in Kentucky were indeed inner earth dwellers.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Entering the Orb: The Rocky Place - Aliens Not Ghosts

One recurring dreamscape: a large, open home in a semi-wooded area. Towards the back, it's seen the house is up against a rocky wall, cliff like. The ocean, or water, behind and below.

The house has large, open rooms, rarely a door, just extra wide doorways. In one room, you can see clearly through to the other room (s.) And beyond, the rocks, the water.

These dreams never have anything to do with UFOs or even the esoteric (though sometimes, art is involved; people I know who create, including myself, congregate) yet somehow, I had the random realization the other day that these dreams -- this place, this subconscious location -- has a lot to do with UFOs. 

Then, this dream the night before last:
I'm here, in this wide open house of white walls and no doors, highly polished wood floors. I see amber and golden lights, orbs, things are glowing from within. Disembodied voices. Attacks from invisible entities. Obviously the place is haunted. I don't much like this, and I think, "Funny, this kind of scene has never happened before here in this dreamscape." I continue through the house, towards the back, towards the rocky hill and the water below. It's usually nighttime at this point. I have another in dream awareness moment: that it's often evening, at least, in this house when I reach the back. It's usually pleasant, and never hints of anything ghostly. But not tonight. Tonight it's haunted. Glowing lights. An intelligence lives inside those lights.

I don't like this, and want to get away. Some ghosts are fine, some are not. These are not. The glowing, the moving lights, the voices, all of it, are strange, and very very unpleasant. I want to leave, but don't know how. They're everywhere, and don't want me to leave.

Suddenly, and I don't know how or why, it becomes clear: these are not ghosts, not spirits, this is no haunting. But aliens. UFOs. Extra terrestrials having some bit of fun posing as ghosts, but it goes much deeper than that.  It's as if the aliens can't show themselves as they are and have to use the whole haunted house motif as their cover. This both scares me as well as irritates me. Stop playing games with me! I tell them. As if they care. They continue, sneaky softly glowing lights moving through the night.
So, another dream of my invisible aliens. Coincidentally, my current article in UFO Magazine discusses a dream I had after a UFO sighting at the home of an artist I knew. The dream involved that artist and our observation of UFOs. I didn't know that was the piece Nancy Birnes, UFO Magazine's editor, was going to publish this month.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Keening Boxes: In Case I've Been Misunderstood

I'm very curious about this case of the keening boxes on Oregon beaches. For one thing, it's an excuse for me to get out to the coast -- research, you know.

I never thought for one moment that these glowing, screeching, impossible to open boxes buried deep in the sands contained aliens. Or came from UFOs.

The story goes: boxes, heavy, impervious to tools, glowing, weird noises, appearing on beaches said to be heavy with UFO activity. Who can resist a story like that? I'm interested in the story as a story, the insistence of those telling the story that there's UFO affected activity afoot, that residents have been awakened to terrible wailing noises, and all the rest of it. Persistence in the telling is what intrigues me.

This isn't to say UFOs aren't showing themselves along the Oregon coast. They most certainly are, and have been for some time. Whether or not the boxes have anything to do with them -- I am pretty certain the answer is a big "no."
(As my mother said, who lives in the area, "I don't think aliens would show up locked inside boxes.")

In the area is NOAA, newly arrived. The Hatfield Marine Science Center. The Newport Aquarium. There's even a Ripley's museum!

Government experiments: lost, gone awry, intentional. Or, not. Debris from the tsunami. Pretty likely. There's the insistence by some scientists that the debris wouldn't show up yet, but, it has been showing up.

Here's something interesting: a YouTube video of how the whole metal-box-on-the-beach-from-UFOs is a hoax. Furthermore, David Masko, coastal UFO investigator who broke this story, is a "CIA operative." This story gets better all the time.

There's also the snarky skeptoid words of an unnamed retired psychology professor who lives on the coast who, while correct in the opinion the boxes have nothing to do with aliens or UFOs, is utterly wrong in just about every other stupid thing that spewed from his mouth. I mean really dahlings, what a tool!
In turn, this retired professor said in a Feb. 6 Huliq interview at Stonefield Beach that most locals and visitors here “looking for those UFOs” are more or less carrying their own “baggage or self-as-content,” with views and experiences that now seem to define them.

...thinks the many “of these remote living residents who claim to see UFOs at night are simply not using the tool between their ears to figure this stuff out.”  [source: UFO sightings at Stonefield Beach reveal strange boxes up and down coast -HULIQ
And the astounding stupidity of those who blithely go up to the boxes, pets in tow, without a thought to the fact the boxes are glowing, and screeching, and just very odd. Either they contain ET or were ejected from UFOs, in which case it  seems like they might be dangerous, or they're radioactive debris -- or at least, an unknown something or another debris --  which means they're dangerous, (at least a good dose of potentially dangerous) material. Either way, not a bright idea to hang around the things.

I'm looking forward to finding out what I can once I get out there this weekend, but finding aliens? As much as I'd love that, it's very doubtful.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Leah Haley on the Abduction Mythology

I've been following Leah Haley's story for years. So naturally I am keenly interested in her current stance regarding UFOs and abductions. Which is, as Jack Brewer at The UFO Trail relates:
Former self-described alien abductee Leah Haley has revised her perspectives about her experiences of high strangeness to conclude that no alien abductions ever took place in her life. She now completely attributes her remarkable perceptions to having been an involuntary research subject. Commenting on literal alien abduction from her home in Pensacola, Florida, Haley stated, “It doesn't happen.”
Now I'm really interested! I haven't experienced anything close to what Leah Haley has experienced, but, given my own two (possibly three) missing time episodes, and life long UFO/paranormal/high strangeness encounters, the abduction scenario has always been a part of this history. Like an unwelcome, sometimes embarrassing relative or friend that insists on being a part of your life no matter how diplomatically you tell them to just go away, the alien abduction scene persists in inserting itself. I've never thought I was literally an "abductee" -- and, in fact, don't think alien abductions are literal events or even, (maybe) related to ETs. Still, there is much weirdness afoot, and that weirdness is  from outside ourselves. (Mostly.)  These experiences (with some exceptions) are not due to psychosis or pathologies or la de fucking dah. They are real, and they of the "other." Of course, that opinion/belief rests on the assumption that the rest of us accept this "other" which of course, most don't. Worse, some do indeed accept that premise but pretend that they don't. That's the insidious side of all this. Some may call that view paranoid. Me, I'm being practical. It's real, it's insidious, it's part "other," it's part human. I've long suspected that humans are involved in much of this stuff: manipulating events, capitalizing on the dregs "they" leave behind or allow us to play with. Dark, paranoid, bleak. Sure. That's not all of it, and I am always hopeful. So I'm not completely pessimistic. In fact, I'm not pessimistic at all. Those humans that fuck with us in concert with "them" (ETs, and/or non-human entities) can go to hell. And if it does turn out they've messed with my head on more than one occasion as well as my husband's, that really is every bit as unnerving and fantastic as aliens. Something I've been saying for a long time.

So. Leah Haley. For years Haley has been writing about her experience concverning alien abductions. She wrote a book: Lost Was the Key, and related her experiences of UFOs and all kinds of related weird events. You can read about it by Googling and reading Jack Brewer's articulate article.

The idea of MILABS (Military Abductions) has always been an uneasy part of UFO research. Not many want to go there. Too paranoid, among other things. (I have had so many experiences with UFO groups who persist, like some Fortean Pelicanist-ostrich hybrid of keeping their heads in the sand, that only "positive" stories and theories of ET and UFOs be allowed. Even if your experience is the your truth, if it's "negative" they don't want you around.) There's a middle here; it's not only ETs, and it's not only humans operating covert staged abduction events. One does not exclude, or negate, the other. ETst still exist -- so do humans manipulating the idea of ET existence for all its worth.

Haley has uncovered government documents, incuding patents, that have led her to her conclusion that alien abductions are human created mind control experiments. For example, as Brewer relates:

Haley cited U.S. Patent Office documents, demonstrating evolution of electronic technology and non-lethal weapons that correlates with the time line of reports of alien abduction. Advances in technology during the 20th century included using electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) to remotely entrain brain waves, induce altered states of consciousness and transfer an otherwise inaudible voice directly into the brain. Overexposure to EMFs was documented to cause hallucinations, nausea, short term amnesia (missing time) and reddened skin, circumstances which became staples of abductee testimonies.
Robert Bigelow figures into this. MUFON founder John Schuessler  rejects criticisms and suspicious of Bigelow's involvement in MUFON and UFO reports, thinking such opinions are silly paranoia. But I've been suspicious of Bigelow's involvement (and indeed MUFON in general) and Haley's experiences add support to the idea of a hidden agenda. It's not altruism on Bigelow, etc. part. (I should add, "in my opinion.:)

Of course we can't know if Haley is being truthful, if she isn't, in reality, just paranoid, if alien abductions really are literal, if the government is pure as the driven snow, and so on. I have no idea. I'll amend that: of course I have an idea, or else I wouldn't be commenting. I have no proof. In my own case, all I have is the knowledge of my experiences:

  • Seen several UFOs throughout my life
  • Have had related UFO "alien" experiences: telepathy, "visions", dreams, precognition, shared events, synchronicities...
  • Have had two episodes of missing time (and possibly a third), shared by another witness
  • That witness is now my spouse, who has had his own life long experience with such things
  • (We even lived a few blocks from each other when we were teens years before we met)
  • Have cover or screen memories related to these events
  • And all that's just for starters...
if she's telling her truth, she is not to blame for anything. 

In the meantime, those of us with experiences know something very odd occurs, and after years of investigating, exploring, speculating, sharing and discussing, no UFO pundit, self-elected UFO Police, or anyone else, has walked up to us and handed us a big "Here! All the answers to all your questions in this fancy little envelope." Nope.

So where ever Leah Haley's current opinions takes her, and us, we'll have to see. But in the meantime, for now, I appreciate her honesty in coming forth with her perspective. It causes us to take another look from a different perspective and that is not ever a bad thing in this realm.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Entering the Orb: Stumbling on the Hill (s)?

The area where we saw the orange orb is hilly. We lived at the top of a hill. Well, already we're in a land of confusion, because Jim insists we weren't living there yet when we saw the orange orb; we were living on Hilyard St. "downtown" ish, near the U of O campus. I insist that simply isn't correct at all, that the orange orb was seen when we were living at the house on top of the hill at Friendly St.

Inspired by a comment left here yesterday I was skimming through my copy of Captured! (Stanton Friedman and Kathleen Marden) about Barney and Betty Hill. Specifically I was looking at sections regarding Dr. Simon, who used hypnosis to help recover their memories of what happened during their missing time.

Last night I had a dream:

it's night, very dark, and Jim and I keep walking up a hill. It's not the hill where we lived, but around there, up a ways. (Kind of near where I saw the orb drop down behind a house.) We get almost to the top of the hill, but then stop. We're lost, can't see well, things sort of dead end. So we try again. Go back, walk around, come back up the hill. Same thing. We're both getting very irritated with each other, and the whole thing, just all of it. We just keep doing this over and over and are getting very frustrated with "them" and  Jim kind of calls out to "them" to knock it off. It's like "they" are close by and can see us but we can't see them.

I was telling Jim this dream as we were taking our walk. I said it was like Sisyphus and Jim said "I was just going to say, it reminded me of that." Just at the part where I said "We keep getting to almost the top of the hill then things just stop..." I almost fell flat on my face, thankfully Jim caught me. I had tripped on the sidewalk, the top of my sandal got caught somehow. It wasn't a small stumble but a big one; really yanked my toes! If Jim hadn't caught me I would have fallen.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Entering the Orb part 2: Decision on Regression

For a long time, both Jim and I completely rejected hypnosis, or any other form of regression into our missing time episodes. We both admitted much of that rejection was due to plain old fear. (It was really years before we talked to each other about them in any kind of depth, and, a lot of details were left out when either one of us retold these stories to others, including each other. Sometimes this was due to simply not remembering, other times, particularly with Jim, he just couldn't voice it.) Over time, we talked more deeply of these experiences, but for a variety of reasons -- culminating with David Jacob's sociopathic behavior -- we continued to reject hypnosis.

The past few months, I began to work on getting at my memories in order to uncover what happened during those missing time periods. Inner work. Meditation, pendulum, dreams, and so on. Jim knew I was doing this. In his way, he was doing that as well.

A couple of weeks ago, we were driving out to the coast, and were talking about our experiences. Casually, Jim mentioned he feels comfortable with the idea of finding out what happened. Specifically, of going through hypnosis or something. I agreed. The idea of doing this journal/book came out of that discussion.

Regan, circa 1977 by James (Jim) Rich
So now we need to decide a few things. Exactly what process do we want to do here? I'm undecided on the idea of hypnosis; can it be trusted? Maybe we should be looking at it, not so much as the end all and magic answer to questions, but a tool, a guide, one more method to use in the journey of exploration. Maybe I'm over thinking it.

And of course there is the question of the hypnotist or regressor. As we all know from our UFO current events here, the quality and agendas of any person doing such work must be pure. Whatever that means. We need to be very wary of biases from all perspectives. A hypnotist who believes there are aliens under every bed isn't any better than a hypnotist who thinks anyone remotely considering the idea of UFOs and ET is mentally ill.

Finding such a person in our area might be difficult. I have some people I can ask; and probably we'd have to go up to Portland, about 2 hours away. Not too bad. So, next on our agenda: finding a qualified person we're comfortable with, can afford, and isn't too far away.

P.S. I know I wrote in my earlier post that I'd discuss the very different memories of one of our missing time episodes; I'll hope to discuss that in the next entry.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Book Project: Entering the Orb

I've begun a new project. Not sure yet how I'll end up doing this; interactive, as Nancy Birnes suggested, e-book, Kindle, self-publish, blog, pay per many options. I think, however, that it will be in a sort of journal format, fairly traditional in terms of publishing (e-book/Kindle/self, or through a publisher) with segments posted here at The Orange Orb.

So here it is, working title: Entering the Orb: A Couple's Journey into Missing Time, Screen Memories and UFOs.

Jim and I have decided, spontaneously and independently of each other, to go through some kind of regression and retrieval process to find out what happened during our missing time experiences. We've agreed that we would not share what we found out about our own experiences until all the work has been done. We don't know yet if we would see different people, or the same person. If we saw the same person, there's the possibility that person would be unconsciously influenced by the both of us.  Than again, maybe not.

A lot of this is absolutely trust based. How can we prove to others that we're telling the truth when we say we won't discuss with each other what's been discovered, until it's all done? We can't.

There's also a large issue of vulnerability here. Some possible causes for the missing time episodes are obvious -- as in, oh my god they really were Reptilian Overlords. Other reasons concern memory. As you'll see in my next post, Jim and I have very different memories of one of our missing time events. Clearly, one of us is wrong. So why the difference in memories? And if it turns out the cause for missing time isn't UFO related, alien related or some other esoteric or metaphysical cause, then what, and why? Are we unstable? Did someone drug us? (If so, why, and that's certainly scary on its own.) I could handle any of those, (I think) but what I don't think I could handle is the possibly we made it all up. Unintentionally of course, but made up nonetheless. If that is so, why in the world would we do so? That in itself is intriguing.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Morphing Insect Black Helicopter

One recurring UFO related dream is the morphing helicopter or plane image. The setting is anywhere, usually urban, usually night, but daytime and pastoral settings occur as well. I look up in the sky, sometimes it's quite active up there with plane and or helicopter activity, sometimes, blimps -- anyway, all man made, mundane objects. Then it becomes clear that one or two of these planes morph into UFOs. At that point in the dream, I realize the planes, helicopters and so on are not the harmless everyday objects we assume them to be, but UFOs, and worse, there is always a very sinister intent to these things. Sometimes the UFOs are operated by humans, yet at the same time, they're not quite human. Aliens in human disguise, or humans that have become traitors to humanity. What's interesting is that, while the intent is very, very clear -- aliens, their presence, their actions -- I can't see them. They are still invisible, still under cover, still hidden. Humans posed as "us," acting as a buffer or decoy, yes, but the aliens themselves remain, as always in my memory as well as my dreams, unseen.

So last night I have another one of these dreams. This time it wasn't so surprising at all; I just finished reading Nick Redfern's Real Men in Black, and was listening to Coast to Coast with guest Robert M. Stanley. (Close Encounters of Capitol Hill, Covert Encounters in Washington, D.C.) And, I've just started Colin Bennett's Flying Saucers Over the White House.

Night time, big city, like Portland. I'm with Jim. As dreams will, while we're in Portland, apartments, traffic, we're also at our house (Eugene, small, quiet) anyway, we are outside, and above our house/tall buildings, we see a black helicopter flying very low above us. It's a hundred feet or less above us, and it is so black! The color of this thing has an emotion -- it's not just a color, it's an energy, a being. And it's malevolent. I do not like it one bit; we're both scared to death. This black -- deep, deep energy crawling black helicopter -- is after us. The black helicopter is fuzzy, in parts, that's how alive the entire thing is, including, especially, the color. In fact, the helicopter is like a giant black wasp or insect. 

Jim and I dash into a cab, and as we're riding away, we can see the helicopter following us. As we watch, the helicopter morphs into a blimp. I have a moment of calm: "Oh, it's just a blimp, " and the fleeting idea that the helicopter was some kind of publicity thing for the blimp. Then the blimp appears, but something is off. It doesn't look quite like a blimp. The logo or company name isn't one I recognize, and the blimp looks weak, like a cheap imitation. It looks kind of flimsy and small for a blimp. Then I realize that it's not a blimp at all, just more camouflage. We get scared all over again. As soon as I realize it's not a benign blimp, it turns into a UFO. A massive, looming UFO with no good intent.

Original public domain image source:Helicopter by Peter Griffin

Friday, May 27, 2011

From Interstellar Housewife: Dimensional Wrinkles

Deirdre O'Lavery asks a not so new question but one we don't think of often enough: what if UFOs ("true UFOs" as she puts it) are from other dimensions, and what we see is only part of those UFOs?
"Consider that UFOs (the truly unexplained kind, mind you) are not of this dimension. You’ve probably heard some of this before, the idea that UFOs are not extraterrestrial, but extra-dimensional, although this isn’t really about that speculation as much as it's about a possible explanation for the seemingly simplistic shapes we see darting around our skies."
Deirdre's post reminded me of one UFO I saw years ago that morphed in color and shape when viewed through binoculars, but remained a bright white light when seen with the naked eye. The shifting colors and shapes were not due scintillation; this was precise and obvious behavior of the UFO, which was quite close to us. There's more to this sighting: I "knew" we were going to see a UFO that night when we arrived at the house where we were visiting friends, I "knew" the person who had been looking out the window for some time was watching a UFO (and I was getting very impatient with her, wondering when the hell she was going to let us in on it), one person in our party became downright angry at the fact we were watching this thing; he walked away in disgust and wouldn't look. The UFO came from a distance away, but steadily came towards us, the house, until it came between a large tree and the picture window of the house. It seemed to come in close as if saying "hi," and then, after it passed by the window, it curved back and made its way back. We watched it until we couldn't see it any more.

James Rich, Dance of the Elements, acrylic on wonder-board

As I said, when seen with the naked eye, it looked like a round bright white light. Through binoculars, it changed both shape: square, rectangle, triangle, oval, and back again, as well as color: turquoise, red, orange, yellow, blue, green. (I don't remember the order of the shapes or colors, but I do remember the vividness of both.) There was a rhythm to the changes; they were constant, not randomly timed.

That night, I had a dream where I'm standing on the sidewalk by my childhood home with the owner of the house where we saw this shape shifting UFO. (I did not know this person when I was a kid.) We are looking up in the sky together, and we see several of these UFOs above us. This time we can easily see them change shape and color, no binoculars needed. Also, they were very large, much larger than the one seen at his house. This person was an artist, and the UFOs had something to do with art. The dream message was very clear about that.

Was this changing UFO related to what Deirdre proposes? If from another dimension, is it also possible the UFO was cognizant, or responding in some way, to some of us? The fact that I knew, with unshakable certainty, we would see a UFO that night -- was that also an aspect of this UFO's connection to us, or, us to it?
Read Deirdre's article here: The Interstellar Housewife: Dimensional Wrinkles

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The USSR Cause for Roswell? - Muddled Disclosures

Supposedly. Could be. In UFO World, anything is possible. Journalist Annie Jacobsen, author of Area 51, acknowledges there's definitely insidious and strange events going on in Area 51 and the UFO realm generally, but it's not aliens. (No, it could never be aliens.) Jacobsen and her book is currently making the mainstream circuit, including a recent appearance on Jon Stewart's The Daily Show. I knew before she came on that Stewart, who I adore, would mock any hint of alien/UFO reality, since it seems to be an affliction of the majority of the liberal-left-hip to sneer at fringe subjects. He didn't disappoint.

Jacobsen's contention is that yes, weirdness abounds but it's not aliens. It's the USSR and Nazi experiments behind the Roswell crash. And so much more, but all of these strange events have been orchestrated by humans. ET has nothing to do it, nor cryptids or vortexes or magick or anything other than human Dr. Evils.

Jacobsen has interesting ideas about what on, but there's no proof. As is admitted by everyone, but that seems to be all right, for Jacobsen is a legitimate journalist and not some tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist:
Still, lack of proof hasn't exactly stopped the book from sparking speculation on the media circuit and on the Web. In the last day, Yahoo! searches skyrocketed 3,000 percent for "area 51 book." And the tome is penned not by a crackpot conspirator, but a respected journalist.
I'm impatient and cynical with this distracting crap, because it's muddled disinfo. (Which is probably an oxymoron.) Jacobsen's story gets attention, while all the other UFO stories, including abduction stories sans Nazi bastards-Dr. Evils-government experiments, continue to go utterly ignored, utterly mocked. Meanwhile, journalists, writers, researchers, scientists -- those "respected journalists" and the like --  who know nothing of the esoteric world yet decide to take a swim in the sparkling waters for a look-see are blind to what they consider nonsense. They come out with one small bit, show it off as the latest in theory, and happily go back to their rational worlds. Everyone thinks something groovy-weird has just been revealed, and all has been solved: including the "nonsense" of UFOs. Because, as has just been proven, no such things exist. It was really Russia, or Nazis, or ...

We're not done yet. The fact is, there very well could be some truth to these theories. Nick Redfern's book Bodysnatchers in the Desert  brought explored the idea of human experiments and manipulations as the cause for Roswell. MILABS are a very real possibility, and some UFO witnesses and researchers have been writing about this for a long time. Ironically, among UFO researchers, the MILAB "conspiracy" doesn't get much attention.

It's not that Jacobsen's story couldn't be true, or, some of it could be's that once again, our attention from the reality of the UFO phenomena is trivialized and further pushed out to the edges. UFOs, the mainstream continues to insist, are entertaining and fun funny, but they're not real.

If Jacobsen's contentions somehow prove to be valid, (and/or Redfern's, etc.) that is horrifying, and the world needs to know. But what will happen in that event is that the many will accept that as the explanation for all of "it." Once again, we go back to clean dichotomies, something both the mainstream and many within UFOlgy are guilty of enacting.  It has to be this theory or that theory,  it's all aliens or it's all human psychopaths.

As I said, I'm impatient with this mainstream UFO denying stuff, but Nick Redfern has a calmer take on Jacobsen's book, giving us a bit of  background and data that is helpful, even if it does push us further down the rabbit hole. (Once you've fallen in, you just keep falling...:) You can read his review here.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Cephalopod and the Crop Circle

One of my recurring dreamscapes: my house pretty much as it is now, with the addition of a structure in the backyard. Right outside the back door is a two leveled shack type building, about ten feet by ten feet, and about ten feet high. Openings for a door and windows but no glass or door, just open "holes" ... the upstairs is a loft type area, usually with a bed, or mattress on the floor, with cozy bed covers. It's ramshackle but clean and comfortable. I'm always surprised to find this structure there.

So here we are, Jim and I, in the house which is very much like the house we're in but a bit larger, lots of people around we don't always know, some family, some not... a lot of activity. Things are confused and sometimes it's good, sometimes bad. I'm not sure of what's going on around here. Some travelling is involved; people around me here are getting ready to go on various trips.

Somehow I end up with a cephalopod. Someone gives it to me, or I find it, among all this commotion. I'm not sure what to do with it but I know I don't want to see it die. It's about six inches from top of head to end of tentacle, seaweed brown, maybe a few dark spots, featureless. Sounds ugly but I'm getting to like this thing.  It's very intelligent; at least as intelligent as humans, though different. It's communicating with me telepathically.

Jim and I look around in the kitchen for something to keep it in and fill with water. I take out a glass bowl but Jim says that won't work, residue from foods will affect the octopus. Slightly offended I tell him it's clean; he says that's not what he means, that no matter how well we wash the bowls, the celphapod is so sensitive it will be affected by it. So we find a plastic basket that's not been used; it has an open weave design on it and I'm afraid the water will just run out, but we fill it to the level of the holes, put in some rocks, and put a smaller dish inside that, with water and rocks.

While we're getting these items ready, I put the cephalopod in a plastic bag to keep safe and let him know we're taking care of him. He puffs up really large, and it's then I can see his features; eyes, mouth. And now he's really communicating with me.

He starts "telling" me about crop circles; the origins, the meanings, and who's responsible for creating them. He tells me Colin Andrews, who, he also informs me, is right outside, knows about this and is doing his best to tell others -- it's an urgent time. The cephalopod tells me he needs to get back to his crop circle homes... and it's here I think, "Now, just wait a minute! Octopi don't live on land, and they don't live in crop circles! This is ridiculous."

But for some reason, I trust this creature, and believe him. It is very important I take care of this little cephalopod and I have the feeling that, while it's benign and highly intelligent, almost alien, if I don't treat this the right way things could get ugly.

(Jellyfish Crop Circle: In June of 2009, a beautiful "jellyfish" crop circle appeared in Oxfordshire field in England. Over 600 ft it is one of the largest crop designs.)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dark Magic and Crop Circles

An interesting account from Nick Redfern on a crop circles, peacock feathers, and dark magic with sinister intent: Crop Circles and Sorcery | Mysterious Universe.
Although many students of the Crop Circle phenomenon conclude the intricate formations that dominate the fields of Britain each summer are the work of aliens, evidence suggests the world of the Occult may play a far more significant role in the phenomenon than anything that E.T. might ever have to offer.
An odd bit of coincidence here; a few days ago I had posted here on the Orb a dream I had involving crop circles and unseen, malevolent forces: Cold Crop Circles.

This is an interesting idea about magick and crop circles. Like  the UFO phenomena in general, from sightings of objects to non-human entities and abductions, there are definitely  occult aspects to all these things. (That was the subject of Redfern's book Final Events.)